998 resultados para Investigação Laboratorial
Currently has few studies today concerning the behavior of the ethyl alcohol hydrated combustible in the geological environment, results of eventual spill or leaks in a wide transport chain and distribution. This work discusses the results of an experiment in laboratorial scale, that involves the monitoring of alterations in physical properties a simulate leak of alcohol in a tank with sand saturated in water, during 4920 hours. Are applied electrical resistivity, induced polarization and spontaneous potential geophysical methods. The electric resistivity is clearly correlating to the ethanol degradation pattern. The chargeability demonstrated sensibility to this pattern, while the natural electric potential revealed direct association with the oscillations of groundwater level. The variability of the physical parameters monitoring probable control for ethanol degradation process in environment study.
A contaminant plume due to leachate infiltration was found in the solid waste landfill from Bauru, SP. The soil hydraulic conductivity (K) is an important parameter to understand the moving of this plume. This paper intends to show representative K values for the soils that occur in the vicinity of this landfill determined by field and laboratory tests. There are four soil types in the area: colluvium, alluvium, sandstone residual soil and the sandstone. Laboratory tests were performed using constant and variable head in rigid and flexible wall permeameters. Slug tests and hydraulic conductivity tests with the Guelph permeameter were also carried out in situ in the area. Representative K values of 3.7x10-7 m/s for the saturated zone and 2.4x10-8 m/s for the unsaturated zone were determined for the residual soil. A K value of 5.3x10-5 m/s was obtained for the colluvium soil. A great variation of K with depth was observed for the alluvium and the assumed average values for the saturated zone were 7.9x10-7 m/s and 1.1x10-4 m/s for the unsaturated surficial layer. An average K value of 3.3x10-8 m/s was determined in laboratory for the sandstone and it was assumed representative for this material.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The Brazilian geo-environmental site characterizations usually do not provide a suitable Conceptual Site Model (CSM). Site assessments are mostly inappropriate and there is a lack of knowledge about the subsurface environment, generated by inconsistent data that will guide risk analyses and remediation projects full of uncertainties, causing delay on closing cases, inefficient remediation and higher global projects costs. The step of data collection must have high priority to develop a suitable CSM,, and it demands more effective high resolution site characterization (HRSC) tools than the traditional ones and, preferably, the decision-making have to be done in the field. This paper presents and discusses two geo-environmental site characterization results, in which the decision-making was done in the field based on high resolution site characterization (HRSC) used together with the traditional ones. These site investigations provided a significant time saving, allowed the detection of subsoil heterogeneities, a proper understanding of the subsurface environmental, and have generated a solid CSM in real-time. These CSM can subsidize remediation projects based on a more reliable data than those that would be obtained in traditional site investigations, concerned just in following the rules established by the environmental agencies.
The investigative practice as science teaching activity is recognized as an alternative to the learning improvement of science, becoming a perspective of work for teachers. This article arose from a study about the teachers formation process in the scope of investigative practices, conducted with trainee teachers of the Science Club of the Federal University of Pará - UFPA and students of basic education in public schools in Belém city, in order to discuss the theoretical-practical relationship in the planning of an investigative activity. In this process, some episodes indicate the necessity of such relationship, because in its absence the planning process shows itself to be questionable. Our analysis shows the importance of considering the theoretical context to conceive the planning and decisions regarding the conduction of the investigative practices, and oriented to a theoretical or practical goal.
This work aims presenting and discussing the conceptual (re)construction of the Biological Sciences undergraduate students on the genotype-phenotype relationship. Data collection occurred through a group of researchers systematic monitoring, at weekly discussion meetings. The data were analyzed and discussed based on Bachelard epistemology foundations. The analysis of the results suggests that the inclusion of discussions of historical and epistemological issues, in that research group, favored reflections that contributed to the expansion of the thinking about the genotype-phenotype relationship.
This research analyzes the discourse of teachers of ancient oriental arts, namely: Yoga, Tai Chi Chuan, Kung Fu, Lian Gong, Qwan Ki Do, reveals the meaning that subjects have about what are the benefits to health of those already considered practical alternatives conventional treatment of health. The research uses the phenomenological method specifically the method of the phenomenon. The method first provides a pre-reflection on the oriental arts, exposing not systematically, some curiosities changing between aspects of oriental arts: historical, main teaching methods, styles, the character of struggle, why are linked to health, the benefits of their practices, movements, philosophy, concepts, ways of acting, the roots, the basics. In this article the pre-reflection does not appear to meet the standards of Congress page limit. Rather concentrate on the next step of the research and present the phenomenon situated in the experience of those who have experienced it in the case of the five arts teachers mentioned above. The method performs individual analysis or ideographic analysis of the five discourses of teachers from each oriental art and then conducts the general or nomothetic. The result is presented an analysis of generalities, convergence, divergence and individuality of meanings expressed by the subject, to finally develop a discussion of these data and weave a synthesis. The analyzes reveal that Eastern practices currently as some of these five analyzed here, those involving aspects of struggle and concentration are excellent allied health development and well-being. Understanding the philosophical aspect is inherent in the practice of the movements, although the character of the struggle, which they transmit through knowledge of their origins and roots is the current thinking routine that generates a life philosophy of selfhelp, self-enabling and tranquility preparation to overcome the tensions, disputes, everyday challenges. The speeches also reveal that the psychophysical aspects of diseases are real, because the practices of movements and the physical drilling of these oriental arts have enabled visible improvements in health by working the mental and the physical in an integrated manner. Masters must have all the knowledge to better meet today's society, preserving these cultures, passing them through the generations.
To Freud the group of the psychic activity has for purpose the search of pleasure and escape to the displeasure, and of that drift that the aspects associated to memories of unpleasant experiences have for tendency the removal of level of conscience. The unconscious repeats in subject, in way of being and through where he sees the world. That repetition also shows in practice of game. This study leaned on in analysis of Freudian work to play. Because, independent of sphere in that it is acting, the activity of the game is accomplished, predominantly, under an atmosphere predominantly pleased. The game can propitiate situation so that it happens the sublimation of drive forces, making possible occurrence, in an acceptable way socially, contributing to accomplishment of satisfaction. Like this, this study had as objective contemplates, starting from the reading of passages of Freudian work, on desire and the pleasure to play. For the elaboration of that text pertinent bibliographical revision was accomplished to the game, in relationship with psychoanalysis starting from Freud and other authors.
The lack of interest and motivation, and the self-exclusion from Physical Education classes by Secondary and High School students is pointed out in the specific literature as a pedagogical problem for that discipline. Most studies dealing with the issue present only descriptive data, gathered from the quantification of responses given by students to questionnaires, and they lack a more consistent theoretical framework for both the generation of data as to its interpretation. The objectives of this article are: (i) to present an overview of published studies that address the perspectives of students in relation to their Physical Education classes at school, in terms of attitudes, opinions, tastes, motivation, and development; and (ii) to propose theoretical foundation and methodological guidelines for one future field based research that allows better understanding on how Secondary and High School students’ relationship to school Physical Education knowledge occurs, in order to contribute for advances regarding the results and conclusions on such thematics. We suggest that the definition of the research problem, the generation and interpretation of the data must take as reference the "theory of the notion of the relationship to knowledge", by Bernard Charlot, for whom the school knowledge must be understood in its relations with learning beings. The methodological direction should be guided by "qualitative research" general parameters in Education, using questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with students. Hopefully, in this way, indicators informed by research might contribute to improving the quality of teaching in lessons, in order to provide the students with opportunities for meaningful learning.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Biopatologia Bucal - ICT