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Julocrotine, N-(2,6-dioxo-l-phenethyl-piperidin-3-yl)-2-methyl-butyramide, is a potent antiproliferative agent against the promastigote and amastigote forms of Leishmania amazonensis (L.). In this work, the crystal structure of Julocrotine was solved by X-ray diffraction, and its geometrical parameters were compared with theoretical calculations at the B3LYP and HF level of theory. IR and NMR spectra also have been obtained and compared with theoretical calculations. IR absorptions calculated with the B3LYP level of theory employed together with the 6-311G+(d,p) basis set, are close to those observed experimentally. Theoretical NMR calculations show little deviation from experimental results. The results show that the theory is in accordance with the experimental data. (C) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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In this work the adiabatic approximation is applied to the propagation of matter waves in confined geometries like those experimentally realized in recent atom optical experiments. Adiabatic propagation along a channel is assumed not to mix the various transverse modes. Nonadiabatic corrections arise from the potential squeezing and bending. Here we investigate the effect of the former. Detailed calculations of two-dimensional propagation are carried out both exactly and in an adiabatic approximation. This offers the possibility to analyze the validity of adiabaticity criteria. A semiclassical (sc) approach, based on the sc Massey parameter is shown to be inadequate, and the diffraction due to wave effects must be included separately. This brings in the Fresnel parameter well known from optical systems. Using these two parameters, we have an adequate understanding of adiabaticity on the system analyzed. Thus quantum adiabaticity must also take cognizance of the intrinsic diffraction of matter waves.


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A tool for standardized calculation of solar collector performance has been developed in cooperation between SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden, DTU Denmark and SERC Dalarna University. The tool is designed to calculate the annual performance of solar collectors at representative locations in Europe. The collector parameters used as input in the tool are compiled from tests according to EN12975, without any intermediate conversions. The main target group for this tool is test institutes and certification bodies that are intended to use it for conversion of collector model parameters (derived from performance tests) into a more user friendly quantity: the annual energy output. The energy output presented in the tool is expressed as kWh per collector module. A simplified treatment of performance for PVT collectors is added based on the assumption that the thermal part of the PVT collector can be tested and modeled as a thermal collector, when the PV electric part is active with an MPP tracker in operation. The thermal collector parameters from this operation mode are used for the PVT calculations. © 2012 The Authors.


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We present a new symbolic algebra package, written for Maple, for performing computations in the Geroch-Held-Penrose formalism. We demonstrate the essential features and capabilities of our package by investigating Petrov-D vacuum solutions of Einstein's field equations.


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Quasiclassical trajectory calculations of collisional energy transfer from highly vibrationally excited propane + rare gas systems are reported. This work extends our hard-sphere model (A. Linhananta and K. F. Lim, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2000, 2, 1385) to examine the variation of the internal energy during collisions with a rare bath gas. This was accomplished by recording the vibrational and rotational energy of propane after each atom–atom encounter during trajectory simulations of propane + rare gas systems. This provides detailed information of the energy flow during a collision. It was found that collisions with small number of encounters transfer energy efficiently, whereas those with many encounters do not. Detailed analyses reveal that the former collisions arise from trajectories with high initial impact parameter, whereas the latter have small initial impact parameter. The reason behind this is the dependence of collision energy transfer (CET) of large polyatomic molecules on their shape. This is connected to the well-known role of rotational energy transfer (RET) as a gateway for CET.


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The need for monotone approximation of scattered data often arises in many problems of regression, when the monotonicity is semantically important. One such domain is fuzzy set theory, where membership functions and aggregation operators are order preserving. Least squares polynomial splines provide great flexbility when modeling non-linear functions, but may fail to be monotone. Linear restrictions on spline coefficients provide necessary and sufficient conditions for spline monotonicity. The basis for splines is selected in such a way that these restrictions take an especially simple form. The resulting non-negative least squares problem can be solved by a variety of standard proven techniques. Additional interpolation requirements can also be imposed in the same framework. The method is applied to fuzzy systems, where membership functions and aggregation operators are constructed from empirical data.


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This paper describes a new method of monotone interpolation and smoothing of multivariate scattered data. It is based on the assumption that the function to be approximated is Lipschitz continuous. The method provides the optimal approximation in the worst case scenario and tight error bounds. Smoothing of noisy data subject to monotonicity constraints is converted into a quadratic programming problem. Estimation of the unknown Lipschitz constant from the data by sample splitting and cross-validation is described. Extension of the method for locally Lipschitz functions is presented.