990 resultados para Gray


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AIM: To evaluate the association between various lifestyle factors and achalasia risk.

METHODS: A population-based case-control study was conducted in Northern Ireland, including n= 151 achalasia cases and n = 117 age- and sex-matched controls. Lifestyle factors were assessed via a face-to-face structured interview. The association between achalasia and lifestyle factors was assessed by unconditional logistic regression, to produce odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI).

RESULTS: Individuals who had low-class occupations were at the highest risk of achalasia (OR = 1.88, 95%CI: 1.02-3.45), inferring that high-class occupation holders have a reduced risk of achalasia. A history of foreign travel, a lifestyle factor linked to upper socio-economic class, was also associated with a reduced risk of achalasia (OR = 0.59, 95%CI: 0.35-0.99). Smoking and alcohol consumption carried significantly reduced risks of achalasia, even after adjustment for socio-economic status. The presence of pets in the house was associated with a two-fold increased risk of achalasia (OR = 2.00, 95%CI: 1.17-3.42). No childhood household factors were associated with achalasia risk.

CONCLUSION: Achalasia is a disease of inequality, and individuals from low socio-economic backgrounds are at highest risk. This does not appear to be due to corresponding alcohol and smoking behaviours. An observed positive association between pet ownership and achalasia risk suggests an interaction between endotoxin and viral infection exposure in achalasia aetiology.


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Periodontal disease does not directly affect the occluding surfaces of teeth, consequently some may find a section on periodontics a surprising inclusion. Trauma from the occlusion, however, has been linked with periodontal disease for many years. Karolyi published his pioneering paper, in 1901 'Beobachtungen uber Pyorrhoea alveolaris' (occlusal stress and 'alveolar pyorrhoea'). (1) However, despite extensive research over many decades, the role of occlusion in the aetiology and pathogenesis of inflammatory periodontitis is still not completely understood.


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The collective response of charged particles to intense fields is intrinsic to plasma accelerators and radiation sources, relativistic optics and many astrophysical phenomena. Here we show that a relativistic plasma aperture is generated in thin foils by intense laser light, resulting in the fundamental optical process of diffraction. The plasma electrons collectively respond to the resulting laser near-field diffraction pattern, producing a beam of energetic electrons with a spatial structure that can be controlled by variation of the laser pulse parameters. It is shown that static electron-beam and induced-magnetic-field structures can be made to rotate at fixed or variable angular frequencies depending on the degree of ellipticity in the laser polarization. The concept is demonstrated numerically and verified experimentally, and is an important step towards optical control of charged particle dynamics in laser-driven dense plasma sources.


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The Behavioural Inhibition and Behavioural Activation System (BIS/BAS) scales were developed by Carver and White (1994) and comprise four scales which measure individual differences in personality (Gray 1982, 1991). More recent modifications, namely the five-factor model derived from Gray and McNaughton's (2000) revised Reward Sensitivity Theory (RST) suggests that Anxiety and Fear are separable components of inhibition. This study employed exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses on the scales in order to test whether the four or five-factor model was the better fit in a sample of 994 participants aged 11–30 years. Consistent with RST, superior model fit was shown for the five-factor model with all variables correlated. Significant age effects were observed for BIS Fear and BIS Anxiety, with scores peaking in middle and late adolescence respectively. The BAS subscales showed differential effects of age group. Significantly increasing scores from early to mid and from mid to late adolescence were found for Drive, but the effect of age on Fun Seeking and Reward Responsiveness was not significant.


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At sufficiently high laser intensities, the rapid heating to relativistic velocities and resulting decompression of plasma electrons in an ultra-thin target foil can result in the target becoming relativistically transparent to the laser light during the interaction. Ion acceleration in this regime is strongly affected by the transition from an opaque to a relativistically transparent plasma. By spatially resolving the laser-accelerated proton beam at near-normal laser incidence and at an incidence angle of 30°, we identify characteristic features both experimentally and in particle-in-cell simulations which are consistent with the onset of three distinct ion acceleration mechanisms: sheath acceleration; radiation pressure acceleration; and transparency-enhanced acceleration. The latter mechanism occurs late in the interaction and is mediated by the formation of a plasma jet extending into the expanding ion population. The effect of laser incident angle on the plasma jet is explored.


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Background and AimsTo compare endoscopy and pathology sizing in a large population-based series of colorectal adenomas and to evaluate the implications for patient stratification into surveillance colonoscopy.MethodsEndoscopy and pathology sizes available from intact adenomas removed at colonoscopies performed as part of the Northern Ireland Bowel Cancer Screening Programme, from 2010 to 2015, were included in this study. Chi-squared tests were applied to compare size categories in relation to clinicopathological parameters and colonoscopy surveillance strata according to current American Gastroenterology Association and British Society of Gastroenterology guidelines.ResultsA total of 2521 adenomas from 1467 individuals were included. There was a trend toward larger endoscopy than pathology sizing in 4 of the 5 study centers, but overall sizing concordance was good. Significantly greater clustering with sizing to the nearest 5 mm was evident in endoscopy versus pathology sizing (30% vs 19%, p<0.001), which may result in lower accuracy. Applying a 10-mm cut-off relevant to guidelines on risk stratification, 7.3% of all adenomas and 28.3% of those 8 to 12 mm in size had discordant endoscopy and pathology size categorization. Depending upon which guidelines are applied, 4.8% to 9.1% of individuals had differing risk stratification for surveillance recommendations, with the use of pathology sizing resulting in marginally fewer recommended surveillance colonoscopies.ConclusionsChoice of pathology or endoscopy approaches to determine adenoma size will potentially influence surveillance colonoscopy follow-up in 4.8% to 9.1% of individuals. Pathology sizing appears more accurate than endoscopy sizing, and preferential use of pathology size would result in a small, but clinically important, decreased burden on surveillance colonoscopy demand. Careful endoscopy sizing is required for adenomas removed piecemeal.


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The Colorectal Cancer (CRC) Subtyping Consortium (CRCSC) recently published four consensus molecular subtypes (CMS’s) representing the underlying biology in CRC. The Microsatellite Instable (MSI) immune group, CMS1, has a favorable prognosis in early stage disease, but paradoxically has the worst prognosis following relapse, suggesting the presence of factors enabling neoplastic cells to circumvent this immune response. To identify the genes influencing subsequent poor prognosis in CMS1, we analyzed this subtype, centered on risk of relapse.
In a cohort of early stage colon cancer (n=460), we examined, in silico, changes in gene expression within the CMS1 subtype and demonstrated for the first time the favorable prognostic value of chemokine-like factor (CKLF) gene expression in the adjuvant disease setting [HR=0.18, CI=0.04-0.89]. In addition, using transcription profiles originating from cell sorted CRC tumors, we delineated the source of CKLF transcription within the colorectal tumor microenvironment to the leukocyte component of these tumors. Further to this, we confirmed that CKLF gene expression is confined to distinct immune subsets in whole blood samples and primary cell lines, highlighting CKLF as a potential immune cell-derived factor promoting tumor immune-surveillance of nascent neoplastic cells, particularly in CMS1 tumors. Building on the recently reported CRCSC data, we provide compelling evidence that leukocyte-infiltrate derived CKLF expression is a candidate biomarker of favorable prognosis, specifically in MSI-immune stage II/III disease.


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Purpose: We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies to evaluate the effect of oral statins on intraocular pressure (IOP) and the incidence and progression of glaucoma. Methods: This was a systematic review of the literature and meta-analysis. Searches of PubMed/Medline and Embase were conducted to include all types of studies. Gray literature abstracts were also considered for inclusion. Last search date was February 2016. Risk of bias was assessed using the Newcastle-Ottawa scale independently by two reviewers. Odds ratios (OR) or hazard ratios (HR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were extracted from each study. Pooled ORs for incidence of glaucoma were calculated using a random-effects model. Results: We identified seven cohort studies, three case–control studies, and one cross-sectional study with a total number of 583,615 participants. No randomized controlled trials were retrieved. Pooled ORs demonstrated a statistically significant association between short-term statin use (≤2 years) and reduced incidence of glaucoma (OR 0.96, 95%CI 0.94, 0.99). Pooled ORs of long-term statin use (>2 years) did not demonstrate statistically significant reduction in incidence of glaucoma (OR 0.70, 95%CI 0.46, 1.06). There was inconsistent evidence for the protective effect of statins against the progression of glaucoma, although there was no standard definition for progression across studies. There was no significant difference in IOP associated with statin use. Conclusions: Short-term statin use is associated with a reduced incidence of glaucoma. The effect of statins on glaucoma progression and IOP is uncertain.


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Much of the recent literature on youth justice has focused on administrative aspects of the system and the socio-political contexts that have led to the ‘production’ of the youthful offender as a subject and locus of intervention. This has largely been driven by the extent to which youth justice has been crafted as a distinct penal sphere, evident in its unyoking from universal children’s services (Muncie and Goldson, 2013) and the establishment of separate agencies to administer and govern this ‘system’ (Souhami, 2014). Driven by policy hyperactivity and a plethora of legislation expanding the reach of the system, for much of the 1990s and 2000s increasing numbers of young people were brought under its gaze.

Particular attention has been paid to the impact of neo-liberal governance on the discourses, rationales and philosophies underpinning contemporary youth justice policy and practice. Writing specifically in the English and Welsh context, several authors have identified that the resulting ‘system’ embodies multiple, contradictory and competing discourses (Muncie, 2006; Fergusson, 2007; Gray, 2013). Within this ‘melting pot’ Fergusson (2007) notes the disjuncture between policy rhetoric, implementation and lived experience and Phoenix (2015) argues that systems-based analyses, much in favour amongst academics, foreclose a wider consideration of questions of what ‘justice’ actually means.

Recent attention towards the perspectives of practitioners working in this sphere has pointed to greater nuances than broader penal narratives suggest (see: Field, 2007; Briggs, 2013; Gray, 2013; Kelly and Armitage, 2015). Yet similar attention has not been given to experiences of youth justice (for an exception see – Phoenix and Kelly, 2013). However, it is precisely young people’s experiences, which would add significantly to current knowledge and potentially bridge the gap between discussions about penal philosophies, how youth justice policies are framed, how they are enacted and how they are experienced.

This chapter provides an overview of recent developments in the field of youth justice and penality in the United Kingdom. The chapter argues that a theoretical focus on macro-level trends (Hannah-Moffat and Lynch, 2012), alongside a narrowly defined research agenda, have largely excluded young people’s experiences of justice and punishment from contemporary analysis. Drawing on young people experiences of different aspects of youth justice in Northern Ireland and beyond, the chapter illuminates what a close understanding of lived experience can add to knowledge. In particular it demonstrates that the effects of interventions can be different to their aims and intentions; and that re-instating the youth experience can add support to calls for greater attention to wider issues of social justice.


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O envelhecimento da população será um dos fenómenos mais importantes das próximas décadas, afectando as estruturas de apoio aos idosos assim como às suas famílias. É um fenómeno importante porque pessoas de diferentes idades, com diferentes capacidades, interesses e necessidades apresentam diferentes problemas de saúde e necessitam diferentes soluções e abordagens. Assim um cenário denominado de demografia da idade, ou gray power, emergiu no último século. Da literatura emerge a importância da família na resposta às necessidades e dependências de um ente querido idoso. Porém os cuidadores informais envolvem-se totalmente no cuidado sem possuírem o adestramento técnico, o que potencia situações de stress para o cuidador e mesmo para o idoso receptor de cuidados. Na recolha da amostra, foi utilizada a entrevista e o exame físico na aplicação de inquérito. (81 idosos e 86 cuidadores). Foi utilizada a análise de conteúdo nas respostas abertas e análise quantitativa de carácter estatístico, descritivo e inferencial, para o tratamento dos dados. Os resultados sugerem que: a) ambas as amostras manifestam problemas de saúde, porém os idosos apresentam situações mais graves; b) os familiares dos idosos, pelo acto de cuidar possuem elevados padrões de stress; c) os cuidadores informais necessitam de apoio técnico para desempenharem as suas funções. Como conclusão refere-se que o stress vivido pelo cuidador interfere na sua saúde e qualidade de vida, necessitando em consequência de apoio emocional e institucional; para muitos idosos dependentes existe a real necessidade dos Cuidados Continuados de proximidade e de Cuidados Paliativos.


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A integridade do sinal em sistemas digitais interligados de alta velocidade, e avaliada através da simulação de modelos físicos (de nível de transístor) é custosa de ponto vista computacional (por exemplo, em tempo de execução de CPU e armazenamento de memória), e exige a disponibilização de detalhes físicos da estrutura interna do dispositivo. Esse cenário aumenta o interesse pela alternativa de modelação comportamental que descreve as características de operação do equipamento a partir da observação dos sinais eléctrico de entrada/saída (E/S). Os interfaces de E/S em chips de memória, que mais contribuem em carga computacional, desempenham funções complexas e incluem, por isso, um elevado número de pinos. Particularmente, os buffers de saída são obrigados a distorcer os sinais devido à sua dinâmica e não linearidade. Portanto, constituem o ponto crítico nos de circuitos integrados (CI) para a garantia da transmissão confiável em comunicações digitais de alta velocidade. Neste trabalho de doutoramento, os efeitos dinâmicos não-lineares anteriormente negligenciados do buffer de saída são estudados e modulados de forma eficiente para reduzir a complexidade da modelação do tipo caixa-negra paramétrica, melhorando assim o modelo standard IBIS. Isto é conseguido seguindo a abordagem semi-física que combina as características de formulação do modelo caixa-negra, a análise dos sinais eléctricos observados na E/S e propriedades na estrutura física do buffer em condições de operação práticas. Esta abordagem leva a um processo de construção do modelo comportamental fisicamente inspirado que supera os problemas das abordagens anteriores, optimizando os recursos utilizados em diferentes etapas de geração do modelo (ou seja, caracterização, formulação, extracção e implementação) para simular o comportamento dinâmico não-linear do buffer. Em consequência, contributo mais significativo desta tese é o desenvolvimento de um novo modelo comportamental analógico de duas portas adequado à simulação em overclocking que reveste de um particular interesse nas mais recentes usos de interfaces de E/S para memória de elevadas taxas de transmissão. A eficácia e a precisão dos modelos comportamentais desenvolvidos e implementados são qualitativa e quantitativamente avaliados comparando os resultados numéricos de extracção das suas funções e de simulação transitória com o correspondente modelo de referência do estado-da-arte, IBIS.


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Desde tempos históricos que diferentes tipos de lama são utilizados para aplicações externas no corpo humano, para fins terapêuticos e cosméticos. As lamas cuja beneficiação e caracterização físico-química são apresentadas nesta dissertação são formadas no ambiente hipersalino que existe nas salinas da Troncalhada e de São Tiago da Fonte, localizadas no estuário do rio Vouga, em Aveiro, Portugal. As salinas são constituídas por uma sequência de tanques onde, no período de verão, da água do mar e por evaporação natural, se produz sal marinho que precipita no último tanque (o cristalizador) do qual é extraído. Na base dos tanques ocorrem lamas que correspondem a sedimentos constituídos por material argiloso de cor preto-cinzento e que incorporam argila, silte, areia, bioclastos, sal, matéria orgânica e gás. A componente inorgânica da lama extraída do cristalizador foi estudada por Difracção de Raios-X (DRX) e Fluorescência de Raios-X (FRX), enquanto a componente orgânica da mesma lama foi estudada por Cromatografia de Gás- Espectrometria de Massa (GC-MS). Os estudos efectuados incidiram sobre amostras representativas de lama, obtidas antes e após refinação e beneficiação a que foi submetida a lama tal-qual colhida nas salinas. Foram utilizados métodos geofísicos para caracterizar e distinguir as lamas depositadas na época de safra e no período de interregno. Para o efeito, foram cravados tubos amostradores no sedimento que reveste o fundo dos tanques, tubos que seguidamente foram transportados para o laboratório para medição da condutividade eléctrica do topo até à base da coluna de sedimento amostrado. A refinação foi efectuada por elutriação de suspensões aquosas de lama utilizando um equipamento desenvolvido para o efeito e que permitiu concentrar a lama fina no overflow. Após floculação, sifonagem da água sobrenadante, dessalinização e centrifugação a lama refinada e beneficiada pôde ser incorporada em formulações com objectivos terapêuticos e cosméticos. O estudo microbiológico efectuado nas amostras de lama com sal e sem sal e na água das salinas permitiu identificar diversos tipos de bactérias e colónias presentes na lama e avaliar também os processos de esterilização testados. Concluiu-se que a lama hipersalina ou dessalinizada resultante do processamento a que foram submetidas, não deve ser aplicada ou incorporada em formulações tal-qual, pelo facto de em ambas terem sido identificadas bactérias como é o caso de Clostridium perfringens. Não obstante, se submetidas a esterilização utilizando autoclave a lama salina refinada e beneficiada poderá ser aplicada como peloide extemporâneo. Assim sendo foram desenvolvidas formulações dermoterapêuticas e dermocosméticas contendo lama beneficiada e dessalinizada e esterilizada termicamente.


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This is a reprint of a book published in 1932. The State Department of Education of South Carolina, did an intensive study during the summer of 1931 of the problems, needs, and possibilities of the type of opportunity school conducted annually in South Carolina. The purpose and scope of the study, the steps taken, and the findings and interpretations are presented in the chapters in this book.


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This document contains notes on eight species of birds observed by Arthur T. Wayne in Charleston, South Carolina including the Horned Grebe, the Yellow-crowned Night Heron, Bachman’s Warbler, the Rocky Mountain Orange-crowned Warbler, the Cape May Warbler, the Black-poll Warbler, the Red-breasted Nuthatch, and the Blue-gray Gnatcatcher.


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Concert program for The Children's Crusade, May 24, 1940