1000 resultados para Grande Guerra.


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Esta colaboración es una adaptación, escasamente actualizada, de la intervención en la Conferencia Diálogo del jueves 26 de noviembre de 2009, que bajo el título Hacia una sociedad inclusiva: los últimos 25 años de la educación social, se celebró dentro del 1º Congreso Catalán de la Educación Social, celebrado en Vic del 26 al 28 de noviembre de 2009. A pesar de los dos años y medio pasados, creo que no ha perdido actualidad. Es más, creo que algunas de las propuestas son ahora más urgentes que nunca.


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Coastal lagoons where salinity varies within a wide range during the year are colonized by euryhaline macrophytes which can develop extensive beds. Seasonal changes in biomass of Ruppia cirrhosa and Potamogeton pectinatus were studied in Tancada Lagoon (Ebro Delta, NE Spain) in order to reveal the environmental factors controlling their population development. Ruppia cirrhosa occupy a larger area of the lagoon than Potarnogeton pectinatus. Their maximum above ground biomasses are also different (495 g m-2 and 351 g m-2 ash free dry weight, respectively). Below ground biomass of Ruppia cirrhosa is between 9 and 53 % of the above ground biomass, while it is 3-40 % for Potamogeton pectinatus. Chlorophyll a contents show fluctuations similar to biomass. Low salinity and high turbidity caused by freshwater inflows favour Potamogeton expansion, while Ruppia development is favoured by high salinity and transparent water.


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The decomposition process of Ruppia cirrhosa was studied in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon in the Delta of the River Ebro (NE Spain). Leaves and shoots of Ruppia were enclosed in 1 mm-mesh and 100 pm-mesh litter bags to ascertain the effect of detritivores, macroinvertebrates, and bacteria and fungi, respectively. Changes in biomass and carbon, and, nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in the detritus were studied at the sediment-water interface and in the sediment. Significant differences in biomass decay were observed between the two bag types. Significant differences in decomposition were observed between the two experimental conditions studied using 100 pm-mesh bags. These differences were not significant when using the 1 mm-mesh bags. The carbon content in the detritus remained constant during the decomposition process. The percentage of nitrogen increased progressively from an initial 2.4 % to 3 %. The percentage of phosphorus decreased rapidly during the first two days of decomposition from an initial 0.26 % to 0.17 %. This loss is greater in the sediment than in the water column or at the sediment-water interface. From these results we deduce that the activity of microorganisms seems to be more important in the sediment than in the water-sediment interface, and that grazing by macroinvertebrates has less importance in the sediment than in the water column.


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Cet article propose d'analyser les processus de construction de la ségrégation sexuée des professions dans une perspective comparative. Une étude comparative des carrières professionnelles et familiales des femmes médecins en France et en Grande-Bretagne permet de démontrer que, bien que la distribution des hommes et des femmes au sein de la profession médicale paraisse, à première vue, assez divergente, les processus de répartition sexuée entre les différentes positions au sein de la profession sont globalement identiques dans les deux pays. Ainsi, les résultats de cette recherche laissent penser que la structure sexuée de la profession médicale reste relativement peu changée par l'augmentation récente des taux de féminisation. Cette conclusion nous amène à inscrire notre travail dans le cadre des débats sociologiques récents sur l'analyse théorique des processus de reproduction de la division sexuelle du travail et de la ségrégation sexuée des emplois en Europe. This article proposes to analyse the process of the development of gendered segregation in a comparative perspective. A comparative study of the professional and family careers of women doctors in France and Britain makes it possible to show that, although at first sight the distribution of women and men in the medical profession seems rather different, the processes of gendered allocation between the different positions within the profession is generally the same in the two countries. The results of this research lead us to think that the gendered structure of the medical profession has been changed relatively little by the recent increase in the rate of feminisation. These conclusion leads us to situate our work within the framework of the recent sociological discussion of the theoretical analysis of the process of reproduction of the sexual division of labour and the gendered segregation of employment in Europe.


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Para atender às demandas por cultivares de trigo (Triticum aestivum L.) com melhores níveis de rendimento, resistência a doenças e qualidade panificativa superior, foi recomendada para cultivo no Rio Grande do Sul, a partir de 1996, a cultivar EMBRAPA 52. Desenvolvida na Embrapa-Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Trigo, apresenta ciclo precoce, estatura média e resistência ao crestamento. Pode mostrar problemas relativos ao acamamento, em condições de elevada fertilidade do solo, e à germinação na espiga, em anos chuvosos na colheita. Até a sua recomendação, apresentou comportamento fitossanitário favorável em campo, sendo suscetível em plântula a cinco raças de ferrugem-da-folha e resistente a todas as raças de ferrugem-do-colmo ocorrentes no Brasil. É moderadamente suscetível à septoriose das glumas e suscetível ao carvão. Comporta-se como resistente em campo ao oídio e ao vírus-do-mosaico-do-trigo. No período 1993-95, 'EMBRAPA 52', foi o trigo de mais alto rendimento entre todos os testados, superando em 13% as testemunhas oficiais na média geral do Estado. Pelos testes de alveografia e farinografia, foi preliminarmente classificada na classe comercial superior, sendo indicada para panificação e para fabricação de massas alimentícias e de crackers.


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La sombra de las grandes diferencias de fecundidad se cierne otra vez sobre las poblaciones europeas. La aportación al crecimiento natural de las poblaciones foráneas constituyó un Leitmotiv en demografía en el siglo pasado. El miedo no se basa en el tamaño de la familia, es decir, en la cantidad de hijos que tienen las mujeres forasteras, sino en las consecuencias que ello puede conllevar a largo plazo. La cuestión que provoca temores se centra en la proporción en que las generaciones futuras estarán formadas por personas cuyos padres serán de fuera. La principal diferencia que se ha observado hasta el presente reside en los tiempos en que se tienen los hijos, y no exclusivamente en el resultado final. El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en contrastar las diferencias de natalidad y fecundidad entre el conjunto de España y las mujeres extranjeras que viven en el país. La hipótesis que se presenta a comprobación enuncia que la distancia cuantitativa entre los indicadores de fecundidad de ambos grupos no es tan grande como se supone u otros indicadores brutos hacen pensar. Se impone una discusión metodológica sobre el tema, puesto que cada índice representa un aspecto diferente de la fecundidad de las mujeres.


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Two cases of neonatal focal spontaneous colic perforations are reported. The 1st infant, born at 36 3/7 weeks gestational age, presented on day 3 with crying, abdominal distension, and liquid stools. Clinical examination showed a slightly irritable hypothermic (35.7 °C) infant with a distended abdomen and few bowel sounds. Blood tests were normal apart from an elevated C-reactive protein level (59 mg/l). The abdomen x-ray was erroneously considered normal. The infant's condition remained stable for nearly 3 days. After reviewing the initial x-ray, pneumoperitoneum was suspected and confirmed by a cross-table lateral abdominal x-ray. The infant was started on antibiotics and operated. Macroscopically, the entire gut was normal apart from a focal sigmoid perforation, which was stitched. A transmural colic biopsy revealed focal vascular dilation but was negative for necrotising enterocolitis or Hirschsprung disease. The infant recovered quickly. She is now a healthy, normal 3-year-old. The 2nd infant, born at 38 5/7 weeks gestational age, presented between day 1 and 2 with clinical signs of infection associated with slowly progressive ileus. The chest and abdomen x-ray was mistakenly considered normal. Frank septicemia developed. After reviewing the initial x-ray, pneumoperitoneum was suspected and confirmed by a cross-table lateral abdominal x-ray. The infant was operated. Macroscopically, the small intestine was normal, the ascending and transverse colons were dilated, and the descending and sigmoid colons were narrow. Three cecal perforations were discovered and stitched. An ileostomy and multiple colic biopsies were also performed. The postoperative course was complicated by persistent septic ileus due to descending and sigmoid colon leaks, which led to colic resections with end-to-end anastomosis. Rectal aspiration biopsies were also performed. At 1 month of age, the infant was discharged from the hospital. The ileostomy was closed in two steps at 2 and 5 months of age. A normal sweat test excluded cystic fibrosis. All colic and rectal biopsies revealed nonspecific inflammatory signs and excluded necrotizing enterocolitis and Hirschsprung disease. Nonspecific irregular thinning of muscularis mucosae and muscularis propria were observed in the two resected colic segments. The boy is now a healthy 7-year-old. The incidence of neonatal focal spontaneous colic perforations at term or close to term is unknown but probably very rare. Our department is the neonatal referral center for approximately 14,000 annual births. In the last 10 years (2000-2009), out of 5115 neonatal admissions in our unit, only ten cases have presented a neonatal spontaneous intestinal perforation, seven of ten in very-low-birth-weight infants and three of ten in term or near-term neonates (one with Hirschsprung disease and the two cases reported herein). In the same period, 108 infants suffered from necrotizing enterocolitis, seven of 108 were term infants and 6 out of 7 had a congenital heart disease. The medical literature is poor on the subject of focal spontaneous colic perforations at term; no risk factor is described. The most specific clinical sign seems to be the abdominal distension. The presence of pneumoperitoneum on an abdominal x-ray is the most sensitive paraclinical sign. In case of an intestinal perforation, surgery must be performed quickly. The vital prognosis seems to be good. The objective of this study was to draw pediatricians' attention to focal spontaneous colic perforations in term or close to term newborns. In the cases reported, the diagnostic delays could have been prevented if the entity - with its radiological manifestation - had been well known.


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El presente artículo plantea cómo llevar a cabo una intervención arqueológica, museológica y educativa en los espacios asociados a la Guerra aérea en Cataluña partiendo de las aportaciones metodológicas de la Arqueología del conflicto, de las posibilidades del SIG (Sistemas de Información Geográfica), y de las nuevas líneas de actuación de la didáctica del patrimonio.


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L'època en que ens trobem, que és la de la gestació i l'engegada de la Reforma Educativa, ha vist una intensa i positiva reflexió sobre tots els aspectes de l'educació. En l'àmbit a que pertanyo, el de la Didàctica de les Ciències Socials, s'hi ha donat una valuosa i heterogènia tasca que ha dut com a resultat múltiples propostes de treball. De manera molt explicable, una part molt important d'aquestes propostes s'ha centrat en el tema deis continguts procedimentals, i dic que és explicable perquè les Ciències Socials escolars han topat amb greus dificultats de comprensió d'ençà del moment en què es va pretendre que fossin altra· cosa que una simple enumeració deis afluents de l'Ebre pel marge dret o bé de la tirallonga de reis gots: atès que ara es tractava de comprendre fets socials complexos, la forma i els mitjans amb que es presentaven a l'aula tenia una importància cabdal.


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En los últimos años, se ha llevado a cabo un considerable esfuerzo de análisis y catalogación de la ingente cantidad de mapas militares, planos, croquis y vistas panorámicas realizados durante la Guerra Civil española, pero aún quedan múltiples aspectos por investigar. En este artículo, analizamos la formación cartográfica del general Vicente Rojo -el jefe del Estado Mayor del Ejército de Tierra republicano-, las relaciones de Rojo con la cartografía durante la Guerra Civil y la cartografía militar contenida en su archivo personal, que se custodia en el Archivo Histórico Nacional de Madrid. Dicha cartografía posee un gran valor cartográfico y militar, porque fue utilizada por el Estado Mayor del Ejército de Tierra republicano durante el período en que Rojo estuvo al frente del mismo, y porque contiene una serie de documentos cartográficos manuscritos inéditos de gran importancia para comprender el desarrollo de algunas de las operaciones bélicas principales.