1000 resultados para Joaquim Sapinho


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This paper introduces how artificial intelligence technologies can be integrated into a known computer aided control system design (CACSD) framework, Matlab/Simulink, using an object oriented approach. The aim is to build a framework to aid supervisory systems analysis, design and implementation. The idea is to take advantage of an existing CACSD framework, Matlab/Simulink, so that engineers can proceed: first to design a control system, and then to design a straightforward supervisory system of the control system in the same framework. Thus, expert systems and qualitative reasoning tools are incorporated into this popular CACSD framework to develop a computer aided supervisory system design (CASSD) framework. Object-variables an introduced into Matlab/Simulink for sharing information between tools


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A model-based approach for fault diagnosis is proposed, where the fault detection is based on checking the consistencyof the Analytical Redundancy Relations (ARRs) using an interval tool. The tool takes into account the uncertainty in theparameters and the measurements using intervals. Faults are explicitly included in the model, which allows for the exploitation of additional information. This information is obtained from partial derivatives computed from the ARRs. The signs in the residuals are used to prune the candidate space when performing the fault diagnosis task. The method is illustrated using a two-tank example, in which these aspects are shown to have an impact on the diagnosis and fault discrimination, since the proposed method goes beyond the structural methods


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Often practical performance of analytical redundancy for fault detection and diagnosis is decreased by uncertainties prevailing not only in the system model, but also in the measurements. In this paper, the problem of fault detection is stated as a constraint satisfaction problem over continuous domains with a big number of variables and constraints. This problem can be solved using modal interval analysis and consistency techniques. Consistency techniques are then shown to be particularly efficient to check the consistency of the analytical redundancy relations (ARRs), dealing with uncertain measurements and parameters. Through the work presented in this paper, it can be observed that consistency techniques can be used to increase the performance of a robust fault detection tool, which is based on interval arithmetic. The proposed method is illustrated using a nonlinear dynamic model of a hydraulic system


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The speed of fault isolation is crucial for the design and reconfiguration of fault tolerant control (FTC). In this paper the fault isolation problem is stated as a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) and solved using constraint propagation techniques. The proposed method is based on constraint satisfaction techniques and uncertainty space refining of interval parameters. In comparison with other approaches based on adaptive observers, the major advantage of the presented method is that the isolation speed is fast even taking into account uncertainty in parameters, measurements and model errors and without the monotonicity assumption. In order to illustrate the proposed approach, a case study of a nonlinear dynamic system is presented


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In a previous paper [J.Fort and V.Méndez, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 867 (1999)], the possible importance of higher-order terms in a human population wave of advance has been studied. However, only a few such terms were considered. Here we develop a theory including all higher-order terms. Results are in good agreement with the experimental evidence involving the expansion of agriculture in Europe


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The classical wave-of-advance model of the neolithic transition (i.e., the shift from hunter-gatherer to agricultural economies) is based on Fisher's reaction-diffusion equation. Here we present an extension of Einstein's approach to Fickian diffusion, incorporating reaction terms. On this basis we show that second-order terms in the reaction-diffusion equation, which have been neglected up to now, are not in fact negligible but can lead to important corrections. The resulting time-delayed model agrees quite well with observations


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Este estudo tem como objetivo discutir a concepção de educação permanente, continuada e em serviço junto a enfermeiros de um hospital de ensino. É uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, na qual a coleta dos dados foi realizada pela técnica do grupo focal, durante seis sessões gravadas em áudio e vídeo. Participaram deste estudo nove enfermeiros de um hospital de ensino. Para analisar os dados, utilizou-se a técnica do discurso do sujeito coletivo, que consiste na organização e tabulação de dados qualitativos de natureza verbal obtidos por meio de depoimentos, da qual resultou um único discurso. A pesquisa demonstrou que os enfermeiros diferenciaram os termos educação permanente, continuada e em serviço, construindo conceitos próprios, ressaltando a importância da diferenciação para definir o tipo de ação a ser tomada diante da necessidade educativa apresentada.


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A radiative equation of the Cattaneo–Vernotte type is derived from information theory and the radiative transfer equation. The equation thus derived is a radiative analog of the equation that is used for the description of hyperbolic heat conduction. It is shown, without recourse to any phenomenological assumption, that radiative transfer may be included in a natural way in the framework of extendedirreversible thermodynamics


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Bimodal dispersal probability distributions with characteristic distances differing by several orders of magnitude have been derived and favorably compared to observations by Nathan [Nature (London) 418, 409 (2002)]. For such bimodal kernels, we show that two-dimensional molecular dynamics computer simulations are unable to yield accurate front speeds. Analytically, the usual continuous-space random walks (CSRWs) are applied to two dimensions. We also introduce discrete-space random walks and use them to check the CSRW results (because of the inefficiency of the numerical simulations). The physical results reported are shown to predict front speeds high enough to possibly explain Reid's paradox of rapid tree migration. We also show that, for a time-ordered evolution equation, fronts are always slower in two dimensions than in one dimension and that this difference is important both for unimodal and for bimodal kernels


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Este estudo objetivou avaliar a eficácia do uso da estufa de Pasteur, como equipamento esterilizante, em consultórios odontológicos, por meio de monitoramento biológico. Para esta avaliação foram consideradas: adequação no carregamento dos materiais no equipamento, tempo/temperatura utilizados e manutenção preventiva da estufa. Os dados foram coletados em 101 consultórios odontológicos, no Distrito Central de Goiânia-GO, Brasil, por meio de observação, entrevista e realização de teste com indicador biológico. Os resultados demonstraram não-padronização de algumas condutas preconizadas pelo Ministério da Saúde (MS), para esterilização dos artigos em estufa, e positividade do teste biológico em 46 (45,5%) dos ciclos testados. Os fatores intervenientes, com maior significância, relativos às falhas da esterilização foram: ausência do termômetro acessório para o controle da temperatura dos ciclos e a inobservância das relações tempo/temperatura recomendados para o ciclo de esterilização, por calor seco.


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The longwave emission of planetary atmospheres that contain a condensable absorbing gas in the infrared (i.e., longwave), which is in equilibrium with its liquid phase at the surface, may exhibit an upper bound. Here we analyze the effect of the atmospheric absorption of sunlight on this radiation limit. We assume that the atmospheric absorption of infrared radiation is independent of wavelength except within the spectral width of the atmospheric window, where it is zero. The temperature profile in radiative equilibrium is obtained analytically as a function of the longwave optical thickness. For illustrative purposes, numerical values for the infrared atmospheric absorption (i.e., greenhouse effect) and the liquid vapor equilibrium curve of the condensable absorbing gas refer to water. Values for the atmospheric absorption of sunlight (i.e., antigreenhouse effect) take a wide range since our aim is to provide a qualitative view of their effects. We find that atmospheres with a transparent region in the infrared spectrum do not present an absolute upper bound on the infrared emission. This result may be also found in atmospheres opaque at all infrared wavelengths if the fraction of absorbed sunlight in the atmosphere increases with the longwave opacity


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The hypothesis of minimum entropy production is applied to a simple one-dimensional energy balance model and is analysed for different values of the radiative forcing due to greenhouse gases. The extremum principle is used to determine the planetary “conductivity” and to avoid the “diffusive” approximation, which is commonly assumed in this type of model. For present conditions the result at minimum radiative entropy production is similar to that obtained by applying the classical model. Other climatic scenarios show visible differences, with better behaviour for the extremal case


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Background: Non-invasive monitoring of respiratory muscle function is an area of increasing research interest, resulting in the appearance of new monitoring devices, one of these being piezoelectric contact sensors. The present study was designed to test whether the use of piezoelectric contact (non-invasive) sensors could be useful in respiratory monitoring, in particular in measuring the timing of diaphragmatic contraction.Methods: Experiments were performed in an animal model: three pentobarbital anesthetized mongrel dogs. The motion of the thoracic cage was acquired by means of a piezoelectric contact sensor placed on the costal wall. This signal is compared with direct measurements of the diaphragmatic muscle length, made by sonomicrometry. Furthermore, to assess the diaphragmatic function other respiratory signals were acquired: respiratory airflow and transdiaphragmatic pressure. Diaphragm contraction time was estimated with these four signals. Using diaphragm length signal as reference, contraction times estimated with the other three signals were compared with the contraction time estimated with diaphragm length signal.Results: The contraction time estimated with the TM signal tends to give a reading 0.06 seconds lower than the measure made with the DL signal (-0.21 and 0.00 for FL and DP signals, respectively), with a standard deviation of 0.05 seconds (0.08 and 0.06 for FL and DP signals, respectively). Correlation coefficients indicated a close link between time contraction estimated with TM signal and contraction time estimated with DL signal (a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.98, a reliability coefficient of 0.95, a slope of 1.01 and a Spearman's rank-order coefficient of 0.98). In general, correlation coefficients and mean and standard deviation of the difference were better in the inspiratory load respiratory test than in spontaneous ventilation tests.Conclusion: The technique presented in this work provides a non-invasive method to assess the timing of diaphragmatic contraction in canines, using a piezoelectric contact sensor placed on the costal wall.


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El disseny i la implementació d'un prototip de display interactiu perifèric per a la cerca divergent de relacions conceptuals entre obres (films).


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Este Ensaio Clínico Randomizado simples-cego verificou níveis de ansiedade dos estudantes de Enfermagem de nível médio da Escola de Enfermagem São Joaquim, do Hospital Beneficência Portuguesa, e a eficácia da auriculoterapia na redução desses níveis. Foi aplicado o Inventário de Ansiedade Traço-Estado no início, após 8 e 12 sessões e no follow-up (quinze dias). A amostra foi composta por 71 indivíduos divididos em três grupos: Controle sem intervenção (25), Auriculoterapia (24), e Placebo (22). Resultados: Na análise de variância (ANOVA) houve diferença estatisticamente significativa pelo Post Hoc entre os grupos controle/auriculoterapia na segunda (p=0.000), terceira (p=0.012) e quarta avaliações (p=0.005); e entre grupos placebo/controle, somente na 2ª avaliação (p=0.003). A auriculoterapia com os pontos Shenmen e Tronco Cerebral foi mais eficaz para a diminuição dos níveis de ansiedade em estudantes de Enfermagem (20,97%), em comparação com os pontos sham (13,74%), porém, estudos com amostragem mais representativa se fazem necessários.