994 resultados para HD6096.B2 R6


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During most of the vegetation season from late May to early September large-sized diatom alga Proboscia alata forms local patches with high abundances and biomasses in different oceanographic domains of the eastern Bering Sea shelf. For 0-25 m layer average abundance and biomass of species in these patches are 700000 cells/l and 5 g/m**3 (wet weight), while corresponding estimates for the layer of maximal species concentrations are 40000000 cells/l and 38 g/m**3 (wet weight) or 1.6 g C/m**3. These levels of abundance and biomass are typical for the spring diatom bloom in the region. Outbursts of P. alata mass development are important for the carbon cycle in the pelagic zone of the shelf area in the summer season. The paradox of P. alata summertime blooms over the middle shelf lies in their occurrences against the background of the sharp seasonal pycnocline and deficiency in nutrients in the upper mixed layer. Duration of the outbursts in P. alata development is about two weeks and size of patches with high abundances can be as large as 200 km across. Degradation of the P. alata summertime outbursts may occur during 4-5 days. Rapid sinking of cells through the seasonal pycnocline results in intense transport of organic matter to bottom sediments. One of possible factors responsible for rapid degradation of the blooms is affect on the population by ectoparasitic flagellates. At terminal stages of the P. alata blooms percentage of infected cells can reach 70-99%.


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Paleosols crop out in the Sukhona River valley as several members up to 10 m thick embedded into the Salarevo Formation sediments. Principal characteristics of the paleosols include a dense network of root channels, indications of eluvial gley alteration, redistribution and formation of secondary carbonates represented by several generations, and formation of block-prismatic soil structure with specific clayey films at structural jointing faces. The paleosols are divided into a number of genetically interrelated horizons (from top to bottom): presumably organogenic accumulation (AElg), eluvial gley horizon (Elg), illuvial horizons (B1 and B2), illuvial gley horizon (Bg), and transitional horizons (ElBg and BElg). The paleosols formed under conditions of a semiarid climate with sharp seasonal or secular and multisecular oscillations of atmospheric precipitation. Such soils point to specific ecological environments existed in the northern semiarid belt of the Earth before the greatest (in Phanerozoic) biospheric crisis at the Permian-Triassic boundary.


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This paper describes the ways and means of assembling and quality controling the Irminger Sea and Iceland Sea time-series biogeochemical data which are included in the CARINA data set. The Irminger Sea and the Iceland Sea are hydrographically different regions where measurements of sea water carbon and nutrient chemistry were started in 1983. The sampling is seasonal, four times a year. The carbon chemistry is studied with measurements of the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in seawater, pCO2, and total dissolved inorganic carbon, TCO2. The carbon chemistry data are for surface waters only until 1991 when water column sampling was initiated. Other measured parameters are salinity, dissolved oxygen and the inorganic nutrients nitrate, phosphate and silicate. Because of the CARINA criteria for secondary quality control, depth >1500 m, the IRM-TS could not be included in the routine QC and the IS-TS only in a limited way. However, with the information provided here, the quality of the data can be assessed, e.g. on the basis of the results obtained with the use of reference materials.