982 resultados para GENE DETECTION


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Recent modelling of socio-economic costs by the Australian railway industry in 2010 has estimated the cost of level crossing accidents to exceed AU$116 million annually. To better understand the causal factors of these accidents, a video analytics application is being developed to automatically detect near-miss incidents using forward facing videos from trains. As near-miss events occur more frequently than collisions, by detecting these occurrences there will be more safety data available for analysis. The application that is being developed will improve the objectivity of near-miss reporting by providing quantitative data about the position of vehicles at level crossings through the automatic analysis of video footage. In this paper we present a novel method for detecting near-miss occurrences at railway level crossings from video data of trains. Our system detects and localizes vehicles at railway level crossings. It also detects the position of railways to calculate the distance of the detected vehicles to the railway centerline. The system logs the information about the position of the vehicles and railway centerline into a database for further analysis by the safety data recording and analysis system, to determine whether or not the event is a near-miss. We present preliminary results of our system on a dataset of videos taken from a train that passed through 14 railway level crossings. We demonstrate the robustness of our system by showing the results of our system on day and night videos.


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Background Situational driving factors, including fatigue, distraction, inattention and monotony, are recognised killers in Australia, contributing to an estimated 40% of fatal crashes and 34% of all crashes . More often than not the main contributing factor is identified as fatigue, yet poor driving performance has been found to emerge early in monotonous conditions, independent of fatigue symptoms and time on task. This early emergence suggests an important role for monotony. However, much road safety research suggests that monotony is solely a task characteristic that directly causes fatigue and associated symptoms and there remains an absence of consistent evidence explaining the relationship. Objectives We report an experimental study designed to disentangle the characteristics and effects of monotony from those associated with fatigue. Specifically, we examined whether poor driving performance associated with hypovigilance emerges as a consequence of monotony, independent of fatigue. We also examined whether monotony is a multidimensional construct, determined by environmental characteristics and/or task demands that independently moderate sustained attention and associated driving performance. Method Using a driving simulator, participants completed four, 40 minute driving scenarios. The scenarios varied in the degree of monotony as determined by the degree of variation in road design (e.g., straight roads vs. curves) and/or road side scenery. Fatigue, as well as a number of other factors known to moderate vigilance and driving performance, was controlled for. To track changes across time, driving performance was assessed in five minute time periods using a range of behavioural, subjective and physiological measures, including steering wheel movements, lane positioning, electroencephalograms, skin conductance, and oculomotor activity. Results Results indicate that driving performance is worse in monotonous driving conditions characterised by low variability in road design. Critically, performance decrements associated with monotony emerge very early, suggesting monotony effects operate independent of fatigue. Conclusion Monotony is a multi-dimensional construct where, in a driving context, roads containing low variability in design are monotonous and those high in variability are non-monotonous. Importantly, low variability in road side scenery does not appear to exacerbate monotony or associated poor performance. However, high variability in road side scenery can act as a distraction and impair sustained attention and poor performance when driving on monotonous roads. Furthermore, high sensation seekers seem to be more susceptible to distraction when driving on monotonous roads. Implications of our results for the relationship between monotony and fatigue, and the possible construct-specific detection methods in a road safety context, will be discussed.


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PURPOSE/OBJECTIVES: To identify latent classes of individuals with distinct quality-of-life (QOL) trajectories, to evaluate for differences in demographic characteristics between the latent classes, and to evaluate for variations in pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine genes between the latent classes. DESIGN: Descriptive, longitudinal study. SETTING: Two radiation therapy departments located in a comprehensive cancer center and a community-based oncology program in northern California. SAMPLE: 168 outpatients with prostate, breast, brain, or lung cancer and 85 of their family caregivers (FCs). METHODS: Growth mixture modeling (GMM) was employed to identify latent classes of individuals based on QOL scores measured prior to, during, and for four months following completion of radiation therapy. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and haplotypes in 16 candidate cytokine genes were tested between the latent classes. Logistic regression was used to evaluate the relationships among genotypic and phenotypic characteristics and QOL GMM group membership. MAIN RESEARCH VARIABLES: QOL latent class membership and variations in cytokine genes. FINDINGS: Two latent QOL classes were found: higher and lower. Patients and FCs who were younger, identified with an ethnic minority group, had poorer functional status, or had children living at home were more likely to belong to the lower QOL class. After controlling for significant covariates, between-group differences were found in SNPs in interleukin 1 receptor 2 (IL1R2) and nuclear factor kappa beta 2 (NFKB2). For IL1R2, carrying one or two doses of the rare C allele was associated with decreased odds of belonging to the lower QOL class. For NFKB2, carriers with two doses of the rare G allele were more likely to belong to the lower QOL class. CONCLUSIONS: Unique genetic markers in cytokine genes may partially explain interindividual variability in QOL. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING: Determination of high-risk characteristics and unique genetic markers would allow for earlier identification of patients with cancer and FCs at higher risk for poorer QOL. Knowledge of these risk factors could assist in the development of more targeted clinical or supportive care interventions for those identified.


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A disintegrin and metalloprotease with thrombospondin motifs protein 1 (ADAMTS1) is a protease commonly up-regulated in metastatic carcinoma. Its overexpression in cancer cells promotes experimental metastasis, but whether ADAMTS1 is essential for metastatic progression is unknown. To address this question, we investigated mammary cancer progression and spontaneous metastasis in the MMTV-PyMT mouse mammary tumor model in Adamts1 knockout mice. Adamts1−/−/PyMT mice displayed significantly reduced mammary tumor and lung metastatic tumor burden and increased survival, compared with their wild-type and heterozygous littermates. Histological examination revealed an increased proportion of tumors with ductal carcinoma in situ and a lower proportion of high-grade invasive tumors in Adamts1−/−/PyMT mice, compared with Adamts1+/+/PyMT mice. Increased apoptosis with unaltered proliferation and vascular density in the Adamts1−/−/PyMT tumors suggested that reduced cell survival accounts for the lower tumor burden in ADAMTS1-deficient mice. Furthermore, Adamts1−/− tumor stroma had significantly lesser amounts of proteolytically cleaved versican and increased numbers of CD45+ leukocytes. Characterization of immune cell gene expression indicated that cytotoxic cell activation was increased in Adamts1−/− tumors, compared with Adamts1+/+ tumors. This finding is supported by significantly elevated IL-12+ cell numbers in Adamts1−/− tumors. Thus, in vivo ADAMTS1 may promote mammary tumor growth and progression to metastasis in the PyMT model and is a potential therapeutic target to prevent metastatic breast cancer.


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To identify key regulatory mechanisms in the growth and development of the human endometrium, microarray analysis was performed on uncultured human endometrium collected during menstruation (M) and the late-proliferative (LATE-P)-phase of the menstrual cycle, as well as after 24 h incubation in the presence of oestradiol (17beta-E2). We demonstrate the expression of novel gene transcripts in the human endometrium. i.e. mucin-9, novel oestrogen-responsive gene transcripts, i.e. gelsolin and flotillin-1, and genes known to be expressed in human endometrium but not yet shown to be oestrogen responsive, i.e. connexin-37 and TFF1/pS2. Genes reported to be expressed during the implantation window and implicated in progesterone action, i.e. secretoglobin family 2A, member 2 (mammaglobin) and homeobox-containing proteins, were up-regulated in uncultured LATE-P-phase endometrium compared to M-phase endometrium. Some gene transcripts are regulated directly by 17beta-E2 alone, others are influenced by the in vivo environment as well. These observations emphasise that the regulation of endometrium maturation by oestrogen entails more then just stimulation of cell proliferation.


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To date, research into the biological processes and molecular mechanisms associated with endometrial receptivity and embryo implantation has been a focus of attention, whereas the complex events that occur in the human endometrium during the menstrual and proliferative phase under the influence of estrogen have received little attention. The objective of this review is to provide an update of our current understanding of the actions of estrogen on both human and rodent endometrium, with special emphasis on the regulation of uterine growth and cell proliferation, and the value of global gene expression analysis, in increasing understanding of these processes.


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Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is the sixth most common cause of cancer mortality in the world and the 5th most commonly occurring cancer. Tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption and human papilloma virus (HPV) infections have been associated with the occurrence of HNSCC. Despite advances that have been made in HNSCC treatment, smoking-associated HNSCC patients still exhibit a poor 5 year survival rate (30-50 %) and a concomitant poor quality of life. The major clinical challenge to date lies in the early detection of dysplastic lesions,which can progress to malignancy. In addition, there are currently no tools available to monitor HNSCC patients for early stages of local recurrences or distant metastases. In the recent past, micro-RNAs (miRNA) have been assessed for their role in cancer initiation and progression, including HNSCC. It is now well-established that deregulation of these single stranded, small non-coding, 19-25 nt RNAs can e.g. enhance the expression of oncogenes or subdue the expression of tumor suppressor genes. The aims of this review are three-fold: first to retrieve from the literature miRNAs that have specifically been associated with HNSCC, second to group these miRNAs into those regulating tumor initiation, progression and metastasis, and third to discern miRNAs related to smoking-associated HNSCC versus HPV-associated HNSCC development. This review gives an overview on the miRNAs regulating the development of head and neck cancers. The ultimate establishment of miRNA expression profiles that are HNSCC specific, and miRNAs that orchestrate altered gene and protein expression levels in HNSCC, could pave the way for a better understanding of the mechanism underlying its pathogenesis and the development of novel, targeted therapies.