986 resultados para Gourmont, Remy de (1858-1915)
Back Row: Fred Hendershot, Hepburn Ingham, Walter Nieman, Fred Rehor, James Whalen, Egmont Hildner, Cecil "Pat" Smith, Alan Boyd, James Catlett, Harold Zeiger, James Sharpe, George Washington Bixler, Otto Pobanz,
Middle Row (seated on wall): Otto Eberwein, ? Johnson, Maurice Dunne, Harry Calvin (on steps), Karl Staatz, Hoyne Howe, Clyde Bastian
Front Row: Alvin Loucks (standing), Robert Watson (on rail), John Norton, Leland Benton, captain William Cochran, Lawrence Roehm, John Maulbetsch, ? Warner (standing)
(Original loaned to library for scanning)
(Original loaned to library for scanning)
Color photograph of painting by Jack Kevorkian "1915 Genocide 1945" (oil, between 1963 and 1966) Painting was stolen from Kevorkian's storage in Long Beach, CA in circa 1989.