993 resultados para Geology - Murray Basin


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Macroscopic- and histological-based assessments of gonad condition were compared with ultrasound images to determine the feasibility of this technology as a non-invasive diagnostic tool for identifying sex and assessing maturation status of Murray cod. Four age-classes (1+, 2+, 3+ and 6+ years), were sub-sampled at monthly intervals throughout their annual reproductive cycle and scanned with a 5 MHz linear transducer. An interpretation of sex was made from the resulting images and maximum cross-sectional gonad diameter and area were recorded. Fish were subsequently dissected to confirm gender, and the weights and maturation status of gonads determined and then compared with their respective image profile. Ovaries of females were usually a distinctive feature in ultrasound images, being particularly obvious in older and/or more developed fish. In contrast, the identification of male testis was more problematic. Nonetheless, identifying sex from ultrasound images was consistently achieved by recording the presence/absence of a female ovary (96% total sexing accuracy). Maximum cross-sectional ovary diameter and area were highly correlated with gonad weight (r2 = 0.90 and 0.89, respectively) suggesting that indices of maturation status, comparable to the gonadosomatic index (GSI), can be obtained non-destructively from ultrasound scans of females. A less distinct relationship occurred between these dimensions and weight of testes (r2 = 0.41). Significant increases (P < 0.05) in mean gonad index (GI, calculated from gonad diameter) occurred for most gonad development stages. However, differences in mean GI between maturation stages were confounded by phenotypic variability, indicating that GI may be limited to population level studies. Nevertheless, ultrasound images of ovaries at each development stage were visually distinctive and enabled qualitative evaluations of maturity, thereby complementing quantitative GI assessments. Repeated serial-monitoring of the same population using ultrasound appears to have great potential for tracking maturation-induced changes in broodfish.


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Age-related changes in ovarian development characteristics and plasma sex steroids in female Murray cod were examined throughout their second, third and fourth years of life to better understand the physiological and endocrine processes associated with puberty in this species in captivity. Spawning performance of 2+ and 3+ year old females was also assessed to identify ontogenetic differences in egg fertility. Puberty was acquired in 38% of 1+ year old females and 100% of age 2+ females. By age 3+, all females had developed full (adult) reproductive function. Ovarian development in pubertal fish was characterised by a rapid transition between cortical alveoli and lipid droplet oogenic phases, coinciding with significantly lower plasma 17β-oestradiol in age 2+ females (p < 0.05). Mean mature oocyte diameter (2.44 mm), post-fertilisation viability (30.80%) and hatchability (0.99%) of eggs from age 2+ females were significantly reduced relative to age 3+ adults (2.81 mm, 84.89% and 23.58%, respectively). Ovaries of pubertal Murray cod exhibited both vitellogenic and ovulatory capacities, yet functional abnormalities during secondary oocyte growth are likely to have contributed to poor egg fertility and consequently, evaluations of age-at-first maturity based on the presence of advanced ovarian stages may overestimate the reproductive potential of younger broodstock populations.


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Cytochemistry has proven effective in differentiating specific cell lineages and elucidating their functional properties. This study utilised a range of cytochemical techniques to further investigate the leucocyte populations from Murray cod, an iconic Australian teleost fish species. This analysis provided clear insight into the structure and function of the leucocytes from this fish, which were found to be broadly similar to those of other fish species. However, some important differences were identified in Murray cod, such as the presence of naphthol AS chloroacetate esterase activity in the heterophil population, positive staining for periodic acid Schiff's, alkaline phosphatase and Sudan black B in the lymphocyte population, and a prevalent population of myeloid precursor cells.


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Fish oil (FO)- and canola oil (CO)-based diets were regularly alternated in a daily cycle (amCO: alternation of CO in the morning and FO in the afternoon, and pmCO: alternation of FO in the morning and CO in the afternoon) or in a series of weekly cycles (2W: alternation of 2 weeks on CO and 2 weeks on FO, 4W: alternation of 4 weeks on CO and 4 weeks on FO), over a 16-week period in juvenile Murray cod (Maccullochella peelii peelii). No significant differences were observed between any of the treatments in relation to the final weight. However, fish subjected to the 2W schedule were larger (P>0.05) than all other treatments (37.2 ± 0.30 vs. 34.3 ± 0.58 in the control treatment). Fish receiving the 2W treatment had a significantly lower total net disappearance of eicosapentaenoic acid 20:5n-3 (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid 22:6n-3 (62.1% and 24.0% respectively) compared with the control treatment (fish continuously fed a blend of 50% FO and 50% CO). Likewise, Murray cod receiving the amCO daily schedule had a significantly lower total net disappearance of EPA in comparison with the CD and pmCO treatments. These data point towards the existence of cyclical mechanisms relative to fatty acid utilization/retention.


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Intensively farmed, market-size Murray cod (~ 600 g), were purged (transferred into a clean water system and starved) and sampled at three day intervals for a total of 18 days (D0, D3, D6, D9, D12, D15 and D18). Purged fish lost from 6% (D3) to 14% (D18) body weight, and the weight loss was highly correlated to the number of days of purging/starvation. Condition factor and Hepatosomatic Index decreased significantly (P < 0.05) only after 18 days of purging compared to the control (D0). Fillet lipid content (%) did not vary during the trial. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA: 20:5 n−3) decreased and docosapentaenoic acid (DPA: 22:5 n−3) increased (P < 0.05) during the trial, while docosahexaenoic acid (DHA: 22:6 n−3) did not show any significant variation. Purging contributed positively to the improvement of the volatile flavour compound composition, with a significant (P < 0.05) reduction in total volatile aldehydes and an increase in total volatile hydrocarbons. Since no major differences were found between samples during the last stages of the purging process (D12, D15 and D 18), it is possible to conclude that, under these experimental conditions, 12 days is the minimum duration to obtain an improvement in the volatile compound profile of intensively farmed Murray cod whilst keeping body weight loss to a minimum.


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Dietary fatty acids are known to modulate fatty acid metabolism in fish. However, the innate capability of fish to bioconvert short chain fatty acids to health promoting long chain fatty acids (LCPUFA) is insufficient to compensate for a reduced dietary intake. While many studies have focused on the dietary regulation of the fatty acid bioconversion pathways, there is little known regarding the effects of the dietary levels of C18 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) on fatty acid metabolism. Here, we show a greater degree of apparent enzyme activity (Δ-6 desaturase) in fish fed a diet with higher amounts of dietary C18 PUFA. In particular, fish receiving high amounts of dietary C18 PUFA had a greater amount of Δ-6 desaturase activity acting on 18:3n-3 than 18:2n-6. However, with the gradual reduction of dietary C18 PUFA there was a shift in substrate preference of Δ-6 desaturase from 18:3n-3 to 18:2n-6. This information will provide valuable insight for the implementation of low fish oil diets, which permit the maintenance of n-3 LCPUFA levels in farmed Murray cod.


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The development of traceability methods to distinguish between farmed and wild-caught fish and seafood is becoming increasingly important. However, very little is known about how to distinguish fish originating from different farms. The present study addresses this issue by attempting to discriminate among intensively farmed freshwater Murray cod originating from different farms (indoor recirculating, outdoor floating cage, and flow through systems) in different geographical areas, using a combination of morphological, chemical, and isotopic analyses. The results show that stable isotopes are the most informative variables. In particular, δ13C and/or δ15N clearly linked fish to a specific commercial diet, while δ18O linked fish to a specific water source. Thus, the combination of these isotopes can distinguish among fish originating from different farms. On the contrary, fatty acid and tissue proximate compositions and morphological parameters, which are useful in distinguishing between farmed and wild fish, are less informative in discriminating among fish originating from different farms.


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Two groups of fish (Maccullochella peelii peelii) were fed for a 90-day conditioning period on a canola oil diet (CO) or a fish oil diet (FO). Canola oil diet fed fish were then shifted to the FO diet for a 90-day finishing period. A variable period of  starvation (0, 5, 10 and 15 days) was introduced to reduce the initial lipid level of CO fed fish at the beginning of the finishing period and therefore accelerate the rate of recovery of FO-like fatty acids. During starvation, fish did not show  significant reduction in total lipid content, either in the fillet or whole body. At the end of the conditioning period, fatty acid composition of the diet was mirrored in fish tissues. These differences came close to levelling out following re-feeding, with the exception of n - 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). However, no  effects of the starvation periods on the final fatty acid make-up of fish were recorded. The results of this trial show that Murray cod, when subjected to a starvation period of up to 15 days, does not lose an appreciable quantity of lipid and, therefore, the tested starvation approach to reduce the initial level of lipid has to be considered unsuccessful. 


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This thesis deals with the stratigraphy and brachiopod systematic palaeontology of the latest Devonian (Famennian) to Early Permian (Kungurian) sedimentary sequences of the Tarim Basin, NW China. Brachiopod faunas of latest Devonian and Carboniferous age have been published or currently in press in the course of the Ph.D candidature and are herein appendixed, while the Early Permian brachiopod faunas are systematically described in this thesis. The described Early Permian brachiopod faunas include 127 species, of which 29 are new and 12 indeterminate, and six new genera (subgenera) are proposed; Tarimella, Bmntonella, Marginifera (Arenaria), Marginifera (Nesiotia), Baliqliqia and Ustritskia. A new integrated brachiopod biostratigraphical zonation scheme is proposed, for the first time, for the latest Devonian-Early Permian sequences of the entire Tarim Basin on the basis of this study as well as previously published information (including the Candidate's own published papers). The scheme consists of twenty three brachiopod acm biozones, most of which replace previously proposed assemblage or assemblage zones. The age and distribution of these brachiopod zones within the Tarim Basin and their relationships with other important fossil groups are discussed. In terms of regional correlations and biostratigraphical affinities, the Late Devonian to Early Carboniferous brachiopod faunas of the Tarim Basin are closest to those from South China, while the Late Carboniferous faunas demonstrate strong similarities to coeval faunas from the Urals, central Asia, North China and South China. During the Asselian-Sakmarian, strong faunal links between the Tarim Basin and those of the Urals persisted, while at the same time links with central Asia, North China and South China weakened. On the other hand, during the Artinskian-Kungurian times, affinities of the Tarim faunas with the Urals/Russian Platform rapidly reduced, when those with peri-Gondwana (South Thailand, northern Tibet) and South China increased. Thirty lithofacies (or microfacies) types of four facies associations are recognised for the Late Devonian to early Permian sediments. Based on detailed lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy and facies analysis, 23 third-order sequences belonging to four supcrsequences are identified for the Late Devonian to Early Permian successions, from which sea-level fluctuation curves are reconstructed. The sequence stratigraphical analysis reveals that four major regional regressions, each marking a distinct supersequence boundary, can be recognised; they correspond to the end-Serpukhovian, end-Moscovian, late Artinskian and end-Kungurian times, respectively. The development of these sequences is considered to have been formed and regulated by the interplay of both eustasy and tectonism. Using the system tract of a sequence as the mapping time unit, a succession of 47 palaeogeographical maps have been reconstructed through the Late Devonian to Early Permian. These maps reveal that the Tarim Basin was first immersed by southwest-directed (Recent geographical orientation) transgression in the late Famennian after the Caledonian Orogeny. Since then, the basin had maintained its geometry as a large, southwest-mouthed embayment until the late Moscovian when most areas were the uplifted above sea-level. The basin was flooded again in late Asselian-Artinskian times when a new transgression came from a large epicontinental sea lying to its northwest. Thereafter, marine deposition was restricted to local areas (southwestern and northwestern margins until the late Kungurian, while deposition of continental deposits prevailed and continued through the Middle and late Permian into the Triassic.


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This paper investigates learning related to the phenomena of drying over the past decade in the southern Murray-Darling Basin in Australia, as perceived in a mid-river site within the western Riverina of New South Wales, Australia. The insights from audio-recorded interviews, with a wide range of adults across the water-dependent community, mostly relate to the catchment of the  Murrumbidgee River in the Shire of Hay. Our overarching theme is about how  people are learning about, understanding and bearing the risks, of what is widely regarded as a prolonged drought. For some, the learning is about how to cope with less water in the Basin, and particularly from the river, as predicted in the climate change literature. Our narrative-based, empirical research registers the felt experience of those located, in situ, as a severe ‘irrigation drought’ extends into 2009. The paper dramatises the many obstacles to learning how to think and act differently, in difficult and rapidly changing ecosocial circumstances.


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This research is a case study of Dungalah, a river Europeans call the Murray which describes and accounts for the past, present and future experiences of Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities in their protection, use and management of the Dungalah and its surrounding land. It provides a snapshot of the experiences of the researcher, her family, friencds and the Yorta Yorta people, living with Dungalah.


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The thesis outlines and demonstrates the various aspects that contribute towards water quality management systems and the important use of storage/water quality models. The application of models is demonstrated through the functions that modelling components have on sustainable regional development, and through linkage with water quality systems.


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An abundant, low diversity cool-water macroinvertebrate fauna from the Middle Permian Broughton Formation in the Sydney Basin, eastern Australia, was investigated. The fauna was described and identified, which assisted in regional and global correlation of the Broughton Formation, as well as palaeogeographical and palaeontological research.


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Theory from Marx and related thinkers challenges interpretation of Les Murray's poetry. Topics discussed are: dialectics and dreams; death and its place in our lives; and poetry and religion. Using Marx, religious ideas are given meaning for our lives and thus, it is argued, interest and complexity is discovered in Murray's poetry.


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Fish oil use in aquacultural feeds is an unsustainable practice. This study investigated the efficacy of vegetable oil inclusion on the growth, fatty acid composition and lipid metabolism of Murray cod. Results indicate that fish oil can be substituted only partially without compromising fish growth and final quality.