987 resultados para Hepatics extracts
The Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) from Aequorea victor-in has begun to be used as a reporter protein in plants. It is particularly useful as GFP fluorescence can be detected in a non-destructive manner, whereas detection of enzyme-based reporters often requires destruction of the plant tissue. The use of GFP as a reporter enables transgenic plant tissues to be screened in vivo at any growth stage. Quantification of GFP in transgenic plant extracts will increase the utility of GFP as a reporter protein. We report herein the quantification of a mGFP5-ER Variant in tobacco leaf extracts by UV excitation and a sGFP(S65T) variant in sugarcane leaf and callus extracts by blue light excitation using the BioRad VersaFluor(TM) Fluorometer System or the Labsystems Fluoroskan Ascent FL equipped with a narrow band emission filter (510 +/- 5 nm). The GFP concentration in transgenic plant extracts was determined from a GFP-standard series prepared in untransformed plant extract with concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 4 mu g/ml of purified rGFP. Levels of sgfp(S65T) expression, driven by the maize ubiquitin promoter, in sugarcane calli and leaves ranged up to 0.525 mu g and 2.11 mu g sGFP(S65T) per mg of extractable protein respectively. In tobacco leaves the expression of mgfPS-ER, driven by the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter, ranged up to 7.05 mu g mGFP5-ER per mg extractable protein.
BACKGROUND. Prostate secretory granules (PSG) represent the basic secretory unit of the prostate gland, containing many of its exocrine proteases. Recent analysis of intraluminal corpora amylacea, a proposed by-product of PSG secretion, detected sulfated glycosaminoglycans (GAG) possibly keratan sulfate (KS),indicating a secretory mechanism for GAG in the human prostate surface epithelial cell. METHODS. Immunostains using anti-KS and anti-prostate-specific antigen (PSA) were evaluated on 10 sequential radical prostatectomy specimens, three of which had received neoadjuvant antiandrogen therapy. Extracts of normal secretory tissue as well as a sample composed almost entirely of prostatic stroma were subjected to Western blot analysis, using the same antibody panel. RESULTS. Keratan sulfate secretion from the normal prostate epithelial cell has been confirmed and correlates, as does PSA, with the presence of cytoplasmic PSG. No such correlation exists in most adenocarcinomas or in benign epithelium after androgen ablation. Western blot analyses confirmed tissue immunostains and demonstrated a secretory proteoglycan of 70-95 kDa. CONCLUSIONS. Recognition of PSG heralds a novel secretory mechanism within the human prostate gland that is linked to the secretion of KS. The role of KS in normal prostate secretion remains unknown, although it appears downregulated in neoplastic and androgen-ablated cells. (C) 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Hedley er al. (1982) developed what has become the most widely used land modified), phosphorus (P) fractionation technique. It consists of sequential extraction of increasingly less phytoavailable P pools. Extracts are centrifuged at up to 25000 g (RCF) and filtered to 0.45 mu m to ensure that soil is not lost between extractions. In attempting to transfer this method to laboratories with limited facilities, it was considered that access to high-speed centrifuges, and the cost of frequent filtration may prevent adoption of this P fractionation technique. The modified method presented here was developed to simplify methodology, reduce cost, and therefore increase accessibility of P fractionation technology. It provides quantitative recovery of soil between extractions, using low speed centrifugation without filtration. This is achieved by increasing the ionic strength of dilute extracts, through the addition of NaCl, to flocculate clay particles. Addition of NaCl does not change the amount of P extracted. Flocculation with low speed centrifugation produced extracts comparable with those having undergone filtration (0.025 mu m). A malachite green colorimetric method was adopted for inorganic P determination, as this simple manual method provides high sensitivity with negligible interference from other anions. This approach can also be used for total P following digestion, alternatively non-discriminatory methods, such as inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy, may be employed.
Cultured melanoma cells release soluble factors that influence immune responses. Screening of a cDNA library with anti-sera from a melanoma patient identified an immunoreactive plaque, which encoded heavy-chain ferritin (H-ferritin), Previous studies have drawn attention to the immunosuppressive effects of this molecule and prompted further studies on its biochemical and functional properties in human melanoma, These studies demonstrated, firstly, that H-ferritin appeared to be secreted by melanoma cells, as shown by immunoprecipitation of a 21.5 kDa band from supernatants. It was also detected in extracts of melanoma cells by Western blotting as 43 and 64 kDa dimers and trimers of the 21.5 kDa fraction. Secondly, flow-cytometric analysis of H- and light-chain ferritin (L-ferritin) expression on melanoma showed a wide variation in L-ferritin expression and consequently of the ratio of H- to L-ferritin expression. Suppression of mitogenic responses of lymphocytes to anti-CD3 showed a correlation with the ratio of H- to L-ferritin in the supernatants and was specific for H-ferritin, as shown by inhibition studies with a monoclonal antibody (MAb) against H-ferritin, Similar results were obtained with H- and L-ferritin from other sources. Suppression of mitogenic responses of lymphocytes to anti-CD3 by H-ferritin was inhibited using a MAb against IL-IO, which suggested that the immunosuppressive effect of H-ferritin was mediated by IL-IO, Assays of cytokine production from anti-CD3-stimulated lymphocytes showed that H-ferritin markedly increased production of IL-10 and IFN-gamma and had only slight effects on IL-2 and IL-4 production, Our results suggest that melanoma cells may be a major source of H-ferritin and that production of the latter may account for some of the immunosuppressive effects of melanoma, (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss. Inc.
This study quantified the release of monomers from polymerized specimens of four commercially available resin composites and one glass ionomer cement immersed in water:ethanol solutions. Individual standard curves were prepared from five monomers: (1) triethylene glycol dimethacrylate (TEGDMA), (2) 2-hydroxy-ethyl methacrylate (HEMA), (3) urethane dimethacrylate (UDMA), (4) bisphenol A glycidyl dimethacrylate (BISGMA), and (5) bisphenol A. The concentration of the monomers was determined at Days 1, 7, 30, and 90 with the use of electrospray ionization/mass spectrometry. Data were expressed in mean mumol per mm(2) surface area of specimen and analyzed with Scheffe's test (P < 0.05). The following monomers were found in water: monomers (1) and (2) from Delton sealant, monomer (5) from ScotchBond Multipurpose Adhesive and Delton sealant, monomer (3) from Definite and monomer (4) from Fuji II LC, ScotchBond Multipurpose Adhesive, Synergy and Definite. All these monomers increased in concentration over time, with the exception of monomer (1) from Delton sealant. Monomers (3) and (5) were found in extracts of materials despite their absence from the manufacturer's published composition. All monomers were released in significantly higher concentrations in water:ethanol solutions than in water. The greatest release of monomers occurred in the first day. The effect of the measured concentrations of monomers (1-5) on human genes, cells, or tissues needs to be considered with the use of a biological model. (C) 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
The salticid spider Cosmophasis bitaeniata preys on the larvae of the green tree ant Oecophylla smaragdina. Gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) reveal that the cuticle of C. bitaeniata mimics the mono- and dimethylalkanes of the cuticle of its prey. Recognition bioassays with extracts of the cuticular hydrocarbons of ants and spiders revealed that foraging major workers did not respond aggressively to the extracts of the spiders or conspecific nestmates, but reacted aggressively to conspecific nonnestmates. Typically, the ants either failed to react (as with control treatments with no extracts) or they reacted nonaggressively as with conspecific nestmates. These data indicate that the qualitative chemical mimicry of ants by C. bitaeniata allows the spiders to avoid detection by major workers of O. smaragdina.
Neural mechanisms underlying the onset and maintenance of epileptic seizures involve alterations in inhibitory and/or excitatory neurotransmitter pathways. Thus, the prospecting of novel molecules from natural products that target both inhibition and excitation systems has deserved interest in the rational design of new anticonvulsants. We isolated the alkaloids (+)-erythravine and ( +)-11-alpha-hydroxyerythravine from the flowers of Erythrina mulungu and evaluated the action of these compounds against chemically induced seizures in rats. Our results showed that the administration of different doses of (+)-erythravine inhibited seizures evoked by bicuculline, pentylenetetrazole, and kainic acid at maximum of 80, 100, and 100%, respectively, whereas different doses of (+)-11-alpha-hydroxy-erythravine inhibited seizures at a maximum of 100% when induced by bicuculline, NMDA, and kainic acid, and, to a lesser extent, PTZ (60%). The analysis of mean latency to seizure onset of nonprotected animals, for specific doses of alkaloids, showed that (+)-erythravine increased latencies to seizures induced by bicuculline. Although (+)-erythravine exhibited very weak anticonvulsant action against seizures induced by NMDA, this alkaloid increased the latency in this assay. The increase in latency to onset of seizures promoted by (+)-11-alpha-hydroxy-erythravine reached a maximum of threefold in the bicuculline test. All animals were protected against death when treated with different doses of (+)-11-alpha-hydroxy-erythravine in the tests using the four chemical convulsants. Identical results were obtained when using (+)-erythravine in the tests of bicuculline, NMDA, and VIZ, and, to a lesser extent, kainic acid. Therefore, these data validate the anticonvulsant properties of the tested alkaloids, which is of relevance in consideration of the ethnopharmacological/biotechnological potential of E. mulungu. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Cyanobacterial strains isolated from terrestrial and freshwater habitats in Brazil were evaluated for their antimicrobial and siderophore activities. Metabolites of fifty isolates were extracted from the supernatant culture media and cells using ethyl acetate and methanol, respectively. The extracts of 24 isolates showed antimicrobial activity against several pathogenic bacteria and one yeast. These active extracts were characterized by Q-TOF/MS. The cyanobacterial strains Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii 339-T3, Synechococcus elongatus PCC7942, Microcystis aeruginosa NPCD-1, M. panniformis SCP702 and Fischerella sp. CENA19 provided the most active extracts. The 50 cyanobacterial strains were also screened for the presence of non-ribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS) and polyketide synthase (PKS) genes and microcystin production. Putative fragment genes coding for NRPS adenylation domains and PKS keto-synthase domains were successfully PCR amplified from 92% and 80% of cyanobacterial strains, respectively. The potential therapeutical compounds siderophores were detected in five cyanobacterial isolates. Microcystin production was detected by ELISA test in 26% of the isolates. Further a protease inhibitor substance was detected by LC-MS/MS in the M. aeruginosa NPLJ-4 extract and the presence of aeruginosin and cyanopeptolin was confirmed by PCR amplification using specific primers, and sequenced. This screening study showed that Brazilian cyanobacterial isolates are a rich source of natural products with potential for pharmacological and biotechnological applications. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
A nostocalean nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium isolated from an eutrophic freshwater reservoir located in Piracicaba, Sao Paulo, Brazil, was evaluated for the production of hepatotoxic cyclic heptapeptides, microcystins. Morphologically this new cyanobacterium strain appears closest to Nostoc, however, in the phylogenetic analysis of 165 rRNA gene it falls into a highly stable cluster distantly only related to the typical Nostoc cluster. Extracts of Nostoc sp. CENA88 cultured cells, investigated using ELISA assay, gave positive results and the microcystin profile revealed by ESI-Q-TOF/MS/MS analysis confirmed the production of [Dha(7)]MCYST-YR. Further, Nostoc sp. CENA88 genomic DNA was analyzed by PCR for sequences of mcyD, mcyE and mcyG genes of microcystin synthetase (mcy) cluster. The result revealed the presence of mcyD, mcyE and mcyG genes with similarities to those from mcy of Nostoc sp. strains 152 and IO-102-I and other cyanobacterial genera. The phylogenetic tree based on concatenated McyG, McyD and McyE amino acids clustered the sequences according to cyanobacterial genera, with exception of the Nostoc sp. CENA88 sequence, which was placed in a clade distantly related from other Nostoc strains, as previously observed also in the 165 rRNA phylogenetic analysis. The present study describes for the first time a Brazilian Nostoc microcystin producer and also the occurrence of demethyl MCYST-YR variant in this genus. The sequenced Nostoc genes involved in the microcystin synthesis can contribute to a better understanding of the toxigenicity and evolution of this cyanotoxin. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The effect of several carbon sources on the production of mycelial-bound beta-glucosidase by Humicola grisea var. thermoidea in submerged fermentation was investigated. Maximum production occurred when cellulose was present in the culture medium, but higher specific activities were achieved with cellobiose or sugarcane bagasse. Xylose or glucose (1%) in the reaction medium stimulated beta-glucosidase activity by about 2-fold in crude extracts from mycelia grown in sugarcane bagasse. The enzyme was purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation, followed by Sephadex G-200 and DEAE-cellulose chromatography, showing a single band in PAGE and SDS-PAGE. The beta-glucosidase had a carbohydrate content of 43% and showed apparent molecular masses of 57 and 60 kDa, as estimated by SDS-PAGE and gel filtration, respectively. The optimal pH and temperature were 6.0 and 50 degrees C, respectively. The purified enzyme was thermostable up to 60 min in water at 55 degrees C and showed half-lives of 7 and 14 min when incubated in the absence or presence of 50 mM glucose, respectively, at 60 degrees C. The enzyme hydrolyzed p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside, p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside, p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-fucopyranoside, p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-xylopyranoside, o-nitrophenyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside, lactose, and cellobiose. The best synthetic and natural substrates were p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-fucopyranoside and cellobiose, respectively. Purified enzyme activity was stimulated up to 2-fold by glucose or xylose at concentrations from 25 to 200 mM. The addition of purified or crude beta-glucosidase to a reaction medium containing Trichoderma reesei cellulases increased the saccharification of sugarcane bagasse by about 50%. These findings suggest that H. grisea var. thermoidea beta-glucosidase has a potential for biotechnological applications in the bioconversion of lignocellulosic materials.
The in vitro inhibitory activity of crude EtOH/H(2)O extracts from the leaves and stems of Rosmarinus officinalis L. was evaluated against the following microorganisms responsible for initiating dental caries: Streptococcus mutans, salivarius, S. sobrinus, S. mitts 5 sanguinis, and Enterococcus faecalis. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) were determined with the broth microdilution method. The bioassay-guided fractionation of the leaf extract, which displayed the higher antibacterial activity than the stem extract, led to the identification of carnosic acid (2) and carnosol (3) as the major compounds in the fraction displaying the highest activity, as identified by HPLC analysis. Rosmarinic acid (1), detected in another fraction, did not display any activity against the selected microorganisms. HPLC Analysis revealed the presence of low amounts of ursolic acid (4) and oleanolic acid (5) in the obtained fractions. The results suggest that the antimicrobial activity of the extract from the leaves of R. officinalis may be ascribed mainly to the action of 2 and 3.
Like ants and termites some species of stingless bees (Meliponini), which are very important pollinators in the tropics, use pheromone trails to communicate the location of a food source. We present data on the communicative role of mandibular gland secretions of Meliponini that resolve a recent controversy about their importance in the laying of such trails. Volatile constituents of the mandibular glands have been erroneously thought both to elicit aggressive/defensive behaviour and to signal food source location. We studied Trigona spinipes and Scaptotrigona aff. depilis (`postica`), two sympatric species to which this hypothesis was applied. Using extracts of carefully dissected glands instead of crude cephalic extracts we analysed the substances contained in the mandibular glands of worker bees. Major components of the extracts were 2-heptanol (both species), nonanal (T. spinipes), benzaldehyde and 2-tridecanone (S. aff. depilis). The effect of mandibular gland extracts and of individual components thereof on the behaviour of worker bees near their nest and at highly profitable food sources was consistent. Independent of the amount of mandibular gland extract applied, the bees overwhelmingly reacted with defensive behaviour and were never attracted to feeders scented with mandibular gland extract or any of the synthetic chemicals tested. Both bee species are capable of using mandibular gland secretions for intra-and interspecific communication of defence and aggression and share 2-heptanol as a major pheromone compound. While confirming the role of the mandibular glands in nest defence, our experiments provide strong evidence against their role in food source signalling.