1000 resultados para Hennion, Antoine
Donateur : Jackson, James (1843-1895)
Plus que jamais, l'actualité mondiale ou nationale met en question le pouvoir du peuple. Là il se révolte avec fracas. Ici on le voit voter contre les autorités en place. Pour les uns il reconquiert sa liberté. Pour les autres il est aveugle et crée le désordre. Voici donc un livre sur le pouvoir. Dans la tradition de Benjamin Constant ou d'Alexis de Tocqueville, Antoine Chollet confère du souffle à l'examen des fondamentaux. Comment comprendre et articuler la liberté, l'égalité, la responsabilité, l'opposition entre une élite dite éclairée et les masses. En Suisse, quels sont les atouts exceptionnels, les dérives ou les illusions de la démocratie directe? Mal comprise elle est souvent confondue avec les libertés communales du Moyen Age. Ou admise avec des réserves suspectes. L'auteur en appelle à plus de rigueur et, fort de ses convictions, conclut par des appréciations sévères sur la politique suisse. Il décèle dans ses élites des tendances clairement antidémocratiques. Et inversement, il expose les raisons d'une confiance renforcée en l'institution même de la démocratie directe.
Comprend : [Tome I. Frontispice : la Foi chrétienne commandant aux Arts et aux travaux des hommes.] [Cote : Res D 5716/Microfilm R 122368 à 122370 et R 132635] ; [Tome I. Pl. en reg. p.110 : Chapitre XI. L'extrême-onction.] [Cote : Res D 5716/Microfilm R 122368 à 122370 et R 132635] ; [Tome I. Pl. en reg. p.319 : Livre V. Partie I. On se console par la douleur.] L'une apportoit son enfant mort, l'autre son enfant vivant (...) Elle mettoient ensuite leurs enfants sur une branche de catalpa, et les balançoient ensemble, en chantant des airs de leurs pays. Hélas! ces jeux maternels, qui souvent endormoient l'innocence, ne pouvoient réveiller la mort! [Cote : Res D 5716/Microfilm R 122368 à 122370 et R 132635] ; [Tome II. Pl. en reg. p.239 : Partie II. Livre IV. Les passions. Amélie décidée à rentrer au couvent.] [Cote : Res D 5716/Microfilm R 122368 à 122370 et R 132635] ; [Tome II. Pl. en reg. p.250 : Partie II. Livre IV. Les passions. Chateaubriand guettant la fenêtre d'Amélie au couvent.] [Cote : Res D 5716/Microfilm R 122368 à 122370 et R 132635] ; [Tome III. Pl. en reg. p.368 : Partie III. Livre VI. La mort d'Atala. Le Père Aubry et Chactas enterrent Atala.] [Cote : Res D 5716/Microfilm R 122368 à 122370 et R 132635] ; [Tome III. Pl. en reg. p.372 : Partie III. Livre VI. Chactas pleure sur la tombe d'Atala.] [Cote : Res D 5716/Microfilm R 122368 à 122370 et R 132635] ; [Tome IV. Pl. en reg. p.167 : Partie IV. Livre III. Chapitre VI. Vue générale du Clergé. Un moine Trappiste.] [Cote : Res D 5716/Microfilm R 122368 à 122370 et R 132635] ; [Tome IV. Pl. en reg. p.217 : Partie IV. Livre III. Chapitre VI. Vue générale du Clergé. Un missionnaire remonte le Rio de la Plata pour évangéliser les Indiens.] [Cote : Res D 5716/Microfilm R 122368 à 122370 et R 132635]
OBJECTIVE: To better assess the diagnosis of an infection in patients presenting at an emergency department with peripheral blood leukocytosis (>10 x 10(9) cells/l) on laboratory testing. METHODS: We prospectively evaluated serum procalcitonin concentration (PCT), C-reactive protein (CRP), and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). Patients were divided into two groups according to their final diagnosis: patients with infection and those without infection. PCT, CRP, and ESR were compared between these groups. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive values, negative predictive values, receiver operating characteristic curves, and areas under the curves were calculated for each biological measurement. RESULTS: Out of 173 patients, 99 (57%) had a final diagnosis of systemic infection. If a cutoff point of 0.5 ng/ml is considered, procalcitonin concentration had a sensitivity of 0.57, a specificity of 0.85, a negative predictive value of 0.59, and a positive predictive value of 0.84 for the diagnosis of a systemic infection. Adding CRP or ESR to PCT gave no more information (p=0.84). CONCLUSIONS: Only about half of the patients attending the emergency department with leukocytosis were suffering from an infection. Determination of the procalcitonin level may be useful for these patients, particularly in the case of a value higher than 0.5 ng/ml.
Sensory neuronopathies (SNNs) encompass paraneoplastic, infectious, dysimmune, toxic, inherited, and idiopathic disorders. Recently described diagnostic criteria allow SNN to be differentiated from other forms of sensory neuropathy, but there is no validated strategy based on routine clinical investigations for the etiological diagnosis of SNN. In a multicenter study, the clinical, biological, and electrophysiological characteristics of 148 patients with SNN were analyzed. Multiple correspondence analysis and logistic regression were used to identify patterns differentiating between forms of SNNs with different etiologies. Models were constructed using a study population of 88 patients and checked using a test population of 60 cases. Four patterns were identified. Pattern A, with an acute or subacute onset in the four limbs or arms, early pain, and frequently affecting males over 60 years of age, identified mainly paraneoplastic, toxic, and infectious SNN. Pattern B identified patients with progressive SNN and was divided into patterns C and D, the former corresponding to patients with inherited or slowly progressive idiopathic SNN with severe ataxia and electrophysiological abnormalities and the latter to patients with idiopathic, dysimmune, and sometimes paraneoplastic SNN with a more rapid course than in pattern C. The diagnostic strategy based on these patterns correctly identified 84/88 and 58/60 patients in the study and test populations, respectively.
A fundamental tenet of neuroscience is that cortical functional differentiation is related to the cross-areal differences in cyto-, receptor-, and myeloarchitectonics that are observed in ex-vivo preparations. An ongoing challenge is to create noninvasive magnetic resonance (MR) imaging techniques that offer sufficient resolution, tissue contrast, accuracy and precision to allow for characterization of cortical architecture over an entire living human brain. One exciting development is the advent of fast, high-resolution quantitative mapping of basic MR parameters that reflect cortical myeloarchitecture. Here, we outline some of the theoretical and technical advances underlying this technique, particularly in terms of measuring and correcting for transmit and receive radio frequency field inhomogeneities. We also discuss new directions in analytic techniques, including higher resolution reconstructions of the cortical surface. We then discuss two recent applications of this technique. The first compares individual and group myelin maps to functional retinotopic maps in the same individuals, demonstrating a close relationship between functionally and myeloarchitectonically defined areal boundaries (as well as revealing an interesting disparity in a highly studied visual area). The second combines tonotopic and myeloarchitectonic mapping to localize primary auditory areas in individual healthy adults, using a similar strategy as combined electrophysiological and post-mortem myeloarchitectonic studies in non-human primates.