998 resultados para Jornalismo Cívico


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The report-book has 10 profiles of institutionalized persons in the Vila Vicentina´s asylum in Bauru. The intention is to show the history of these men, the path that led to the institutionalization, their routine in the shelter and what are their biggest dreams. Giving “voice” for this group of marginalized, the book alerts the issue of abandonment of the elderly by their families and lead a reflection on society. In addition, it also calls the “traditional” media attention to the question, since the only recurring theme of the newspaperspages when tragedy happens


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The work aims to analyse the concept of economics as the science of scarcity is distorced in the newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo. Neoclassical economists characterize the economy as the science that is concerned with the welfare of the people, satisfying their needs. However, the economy in the newspapers of the mainstream media appears in contexts where only the profit of companies and businesses are addressed, leaving aside the problem of economic inequality, unemployment, working conditions and other issues that are also part of economy, but they are hardly concerns of journalists. In this work, the object of study was the notebook Market and content analysis followed the criteria of Bardin (1977). Ten words were chosen in the category science of scarcity and ten words were chosen in the category science of abundance. From these categories, a careful reading was done, counting how many times each word appeared in the newspaper. Also paid attention to the words that appeared and contexts in which they fell journalistic genre. In a second step, interviews were conducted with journalists from economics to know what they mean by the economy and what the guidelines are more common. Data collection and interviews contributed to the interpretation and confirmation on whether or not the distortion of the concept of economy and how it happens


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This experimental project consists of a proposal for an editorial product in a magazine format that approaches in its pages the aspects on the use of social media on internet. For the production of the reports the spheres of sociability, leisure and professional development were explored. The editorial product approached the editorials of sociability, leisure, culture, ethics, consumption, politics and sports. The influence of the social media was demonstrated in the scope of each of these editorials. The magazine, named Follow, was elaborated in order to reach readers ranging from 21 to 60 years old, with an accessible language. The first edition of Follow was concluded in November 2010, with the format 17,5 X 25,4 cm. The magazine has 40 pages of editorial content and 4 pages corresponding to the cover and back cover. Follow’s production proposed itself as a contribution to the practices of editorial innovation in the communication market


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The purpose of this report-book is to demonstrate what is the Waldorf pedagogy. Describing an old, but not outdate, teaching method that differs from the convencional ones. Analysing all the interviews, visits and activities experiencies during the classroom at Schools Waldorf, it´s possible to determined some characteristics of this pedagogy in a less didactic way, focusing in journalistic-literal aspects and also the human being - instead of the institution. The discussing about the education and all problems about it, is a common activity nowadays, but remains an important and relevant society theme, whose power affect the development process of a country. Analysing all kinds of pedagoy methods it´s a way to improve the discussing about it. The main goal of this research is showing the Waldorf pedagogy for those who don´t know nothing about it and also make us to realize the real importance of the technology during it´s growth


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Há quatro anos o projeto Te Vejo na Escola que pesquisa e desenvolve recursos audiovisuais relacionados à conservação ambiental e outros temas transversais na educação formal, visando despertar o espírito de cidadania nos alunos do ensino infantil e fundamental. Acreditando nessa premissa deste projeto experimental pretende-se consolidar uma plataforma de compartilhamento – em forma de blog - desses materiais para ter como objetivo a ampliação da abrangência do mesmo atendendo a demanda dos educadores dentro de sala de aula


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O objetivo deste Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso é divulgar experiências bem sucedidas no campo de atenção psicossocial através de uma revista customizada desenvolvida para o Projeto Tear “Terapia e Arte”, da cidade de Guarulhos, segunda cidade mais populosa do estado de São Paulo. Mais do que levar credibilidade e, consequentemente, visibilidade às práticas desenvolvidas por eles, o produto tem a intenção de colocar em reflexão a questão da inclusão social pelo trabalho e pela arte, as principais atividades do organismo, e explanar a respeito dos avanços das diretrizes da Reforma Psiquiátrica às quais o Projeto Tear está alinhado. Por meio de entrevistas, pesquisas e vivência in loco, buscou-se por em prática as técnicas jornalísticas aprendidas ao longo do curso de graduação e levar ao leitor série de reportagens de forma clara e diversificada, que contribuam para a propagação do tema e para o exercício de um jornalismo com compromisso ético e cidadão


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Ce travail vise à etudier le genre lettre de lecteur publiés dans deux magazines. La lettre de lecteur est un texte publié dans une section spécifique du jornal et du magazine à travers lequel les lecteures dialoguent avec les éditeures du magazine et avec les autres lecteures, généralement ayant comme thème les textes du maganize publié dans les éditions précédentes. Pour Bakhtine (1997, p.302), “ nous apprenons à mouler notre discours aux formes du genre ». En reliant les genres de discours à l’activité sociale, à l’interaction, Bakhtine affirme que c’est la situation sociale e les participants immédiats qui déterminent la forme e le style de l’énoncé. Compte tenu de la nécessaire présence des genres de discours dans des actvités langagières des sujets, justifie l’importance de l’étude des genres dans les diverses pratiques sociales. À partir des questions soulevées par Circle de Bakthine, en particulier ceux par rapport à genre de discours, ce travail a pour but discuter, dans une perspective dialogique bakhtinienne, les différentes destinataires des magazines Veja et Nova Escola conduirait à des changements du genre lettre de lecteur, principalement en ce qui concerne les aspects stylistiques. Ainsi, nous avons l’intention de discuter le genre lettre de lecteur e de sa ralation à la sphère de l’activité journalistique dans le but de réfléchir sur la stabilité et l’instabilité du genre. Le corpus se compose des lettres de lecteurs tirés de quatre éditions des magazines Veja et Nova Escola, a été diffusé en 2011. La recherche montre qu’il y a une instabilité dans le genre lettre de lecteur dans la sphère journalistique, affecté par d’autres genres comme genres de la sphère pédagogique, didactiques et de instruction. Les lettres aussi dialoguent avec le genre confessionnel et de confidence


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O objetivo desse relatório é explicar e delimitar a criação do site “Americanismos: uma outra perspectiva das eleições de 2012 nos EUA”, que foi produto de uma experiência de campo no âmbito do jornalismo internacional, baseado nos preceitos teóricos e práticos estudados no curso de Jornalismo da Unesp e apresentado como trabalho de conclusão de curso (TCC). O blog criado, hospedado no domínio www.americanismos.net, também baseado em conceitos teóricos do jornalismo digital, é uma coletânea de reportagens, infográficos, vídeos, imagens e edição jornalística, organizados sob pautas da cobertura das eleições de 2012 nos Estados Unidos da América. A plataforma escolhida foi a digital, como forma de experimento do papel do correspondente internacional às luzes das novas mídias. Esse relatório pretende esmiuçar os caminhos do processo criativo e elencar os elementos utilizados para a criação do blog, bem como explicar a abordagem utilizada para reportar o universo que circunda as eleições nos EUA


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The book-report Human Development: the reality beyond the numbers addresses issues related to the Development Index (IDH), of Brazil, in a general context, and the city of Bauru, in the local context. The “IDH” is a number that serves as a comparison between countries, in order to measure the degree of economic development and the quality of life offered to the population. The classification, if high, can be readily used as a means of aggrandizement national and if low, can be used to highlight the weaknesses national. Understanding the role of media as an agent capable of promoting social debates of great importance, this book-report aims to discuss the concept of human development beyond the numbers commonly reported, prompting debates on the issue of human development: whether in relation to social issues, public policy or the role of the media in the process of contributing to the formation of public opinion. The methodology used was the data collection and the research literature, besides journalistic techniques, such as interview, report and profile


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar quais são os mecanismos que permitem a produção de identidade pela mídia e discutir como ela é um dos principais pólos produtores da identidade na sociedade. Para tanto, serão estudadas as matérias e artigos veiculados pelos jornais O Estado de S. Paulo e Folha de S. Paulo sobre os futebolistas Kaká e Adriano, comparando como a identidade de ambos foi construída por esses meios e pelo contexto desempenhado pelo futebol na sociedade. A escolha dos dois jogadores se deve à ampla cobertura dada sobre Adriano quanto a sua possível ligação com o tráfico no Rio de Janeiro, enquanto a cobertura sobre Kaká foi mais apagada em relação à possível utilização da Igreja Renascer em Cristo para lavagem de dinheiro. Nesse procedimento, estaremos apoiados nas formulações teóricas de Laurence Bardin, em Análise de Conteúdo


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