1000 resultados para Fusão de escolas e movimentos teatrais
Um conjunto de depoimentos coletados oralmente e de fontes escritas disponíveis no arquivo inativo de um antigo Grupo Escolar paulista é analisado em paralelo à literatura sobre o Movimento Escolanovista visando a compreender os modos como um ideário se impõe, no cotidiano das práticas escolares, num ritmo constante de avanços e resistências, alterações e manutenções. Ao mesmo tempo, defende-se que o Movimento Escolanovista – ou qualquer proposta educacional – não é um bloco maciço de significados fixos, mas uma leitura, uma mobilização, uma apropriação que, segundo os vários significados a ele atribuídos, implica a efetivação de algumas práticas no interior da escola.
Performance of cyclical and discrete movements executed in Fitts’ task simulated by computer Abstract This study compared the performance of cyclical and discrete movements in Fitts’ task simulated by a computer. Twenty male adults, between 25 and 30 years old, participated as volunteers in the study. The software Discrete Aiming Task (v.2.0) simulated the Fitts’ task, in the discrete and cyclical conditions, and provided the movement time (TM). It was manipulated 4 target widths and 3 distances between the targets to provide index of difficulties (ID) from 1 to 6 bits. The ANOVA TWO WAY, 3 (Conditions) x 6 (ID), with repeated measures in the last factor, compared the TM in the different conditions. Regression analysis verified the relationship between TM x ID. There were no significant differences between the conditions; the virtual environment and the mouse were used to explain such results. All movement conditions showed a straight relationship between TM x ID with R²>0.990. Therefore, Fitts’ law showed to be consistent, independently of the movement strategy performed.
This article has the objective to describe the importance of management knowledge. And, for that, we have done a study upon a case, based on the mapping of the process of classes distribution in the Escolas Técnicas do Centro Paula Souza. The management of knowledge is a way to provide it to the people, considering that knowledge becomes a fundamental and necessary resource to the development of the privante or public organizations. The use of knowledge maps becomes a crucial factor in this process of transformation of tacit knowledge into explicit, because having a high knowledge level, and socialize it, is as essential and important as all the other resources that exist within the institutions.
The communication in public institutions has mediating character to strengthen the commitment to the citizens and creating channels aimed at high-quality information and transparency. This article deals with public communication, marked by public relations actions in the context of the federal public university through the project called “UFABC in Schools”, Federal University of ABC . The project objectives are to promote the policy of quotas established by the Federal Government and strengthen the relationship with high school students from public schools located in the ABC Paulista region.
This research analyzes the discourse of teachers of ancient oriental arts, namely: Yoga, Tai Chi Chuan, Kung Fu, Lian Gong, Qwan Ki Do, reveals the meaning that subjects have about what are the benefits to health of those already considered practical alternatives conventional treatment of health. The research uses the phenomenological method specifically the method of the phenomenon. The method first provides a pre-reflection on the oriental arts, exposing not systematically, some curiosities changing between aspects of oriental arts: historical, main teaching methods, styles, the character of struggle, why are linked to health, the benefits of their practices, movements, philosophy, concepts, ways of acting, the roots, the basics. In this article the pre-reflection does not appear to meet the standards of Congress page limit. Rather concentrate on the next step of the research and present the phenomenon situated in the experience of those who have experienced it in the case of the five arts teachers mentioned above. The method performs individual analysis or ideographic analysis of the five discourses of teachers from each oriental art and then conducts the general or nomothetic. The result is presented an analysis of generalities, convergence, divergence and individuality of meanings expressed by the subject, to finally develop a discussion of these data and weave a synthesis. The analyzes reveal that Eastern practices currently as some of these five analyzed here, those involving aspects of struggle and concentration are excellent allied health development and well-being. Understanding the philosophical aspect is inherent in the practice of the movements, although the character of the struggle, which they transmit through knowledge of their origins and roots is the current thinking routine that generates a life philosophy of selfhelp, self-enabling and tranquility preparation to overcome the tensions, disputes, everyday challenges. The speeches also reveal that the psychophysical aspects of diseases are real, because the practices of movements and the physical drilling of these oriental arts have enabled visible improvements in health by working the mental and the physical in an integrated manner. Masters must have all the knowledge to better meet today's society, preserving these cultures, passing them through the generations.
Este artigo busca analisar os impactos que a internet trouxe para os movimentos sociais, tanto na sua organização, quanto na sua abordagem midiática, com o intuito de entender a forma de atuação das manifestações sociais no novo milênio. Com o advento da internet a grande mídia perde seu monopólio, tornando a comunicação mais democrática - apesar de ainda ser segregativa e baseada na renda. O estudo foi desenvolvido por meio da pesquisa exploratória, descritiva e analítica de cunho qualitativo e os exemplos e objetos de estudo discutidos são as manifestações que ocorreram nos últimos anos como o Occupy Wall Street (EUA) e as manifestações brasileiras ocorridas no mês de junho de 2013, mostrando sua abordagem pela mídia e o peso que a internet teve no desenrolar dos acontecimentos.
Following the guidelines of the United Nations, which established the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014) and the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME), the pressure on business schools for incorporating environmental management in their core activities (teaching, research, extension and university management) have intensified. In contrast, in Brazil, this discussion is still embryonic, and in some cases, the Business Schools seem to be in latter than the environmental management practiced by the world-class companies in the industrial sector. Therefore, this article prospected and systematized the state of the art on the inclusion of environmental management issues in the activities of Business Schools, by mapping the territory of the main academic works in this subject. The main results indicate that the state of the art is represented by: a vibrant leadership of U.S. researchers and others developed countries, a clear analytical reductionism of research, mainly by focusing on the dimension "teaching" does not addressing a systemic perspective that encompasses environmental management in the range of typical activities of Business Schools, a significant predominance of theoretical studies on the subject and a consequent lack of empirical studies, mainly based on multiple cases.
La popularización de los medios digitales y los recursos de comunicación difunde las narrativas no lineales y agrava la crisis de la enseñanza en el aula, con la expansión de diferentes modelos presenciales virtuales de la educación (PVE). Es evidente la demasificación de los nuevos medios, en un contexto que agudiza la percepción individual y social de los individuos, que son atraídos por el enorme flujo global de mensajes informativos (BRIGGS; BURKE, 2006). La transición de los métodos de enseñanza en el aula para modelar la educación virtual e interactiva ganó un nuevo formato en la educación pública en São Paulo en 2012, con el lanzamiento de cursos electivos de enseñanza de Inglés y Español para estudiantes de la secundaria, con la mediación de el PC y con el contenido producido por la Escuela Virtual de Programas Educativos del Estado de São Paulo - Evesp. Aún continua presencia en los salones de las grandes clases del sistema escolar, la falta de materiales de enseñanza y aprendizaje adecuados en las clases impartidas por los profesores cuyos repertorios están alejados de la vida cotidiana de los estudiantes. En este contexto, se comprueban las actuaciones de aprendizaje cualitativos más bien negativos de las cuatro habilidades comunicativas: escuchar, hablar, leer y escribir (CAMERON, 2001). La investigación que llevamos a cabo es analizar las experiencias de enseñanza de Inglés y Español en la plataforma computarizada Evesp y de la clase de Inglés y Español de los Centros para el Curso de idiomas (CELS), para la escuela secundaria, y el piloto Early Bird, de enseñanza y el aprendizaje de Inglés de la escuela primaria, todos bajo la Junta de Educación de Bauru (SP).
This article seeks to contribute to the debate on the importance of cultural collective producers of anti-capitalist content, ownership of digital ecology by subaltern segments, the creation of the opposition media to exclusionary globalization and the articulation of alternative and radical public sphere for the recent demonstrations policies in planetary scale. Data were collected in the first half of 2013, on a course completion project in vehicles with citizen journalism characteristics ["Portal Fórum", "Outras Palavras" and "Observatório da Imprensa"]. Partial these mapping results indicate that these manifestations inherited anti-capitalist demands of previous decades, and amplified in [by digitally pathways] in political demonstrations that swept those abrasive months in major cities worldwide.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)