990 resultados para Harmonic components


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HPLC with acidic potassium permanganate chemiluminescence detection was employed to analyse 17 Cabernet Sauvignon wines across a range of vintages (1971–2003). Partial least squares regression analysis and principal components analysis was used in order to investigate the relationship between wine composition and vintage. Tartaric acid, vanillic acid, catechin, sinapic acid, ethyl gallate, myricetin, procyanadin B and resveratrol were found to be important components in terms of differences between the vintages.


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The effects of animal species (AS; Angora goats, Merino sheep or goats and sheep mixed grazed together at ratio 1:1) and stocking rate (SR; 7.5, 10 and 12.5 animals/ha) on the availability, botanical composition and sward characteristics of annual temperate pastures under continuous grazing were determined in a replicated experiment from 1981 to 1984. AS and SR had significant effects on pasture availability and composition and many AS SR interactions were detected. The pastures grazed by sheep had significantly reduced content and proportion of subterranean clover and more undesirable grasses compared with those grazed by goats. There were no differences in dry matter availabilities between goat- and sheep-grazed pastures at 7.5/ha, but at 10 and 12.5/ha goat pastures had significantly increased availabilities of green grass, dead and green clover and less weeds compared with sheep pastures. There was a significant AS SR interaction for the density of seedlings in May following pasture germination. Between July and January, the height of pastures was greater under goats than sheep but from January to March pasture height declined more on goat-grazed than on sheep-grazed pastures. There was an AS SR interaction for incidence of bare ground. Increasing the SR increased bare ground in pastures grazed by sheep but no change occurred on pastures grazed by goats. Changes in pasture characteristics due to increased SR were minimised on pastures grazed by goats but the grazing of sheep caused larger and faster changes and the pastures were damaged at the highest SR. Goats did not always select the same herbage material as sheep, changed their selection between seasons and were not less selective than sheep. Angora goats were flexible grazers and continually adapted their grazing behaviour to changing herbage conditions. Goat grazing led to an increase in subterranean clover, an accumulation of dead herbage at the base of the sward, reduced bare ground, taller pastures in spring and a more stable botanical composition. Mixed-grazed pasture characteristics were altered with SR. With careful management Angora goats on sheep farms may be used to manipulate pasture composition, to speed up establishment of subterranean clover, to decrease soil erosion and to reduce weed invasion.


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An abdominal profile index (API) was developed for pink-footed geese Anser brachyrhynchus as a measure of body condition. On basis of carcass analysis of 56 adult geese with known API prior to collection, we found significant linear relationships between API against body mass, abdominal fat and total energy content. Hence, changes in API reflect net energy intake rates. As an example of the applicability of the calibration, we compared APIs of individually marked geese before and after long migration episodes and estimated the cost of flight at 8.9 kJ/km. In addition we estimated gain rates at three major staging sites along the spring flyway indicating an increase in fueling rates with latitude. Calibration of APIs and energy contents offers new opportunities for field studies of waterfowl energetics.


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By utilizing the zebrafish as a research model, the function of specific cell signalling pathway components in development was investigated. This revealed new roles for the so-called Jak2/Stat5/Cis pathway in blood and sensory organ development, and a conserved prolactin pathway despite divergent functions between species.


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The quenching of a metal component with a channel section in a water tank is numerically simulated. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is used to model the multiphase flow and the heat transfer in film boiling, nucleate boiling and convective cooling processes to calculate the difference in heat transfer rate around the component and then combining with the thermal simulation and structure analysis of the component to study the effect of heat transfer rate on the distortion of the U-channel component. A model is also established to calculate the residual stress produced by quenching. The coupling fluid-thermal-structural simulation provides an insight into the deformation of the component and can be used to perform parameter analysis to reduce the distortion of the component. © 2011 Shanghai Jiaotong University and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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This paper attempts to construct a core inflation measure for Bangladesh using an Unobserved Components modelling approach. One advantage of the Unobserved Components approach is that this method satisfies some essential statistical criteria for a core inflation measure, which are not guaranteed to be met in other traditional exclusionbased methods. The estimated core inflation series performs well in tracking headline inflation and picking the major turning points in actual inflation. It is also found that there is a negative covariance between the shocks to the core inflation and cyclical inflation, indicating that there may be positive correlation between demand and supply shocks in Bangladesh.


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We classify all the different kinds of errors that can occur in edge detection and then develop measures for quantifying these errors. It is shown that these sets of measures are complete and independent and form necessary components of an edge-evaluation scheme. The principle that an edge-evaluation measure should have certain qualitative properties is used to develop a method for combining these error components into a single combined measure.