989 resultados para Jovens brasileiros


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This article presents part of a larger study on the use of reference sources to perform bibliographical search by graduate students in Education. Data relating to the use of the scientific journals by these students are presented and discussed. Sixty Education graduate students, 28 Master degree and 32 Doctoral, answered an electronic questionnaire. The students indicated the types of articles usually read and the importance attributed to each one. For each of treated themes in the electronic questionnaire, data are initially presented and analyzed in the set of the 60 participants of the study and then compared between master and doctoral students. Were used the Chi-squared (?2) test, the Fisher exact test and the Spearman’s correlation coefficient. Research reports were more frequently pointed out but less valued in comparison to articles referring to critical review and theoretical essay. Methodological articles, appearing in fourth position according to reading frequency and importance attributed, are more valued by doctoral than master students. The students read these articles using different procedures. The possible reasons for the students valorizing the articles of critical review and theoretical essays are discussed. The present study intends to offer a contribution to understand the use of scientific information by students, describing some graduate students’ habits related to information seeking in scientific journals, and reading of the articles published.


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Recent years have seen a movement toward school inclusion of children with special educational needs. In Brazil, there is the formulation of laws guaranteeing rights for disabled people, giving you free access to regular classroom complemented by specialized educational services. In the case of students with deafness, the Federal Decree No. 5626 of 2005, recommends that schools offer the Brazilian sign language as language support, and should take into classrooms, an interpreter. In this study we conducted a mapping of the educational situation of students with hearing loss of 35 municipalities. There was a mode of education in which deaf students are enrolled, and also the municipalities have organized the specialized educational services for such students. Data were collected through interviews with managers of 35 municipalities. The results showed that the vast majority of municipalities participating in the study opted for the enrollment of deaf students in regular class. Only a few municipalities managers reported the existence of classes and enrollment in special schools or even the existence of deaf students out of schools. It also found that all municipalities have organized the specialized educational services, like additional offering in the resource rooms. We conclude that despite the existing difficulties, the Brazilian municipalities are gradually adjusting to the prospect of inclusive education. Continuing education courses should be offered in order to prepare more teachers to work with diversity.


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Introduction: Biomechanical analysis of gait can be used effectively to identify changes in movement patterns and functional decline. Objective: To analyze the effect of dual task on gait spatio-temporal variables. Methods: The sample was made up of 32 subjects of both genders aged between 18 and 25 years. The test Timed Up and Go was performed under two conditions: original form and associated with a cognitive task (verbalize backwards the months of the year). We evaluated the total execution time, number of steps, cadence, time spent to lift, average speed and variability of the step time. Results: Significant changes were observed with the addition of the cognitive task in many gait spatio-temporal variables analyzed. Conclusion: The tests showed that the increase of cognitive tasks during walking may lead to changes in the performance of this task.


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An important component of the Inclusive Education can be the social attitudes toward inclusion presented by teachers, students and other members of the school community. The aim of this paper is to systematize main fidings of some Brazilian studies concerning that theme. The results of studies in which the Likert Scale of Social Attitudes toward Inclusion was used are summarized. Twelve studies were analyzed, examining the relationship between the social attitudes toward inclusion and some subjects characteristics, highlighting the chronological age, formation area, educational experience and previous experience with people with deficiency. The results were not able to demonstrate in a conclusive way the nature of the relationship between each of these variables and the social attitudes toward inclusion. These seem to be affected by a group of complexly related variables of the subjects and of the target of social attitudes.


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The context political, social and economical determines the material conditions of the individual's cultural formation and it influences in the constitution of the critical conscience and social responsibility. The aim of this paper is to describe the didactic experiences from discussions in classroom with students in disciplines dedicated to information access in the Brazilian librarianship courses from São Paulo State University (Unesp), state of São Paulo, and Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL), state of Alagoas, precisely: Information Dissemination, supplied in 2007 and 2010, and Information Dissemination and Sources, supplied in 2008 and 2009, besides Library and Cultural Action, accomplished of 2008 to 2009. It was noticed, starting from the experience in classroom, that the Librarianship students have low knowledge of the institutions librarians and their services; they told that not to know the main library services before they study them referred disciplines.


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O objetivo do presente texto é relatar o processo de intervenção em Orientação Profissional, realizado junto a população formada por adolescentes prévestibulandos do município de Marília, S.P. e região, no período de agosto a novembro de 2010, com a finalidade de favorecer uma escolha consciente do curso superior. Metodologicamente, a pesquisa desenvolveu-se por meio da pesquisa – ação com base em Thiollent (2008). O desenvolvimento da pesquisa ocorreu durante a realização de 10 encontros nas dependências da UNESP, onde os sujeitos puderam estabelecer relações pessoais e interpessoais por meio de discussões, leituras vídeos, dinâmicas de grupo e refletir sobre os vários aspectos que determinam sua escolha profissional, lidar com os dilemas e conflitos dessa escolha e analisar sua trajetória de vida, sua individualidade e como se dá o processo de construção de uma carreira no século XXI.


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This article aims to present dada from a research about the construction of social knowledge under the Piagetian perspective. Beliefs of children and adolescents about not to learn were investigated. 80 individuals aged 6 to 16 years participated of this study. They had to answer to three methodological tools: a drawing, the analysis of a history and the analysis of a film which involved situations of not learning. It will be presented here the main results of the drawing task. Among other results, data indicate that a significant part of the participants blame the students themselves for not learning, by factors such as indiscipline and lack of motivation. Results also show that Brazilian individuals are not in advanced levels of understanding of social reality, even at older ages.


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O Autismo Infantil é um Transtorno Global do Desenvolvimento que se caracteriza pela presença de comprometimentos severos nas áreas de comunicação, interação social recíproca, interesses e comportamentos. Este trabalho teve como objetivos analisar o atendimento realizado com indivíduos autistas em uma instituição e verificar como a Terapia Ocupacional pode contribuir na atenção voltada aos alunos. A pesquisa foi realizada através da observação e registro em diário de campo das atividades realizadas por cinco indivíduos com Autismo em uma associação específica de Autismo e Transtornos no Desenvolvimento. Também foi realizada entrevista com os profissionais que atuam na instituição. No diário de campo, nota-se a prevalência das atividades pedagógicas. Por outro lado, observa-se escassez de atividades funcionais, de atividades básicas e instrumentais de vida diária, e de atividades direcionadas à comunicação e interação. Nas entrevistas, foi possível constatar que existe interesse dos profissionais na implantação do serviço de Terapia Ocupacional. Considerando as possibilidades de atuação da Terapia Ocupacional junto às crianças e jovens com autismo, conclui-se que a implantação desse setor nessa associação poderia trazer inúmeros benefícios para os usuários e equipe de profissionais da instituição.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The human hand is the focus of inumerous research studies. Human individuals are capable of performing manual tasks beyond the ability of any other animal. Such large motor ability is due in part to contact surface of the pulp thumb in opposition to the other fingers. Evidences in the literature show that the position of the upper limb influences the ability of hand strength and control. Specifically, the position of the wrist has great influence on the production of pinch strength. The main objective of this study was to investigate the influence of wrist position on the pinch grip with the thumb in opposition to the index finger. Participants of the present study were 21 undergraduate students, 10 men and 11 women. Participants performed a pinch grip task in three wrist positions - maximum flexion, maximum extension and neutral - on two force conditions - 20% and 40% of maximum voluntary contraction (MVC). MVC was measured in two attempts in each of the three positions of the wrist for a period of three seconds, and the trial of the best result was used as the parameter for task performance. In each trial participants maintained the force production at position for 10 seconds. All participants performed each test condition four times, and the first was used as a familiarization trial and discarded from further analysis. In all trials visual feedback online was provided. Results of both group gender showed variability was similar for force production. Men were stronger than women, but this difference was not significant and both produced on the average more strength in the neutral wrist position than in flexion or extension. In the extended position participants were significantly less variable than in the flexion and neutral positions. We obtained a significant positive correlation between weight and pinch force...(Complete abstracts click electronic access below)


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Working with adult students who attend literacy rooms has been set a challenge for educators, especially with regard to issues of learning mathematics. This work of course completion intention was to investigate the process of construction of arithmetic operations in mathematics from the perspective of the students themselves. Thus specific objectives were to investigate how these students face simple operations that can do this automatically on a daily basis, but not always systematized in the classroom; how these students think and communicate their ideas to the mental operation of the paper record. To this end we chose a qualitative research approach with characteristics of case study, conducted in a room of Youth and Adult participants with three ladies. The data collection occurred through the application of a semi-structured, audio recorded and later transcribed, which issues the verbalization sought and a description of how to give students the learning process of some mathematical content. The results showed that students bring with them skills, cultures and values to the classroom and that these are the basis for understanding the content. The teacher of adult education must take into consideration everything that the student brings to the classroom, their experiences, their history and culture, thus questioning the real world, so they can understand math in a way closer to their daily lives