984 resultados para Gallium arsenide semiconductors


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An improved 2 ×2 silicon-on-insulator Mach-Zehnder thermo-optical switch is designed and fabricated, which is based on strongly guided multimode interference couplers and single- mode phase-shifting arms. The multimode interference couplers and input/output waveguides are deeply etched to improve coupler performances and coupler-waveguide coupling efficiencies. However, shallow etching is used in the phase-shifting arms to guarantee single-mode property. The strongly guided coupler presents an attractive uniformity about 0. 03 dB and a low propagation loss of -0.6 dB. The 2× 2 switch shows an insertion loss as low as -6.8 dB, where the fiber-waveguide coupling loss of -4.3 dB is included, and the response-time is measured as short as 6.8 μs, which are much better than our previous results.


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A 1.55μm InGaAsP-InP three-section DFB laser with hybrid grating is fabricated and self-pulsations (SP) with frequencies around 20GHz are observed. The mechanism of SP generation in this device is researched. Furthermore, the important role of the phase tuning section on the SP is investigated.


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Ge self-assembled quantum dots (SAQDs) are grown with a self-assembled UHV/CVD epitaxy system. Then,the as-grown Ge quantum dots are annealed by ArF excimer laser. In the ultra-shot laser pulse duration,~20ns, bulk diffusion is forbidden, and only surface diffusion occurs, resulting in a laser induced quantum dot (LIQD). The diameter of the LIQD is 20~25nm which is much smaller than the as-grown dot and the LIQD has a higher density of about 6 × 10~(10)cm~(-2). The surface morphology evolution is investigated by AFM.


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We propose a fiber-to-waveguide coupler for side-illuminated p-i-n photodiodes to obtain high responsivity and low polarization dependence that is grown on InP substrate and is suitable for surface hybrid integration in low cost modules. The fiber-to-waveguide coupler is based on a diluted waveguide,which is composed of ten periods of undoped 120nm InP/80nm InGaAsP (1.05μm bandgap) multiple layers. Using the semi-vectorial three dimensional beam propagation method (BPM) with the central difference scheme,the coupling efficiency of fiber-to-waveguide under different conditions is simulated and studied,and the optimized conditions for fiber-to-waveguide coupling are obtained. For TE-like and TM-like modes,the calculated maximum coupling efficiency is higher than 94% and 92% ,respectively. The calculated polarization dependence is less than 0. ldB,showing good polarization independence.


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ZnO thin films were grown on GaAs (001) substrates by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) at low temperatures ranging from 100 to 400℃. DEZn and 1-12 O were used as the zinc precursor and oxygen precursor, respectively. The effects of the growth temperatures on the growth characteristics and optical properties of ZnO films were investigated. The X-ray diffraction measurement (XRD) results indicated that all the thin films were grown with highly c- axis orientation. The surface morphologies and crystal properties of the films were critically dependent on the growth temperatures. Although there was no evidence of epitaxial growth, the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image of ZnO film grown at 400℃ revealed the presence of ZnO microcrystallines with closed packed hexagon structure. The photoluminescence spectrum at room temperature showed only bright band-edge (3. 33eV) emissions with little or no deep-level e- mission related to defects.


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We reported an efficient diode pumped Nd ! YVO, 1 064 nm laser passively mode-locked and Q-switched by a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror(SESAM). At the incident pump power of 7. 5 W, 2. 81 W average output power was obtained during stable CW mode locking with a repetition rate of 111 MHz. The optical conversion efficiency was 37. 5% , and the slope efficiency was 39%. So far as we know, this is the highest optical-optical conversion efficiency with a SESAM at home.


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A fiber coupled module is fabricated with integrating the emitting light from four laser diode bars into multimode fiber bundle. The continuous wave (CW) output power of the module is about 130 W with a coupling efficiency of around 80%. The output power is very stable after the temperature cycling and vibration test. No apparent power decrease has been observed as the device working continuously for 500 h.


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This paper presents a power supply solution for fully integrated passive radio-frequency identification(RFID) transponder IC,which has been implemented in 0.35μm CMOS technology with embedded EEPROM from Chartered Semiconductor.The proposed AC/DC and DC/DC charge pumps can generate stable output for RFID applications with quite low power dissipation and extremely high pumping efficiency.An analytical model of the voltage multiplier,comparison with other charge pumps,simulation results,and chip testing results are presented.


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A diode-pumped CW mode-locked Nd