995 resultados para Hydraulic engineering -- Catalonia -- Selva


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Flood simulation studies use spatial-temporal rainfall data input into distributed hydrological models. A correct description of rainfall in space and in time contributes to improvements on hydrological modelling and design. This work is focused on the analysis of 2-D convective structures (rain cells), whose contribution is especially significant in most flood events. The objective of this paper is to provide statistical descriptors and distribution functions for convective structure characteristics of precipitation systems producing floods in Catalonia (NE Spain). To achieve this purpose heavy rainfall events recorded between 1996 and 2000 have been analysed. By means of weather radar, and applying 2-D radar algorithms a distinction between convective and stratiform precipitation is made. These data are introduced and analyzed with a GIS. In a first step different groups of connected pixels with convective precipitation are identified. Only convective structures with an area greater than 32 km2 are selected. Then, geometric characteristics (area, perimeter, orientation and dimensions of the ellipse), and rainfall statistics (maximum, mean, minimum, range, standard deviation, and sum) of these structures are obtained and stored in a database. Finally, descriptive statistics for selected characteristics are calculated and statistical distributions are fitted to the observed frequency distributions. Statistical analyses reveal that the Generalized Pareto distribution for the area and the Generalized Extreme Value distribution for the perimeter, dimensions, orientation and mean areal precipitation are the statistical distributions that best fit the observed ones of these parameters. The statistical descriptors and the probability distribution functions obtained are of direct use as an input in spatial rainfall generators.


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Vaatimusmäärittelyn tavoitteena on luoda halutun järjestelmän kokonaisen, yhtenäisen vaatimusluettelon vaatimusten määrittämiseksi käsitteellisellä tasolla. Liiketoimintaprosessien mallintaminen on varsin hyödyllinen vaatimusmäärittelyn varhaisissa vaiheissa. Tämä työ tutkii liiketoimintaprosessien mallintamista tietojärjestelmien kehittämistä varten. Nykyään on olemassa erilaisia liiketoimintaprosessien mallintamiseen tarkoitettuja tekniikoita. Tämä työ tarkastaa liiketoimintaprosessien mallintamisen periaatteet ja näkökohdat sekä eri mallinnustekniikoita. Uusi menetelmä, joka on suunniteltu erityisesti pienille ja keskisuurille ohjelmistoprojekteille, on kehitetty prosessinäkökohtien ja UML-kaavioiden perusteella.


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The concentration and ratio of terpenoids in the headspace volatile blend of plants have a fundamental role in the communication of plants and insects. The sesquiterpene (E)-nerolidol is one of the important volatiles with effect on beneficial carnivores for biologic pest management in the field. To optimize de novo biosynthesis and reliable and uniform emission of (E)-nerolidol, we engineered different steps of the (E)-nerolidol biosynthesis pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana. Introduction of a mitochondrial nerolidol synthase gene mediates de novo emission of (E)-nerolidol and linalool. Co-expression of the mitochondrial FPS1 and cytosolic HMGR1 increased the number of emitting transgenic plants (incidence rate) and the emission rate of both volatiles. No association between the emission rate of transgenic volatiles and their growth inhibitory effect could be established. (E)-Nerolidol was to a large extent metabolized to non-volatile conjugates.


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This master’s thesis aims to study and represent from literature how evolutionary algorithms are used to solve different search and optimisation problems in the area of software engineering. Evolutionary algorithms are methods, which imitate the natural evolution process. An artificial evolution process evaluates fitness of each individual, which are solution candidates. The next population of candidate solutions is formed by using the good properties of the current population by applying different mutation and crossover operations. Different kinds of evolutionary algorithm applications related to software engineering were searched in the literature. Applications were classified and represented. Also the necessary basics about evolutionary algorithms were presented. It was concluded, that majority of evolutionary algorithm applications related to software engineering were about software design or testing. For example, there were applications about classifying software production data, project scheduling, static task scheduling related to parallel computing, allocating modules to subsystems, N-version programming, test data generation and generating an integration test order. Many applications were experimental testing rather than ready for real production use. There were also some Computer Aided Software Engineering tools based on evolutionary algorithms.


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In this paper we analyze the size and habitat partitioning of the vascular floras of five areas of the NE Iberian Peninsula, representing five distinct vegetation belts and three floristic regions: Mediterranean (basal belt), medio-European (submontane and montane belts) and Boreo-Alpine (subalpine and alpine belts). Each area covered over 1000 ha, and was fairly uniform in terms of potential vegetation, bedrock and bioclimate. They excluded large villages and field areas, the landscape being mainly natural or moderately anthropized.


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Santiago Llensa nasqué a Hostalric (la Selva) el dia 9 de novembre de 1911. Era fili d'una familia arrelada a la comarca. Per part de la seva mare tenia però parents i interessos a Prada (el Confient), cosa que contribuí a fer que sempre mantingués uns certs lligams amb la cultura francesa.


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Työn tavoitteena oli kehittää tutkittavan insinööriyksikön projektien kustannusestimointiprosessia, siten että yksikön johdolla olisi tulevaisuudessa käytettävänään tarkempaa kustannustietoa. Jotta tämä olisi mahdollista, ensin täytyi selvittää yksikön toimintatavat, projektien kustannusrakenteet sekä kustannusatribuutit. Tämän teki mahdolliseksi projektien kustannushistoriatiedon tutkiminen sekä asiantuntijoiden haastattelu. Työn tuloksena syntyi kohdeyksikön muiden prosessien kanssa yhteensopiva kustannusestimointiprosessi sekä –malli.Kustannusestimointimenetelmän ja –mallin perustana on kustannusatribuutit, jotka määritellään erikseen tutkittavassa ympäristössä. Kustannusatribuutit löydetään historiatietoa tutkimalla, eli analysoimalla jo päättyneitä projekteja, projektien kustannusrakenteita sekä tekijöitä, jotka ovat vaikuttaneet kustannusten syntyyn. Tämän jälkeen kustannusatribuuteille täytyy määritellä painoarvot sekä painoarvojen vaihteluvälit. Estimointimallin tarkuutta voidaan parantaa mallin kalibroinnilla. Olen käyttänyt Goal – Question – Metric (GQM) –menetelmää tutkimuksen kehyksenä.


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Taking the maximum advantage of technological innovations and the investment in them is of key importance for businesses. The IT industry offers a wide range of innovative high-technology solutions to manage information processing and distribution. However for end-user businesses to make informed decisions in this area is challenging. The aim of this research is to identify the key differences in principal solutions, and what the selection criteria should be for those involved. Existing methodologies for software development are classified, and some key criteria are described to help IT system developers and users determine what are the most important factors in system selection, development and deployment. Statistical data is researched and analysed, a theoretical basis is developed and reviewed, key issues from case studies are identified and generalized to be presented along with the conclusions in the current study. The results give a good basis for corporate consideration and provide overall support to the key decisions in developing web-based software. The conclusion is that new web developments should be considered the stakeholders as an evolution of existing business systems, but they should then pay particular attention to the new advantages that web-based software offers in terms of standardised interfaces and procedures, universal deployment opportunities, and a range of other benefits the study highlights.


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Cell-type-specific gene silencing is critical to understand cell functions in normal and pathological conditions, in particular in the brain where strong cellular heterogeneity exists. Molecular engineering of lentiviral vectors has been widely used to express genes of interest specifically in neurons or astrocytes. However, we show that these strategies are not suitable for astrocyte-specific gene silencing due to the processing of small hairpin RNA (shRNA) in a cell. Here we develop an indirect method based on a tetracycline-regulated system to fully restrict shRNA expression to astrocytes. The combination of Mokola-G envelope pseudotyping, glutamine synthetase promoter and two distinct microRNA target sequences provides a powerful tool for efficient and cell-type-specific gene silencing in the central nervous system. We anticipate our vector will be a potent and versatile system to improve the targeting of cell populations for fundamental as well as therapeutic applications.


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Objective: The objective of this study was to collect data on the prevalence of smokers among Catalonian dentists (by age and sex) and compare them with existing data on the general population, doctors, registered nurses and pharmacists. The overall prevalence of smokers in Catalonia (2006) was 34.5% of men and 24.3% of women. Data available on the prevalence of smoking among doctors (26.3% men and 22.1% women), pharmacists (19.8% men and 20.6% women) and registered nurses (34.1% men and 35.3% women) relates to the year 2002. Study design: In September 2006, Catalonian dentists (n=3,799) were asked about their habits in relation to tobacco in a self-administered questionnaire, on use and opinions with respect to dental amalgam. Five hundred and seventynine questionnaires were received, of which 538 answered the question on smoking (14.2% of the sample universe). Results: The prevalence of smokers among dentists is lower (24.9% of men and 18.4% of women) than in the general population and other healthcare professionals. In dentists in the age group between 25 and 34 years, the prevalence was 26.1% in men and 14.9% in women, while the prevalence in this age group in the general population was 43.6% and 37.1%, respectively. Conclusion: Catalonian dentists have a much lower prevalence of tobacco use than the general population and lower even than other healthcare professionals. Given that non-smoking healthcare professionals have better awareness for providing recommendations for smoking prevention and cessation, Catalonian dentists may be a valid group for performing this task for which there is scientific evidence.


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Es presenten els resultats del ler «Mini Foray» de la British Mycological Society a Catalunya, celebrat a Viladrau (Girona) a la tardor de 1985, amb visites a diverses localitats del Vallès Oriental, Baix Llobregat, Ripollès, La Selva i Osona. Es van recol lectar un total de 407 espècies de fongs, repartides en els diferents grups: Acrasiomycetes (1); Ceratiomyxomycetes (2); Myxomycetes (44); Zygomycetes (1); Ascomycetes (36); Basidiomycetes (319); Deuteromycetes (4).


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The bryozoan fauna growing on deep-water corals (Lophelia, Madrepora) from the upper-slope of Catalonia (Blanes and Banyuls-sur-mer: NW Mediterranean Sea) was studied. Among the 36 species recorded, a new species, Escharella acuta sp. nov., and a new subspecies, Escharina dutertrei protecta ssp. nov., are described; five other species have been rarely reported or were unknown from the Mediterranean Sea (Copidozoum exiguum, Amphiblestrum flemingii, Schizomavella neptuni, Smittina crystallina, Phylactellipora eximia) . This epibiotic bryozoan fauna differs clearly from shallow-water assemblages and comprises a greater proportion of boreo-atlantic species.


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Bone engineering is a rapidly developing area of reconstructive medicine where bone inducing factors and/or cells are combined with a scaffold material to regenerate the structure and function of the original tissue. The aim of this study was to compare the suitability of different macroporous scaffold types for bone engineering applications. The two scaffold categories studied were a) the mechanically strong and stable titanium fiber meshes and b) the elastic and biodegradable porous polymers. Furthermore, bioactive modifications were applied to these basic scaffold types, and their effect on the osteogenic responses was evaluated in cell culture and ectopic bone formation studies. The osteogenic phenotype of cultured cell-scaffold constructs was heightened with a sol-gel derived titania coating, but not with a mixed titania-silica coating. The latter coating also resulted in delayed ectopic bone formation in bone marrow stromal cell seeded scaffolds. However, the better bone contact in early implantation times and more even bone tissue distribution at later times indicated enhanced osteoconductivity of both the coated scaffold types. Overall, the most promising bone engineering results were obtained with titania coated fiber meshes. Elastic and biodegradable poly(ε-caprolactone/D,L-lactide) based scaffolds were also developed in this study. The degradation rates of the scaffolds in vitro were governed by the hydrophilicity of the polymer matrix, and the porous architecture was controlled by the amount and type of porogen used. A continuous phase macroporosity was obtained using a novel CaCl2 • 6H2O porogen. Dynamic culture conditions increased cell invasion, but decreased cell numbers and osteogenicity, within the scaffolds. Osteogenic differentiation in static cultures and ectopic bone formation in cell seeded scaffolds were enhanced in composites, with 30 wt-% of bioactive glass filler.


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It is usually argued that tourism exerts negative economic impacts in host jurisdictions through the increase in prices linked to increasing demand for basic services and goods from tourists. This paper surveys 149 products in 45 tourism and non-tourism jurisdictions in Catalonia (which represent a total of 18,500 prices) in order to test empirically several hypotheses related to differences in price levels in tourism and non-tourism jurisdictions. The main results show that prices in tourism jurisdictions are not significantly higher than those in non-tourism ones. The analysis suggests that tourists are likely to pay higher prices than natives for some products