989 resultados para Free Plan
In February 1996 A Strategy for the Management of Salmon in England and Wales was launched by the National Rivers Authority. The strategy concentrates on four main objectives for the management of salmon fisheries in England and Wales: (i) Optimise the number of salmon returning to home water fisheries, (ii) Maintain and improve the fitness and diversity of salmon stocks, (iii) Optimise the total economic value of surplus stocks, (iv) Ensure necessary costs are met by beneficiaries. These four objectives will be addressed through local Salmon Action Plans (SAPs) which will be produced for each of the principle salmon rivers in England and Wales by the year 2001. A consultation report was produced for the River Ribble and released publicly in October 1999. This document determined an egg deposition figure of 8.5 million eggs for the Ribble, that would allow maximum gain from the net and rod fisheries; raised a number of issues which are thought to currently limit salmon production; identified actions which may be undertaken by the Environment Agency and other bodies to improve stocks. This action plan re-addresses the issues raised in the consultation document, taking into account the comments received, and also identifies areas of possible improvement in data gathering that would allow more accurate estimation of the spawning target and compliance in future years. The progress of this plan will be monitored and reported annually.
In February 1996 A Strategy for the Management of Salmon in England and Wales was launched by the National Rivers Authority. The strategy concentrates on four main objectives for the management of salmon fisheries in England and Wales: (i) Optimise the number of salmon returning to home water fisheries, (ii) Maintain and improve the fitness and diversity of salmon stocks, (iii) Optimise the total economic value of surplus stocks, (iv) Ensure necessary costs are met by beneficiaries. These four objectives will be addressed through local Salmon Action Plans (SAPs) which will be produced for each of the principle salmon rivers in England and Wales by the year 2001. This Salmon Action Plan for the River Ribble reviews the status of the stock and the fisheries, seeks to identify the main factors limiting performance, to draw up and cost a list of options to address these, and to consult with local interest groups.
The report presents the Environment Agency's 5 year Salmon Action Plan for the River Kent for the period from January 2001, providing the background to the plan, responses to the public consultation given, and proposed actions.
En este TFG se realiza una introducción teórica del sector de las apuestas deportivas y después se desarrolla un plan de negocio para una empresa de asesoramiento en apuestas deportivas.
Lan honetan Pauso Berriak programaren eraginkortasuna handitzeko marketinak eskaintzen duen aukera aztertu dut, aplikagarrienak zaizkion marketin alorrak jorratuz,bereziki marketin soziala, eta komunikazio plan baten lerro nagusiak zehaztuz. Xede publiko ezberdin asko egon daitezke programa honetan. Hala nola, adimen urritasuneko pertsonak, familiak, Gureak eta Atzegi, administrazioa, enpresak eta Gipuzkoako gizartea, baina Gipuzkoako enpresetan zentratuko naiz xede honekin lan asko egin behar delako iruditzen zaidalako eta nire ikasketekin lotura handiena duena baita.
Plan de marketing del establecimiento hotelero DOLAREA de Beasain.
El proyecto a continuación redactado refleja la creación de un plan de marketing para una comarca, Oarsoaldea. Consiste en lograr una mayor eficacia para atraer al turismo en los cuatro municipios que la forman mediante un plan basado en el marketing de relaciones.
[ES] La iglesia de Santa María tiene una planta de unos 22x18 metros y cuenta con tres pórticos (sur, oeste y norte) así como una espadaña exenta. Adyacente al sudeste se encuentra la ermita de Santa Lucía. Las excavaciones arqueológicas de dos zonas de unos 6 x 3 metros en el interior y el exterior de la iglesia sirven como hilo conductor a las jornadas de puertas abiertas al público.