1000 resultados para HOLOCENE MANGROVE


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Organic petrologic (maceral analysis) and bulk organic-geochemical studies were performed on five sediment cores from the Eurasian continental margin to reconstruct the environmental changes during the last not, vert, similar13 000 yr. The core stratigraphy is based on AMS-14C dating, and correlation by magnetic susceptibility and lithostratigraphic characteristics. Variations in terrigenous, freshwater, and marine organic matter deposition document paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic changes during the transition from the last deglaciation to the Holocene. Glacigenic diamictons deposited in the St. Anna Trough (northern Kara Sea) during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) are characterized by reworked terrigenous organic matter. In contrast, the Laptev Sea shelf was not covered by an ice-sheet, but was exposed by the lowered sea level. Increased deposition of marine organic matter (MOM) during deglaciation indicates enhanced surface-water productivity, possibly related to influence of Atlantic waters. The occurrence of freshwater alginite gives evidence for river discharge to the Kara and Laptev Seas after the LGM. At the eastern Laptev Sea slope, the first influence of Atlantic water masses is indicated by an increase in the contents of MOM and dinoflagellate cysts, with Operculodinium centrocarpum prior to not, vert, similar10 000 yr BP. High sedimentation rates in the Kara and the Laptev Seas with the adjacent slope at the beginning of the Holocene are presumably related to increased freshwater and sediment discharge from the Siberian rivers. Evidence for elevated Holocene freshwater discharge to the Laptev Sea has been found between not, vert, similar9.8 and 9 kyr BP, at not, vert, similar5 kyr BP and at not, vert, similar2.5 kyr BP. In the Kara Sea, an increased freshwater signal is obvious at not, vert, similar8.5 kyr BP and at not, vert, similar5 kyr BP. Higher portions of MOM were accumulated in the St. Anna Trough and at the Eurasian continental margin at several intervals during the Holocene. Increased primary productivity during these intervals is explained by seasonally ice-free conditions possibly associated with increased inflow of Atlantic waters.


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Annually laminated (varved) lake sediments with intercalated detrital layers resulting from sedimentary input by runoff events are ideal archives to establish precisely dated records of past extreme runoff events. In this study, the mid- to late Holocene varved sediments of Lake Mondsee (Upper Austria) were analysed by combining sedimentological, geophysical and geochemical methods. This approach allows to distinguish two types of detrital layers related to different types of extreme runoff events (floods and debris flows) and to detect changes in flood activity during the last 7100 years. In total, 271 flood and 47 debris flow layers, deposited during spring and summer, were identified, which cluster in 18 main flood episodes (FE 1-18) with durations of 30-50 years each. These main flood periods occurred during the Late Neolithic (7100-7050 vyr BP and 6470-4450 vyr BP), the late Bronze Age and the early Iron Age (3300-3250 and 2800-2750 vyr BP), the late Iron Age (2050-2000 vyr BP), throughout the Dark Ages Cold Period (1500-1200 vyr BP), and at the end of the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age (810-430 vyr BP). Summer flood episodes in Lake Mondsee are generally more abundant during the last 1500 years, often coinciding with major advances of alpine glaciers. Prior to 1500 vyr BP, spring/summer floods and debris flows are generally less frequent, indicating a lower number of intense rainfall events that triggered erosion. In comparison with the increase of late Holocene flood activity in western and northwestern (NW) Europe, commencing already as early as 2800 yr BP, the hydro-meteorological shift in the Lake Mondsee region occurred much later. These time lags in the onset of increased hydrological activity might be either due to regional differences in atmospheric circulation pattern or to the sensitivity of the individual flood archives. The Lake Mondsee sediments represent the first precisely dated and several millennia long summer flood record for the northeastern (NE) Alps, a key region at the climatic boundary of Atlantic, Mediterranean and East European air masses aiding a better understanding of regional and seasonal peculiarities of flood occurrence under changing climate conditions.


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The strength and geometry of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation is tightly coupled to climate on glacial-interglacial and millennial timescales, but has proved difficult to reconstruct, particularly for the Last Glacial Maximum. Today, the return flow from the northern North Atlantic to lower latitudes associated with the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation reaches down to approximately 4,000 m. In contrast, during the Last Glacial Maximum this return flow is thought to have occurred primarily at shallower depths. Measurements of sedimentary 231Pa/230Th have been used to reconstruct the strength of circulation in the North Atlantic Ocean, but the effects of biogenic silica on 231Pa/230Th-based estimates remain controversial. Here we use measurements of 231Pa/230Th ratios and biogenic silica in Holocene-aged Atlantic sediments and simulations with a two-dimensional scavenging model to demonstrate that the geometry and strength of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation are the primary controls of 231Pa/230Th ratios in modern Atlantic sediments. For the glacial maximum, a simulation of Atlantic overturning with a shallow, but vigorous circulation and bulk water transport at around 2,000 m depth best matched observed glacial Atlantic 231Pa/230Th values. We estimate that the transport of intermediate water during the Last Glacial Maximum was at least as strong as deep water transport today.


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The derivation of a detailed sea-surface paleotemperature curve for the middle Miocene-Holocene (10-0 Ma) from ODP Site 811 on the Queensland Plateau, northeast Australia, has clarified the role of sea-surface temperature fluctuations as a control on the initiation and development of the extensive carbonate platforms of this region. This curve was derived from isotopic analyses of the planktonic foraminifer Globigerinoides ruber, and converted to temperature using the surface-water paleotemperature equation accounting for variations in global ice volume. The accuracy of these data were confirmed by derivation of paleotemperatures using the water column isotopic gradient (Delta delta18O), corrected for salinity and variations in seafloor water mass temperature. Results indicate that during this period surface-water temperatures were, on average, greater than the minimum required for tropical reef growth (20°C; Veron, 1986), with the exception of the late Miocene and earliest early Pliocene (10-4.9 Ma), when there were repeated intervals of temperatures between 18-20°C. Tropical reef growth on the Queensland Plateau was extensive from the early to early middle Miocene (~21-13 Ma), after which reef development began to decline. A lowstand near 11 Ma probably exposed shallower portions of the plateau; after re-immersion near 7 Ma, the areal extent of reef development was greatly reduced (~ 50%). Paleotemperature data from Site 811 indicate that decreased sea-surface temperatures were likely to have been instrumental in reducing the area of active reef growth on the Queensland Plateau. Reduced reefal growth rates continued until the late Pliocene or Quaternary, despite the increase of average sea-surface paleotemperatures to 22-23°C. Studies on modern corals show that when sea-surface temperatures are below ~24°C, as they were from the late Miocene to the Pleistocene off northeast Australia, corals are stressed and growth rates are greatly reduced. Consequently, when temperatures are in this range, corals have difficulty keeping pace with subsidence and changing environmental factors. In the late Pliocene, sedimentation rates increased due to increases in non-reefal carbonate production and falling sea levels. It was not until the mid-Quaternary (0.6-0.7 Ma) that sea-surface paleotemperatures increased above 24°C as a result of the formation of a western Coral Sea warm water pool. Because of age discrepancies, it is unclear exactly when an effective barrier developed on the central Great Barrier Reef; the formation of the warm water pool was likely to have either assisted the formation of this barrier and/or permitted increased coral growth rates. Fluctuations in sea-surface temperature can account for much of the observed spatial and temporal variations of reef growth and carbonate platform distribution off northeast Australia, and therefore we conclude that paleotemperature variations are a critical control on the development of carbonate platforms, and must be considered an important cause of ancient platform "drowning".


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Effluent from a land based shrimp farm was detected in a receiving creek as changes in physical, chemical and biological parameters. The extent and severity of these changes depended on farm operations. This assessment was conducted at three different stages of shrimp-pond maturity, including (1) when the ponds were empty, (2) full and (3) being harvested. Methods for assessing farm effluent in receiving waters included physical/chemical analyses of the water column, phytoplankton bioassays and nitrogen isotope signatures of marine flora. Comparisons were made with an adjacent creek that served as the farms intake creek and did not directly receive effluent. Physical/chemical parameters identified distinct changes in the receiving creek with respect to farm operations. Elevated water column NH4+ (18.5+/-8.0 muM) and chlorophyll a concentrations (5.5+/-1.9 mug/l) were measured when the farm was in operation, in contrast to when the farm was inactive (1.3+/-0.3 muM and 1.2+/-0.6 mug/l, respectively). At all times, physically chemical parameters at the mouth of the effluent creek, were equivalent to control values, indicating effluent was contained within the effluent-receiving creek. However, elevated delta(15)N signatures of mangroves (up to similar to8parts per thousand) and macroalgae (up to similar to5parts per thousand) indicated a broader influence of shrimp farm effluent, extending to the lower regions of the farms intake creek. Bioassays at upstream sites close to the location of farm effluent discharge indicated that phytoplankton at these sites did not respond to further nutrient additions, however downstream sites showed large growth responses. This suggested that further nutrient loading from the shrimp farm, resulting in greater nutrient dispersal, will increase the extent of phytoplankton blooms downstream from the site of effluent discharge. When shrimp ponds were empty water quality in the effluent and intake creeks was comparable. This indicated that observed elevated nutrient and phytoplankton concentrations were directly attributable to farm operations. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A pilot study of tree rings in a modern mangrove tree (Rhizophora apiculata) from Leizhou Peninsula, northern South China Sea shows that ( 1) the tree-rings are annual; ( 2) the ring widths decrease; and ( 3) their alpha-cellulose delta(13)C values increase from 1982 to 1999 AD, consistent with the trends of annual sea level, salinity and sea surface temperatures in the same period. We propose that such changes were caused by increasingly longer duration of waterlogging in response to sea-level rise. If this is the case, alpha-cellulose delta(13)C in mangrove tree rings can be used as a potential indicator of past sea level fluctuations.


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A detailed ecological, micro-structural and skeletal Sr/Ca study of a 3.42 m thick Goniopora reef profile from an emerged Holocene reef terrace at the northern South China Sea reveals at least nine abrupt massive Goniopora stress and mortality events occurred in winter during the 7.0-7.5 thousand calendar years before present (cal. ka BP) (within the Holocene climatic optimum). Whilst calculated Sr/Ca-SST (sea surface temperature) maxima during this period are comparable to those in the 1990s, Sr/Ca-SST minima are significantly lower, probably due to stronger winter monsoons. Such generally cooler winters, superimposed by further exceptional winter cooling on inter-annual to decadal scales, may have caused stress and mortality of the corals about every 50 years. Sea level rose by similar to 3.42 m during this period, with present sea-level reached at similar to 7.3 ka BP and a sea-level highstand of at least similar to 1.8 m occurred at similar to 7.0 ka. The results show that it took about 20-25 years for a killed Goniopora coral reef to recover. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The stable isotope records of four stalagmites dated by 19 TIMS uranium series ages are combined to produce master chronologies for delta(18)O and delta(13)C The delta(18)O records display good overall coherence, but considerable variation in detail. Variability in the delta(13)C records is greater, but general trends can still be discerned. This implies that too fine an interpretation of the structure of individual isotopic records can be unreliable. Speleothem delta(18)O values are demonstrated to show a positive relationship with temperature by comparing trends with other proxy records, but also to respond negatively to rainfall amount. Speleothem delta(13)C is considered to be most influenced by rainfall. The postglacial thermal optimum occur-red around 10.8 ka BP, which is similar in timing to Antarctica but up to 2000 years earlier than most Northern Hemisphere sites. Increasingly negative delta(18)O values after 7.5 ka BP indicate that temperatures declined to a late mid-Holocene minimum centred around 3 ka BP, but more positive values followed to mark a warm peak about 750 years ago which coincided with the 'Mediaeval Warm Period' of Europe. Low 5110 values at 325 years BP suggest cooling coincident with the 'Little Ice Age'. A marked feature of the delta(13)C record is an asymmetric periodicity averaging c. 2250 years and amplitude of c. 1.9parts per thousand. It is concluded that this is mainly driven by waterbalance variations with negative swings representing particularly wet intervals. The 5110 record shows a higher-frequency cyclicity with a period of c. 500 years and an amplitude of c. 0.25 parts per thousand. This is most likely to be temperature-driven, but some swings may have been amplified by precipitation.