984 resultados para Hiv Vaccine


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State-of-the-art production technologies for conjugate vaccines are complex, multi-step processes. An alternative approach to produce glycoconjugates is based on the bacterial N-linked protein glycosylation system first described in Campylobacter jejuni. The C. jejuni N-glycosylation system has been successfully transferred into Escherichia coli, enabling in vivo production of customized recombinant glycoproteins. However, some antigenic bacterial cell surface polysaccharides, like the Vi antigen of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi, have not been reported to be accessible to the bacterial oligosaccharyltransferase PglB, hence hamper development of novel conjugate vaccines against typhoid fever. In this report, Vi-like polysaccharide structures that can be transferred by PglB were evaluated as typhoid vaccine components. A polysaccharide fulfilling these requirements was found in Escherichia coli serovar O121. Inactivation of the E. coli O121 O antigen cluster encoded gene wbqG resulted in expression of O polysaccharides reactive with antibodies raised against the Vi antigen. The structure of the recombinantly expressed mutant O polysaccharide was elucidated using a novel HPLC and mass spectrometry based method for purified undecaprenyl pyrophosphate (Und-PP) linked glycans, and the presence of epitopes also found in the Vi antigen was confirmed. The mutant O antigen structure was transferred to acceptor proteins using the bacterial N-glycosylation system, and immunogenicity of the resulting conjugates was evaluated in mice. The conjugate-induced antibodies reacted in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with E. coli O121 LPS. One animal developed a significant rise in serum immunoglobulin anti-Vi titer upon immunization.


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Background: As part of the second generation surveillance system for HIV/Aids in Switzerland, repeated cross-sectional surveys were conducted in 1993, 1994, 1996, 2000, 2006 and 2011 among attenders of all low threshold facilities (LTFs) with needle exchange programmes and/or supervised drug consumption rooms for injection or inhalation. The number of syringes distributed to the injectors has also been measured annually since 2000. Distribution in other settings, such as pharmacies, is also monitored nationally. Methods: Periodic surveys of LTFs have been conducted using an interviewer/self-administered questionnaire structured along four themes: socio-demographic characteristics, drug consumption, risk/preventive behaviour and health. Analysis is restricted to attenders who had injected drugs during their lifetime (IDU´s). Pearson's chi-square test and trend analysis were conducted on annual aggregated data. Trend significance was assessed using Stata's non parametric test nptrend. Results: Median age of IDU´s increased from 26 years in 1993 to 40 in 2011; most are men (78%). Total yearly number of syringes distributed by LTFs has decreased by 44% in 10 years. Use of cocaine has increased (Table 1). Injection, regular use of heroin and borrowing of syringes/needles have decreased, while sharing of other material remains stable. There are fewer new injectors; more IDU´s report substitution treatment. Most attenders had ever been tested for HIV (90% in 1993, 94% in 2011). Reported prevalence of HIV remained stable around 10%; that of HCV decreased from 62% in 2000 to 42% in 2011. Conclusions: Overall, findings indicate a decrease in injection as a means of drug consumption in that population. This interpretation is supported by data from other sources, such as a national decrease in distribution from other delivery points. Switzerland's behavioural surveillance system is sustainable and allows the HIV epidemic to be monitored among this hard-to-reach population, providing information for planning and evaluation.


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HIV-1 infects CD4+ T cells and completes its replication cycle in approximately 24 hours. We employed repeated measurements in a standardized cell system and rigorous mathematical modeling to characterize the emergence of the viral replication intermediates and their impact on the cellular transcriptional response with high temporal resolution. We observed 7,991 (73%) of the 10,958 expressed genes to be modulated in concordance with key steps of viral replication. Fifty-two percent of the overall variability in the host transcriptome was explained by linear regression on the viral life cycle. This profound perturbation of cellular physiology was investigated in the light of several regulatory mechanisms, including transcription factors, miRNAs, host-pathogen interaction, and proviral integration. Key features were validated in primary CD4+ T cells, and with viral constructs using alternative entry strategies. We propose a model of early massive cellular shutdown and progressive upregulation of the cellular machinery to complete the viral life cycle.


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Ninety-one percent of antenatal clinic attenders and 97% of women having a termination of pregnancy agreed to HIV testing on a named or anonymous basis. HIV period prevalence's for Antenatal clinic attenders, and women having termination of pregnancy tested in Dundee were 0.13% and 0.85% respectively and for antenatal clinic attenders in Edinburgh, 0.26%. For those at "low risk", rates for antenatal clinic attenders and women having termination of pregnancy in Dundee were 0.11% and 0.13%, and for antenatal clinic attenders in Edinburgh, 0.02%. In dundee HIV prevalence among women having a termination of pregnancy (0.85%) was significantly greater (p< 0.001) than that among antenatal clinic attenders (0.13%). The investigation's findings show that HIV undoubtedly is occurring among women at "low risk" and it is clear that a policy of selective voluntary testing of those at "high risk" only, is inadequate for pregnant women living in areas of high prevalence such as Edinburgh and Dundee. Moreover, when studying pregnant populations in such areas there is a need to include those having a termination of pregnancy.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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This study described the demographic and medical characteristics of a population of patients with HIV/AIDS attending the department of Genito-Urinary Medicine (GUM) at a major Dublin hospital. The study population's utilisation of statutory and voluntary medical and social services at primary care level, satisfaction with services received and perceived need for services examined. The information obtained was used to make recommendations concerning the provision of care to patients with HIV/AIDS. The study was carried out between February and November 1994. Data was collected from a consecutive sample of eighty inpatients using n interviewer-administered questionnaire which contained both closed and open questions. The first forty patients interviewed were reviewed six months following the initial interview to document changes in physical condition and uptake of medical services over that time period. Data for the second part of the study was obtained by review of the patients' medical case notes and interview with the individual hospital medical social worker assigned to each patient. Over ninety percent of respondents were from the Greater Dublin Area. Almost three quarters were intravenous drug users (IVDUs), and the majority of these patients came from south inner city Dublin. The methodology was biased towards sampling patients with advanced disease and 73% had CDC Stage 4 disease. Twenty percent required some assistance with the activities of daily living when first interviewed. Most were reliant on informal carers. Social and physical dependency increased substantially over the six month period of the follow-up study of forty patients. Financial difficulties were identified as a particular area of need. Only ten percent of those interviewed were in current employment and over 80% were dependent on statutory payments. There is a need for greater co-ordination between the providers of services to patients HIV/AIDS and an improved system of data collection regarding patients' uptake of services and unmet needs is required to assist in future service planning.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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BACKGROUND: Here, we aimed to determine the prevalence of erectile dysfunction (ED) among HIV-infected men and its association with components of antiretroviral therapy. METHODS: Cross-sectional data on sexual dysfunction were collected in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS) between December 2009 and November 2010. Multilevel logistic regression models were used to estimate the association between ED and exposure to 24 different antiretroviral drugs from four drug classes. RESULTS: During the study period, 5,194 of 5,539 eligible men in the SHCS had a follow-up visit; 4,064 men answered a question on ED for the first time. Among these men, ED was experienced often by 459 (11%), sometimes by 543 (13%), rarely by 389 (10%), never by 2,526 (62%) and 147 (4%) did not know. ED was associated with older age, an earlier HIV diagnosis and depression. No association was found with any drug class; however, ED was associated with cumulative exposure to either zalcitabine (OR 1.29 per year of use; 95% CI 1.07, 1.55) or enfuvirtide (OR 1.28; 95% CI 1.08, 1.52). CONCLUSIONS: Around 1 in 10 men in the SHCS reported often experiencing ED. We found no association between ED and any drug class, but those exposed to zalcitabine or enfurvitide (drugs no longer or rarely used) were more likely to report ED; this second association was probably not causal.


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In 2008 a 4-year plan for HIV and AIDS Education and Prevention in Ireland was published. The plan aimed to contribute to a reduction in new infections of HIV and AIDS through education and prevention measures. It also aimed to guide and inform the development of policy and services in the statutory and non-statutory sectors with responsibility in this regard. This report is produced as a response to a letter from the Secretariat of the National AIDS Strategy Committee (NASC). The letter requested “feedback from the Education and Prevention Sub-Committee on prevention activities currently in place and on progress to date on the Education and Prevention Action Plan (2008-2012).” In addition, action 2 under Action Area 5: Monitoring and evaluation states that “a mid-term review of the implementation of this action plan should be published”. We note from the HPSC data that there has been a slight decrease in the overall number of new HIV infections however; there has been a huge concern over the large increase in new diagnoses in men who have sex with men (MSM). Although we cannot provide the evidence for the reason for this increase, it is stipulated that there has been a huge increase in the education and prevention programmes targeted at MSM and the report will show the evidence of that increase (Action Area 3: Preventing new infections: population group MSM). There is a presumption that because of increased awareness, access and confidence of MSM and improved treatment that there are more MSM being tested and more diagnoses. This report presents an update on the progress of the implementation of the actions in the HIV and AIDS Education and Prevention Plan 2008-2012.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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Paramyosin and Sm14 are two of the six antigens selected by the World Health Organization as candidates to compose a subunit vaccine against schistosomiasis. Both antigens are recognized by individuals naturally resistant to Schistosoma mansoni infection and induced protective immunity in the murine model. Three Sm14 epitopes and eleven paramyosin epitopes were selected by their ability to bind to different HLA-DR molecules using the TEPITOPE computer program, and these peptides were synthetically produced. The cellular recognition of Sm14 and paramyosin epitopes by peripheral blood mononuclear cells of individuals living in endemic area for schistosomiasis was tested by T cell proliferation assay. Among all Sm14 and paramyosin epitopes studied, Sm14-3 was preferentially recognized by individuals naturally resistant to S. mansoni infection while Para-5 was preferentially recognized by individuals resistant to reinfection. These two peptides represent promising antigens to be used in an experimental vaccine against schistosomiasis, since their preferential recognition by resistant individuals suggest their involvement in the induction of protective immunity.