994 resultados para HPV incidence


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Green bean production accounts for 2.4% of the total value of Australian vegetable production and was Australia's tenth largest vegetable crop in 2008-2009 by value. Australian green bean production is concentrated in Queensland (51%) and Tasmania (34%) where lost productivity as a direct result of insect damage is recognised as a key threat to the industry (AUSVEG, 2011). Green beans attract a wide range of insect pests, with thrips causing the most damage to the harvestable product, the pod. Thrips populations were monitored in green bean crops in the Gatton Research Facility, Lockyer Valley, South-east Queensland, Australia from 2002-2011. Field trials were conducted to identify the thrips species present, to record fluctuation in abundance during the season and assess pod damage as a direct result of thrips. Thirteen species of thrips were recorded during this time on bean plantings, with six dominant species being collected during most of the growing season: Frankliniella occidentalis, F. schultzei, Megalurothrips usitatus, Pseudanaphothrips achaetus, Thrips imaginis and T. tabaci. Thrips numbers ranged from less than one thrips per flower to as high as 5.39 thrips per flower. The highest incidence of thrips presence found in October/November 2008, resulted in 10.74% unmarketable pods due to thrips damage, while the lowest number of thrips recorded in April 2008 caused a productivity loss of 36.65% of pods as a result of thrips damage.


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This document describes the HPV vaccine. These topics are addressed: why get vaccinated?, HPV vaccine, risks of a vaccine reaction, some people should not get this vaccine, and the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.


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El cáncer de cuello uterino es el segundo cáncer ginecológico a nivel mundial. Durante el año 2008 se presentaron 529,.000 nuevos casos y 275.000 muertes por esta causa. En el Ecuador durante este mismo año se presentaron 1.224 nuevos casos y 331 muertes por esta causa. En los últimos 20 años no se ha presentado una reducción de la morbilidad y mortalidad por esta causa en nuestro país. El programa nacional de detección temprana del cáncer de cuello uterino prioriza la toma de citologías, sin concatenar las directrices internacionales para el seguimiento y tratamiento de las anormalidades citológicas y precancerosas. Los países que han logrado reducir la incidencia y prevalencia de cáncer de cuello uterino han apuntado sus estrategias a fortalecer los programas de prevención, con protocolos de manejo basados en evidencias que incluyen la vacunación, la detección del VPH y la colposcopia diagnóstica e intervencionista.


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Tesis (Licenciado en Lenguas Castellana, Inglés y Francés).--Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias de La Educación. Licenciatura en Lengua Castellana, Inglés y Francés, 2014


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Tesis (Licenciado en Lenguas Castellana, Inglés y Francés).--Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias de La Educación. Licenciatura en Lengua Castellana, Inglés y Francés, 2013


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Management of coconut ( Cocos nucifera ) lethal yellowing disease (CLYD), which has killed about eight million coconut trees in Mozambique, has proved challenging. The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of farming practices and related history, on the CLYD incidence in Mozambique. The methodology included a socioeconomic questionnaire to the households and direct observations on the palm farms. The collected data were analysed using logistic regression. Five out of 11 explanatory variables tested, namely farm age, availability of other palm species on the coconut farm, type of coconut varieties grown, root cut practices, and intercropping had a significant (P< 0.05) effect on CLYD incidence. Coconut farms <10 years had higher odds of higher disease incidence compared to the farms between 10 to 40 years old. The presence of other palm species in the coconut farms had two times higher odds of having higher disease incidence levels compared to farms without other palm species. Tall coconut varieties were likely to be more tolerant to CLYD compared to dwarf varieties. Coconut farms with some kind of intercropping had two times higher odds of having higher disease incidence levels compared to pure stands. The practice of cutting coconut roots had three times higher odds of having high disease incidence levels compared to non-practicing farms. Farm age, availability of other palm species on the coconut farm, type of coconut varieties grown, root cut practices and intercropping need to be considered for integrated CLYD management.


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This study aimed at determining the incidence and pattern of pneumonia, in slaughtered goats in Kumasi abattoir, Ghana. One thousand three hundred and fifty lungs of goats; (1,012 Sahelian and 338 West Africa Dwarf goats (WAD) lungs) of different ages (less than a year to above 4 years) were used in this study. The frequency of occurrence of pneumonia, the degree of consolidation as a percentage of the total lung volume and histological assessment were determined by standard techniques. Fifty five (55) lungs (39 Sahelian, 16 WAD goats) were pneumonic (4.07% prevalence). The right lungs had a significant higher average lung consolidation percentage (19.11) while the right cranial lobes were more affected (9.37). WAD goats of 1-2 years are mostly affected with an average percentage consolidation of 11.73% while Sahelian goats above 4 years of age were the most affected with 32.59% consolidation. Does of both breeds were more while Sahelian goats had higher consolidation than other breeds. Histological examination revealed the presence of giant cell, fibrinous and suppurative bronchointerstitial pneumonia suggesting complicated viral pneumonia which was observed to be the most important caprine pneumonia in slaughtered goats in Ghana. Transportation and pregnancy stress were the major contributory factor to the pneumonia observed hence effective ante-mortem examinations will help to minimize the slaughter of pregnant does and transportation stress in Ghana.


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Aim Review the literature from 1990 to 2013 to determine known anatomic sites, risk factors, treatments, and outcomes of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) in sub-Saharan Africa. Methods Using a systematic search strategy, literature pertaining to HNSCC in sub-Saharan Africa was reviewed and patient demographics, anatomic sites, histology, stage, treatment, and outcomes were abstracted. The contributions of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), human papillomavirus (HPV) and behavioural risk factors to HNSCC in the region were assessed. Results Of the 342 papers identified, 46 were utilized for review, including 8611 patients. In sub-Saharan Africa, the oropharyngeal/oral cavity was found to be the most common site, with 7750 cases (90% of all cases). Few papers distinguished oropharyngeal from oral cavity, making identification of possible HPV-associated oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) difficult. SCC of the nasopharynx, nasal cavity, or paranasal sinuses was identified in 410 patients (4.8% of all cases). Laryngeal SCC was found in 385 patients (4.5% of all cases), and only 66 patients (0.8% of all cases) with hypopharyngeal SCC were identified. In 862 patients with data available, 43% used tobacco and 42% used alcohol, and reported use varied widely and was more common in laryngeal SCC than that of the oropharyngeal/oral cavity. Toombak and kola nut use was reported to be higher in patients with HNSCC. Several papers reported HIV-positive patients with HNSCC, but it was not possible to determine HNSCC prevalence in HIV-positive compared to negative patients. Reports of treatment and outcomes were rare. Conclusions The oropharyngeal/oral cavity was by far the most commonly reported site of HNSCC reported in sub-Saharan Africa. The roles of risk factors in HNSCC incidence in sub-Saharan Africa were difficult to delineate from the available studies, but a majority of patients did not use tobacco and alcohol.


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Introduction Jaundice is the yellowish pigmentation of the skin, sclera, and mucous membranes resulting from bilirubin deposition. Children born to mothers with HIV are more likely to be born premature, with low birth weight, and to become septic—all risk factors for neonatal jaundice. Further, there has been a change in the prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV guidelines from single-dose nevirapine to a six-week course, all of which theoretically put HIV-exposed newborns at greater risk of developing neonatal jaundice. Aim We carried out a study to determine the incidence of severe and clinical neonatal jaundice in HIV-exposed neonates admitted to the Chatinkha Nursery (CN) neonatal unit at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (QECH) in Blantyre. Methods Over a period of four weeks, the incidence among non-exposed neonates was also determined for comparison between the two groups of infants. Clinical jaundice was defined as transcutaneous bilirubin levels greater than 5 mg/dL and severe jaundice as bilirubin levels above the age-specific treatment threshold according the QECH guidelines. Case notes of babies admitted were retrieved and information on birth date, gestational age, birth weight, HIV status of mother, type of feeding, mode of delivery, VDRL status of mother, serum bilirubin, duration of stay in CN, and outcome were extracted. Results Of the 149 neonates who were recruited, 17 (11.4%) were HIV-exposed. One (5.88%) of the 17 HIV-exposed and 19 (14.4%) of 132 HIVnon- exposed infants developed severe jaundice requiring therapeutic intervention (p = 0.378). Eight (47%) of the HIV-exposed and 107 (81%) of the non-exposed neonates had clinical jaundice of bilirubin levels greater than 5 mg/dL (p < 0.001). Conclusions The study showed a significant difference in the incidence of clinical jaundice between the HIV-exposed and HIV-non-exposed neonates. Contrary to our hypothesis, however, the incidence was greater in HIVnon- exposed than in HIV-exposed infants.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz


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Aim: To determine the prevalence and classification of bifid mandibular canals using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). Methods: The sample comprised 300 CBCT scans obtained from the Radiology and Imaging Department database at São Leopoldo Mandic Dental School, Campinas, SP, Brazil. All images were performed on Classic I-Cat® CBCT scanner, with standardized voxel at 0.25 mm and 13 cm FOV (field of view). From an axial slice (0.25 mm) a guiding plane was drawn along the alveolar ridge in order to obtain a cross-section. Results: Among 300 patients, 188 (62.7%) were female and 112 (37.3%) were male, aged between 13 to 87 years. Changes in the mandibular canal were observed in 90 patients, 30.0% of the sample, 51 women (56.7%) and 39 men (43.3%). Regarding affected sides, 32.2% were on the right and 24.5% on the left, with 43.3% bilateral cases. Conclusions: According to the results obtained in this study, a prevalence of 30% of bifid mandibular canals was found, with the most prevalent types classified as B (mesial direction) and bilateral.


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Aim: To determine the expression of tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMP-2) in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) and the difference in its expression level between positive and negative HPV-16 (human papilloma virus- 16) OSCC patients. Methods: This study was conducted on 33 biopsies obtained from patients with OSCC and 10 normal oral mucosa as controls. In situ hybridization (ISH) was used to investigate the presence of HPV-16, while immunohistochemistry (IHC) was used to estimate the expression level of TIMP-2. Results: The TIMP-2 was expressed in 27 (81.8%) of OSCC sections with no significant difference between its expression level in HPV-16 positive and HPV-16 negative OSCC cases (p=0.058). TIMP-2 was found to be highly expressed in OSCC sections, and the presence of HPV was not related to its overexpression. Conclusions: The percentage of samples that appeared to accommodate detectable HPV-16 was high, but no significant difference was observed in relation to TIMP-2 expression level. Future studies with a larger number of patients are highly recommended to address the possible association between TIMp-2 and OSCC positive HPV-16.


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