993 resultados para Interacoes fortes de particulas elementares


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We report the results of a transcript finishing initiative, undertaken for the purpose of identifying and characterizing novel human transcripts, in which RT-PCR was used to bridge gaps between paired EST Clusters, mapped against the genomic sequence. Each pair of EST Clusters selected for experimental validation was designated a transcript finishing unit (TFU). A total of 489 TFUs were selected for validation, and an overall efficiency of 43.1% was achieved. We generated a total of 59,975 bp of transcribed sequences organized into 432 exons, contributing to the definition of the structure of 211 human transcripts. The structure of several transcripts reported here was confirmed during the course of this project, through the generation of their corresponding full-length cDNA sequences. Nevertheless, for 21% of the validated TFUs, a full-length cDNA sequence is not yet available in public databases, and the structure of 69.2% of these TFUs was not correctly predicted by computer programs. The TF strategy provides a significant contribution to the definition of the complete catalog of human genes and transcripts, because it appears to be particularly useful for identification of low abundance transcripts expressed in a restricted Set of tissues as well as for the delineation of gene boundaries and alternatively spliced isoforms.


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Phagocytic cells play an important role in nonspecific resistance to fungal infection by mediating an inflammatory response and by a direct fungicidal action. In this study, the functional activity of peritoneal macrophages obtained from hamsters experimentally infected with strain Pb18 of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis was evaluated during 16 weeks of infection. The results showed that macrophages had a higher spreading ability associated with increased production of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) and enhanced fungicidal activity during the early periods of infection. TNF-alpha levels remained elevated during all periods studied, while low levels of interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta) were produced during the infection. A necrotic area with dead fungi was observed at the inoculation site and the infection disseminated only to liver and lymph nodes in a few animals. These results suggest that during the early stages of infection with P. brasiliensis, macrophage activation by the high levels of TNF-alpha limited fungal dissemination. In contrast, in the later stages of infection, high levels of TNF-alpha were observed while the fungicidal activity of macrophages was lower and the animals presented loss of vitality resulting in their death. These observations suggest a complex role of TNF-alpha in experimental paracoccidioidomycosis of Syrian hamsters, involving not only resistance but also pathogenesis.


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The CLSI M100-S19 document has recommended the disuse of vancomycin disks for staphylococci and informed that studies on the action of teicoplanin in disk-diffusion testing should be performed. We describe the comparison of two methods, disk diffusion and broth microdilution, for determining teicoplanin susceptibility in clinical isolates of staphylococci. Overall results showed an aggregation rate of 96.8%; Staphylococcus aureus showed total agreement while S. epidermidis showed 93.8% of agreement. According to these local results, disk diffusion can still be employed to teicoplanin susceptibility determination for staphylococci in our institution.


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Yeasts are becoming a common cause of nosocomial fungal infections in immunocompromised patients. Such infections often develop into sepsis with high mortality rates. The aim of this study was to evaluate some of the numerous factors associated with the development of candidemia. Medical records were retrospectively analyzed of 98 Candida spp. patients. Results showed that the most prevalent risk factors for developing candidemia were: antibiotics and antifungal agents (93.9% and 79.6%, respectively); the use of central venous catheter (93.9%); mechanical ventilation (73.5%); and parenteral nutrition (60.2%). The main species of Candida found were: C. parapsilosis (37.76%), C. albicans (33.67%); and others (28.57%). C. glabrata showed the highest mortality rate (75%), followed by C. tropicalis (57.1%) and C. albicans (54.5%). The elevated mortality rate found in this study indicates that preventive measures against candidemia must be emphasized in hospitals.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A interação nuclear-seguidor tem sido raramente registrada entre peixes de riachos Neotropicais. Este tipo de associação foi observada em um riacho de cabeceira, no sistema do Alto rio Paraná envolvendo o cascudinho, Aspidoras fuscoguttatus, como espécie nuclear, e Knodus moenkhausii, Poecilia reticulata e Astyanax altiparanae como seus seguidores. Indivíduos de Aspidoras fuscoguttatus revolveram o substrato durante alimentação, promovendo a suspensão de sedimento. Os seguidores, por sua vez, movimentaram-se pela nuvem de partículas em suspensão, capturando itens alimentares. As particulas alimentares em suspensão parecem não ser utilizadas pelo cascudinho, mas tornam-se disponíveis para K. moenkhausii, P. reticulata e A. altiparanae. O comportamento de seguidor representa uma tática alimentar alternativa para estas espécies, reforçando a idéia geral de plasticidade comportamental entre as espécies seguidoras.


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Cooper pairing in two dimensions is analyzed with a set of renormalized equations to determine its binding energy for any fermion number density and all coupling assuming a,generic pairwise residual interfermion interaction. Also considered are Cooper pairs (CP's) with nonzero center-of-mass momentum (CMM) and their binding energy is expanded analytically in powers of the CMM up to quadratic terms. A Fermi-sea-dependent linear term in the CMM dominates the pair excitation energy in weak coupling (also called the BCS regime) while the more familiar quadratic term prevails in strong coupling (the Bose regime). The crossover, though strictly unrelated to BCS theory per se, is studied numerically as it is expected to play a central role in a model of superconductivity as a Bose-Einstein condensation of CPs where the transition temperature vanishes for all dimensionality d less than or equal to 2 for quadratic dispersion, but is nonzero for all d greater than or equal to 1 for linear dispersion.


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Cooper pairing is studied in three dimensions to determine its binding energy for all coupling using a general separable interfermion interaction. Also considered are Cooper pairs (CPs) with nonzero center-of-mass momentum (CMM). A coupling-independent linear term in the CMM dominates the pair excitation energy in weak coupling and/or high fermion density, while the more familiar quadratic term prevails only in the extreme low-density (i.e., vacuum) limit for any nonzero coupling. The linear-to-quadratic crossover of the CP dispersion relation is analyzed numerically, and is expected to play a central role in a model of superconductivity (and superfluidity) simultaneously accommodating a Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer condensate as well as a Bose-Einstein condensate of CP bosons. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B,V. All rights reserved.


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Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) in two dimensions (2D) (e.g., to describe the quasi-2D cuprates) is suggested as the possible mechanism widely believed to underlie superconductivity in general. A crucial role is played by nonzero center-of-mass momentum Cooper pairs (CPs) usually neglected in BCS theory. Also vital is the unique linear dispersion relation appropriate to weakly-coupled bosonic CPs moving in the Fermi sea-rather than in vacuum where the dispersion would be quadratic but only for very strong coupling, and for which BEC is known to be impossible in 2D.


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The Cooper pair binding energy vs. center-of-mass-momentum dispersion relation for Bose-Einstein condensation studies of superconductivity is found in two dimensions for a renormalized attractive delta interaction. It crosses over smoothly from a linear to a quadratic form as coupling varies from weak to strong.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)