989 resultados para Geographical origin


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We obtained data on time of sexual maturity, dimorphism, fecundity and on the reproductive cycle of Mastigodryas boddaerti (Sentzen, 1796) through the examination of 321 preserved specimens, of which 221 were collected in the Brazilian Amazon region and 100 in the Cerrado savannas of Central Brazil. The degree of sexual size dimorphism (snout-vent length, SVL) was significantly greater in the specimens from the Cerrado in comparison with those from the Amazon. Females had a significantly larger number of ventral scales, on average, whereas males had more sub-caudal scales. However, there was no intersexual difference in tail length or head width, although the heads of the males were significantly longer, which may reflect dietary differences. Breeding females from the Amazon region contained between one and six eggs (N = 12, mean = 3.0), whereas two females from the Cerrado had four to six eggs (N = 10, mean = 5.0). No relationship was found between the SVL of the Amazonian females and the number of eggs or vitellogenic follicles they contained (Cerrado females were not analyzed here due to small sample size). Males are smaller than their female counterpart when they reach sexual maturity. Even though females from the Amazon reproduce throughout the year, females from the Cerrado breed seasonality.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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As sequências metavulcano-sedimentares na serra do Espinhaço Meridional apresentam dificuldades para separação, principalmente do Supergrupo Rio das Velhas, até o presente. Apesar da grande similaridade, é possível distingui-lo do Grupo Rio Mata Cavalo. Esta é constituída por uma unidade metamáfica-ultramáfica derivada de basaltos toleíticos, e uma sequência de cobertura clasto-química, além de apresentar mineralizações de ouro e Minerais/Elementos do Grupo da Platina associados, principalmente a Formações Ferríferas Bandadas. Origem hidrotermal é atribuída à concentração destes metais nobres. Campanhas de prospecção e pesquisa mineral, na área estudada, foram realizadas para ouro. Os resultados até o presente permitem sugerir o emprego de uma Unidade Superior composta pelos sedimentos clasto-químicos e uma Unidade Inferior, que compreende as rochas vulcânicas, ambas compondo o Grupo Mata Cavalo. Desta forma, este Grupo apresenta em sua Unidade Superior rica em níveis de BIF compostas principalmente por magnetita com concentrações de ouro associadas a enriquecimento supérgeno. Palavras-chave: sequência metavulcano-sedimentar, mineralização de ouro, hidrotermalismo, Grupo Rio Mata Cavalo, Serra do Espinhaço. Meridional.


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The geographical distribution of marine organisms, as a result of complex natural processes through geological time, has been changed, sometimes drastically, by species introductions. Instances of species introduction have been recorded worldwide, and the Brazilian coast is no exception. The present review provides an update of the geographical distribution of members of the brachyuran subfamily Mithracinae along the Brazilian coast. Of the 30 species of this subfamily recorded from Brazilian waters, the known geographical limits of more than 17 have been extended in recent decades. The records compiled here demonstrate the great importance of the Amazon River outflow on the geographical distribution of members of Mithracinae, acting as a biogeographical barrier for some species.


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CONTEXTO:Abscessos isolados do tronco encefálico são raros e geralmente associados a outras infecções. Trata-se de condição grave, com grande morbidade e mortalidade. Opções cirúrgicas são aspiração com estereotaxia e drenagem microcirúrgica. Antibioticoterapia sistêmica tem sido usada por mais de seis semanas.RELATO DE CASO:Apresentamos o caso de um jovem com abscesso pontino sem outras infecções sistêmicas. O paciente foi tratado com drenagem microcirúrgica e antibioticoterapia por três semanas. Houve boa evolução pós-operatória.CONCLUSÕES:Acesso microcirúrgico pode ser considerado uma opção importante no tratamento de grandes abscessos do tronco encefálico, que são multiloculados, próximos da superfície ou que contenham líquido espesso. Drenagem completa do material purulento pode diminuir o período de antibioticoterapia.


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Species richness and geographical distribution of Cyclopoida freshwater copepods were analyzed along the La Plata River basin. Ninety-six samples were taken from 24 sampling sites, twelve sites for zooplankton in open waters and twelve sites for zooplankton within macrophyte stands, including reservoirs and lotic stretches. There were, on average, three species per sample in the plankton compared to five per sample in macrophytes. Six species were exclusive to the plankton, 10 to macrophyte stands, and 17 were common to both. Only one species was found in similar proportions in plankton and macrophytes, while five species were widely found in plankton, and thirteen in macrophytes. The distinction between species from open water zooplankton and macrophytes was supported by nonmetric multidimensional analysis. There was no distinct pattern of endemicity within the basin, and double sampling contributes to this result. This lack of sub-regional faunal differentiation is in accordance with other studies that have shown that cyclopoids generally have wide geographical distribution in the Neotropics and that some species there are cosmopolitan. This contrasts with other freshwater copepods such as Calanoida and some Harpacticoida. We conclude that sampling plankton and macrophytes together provided a more accurate estimate of the richness and geographical distribution of these organisms than sampling in either one of those zones alone.


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Dawson and Murray-Clay (Dawson and Murray-Clay [2012]. Astrophys. J., 750, 43) pointed out that the inner part of the cold population in the Kuiper belt (that with semi major axis a < 43.5 AU) has orbital eccentricities significantly smaller than the limit imposed by stability constraints. Here, we confirm their result by looking at the orbital distribution and stability properties in proper element space. We show that the observed distribution could have been produced by the slow sweeping of the 4/7 mean motion resonance with Neptune that accompanied the end of Neptune's migration process. The orbital distribution of the hot Kuiper belt is not significantly affected in this process, for the reasons discussed in the main text. Therefore, the peculiar eccentricity distribution of the inner cold population cannot be unequivocally interpreted as evidence that the cold population formed in situ and was only moderately excited in eccentricity; it can simply be the signature of Neptune's radial motion, starting from a moderately eccentric orbit. We discuss how this agrees with a scenario of giant planet evolution following a dynamical instability and, possibly, with the radial transport of the cold population. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This experiment evaluated temperament, vaginal temperature, and plasma cortisol in beef cows from wolf-naive and wolf-experienced origins that were subjected to a simulated wolf encounter. Multiparous, pregnant, nonlactating Angus-crossbreed cows from the Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center located near Burns, OR (CON; n = 50), and from a commercial operation near Council, ID (WLF; n = 50), were used. To date, grey wolves are not present around Burns, OR, and thus CON were naive to wolves. Conversely, wolves are present around Council, ID, and WLF cows were selected from a herd that had experienced multiple confirmed wolf-predation episodes from 2008 to 2012. Following a 50-d commingling and adaptation period, CON and WLF cows were ranked by temperament, BW, and BCS and allocated to 5 groups (d 0; 10 CON and 10 WLF cows/group). Groups were individually subjected to the experimental procedures on d 2 (n = 3) and d 3 (n = 2). Before the simulated wolf encounter, cow temperament was assessed and blood samples and vaginal temperatures (using intravaginal data loggers) were collected (presimulation assessments). Cows were then sorted by origin, moved to 2 adjacent drylot pens (10 WLF and 10 CON cows/pen), and subjected to a simulated wolf encounter event for 20 min, which consisted of 1) cotton plugs saturated with wolf urine attached to the drylot fence, 2) continuous reproduction of wolf howls, and 3) 3 leashed dogs that were walked along the fence perimeter. Thereafter, WLF and CON cows were commingled and returned to the handling facility for postsimulation assessments, which were conducted immediately after exposure to wolf-urine-saturated cotton plugs, wolf howl reproduction, and 20-s exposure to the 3 dogs while being restrained in a squeeze chute. Chute score, temperament score, and plasma cortisol concentration increased (P <= 0.01) from pre- to postsimulation assessment in WLF but did not change in CON cows (P >= 0.19). Exit velocity decreased (P = 0.01) from pre-to postsimulation assessment in CON but did not change (P = 0.79) in WLF cows. In addition, WLF cows had a greater (P = 0.03) increase in temperature from pre-to postsimulation assessments compared with CON cows. In conclusion, the simulated wolf encounter increased excitability and fear-related physiological stress responses in cows that originated from a wolf-experienced herd but not in cows that originated from a wolf-naive herd.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Necrotizing fasciitis (NF) is an uncommon infection, but potentially lethal, especially when associated with systemic disorders such as diabetes. The authors report a case of necrotizing fasciitis from odontogenic origin in a patient with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus. The initial diagnosis was based on clinical information, in which multiple necrosis areas in cervical and thoracic regions were observed. Wide antibiotic therapy was applied, followed by surgical drain age and debridement. Culture was positive for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Although the treatment is established, the patient dies after sepsis and failure of vital organs. Clearly, the morbidity associated to this infection, even in diabetic patients, can be minimized if an early diagnosis and effective debridement are done.


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Canine transmissible venereal tumor (CTVT) is the oldest known somatic cell lineage. It is a transmissible cancer that propagates naturally in dogs. We sequenced the genomes of two CTVT tumors and found that CTVT has acquired 1.9 million somatic substitution mutations and bears evidence of exposure to ultraviolet light. CTVT is remarkably stable and lacks subclonal heterogeneity despite thousands of rearrangements, copy-number changes, and retrotransposon insertions. More than 10,000 genes carry nonsynonymous variants, and 646 genes have been lost. CTVT first arose in a dog with low genomic heterozygosity that may have lived about 11,000 years ago. The cancer spawned by this individual dispersed across continents about 500 years ago. Our results provide a genetic identikit of an ancient dog and demonstrate the robustness of mammalian somatic cells to survive for millennia despite a massive mutation burden.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)