991 resultados para Intra seasonal oscillation


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This thesis entitled seasonal and interannual variability of sea level and associated surface meteorological parameters at cochin.The interesting aspect of studying sea level variability on different time scales can be attributed to the diversity of its applications.Study of tides could perhaps be the oldest branch of physical oceanography.The thesis is presented in seven chapters. The first chapter gives, apart from a general introduction, a survey of literature on sea level variability on different time scales - tidal, seasonal and interannual (geological scales excluded), with particular emphasis on the work carried out in the Indian waters. The second chapter is devoted to the study of observed tides at Cochin on seasonal and interannual time scales using hourly water level data for the period 1988-1993. The third chapter describes the long-term climatology of some important surface oceanographic and meteorological parameters (at Cochin) which are supposed to affect the sea level. The fourth chapter addresses the problem of seasonal forecasting of the meteorological and oceanographic parameters at Cochin using autoregressive, sinusoidal and exponentially weighted moving average techniques and testing their accuracy with the observed data for the period 1991-1993. The fifth chapter describes the seasonal cycles of sea level and the driving forces at 16 stations along the Indian subcontinent. It also addresses the observed interannual variability of sea level at 15 stations using available multi-annual data sets. The sixth chapter deals with the problem of coastal trapped waves between Cochin and Beypore off the Kerala coast using sea level and atmospheric pressure data sets for the year 1977. The seventh and the last chapter contains the summary and conclusions and future outlook based on this study.


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The Arabian Sea is an area of complex air-sea interaction processes with seasonal reversing monsoons. The associated thermohaline variability in the upper layers appears to control the large scale monsoon flow which is not yet completely understood. The variability in the thermohaline fields is known to occur in temporal domain ranging from intra-diurnal to inter-annual time scales and on spatial domains of few tens of kilometers to few thousands of kilometers. In the Arabian Sea though the surface temperature was routinely measured by both conventional measurements and satellites, the corresponding information on the subsurface thermohaline field is very sparse due to the lack cw adequate measurements. In such cases the numerical models offer promise in providing information on the subsurface features given an initial thermohaline field and surface heat flux boundary conditions. This thesis is an outcome of investigations carried out on the various aspects of the thermohaline variability on different time scales. In addition to the description of the mean annual cycle. the one dimensional numerical models of Miller (1976) and Price et a1 (1986) are utilised to simulate the observed mixed layer characteristics at selected locations in the Arabian Sea on time scales ranging from intra-diurnal to synoptic scales under variable atmospheric forcing.


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We have studied sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies over the Indian and Pacific Oceans (domain 25 °S to 25°N and 40 °E to 160 °W) during the three seasons following the Indian summer monsoon for wet monsoons and also for dry monsoons accompanied or not by El Ni˜no. A dry monsoon is followed by positive SST anomalies in the longitude belt 40 to 120 °E, negative anomalies in 120 to 160 °E and again positive anomalies east of 160 °E. In dry monsoons accompanied by El Ni˜no the anomalies have the same sign, but are much stronger. Wet monsoons have weak anomalies of opposite sign in all three of the longitude belts. Thus El Ni˜no and a dry monsoon have the same types of association with the Indian and Pacific Ocean SSTs. In the sector 40 to 120 °E SST anomalies first appear over the western part of the Indian Ocean (June to September) followed by the same sign of anomalies over its eastern part and China Sea (October to March). By March after a dry monsoon or El Ni˜no the Indian Ocean between 10 °N and 10 °S has a spatially large warm SST anomaly. Anomalies in deep convection tend to follow the SST anomalies, with warm SST anomalies producing positive convection anomalies around the seasonal location of the intertropical convergence zone


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In general Indian summer monsoon rainfall did not show any significant trend in all Indian summer monsoon rainfall series, however, it was reported that the ISMR is subjected to spatial trends. This paper made an attempt to bring out long term trends of different intensity classes of summer monsoon rainfall in different regions of Indian subcontinent. The long term trend of seasonal and monthly rainfall were also made using the India Meteorological Department gridded daily rainfall data with a spatial resolution of 1° × 1° latitude-longitude grid for the period from 1st January, 1901 to 31st December, 2003. The summer monsoon rainfall shows an increasing trend in southeast, northwest and northeast regions, whereas decreasing trend in the central and west coastal regions. In monthly scale, July rainfall shows decreasing trend over west coastal and central Indian regions and significant increasing trend over northeast region at 0.1% significant level. During the month August, decreasing trend is observed in the west coastal stations at 10% significant level. In most of the stations, mean daily rainfall shows an increasing trend for low and very high intense rainfall. For the moderate rainfall, the trend is different for different regions. In the central and southern regions the trend of moderate and moderately high classes show increasing trend. And for the high and very high intensity classes, the trend is decreasing significantly. In the northeastern regions, above 10 mm/day rainfall shows significantly increasing trend with 0.1% significant level.


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The mangroves of Kerala are fast disappearing due to developmental activities.There are very few studies conducted in the chemical aspects of these ecosystems.The main objective of this study is to assess the spatial and seasonal variation of hydrographical as well as nutrients in mangrove ecosystems along Kerala coast. Five sampling sites least intervened by industries were selected for the study. Sampling was done for a period of six months in monthly intervals. A monsoonal hike of dissolved nutrients was observed in all ecosystems except in the constructed mangrove wetland. The constructed wetland exhibited a different hydrography and nutrient level in all seasons. The mangrove forest in this area consists of the species Bruguiera gymnorrhiza which has been planted since forty years.


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The microalgal community as primary producers has to play a significant role in the biotic and abitoic interactions of any aquatic ecosystem. Whenever a community is exposed to a pollutant, responses can occur because individuals acclimate to pollutant caused changes and selection can occur favouring resistant genotypes within a population and selection among species can result in changes in community structure. The microalgal community of industrial effluent treatment systems are continuously exposed to pollutants and there is little data available on the structure and seasonal variation of microalgal community of industrial effluent holding ponds, especially of a complex effluent like that of refinery. The aim of the present study was to investigate the annual variation in the ecology, biomass, productivity and community structure of the algal community of a refinery effluent holding pond. The results of the study showed the pond to be a eutrophic system with a resistant microalgal community with distinct seasonal variation in species composition


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The Tropospheric Biennial Oscillation (TBO), a major interannual variation phenomenon in the Indo-Pacific region, is the result of strong ocean-atmosphere coupling over the Asian-Australian monsoon area. Along with other meteorological and oceanographic parameters, the tropical circulation also exhibits interannual oscillations. Even though the TBO is the result of strong air–sea interaction, the circulation cells during TBO years are, as yet, not well understood. In the present study, an attempt has been made to understand the interannual variability of the mean meridional circulation and local monsoon circulation over south Asia in connection with the TBO. The stream function computed from the zonal mean meridional wind component of NCEP=NCAR reanalysis data for the years 1950–2003 is used to represent the meanmeridional circulation. Mean meridional mass transport in the topics reverses from a weak monsoon to a strong monsoon in the presence of ENSO, but in normal TBO yearsmean transport remains weak across the Northern Hemisphere. The meridional temperature gradient, which drives the mean meridional circulation, also shows no reversal during the normal TBO cycle. The local Hadley circulation over the monsoon area follows the TBO cycle with anomalous ascent (descent) in strong (weak) monsoon years. During normal TBO years, the Equatorial region and Indian monsoon areas exhibit opposite local Hadley circulation anomalies


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The research of this thesis dissertation covers developments and applications of short-and long-term climate predictions. The short-term prediction emphasizes monthly and seasonal climate, i.e. forecasting from up to the next month over a season to up to a year or so. The long-term predictions pertain to the analysis of inter-annual- and decadal climate variations over the whole 21st century. These two climate prediction methods are validated and applied in the study area, namely, Khlong Yai (KY) water basin located in the eastern seaboard of Thailand which is a major industrial zone of the country and which has been suffering from severe drought and water shortage in recent years. Since water resources are essential for the further industrial development in this region, a thorough analysis of the potential climate change with its subsequent impact on the water supply in the area is at the heart of this thesis research. The short-term forecast of the next-season climate, such as temperatures and rainfall, offers a potential general guideline for water management and reservoir operation. To that avail, statistical models based on autoregressive techniques, i.e., AR-, ARIMA- and ARIMAex-, which includes additional external regressors, and multiple linear regression- (MLR) models, are developed and applied in the study region. Teleconnections between ocean states and the local climate are investigated and used as extra external predictors in the ARIMAex- and the MLR-model and shown to enhance the accuracy of the short-term predictions significantly. However, as the ocean state – local climate teleconnective relationships provide only a one- to four-month ahead lead time, the ocean state indices can support only a one-season-ahead forecast. Hence, GCM- climate predictors are also suggested as an additional predictor-set for a more reliable and somewhat longer short-term forecast. For the preparation of “pre-warning” information for up-coming possible future climate change with potential adverse hydrological impacts in the study region, the long-term climate prediction methodology is applied. The latter is based on the downscaling of climate predictions from several single- and multi-domain GCMs, using the two well-known downscaling methods SDSM and LARS-WG and a newly developed MLR-downscaling technique that allows the incorporation of a multitude of monthly or daily climate predictors from one- or several (multi-domain) parent GCMs. The numerous downscaling experiments indicate that the MLR- method is more accurate than SDSM and LARS-WG in predicting the recent past 20th-century (1971-2000) long-term monthly climate in the region. The MLR-model is, consequently, then employed to downscale 21st-century GCM- climate predictions under SRES-scenarios A1B, A2 and B1. However, since the hydrological watershed model requires daily-scale climate input data, a new stochastic daily climate generator is developed to rescale monthly observed or predicted climate series to daily series, while adhering to the statistical and geospatial distributional attributes of observed (past) daily climate series in the calibration phase. Employing this daily climate generator, 30 realizations of future daily climate series from downscaled monthly GCM-climate predictor sets are produced and used as input in the SWAT- distributed watershed model, to simulate future streamflow and other hydrological water budget components in the study region in a multi-realization manner. In addition to a general examination of the future changes of the hydrological regime in the KY-basin, potential future changes of the water budgets of three main reservoirs in the basin are analysed, as these are a major source of water supply in the study region. The results of the long-term 21st-century downscaled climate predictions provide evidence that, compared with the past 20th-reference period, the future climate in the study area will be more extreme, particularly, for SRES A1B. Thus, the temperatures will be higher and exhibit larger fluctuations. Although the future intensity of the rainfall is nearly constant, its spatial distribution across the region is partially changing. There is further evidence that the sequential rainfall occurrence will be decreased, so that short periods of high intensities will be followed by longer dry spells. This change in the sequential rainfall pattern will also lead to seasonal reductions of the streamflow and seasonal changes (decreases) of the water storage in the reservoirs. In any case, these predicted future climate changes with their hydrological impacts should encourage water planner and policy makers to develop adaptation strategies to properly handle the future water supply in this area, following the guidelines suggested in this study.


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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La presente monografía analiza la evolución del concepto de seguridad humana y su aplicación en la política exterior canadiense en el período 1995 - 2008 desde un enfoque sistémico. Así pues, se estudia la influencia que ejercieron los insumos intrasociales en la importancia que se le otorgó a dicho concepto en la agenda internacional de Canadá.


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Background: The Intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH) and abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) have a impact on the respiratory system and the recommendations for mechanical ventilation of patients with IAH/ACS remain unclear. Our study characterize the influence of elevated intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) and positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) on airway plateau pressure (PPLAT) and bladder pressure (PBLAD). Methods: Nine (n=9) deeply anesthetized swine were mechanically ventilated via tracheostomy: volume-controlled mode at tidal volume = 10 ml/kg, frequency=15, Inspiratory:Expiratory ratio=1:2 and PEEP of 1 and 10 cmH2O (PEEP1 and PEEP10, respectively). A tracheostomy tube was place in the peritoneal cavity and different levels of IAP were applied utilizing a CPAP system. Measurements were performed during both PEEP1 and PEEP10. Results: PBLAD increased as experimental IAP rose. Minimal underestimation of IAP by PBLAD was observed. Applying PEEP10 did not significantly affect the correlation between experimental IAP and PBLAD. PBLAD (in cmH2O) was reflected by changes in PPLAT regardless of the PEEP.


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Las organizaciones son un ente social y económico que según la teoría clásica debe ser vista como una estructura administrativa. Para Mooney (1947) existen principios los cuales baso en la teoría organización, en donde busca establecer relaciones entre principios, procesos y efectos. Por lo que el satisfacer las necesidades de una población debe ser un proceso que involucre intereses particulares .En este caso la organización debe ser estudiada y evaluada como un sistema que tiene diferentes jerarquías y agentes que interactúan entre si, para cumplir un objetivo. Las relaciones que se generan dentro de una organización, y en este caso una organización privada tienden a dar respuesta a muchas necesidades que como procesos se presentan en el diario vivir; es así como se habla del éxito de las organizaciones basado en la competitividad que generan las habilidades y actitudes del personal, el número de variables, fenómenos y efectos, que busca que los empleados asuman actitudes que conlleven a tomar buenas decisiones (Garcia, 2009 ). Es importante resaltar en las organizaciones, los fenómenos de liderazgo, poder e influencia, cada concepto independiente pero visto conjuntamente desde un panorama organizacional, donde toda relación intraespecifica deben determinarse en los diferentes comportamientos, conductas y culturas del personal de la empresa (Fuentes, 2004). La depredación, competencia y cooperación, son conceptos que indudablemente están presentes en todos los procesos de la organización y serán determinantes en la perdurabilidad de la misma. Por último, la presente investigación pretende establecer los efectos de los fenómenos sociales de liderazgo, poder e influencia sobre las interacciones intra-especificas (competencia, cooperación y depredación) al interior de una organización, de tal manera que se logre explicar el efecto y la correlación que existe entre unos y otros fenómenos (Castro, 2012).