998 resultados para Interacts


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Recognition of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) by the innate immune system involves at least three receptor molecules: CD14, TLR4 and MD-2. Additional receptor components such as heat shock proteins, chemokine receptor 4 (CXCR4), or CD55 have been suggested to be part of this activation cluster; possibly acting as additional LPS transfer molecules. Our group has previously identified CXCR4 as a component of the "LPS-sensing apparatus". In this study we aimed to elucidate the role that CXCR4 plays in innate immune responses to LPS. Here we demonstrate that CXCR4 transfection results in responsiveness to LPS. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy experiments further showed that LPS directly interacts with CXCR4. Our data suggest that CXCR4 is not only involved in LPS binding but is also responsible for triggering signalling, especially mitogen-activated protein kinases in response to LPS. Finally, co-clustering of CXCR4 with other LPS receptors seems to be crucial for LPS signalling, thus suggesting that CXCR4 is a functional part of the multimeric LPS "sensing apparatus".


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The accuracy of simulating the aerodynamics and structural properties of the blades is crucial in the wind-turbine technology. Hence the models used to implement these features need to be very precise and their level of detailing needs to be high. With the variety of blade designs being developed the models should be versatile enough to adapt to the changes required by every design. We are going to implement a combination of numerical models which are associated with the structural and the aerodynamic part of the simulation using the computational power of a parallel HPC cluster. The structural part models the heterogeneous internal structure of the beam based on a novel implementation of the Generalized Timoshenko Beam Model Technique.. Using this technique the 3-D structure of the blade is reduced into a 1-D beam which is asymptotically equivalent. This reduces the computational cost of the model without compromising its accuracy. This structural model interacts with the Flow model which is a modified version of the Blade Element Momentum Theory. The modified version of the BEM accounts for the large deflections of the blade and also considers the pre-defined structure of the blade. The coning, sweeping of the blade, tilt of the nacelle and the twist of the sections along the blade length are all computed by the model which aren’t considered in the classical BEM theory. Each of these two models provides feedback to the other and the interactive computations lead to more accurate outputs. We successfully implemented the computational models to analyze and simulate the structural and aerodynamic aspects of the blades. The interactive nature of these models and their ability to recompute data using the feedback from each other makes this code more efficient than the commercial codes available. In this thesis we start off with the verification of these models by testing it on the well-known benchmark blade for the NREL-5MW Reference Wind Turbine, an alternative fixed-speed stall-controlled blade design proposed by Delft University, and a novel alternative design that we proposed for a variable-speed stall-controlled turbine, which offers the potential for more uniform power control and improved annual energy production.. To optimize the power output of the stall-controlled blade we modify the existing designs and study their behavior using the aforementioned aero elastic model.


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Ungulates are important components of a variety of ecosystems worldwide. This dissertation integrates aspects of ungulate and forest ecology to increase our understanding of how they work together in ways that are of interest to natural resource managers, educators, and those who are simply curious about nature. Although animal ecology and ecosystem ecology are often studied separately, one of the general goals of this dissertation is to examine how they interact across spatial and temporal scales. Forest ecosystems are heterogeneous across a range of scales. Spatial and temporal habitat use patterns of forest ungulates tend to be congregated in patches where food and/or cover are readily available. Ungulates interact with ecosystem processes by selectively foraging on plants and excreting waste products in concentrated patches. Positive feedbacks may develop where these activities increase the value of habitat through soil fertilization or the alteration of plant chemistry and architecture. Heterogeneity in ecosystem processes and plant community structure, observed at both stand and local scales, may be the integrated outcome of feedbacks between ungulate behavior and abiotic resource gradients. The first chapter of this dissertation briefly discusses pertinent background information on ungulate ecology, with a focus on white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in the Upper Great Lakes region and moose (Alces acles) in Isle Royale National Park, Michigan, USA. The second chapter demonstrates why ecological context is important for studying ungulate ecology in forest ecosystems. Excluding deer from eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) stands, which deer use primarily as winter cover, resulted in less spatial complexity in soil reactive nitrogen and greater complexity in diffuse light compared to unfenced stands. The spatial patterning of herbaceous-layer cover was more similar to nitrogen where deer were present, and was a combination of nitrogen and light within deer exclosures. This relationship depends on the seasonal timing of deer habitat use because deer fertilize the soil during winter, but leave during the growing season. The third chapter draws upon an eight-year, 39-stand data set of deer fecal pellet counts in hemlock stands to estimate the amount of nitrogen that deer are depositing in hemlock stands each winter. In stands of high winter deer use, deer-excreted nitrogen inputs consistently exceeded those of atmospheric deposition at the stand scale. At the neighborhood scale, deer-excreted nitrogen was often in excess of atmospheric deposition due to the patchy distribution of deer habitat use. Spatial patterns in habitat use were consistent over the eight-year study at both stand and neighborhood scales. The fourth chapter explores how foraging selectivity by moose interacts with an abiotic resource gradient to influence forest structure and composition. Soil depth on Isle Royale varies from east to west according to glacial history. Fir saplings growing in deeper soils on the west side are generally more palatable forage for moose (lower foliar C:N) than those growing in shallower soils on the east side. Therefore, saplings growing in better conditions are less likely to reach the canopy due to moose browsing, and fir is a smaller overstory component on the west side. Lastly, chapter five focuses on issues surrounding eastern hemlock regeneration failure, which is a habitat type that is important to many wildlife species. Increasing hemlock on the landscape is complicated by several factors including disturbance regime and climate change, in addition to the influence of deer.


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This work presents a 1-D process scale model used to investigate the chemical dynamics and temporal variability of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and ozone (O3) within and above snowpack at Summit, Greenland for March-May 2009 and estimates surface exchange of NOx between the snowpack and surface layer in April-May 2009. The model assumes the surface of snowflakes have a Liquid Like Layer (LLL) where aqueous chemistry occurs and interacts with the interstitial air of the snowpack. Model parameters and initialization are physically and chemically representative of snowpack at Summit, Greenland and model results are compared to measurements of NOx and O3 collected by our group at Summit, Greenland from 2008-2010. The model paired with measurements confirmed the main hypothesis in literature that photolysis of nitrate on the surface of snowflakes is responsible for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) production in the top ~50 cm of the snowpack at solar noon for March – May time periods in 2009. Nighttime peaks of NO2 in the snowpack for April and May were reproduced with aqueous formation of peroxynitric acid (HNO4) in the top ~50 cm of the snowpack with subsequent mass transfer to the gas phase, decomposition to form NO2 at nighttime, and transportation of the NO2 to depths of 2 meters. Modeled production of HNO4 was hindered in March 2009 due to the low production of its precursor, hydroperoxy radical, resulting in underestimation of nighttime NO2 in the snowpack for March 2009. The aqueous reaction of O3 with formic acid was the major sync of O3 in the snowpack for March-May, 2009. Nitrogen monoxide (NO) production in the top ~50 cm of the snowpack is related to the photolysis of NO2, which underrepresents NO in May of 2009. Modeled surface exchange of NOx in April and May are on the order of 1011 molecules m-2 s-1. Removal of measured downward fluxes of NO and NO2 in measured fluxes resulted in agreement between measured NOx fluxes and modeled surface exchange in April and an order of magnitude deviation in May. Modeled transport of NOx above the snowpack in May shows an order of magnitude increase of NOx fluxes in the first 50 cm of the snowpack and is attributed to the production of NO2 during the day from the thermal decomposition and photolysis of peroxynitric acid with minor contributions of NO from HONO photolysis in the early morning.


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N-myc downstream-regulated gene 1 (NRDG1) is a stress-induced protein whose putative function is suppression of tumor metastasis. A recent proteonomic study showed NDRG1 interacts with the molecular chaperone heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90). From their reported association, we investigated if NDRG1 is dependent on Hsp90 for its stability and is therefore a yet unidentified Hsp90 client protein. Here, we demonstrate that endogenous NDRG1 and Hsp90 physically associate in hepatocellular cancer cell lines. However, geldanamycin (GA)-mediated inhibition of Hsp90 did not disrupt their interaction or result in NDRG1 protein destabilization. On the contrary, inhibition of Hsp90 led to a transcriptional increase of NDRG1 protein which was associated with cell growth arrest. We also observed that GA inhibited the phosphorylation of NDRG1 by targeting its regulating kinases, serum- and glucocorticoid-induced kinase 1 (SGK1) and glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta (GSK3beta). We demonstrate that in the presence of GA, GSK3beta protein and activity were decreased thus indicating that Hsp90 is necessary for GSK3beta stability. Taken together, our data demonstrate that NDRG1 is not a classic client protein but interacts with Hsp90 and is still dually regulated by Hsp90 at a transcriptional and post-translational level. Finally, we suggest for the first time GSK3beta as a new client protein of Hsp90.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationship between social support and coagulation parameter reactivity to mental stress in men and to determine if norepinephrine is involved. Lower social support is associated with higher basal coagulation activity and greater norepinephrine stress reactivity, which in turn, is linked with hypercoagulability. However, it is not known if low social support interacts with stress to further increase coagulation reactivity or if norepinephrine affects this association. These findings may be important for determining if low social support influences thrombosis and possible acute coronary events in response to acute stress. We investigated the relationship between social support and coagulation parameter reactivity to mental stress in men and determined if norepinephrine is involved. METHODS: We measured perceived social support in 63 medication-free nonsmoking men (age (mean +/- standard error of the mean) = 36.7 +/- 1.7 years) who underwent an acute standardized psychosocial stress task combining public speaking and mental arithmetic in front of an audience. We measured plasma D-dimer, fibrinogen, clotting Factor VII activity (FVII:C), and plasma norepinephrine at rest as well as immediately after stress and 20 minutes after stress. RESULTS: Independent of body mass index, mean arterial pressure, and age, lower social support was associated with higher D-dimer and fibrinogen levels at baseline (p < .012) and with greater increases in fibrinogen (beta = -0.36, p = .001; DeltaR(2) = .12), and D-dimer (beta = -0.21, p = .017; DeltaR(2) = .04), but not in FVII:C (p = .83) from baseline to 20 minutes after stress. General linear models revealed significant main effects of social support and stress on fibrinogen, D-dimer, and norepinephrine (p < .035). Controlling for norepinephrine did not change the significance of the reported associations between social support and the coagulation measures D-dimer and fibrinogen. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that lower social support is associated with greater coagulation activity before and after acute stress, which was unrelated to norepinephrine reactivity.


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Export of mRNA from the nucleus is linked to proper processing and packaging into ribonucleoprotein complexes. Although several observations indicate a coupling between mRNA 3' end formation and export, it is not known how these two processes are mechanistically connected. Here, we show that a subunit of the mammalian pre-mRNA 3' end processing complex, CF I(m)68, stimulates mRNA export. CF I(m)68 shuttles between the nucleus and the cytoplasm in a transcription-dependent manner and interacts with the mRNA export receptor NXF1/TAP. Consistent with the idea that CF I(m)68 may act as a novel adaptor for NXF1/TAP, we show that CF I(m)68 promotes the export of a reporter mRNA as well as of endogenous mRNAs, whereas silencing by RNAi results in the accumulation of mRNAs in the nucleus. Moreover, CF I(m)68 associates with 80S ribosomes but not polysomes, suggesting that it is part of the mRNP that is remodeled in the cytoplasm during the initial stages of translation. These results reveal a novel function for the pre-mRNA 3' end processing factor CF I(m)68 in mRNA export.


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BACKGROUND: Human African trypanosomiasis (HAT), a major parasitic disease spread in Africa, urgently needs novel targets and new efficacious chemotherapeutic agents. Recently, we discovered that 4-[5-(4-phenoxyphenyl)-2H-pyrazol-3-yl]morpholine (compound 1) exhibits specific antitrypanosomal activity with an IC(50) of 1.0 microM on Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense (T. b. rhodesiense), the causative agent of the acute form of HAT. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this work we show adenosine kinase of T. b. rhodesiense (TbrAK), a key enzyme of the parasite purine salvage pathway which is vital for parasite survival, to be the putative intracellular target of compound 1 using a chemical proteomics approach. This finding was confirmed by RNA interference experiments showing that down-regulation of adenosine kinase counteracts compound 1 activity. Further chemical validation demonstrated that compound 1 interacts specifically and tightly with TbrAK with nanomolar affinity, and in vitro activity measurements showed that compound 1 is an enhancer of TbrAK activity. The subsequent kinetic analysis provided strong evidence that the observed hyperactivation of TbrAK is due to the abolishment of the intrinsic substrate-inhibition. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The results suggest that TbrAK is the putative target of this compound, and that hyperactivation of TbrAK may represent a novel therapeutic strategy for the development of trypanocides.


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While a great deal is known about the demographic and historical trends that shape the built environment of American cities, much less is known about the politics of everyday life among residents who continue to live in postindustrial neighborhoods. This study seeks to compensate for the current gaps in academic research by conducting spatially informed ethnography in a North Philadelphia community. Specifically, the study will explore the issue of urban "blight" from a cultural geography perspective, primarily by looking at the ways in which "blighted" spaces shape everyday life, and everyday life in turn shapes and produces the spatial environment. In response to these concerns, my study poses the questions: What would it mean to focus on the ways in which human agency, imagination, and subjectivity are shaped by "blighted" geographical locations? What would it mean to pay ethnographic attention to how subjects in given historical conditions are shaped by "blighted" spaces, as well as how they respond to these spaces in culturally specific ways? By incorporating critical interdisciplinary approaches, this study offers a new way of looking at the various practices of daily life - including flexible, informal economic activities and post-welfare related "lifestyles" of resistance. Through the lens of spatial ethnography, the study seeks to elucidate the ways in which postindustrial space interacts with culture, poverty and addiction; as well as the ways in which users continue to appropriate postindustrial spaces in culturally meaningful ways under the aegis of the semi-welfare state.


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For several reasons citizenship and democracy has moved into political and research focus. Socio-cultural tensions and inequalities created by globalisation processes boosted by neo-liberal modes of government seem to inspire a concern with “social cohesion”, and the European Community assigns a key role to education in engendering European democratic citizenship. It can be questioned whether it is within the scope of educational programmes to ensure social integration and democracy. However, to clarify the perspectives of the educational issue, the article discusses the conflicts and relationships between cultural identity and democracy within a framework of modernity before returning to the issue of education for democratic citizenship. It is shown on the basis of empirical studies that family background interacts with school factors in the reproduction of democratic inequalities. It is also indicated, however, that this must not be considered an unchangeable pedagogical fact, and the article briefly sketches a set of pedagogical and research challenges concerned with educating for democratic empowerment at different levels of school practice. Although this paper focuses on education and the educational system, the arguments and findings presented can also claim relevance for social pedagogy and social work, esp. in respect of recent developments that stress the educational dimensions of social work.


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Electrochemical reactivity and structure properties of electrogenic bacteria, Geobacter sulfurreducens (Gs) were studied to explore the heterogeneous electron transfer at the bacteria/electrode interface using electrochemical and in-situ spectroscopic techniques. The redox behavior of Gs adsorbed on a gold electrode, which is modified with a ω-functionalized self-assembled monolayer (SAM) of alkanethiols, depends strongly on the terminal group. The latter interacts directly with outermost cytochromes embedded into the outer membrane of the Gs cells. The redox potential of bacterial cells bound electrostatically to a carboxyl-terminated SAM is close to that observed for bacteria attached to a bare gold electrode, revealing a high electronic coupling at the cell/SAM interface. The redox potentials of bacterial cells adsorbed on amino- and pyridyl-terminated SAMs are significantly different suggesting that the outermost cytochromes changes their conformation upon adsorption on these SAMs. No redox activity of Gs was found with CH3-, N(CH3)3+- and OH-terminated SAMs. Complementary in-situ spectroscopic studies on bacteria/SAMs/Au electrode assemblies were carried out to monitor structure changes of the bacterial cells upon polarization. Spectro-electrochemical techniques revealed the electrochemical turnover of the oxidized and reduced states of outer membrane cytochromes (OMCs) in Gs, providing evidence that the OMCs are responsible for the direct electron transfer to metal electrodes, such as gold or silver, during the electricity production. Furthermore, we observed spectroscopic signatures of the native structure of the OMCs and no conformational change during the oxidation/reduction process of the microorganisms. These findings indicate that the carboxyl-anchoring group provides biocompatible conditions for the outermost cytochromes of the Gs, which facilitate the heterogeneous electron transfer at the microorganism/electrode interface.


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Anticancer drug therapy activates both molecular cell death and autophagy pathways. Here we show that even sublethal concentrations of DNA-damaging drugs, such as etoposide and cisplatin, induce the expression of autophagy-related protein 5 (ATG5), which is both necessary and sufficient for the subsequent induction of mitotic catastrophe. We demonstrate that ATG5 translocates to the nucleus, where it physically interacts with survivin in response to DNA-damaging agents both in vitro and in carcinoma tissues obtained from patients who had undergone radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy. As a consequence, elements of the chromosomal passenger complex are displaced during mitosis, resulting in chromosome misalignment and segregation defects. Pharmacological inhibition of autophagy does not prevent ATG5-dependent mitotic catastrophe, but shifts the balance to an early caspase-dependent cell death. Our data suggest a dual role for ATG5 in response to drug-induced DNA damage, where it acts in two signalling pathways in two distinct cellular compartments, the cytosol and the nucleus.


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Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) receptor-like protein 1 (FGFRL1) is a recently discovered member of the FGF receptor (FGFR) family. Similar to the classical FGFRs, it contains three extracellular immunoglobulin-like domains and interacts with FGF ligands. However, in contrast to the classical receptors, it does not contain any intracellular tyrosine kinase domain and consequently cannot signal by transphosphorylation. In mouse kidneys, FgfrL1 is expressed primarily at embryonic stages E14-E15 in regions where nascent nephrons develop. In this study, we used whole-mount in situ hybridization to show the spatial pattern of five different Fgfrs in the developing mouse kidney. We compared the expression pattern of FgfrL1 with that of other Fgfrs. The expression pattern of FgfrL1 closely resembled that of Fgfr1, but clearly differed from that of Fgfr2‑Fgfr4. It is therefore conceivable that FgfrL1 signals indirectly via Fgfr1. The mechanisms by which FgfrL1 affects the activity of Fgfr1 remain to be elucidated.


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Peptide transporters (PTRs) of the large PTR family facilitate the uptake of di- and tripeptides to provide cells with amino acids for protein synthesis and for metabolic intermediates. Although several PTRs have been structurally and functionally characterized, how drugs modulate peptide transport remains unclear. To obtain insight into this mechanism, we characterize inhibitor binding to the Escherichia coli PTR dipeptide and tripeptide permease A (DtpA), which shows substrate specificities similar to its human homolog hPEPT1. After demonstrating that Lys[Z-NO2]-Val, the strongest inhibitor of hPEPT1, also acts as a high-affinity inhibitor for DtpA, we used single-molecule force spectroscopy to localize the structural segments stabilizing the peptide transporter and investigated which of these structural segments change stability upon inhibitor binding. This characterization was done with DtpA embedded in the lipid membrane and exposed to physiologically relevant conditions. In the unbound state, DtpA adopts two main alternate conformations in which transmembrane α-helix (TMH) 2 is either stabilized (in ∼43% of DtpA molecules) or not (in ∼57% of DtpA molecules). The two conformations are understood to represent the inward- and outward-facing conformational states of the transporter. With increasing inhibitor concentration, the conformation characterized by a stabilized TMH 2 becomes increasingly prevalent, reaching ∼92% at saturation. Our measurements further suggest that Lys[Z-NO2]-Val interacts with discrete residues in TMH 2 that are important for ligand binding and substrate affinity. These interactions in turn stabilize TMH 2, thereby promoting the inhibited conformation of DtpA.


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Heteromeric amino acid transporters (HATs) are the unique example, known in all kingdoms of life, of solute transporters composed of two subunits linked by a conserved disulfide bridge. In metazoans, the heavy subunit is responsible for the trafficking of the heterodimer to the plasma membrane, and the light subunit is the transporter. HATs are involved in human pathologies such as amino acidurias, tumor growth and invasion, viral infection and cocaine addiction. However structural information about interactions between the heavy and light subunits of HATs is scarce. In this work, transmission electron microscopy and single-particle analysis of purified human 4F2hc/L-type amino acid transporter 2 (LAT2) heterodimers overexpressed in the yeast Pichia pastoris, together with docking analysis and crosslinking experiments, reveal that the extracellular domain of 4F2hc interacts with LAT2, almost completely covering the extracellular face of the transporter. 4F2hc increases the stability of the light subunit LAT2 in detergent-solubilized Pichia membranes, allowing functional reconstitution of the heterodimer into proteoliposomes. Moreover, the extracellular domain of 4F2hc suffices to stabilize solubilized LAT2. The interaction of 4F2hc with LAT2 gives insights into the structural bases for light subunit recognition and the stabilizing role of the ancillary protein in HATs.