1000 resultados para Fracasso no empreendedorismo
This paper presents a new field for professional Public Relations: startups. And this new alignment brings context and typology with the business public relations as an entrepreneur and manager of a communications agency. This new type of business, startups, with accelerated growth characteristics and high-risk investments, and alternative becomes simultaneously an opportunity to undertake innovative projects up and turn into a business. In this sense, the work part of the mix of innovation and diffusion of new ideas, with the capacity of Public Relations professional to adapt and work with many different sectors. Considering this context, the study seeks, finds that public relations professionals become essential for mediating the process of scenario analysis for the deployment of startups, and can be very useful in the case of managers and initiators the agency itself as a startup company offering a strategic advantage by combining management and communication
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver e avaliar a aplicação da oficina de futuro “Árvore dos sonhos” com os alunos de uma escola estadual, localizada em um bairro periférico na cidade de Botucatu, e identificar os temas geradores, as necessidades e as motivações sobre o aprendizado na escola, para o desenvolvimento de propostas de um projeto interdisciplinar relacionado à melhoria do ambiente escolar. Para Doll(1997) um currículo construtivo é aquele que emerge da ação e interação dos participantes. Hernandez (1998) afirmou que o papel do currículo integrado é educar para compreender e que interpretar é manifestar explicitamente a compreensão. Professores e coordenadores, geralmente, tem dificuldade em planejar e realizar trabalhos articulados, com isto poucos estudantes são capazes de vislumbrar a integração dos conteúdos vistos nas diferentes disciplinas, esta situação é constatada na realidade de muitas escolas brasileiras, que vêem buscando alternativas que contribuam para superar alguns dos obstáculos relacionados ao processo de ensino e de aprendizado. A atividade de construção da árvore dos sonhos foi proposta ao Ensino Médio para sensibilizar os alunos, para que pudessem se expressar, através de uma atividade interativa envolvendo a participação coletiva da turma. Cada sala foi responsável pela elaboração da idéia, construção, finalização, exposição dos sonhos e preservação da sua árvore dentro da sala de aula. Em algumas salas os temas geraram polêmicas e indignações diante da situação atual na escola, em outras não houve muito envolvimento dos alunos em virtude do sentimento de impotência, desmotivação e fracasso diante dos problemas dificultando a emergência de processos de mobilização que promovam em mudanças. Os sonhos e propostas escolhidos pelos alunos foram levados ao HTPC, para que em conjunto com o corpo docente, coordenadores da escola e a DE (Diretoria ...
Researches show high rates of school failure on the part of students who are unable to learn, referring to them as the idea of an incapable individual and intended not to achieve the goals proposed during the school year. Among the most varied problems posed by teachers and that are instilled in students in order to justify the poor performance of the same, we find Disorder Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Faced with this problem the objective was to investigate teachers‟ conception of the second year of primary education on ADHD, knowing well the mechanisms of identification, confirmation and referral of these cases, as well as the appropriate treatment and teaching practices suggested. To achieve the proposed objective a literature search was performed supplemented by an empirical study in which we used two instruments to collect data: interviews and observation. The study included empirical two teachers from a state school and two teachers from a private school, all of a midsize city in São Paulo. The interviews showed that teachers of second grade of elementary school consider ADHD a neurological problem in order to be addressed, however, chose not to speak about the treatment carried out by drugs. The observations revealed that the discourse of these teachers are away from their practices, it is worth noting that the differences in these two situations studied - state and private network - are so disparate and interfere in this important teaching practice
Understanding the global context that holds the organizations today, this work goes on the characteristics that can be used to descript the enterprising mind, walking through the “startup” concept in its essence and observing how the Public Relations professional acts in this field. Then, the paper begins the experience report about Indigo, a real startup, making an observation of the cultural reality that motivated its creation and some of the first processes, coming to the definition of an “enterprising startup”. Seeking consolidation of the enterprise, the Public Relations planning comes up, leading to an event that not only reach the main goal, but also generate financial goods and innovates the cultural scene
This paper presents a new playing field for the public relations professional: the start-ups. This new company, with characteristics of fast growth and high-risk investments, becomes an alternative and, at the same time, opportunity for innovative projects that turns from theory into real business, product or service. This way, the work starts on the context of innovation and spread of new ideas, so people can understand the importance of the promotion and study of new ways to market. Faced with this context, public relations professionals are becoming essential in the mediating process of scenario analysis for the implantation of start-ups, as well as the communication of innovation and insight in this new business environment
The current paper presents itself as a pioneer and innovative initiative of thinking communication applying it to a very specific target audience: the homosexual segment. In the course of this study, peculiar characteristics concerning the needs and aspirations of this group have been analyzed. Data confirm this segment has one of the most meaningful market potential nowadays. In view of this, it has been carried out a detailed analysis about a Brazilian company entrepreneurship which proposed itself to enter into connection with this target. Finally it is made available to the reader a guide containing the guidelines and all the appropriate practices by the time a company decides to encompass the gay segment
Negócio de Artesão: Empreendendo no Artesanato Pessoal is a blog about entrepreneurship for craftspeople. The present work comes to help in the formation of the artisan, bringing material for study on business, experts and organizations who understand the subject show up to talk about several topics in a simple, concise and relaxed way. Moreover, we also want to tell the story of people who already undertake projects, and supplement their income by selling products they make, humanizing the testimonies. The overall goal is to generate interest for the entrepreneurial activity in people who do handcrafts or who want to start doing it. Thus, people who once used to handcraft just as a hobby can now find a way to supplement their income. The specific goals are: to encourage people to think of a business of their own; stimulate the creative industries through the blog; contribute to the formalization of the artisan; stimulate the exchange of knowledge among artisans; to spread the work of artisans. The methodology used for this project was exploratory research, using bibliographical and desk research, in addition to interviewing and direct and indirect documentary techniques. The method used was the deductive approach, as the methods of procedure used were the historical and comparative ones. As a result, we have the blog named Negócio de Artesão, which can be used both to inform the reader about how he can conceive their enterprise and to be able to make money from their work
This study aims to analyze the experience of Solidarity Economy in the City of Várzea Paulista - SP and from the incubation of the enterprise of aesthetics Casa da Beleza. Therefore, we need to present a historical overview of the Solidarity Economy in Brazil to understand how and why it has been developing in the country, as it has become State policies on the national scene, as well as on municipal. The research also discusses what the role of government in the development of the Solidarity Economy, promotion of social policies and local development, with the big question: What is the role of government in promoting Várzea Paulista social policies Solidarity Economy? Finally, this research seeks to understand how the Solidarity Economy causes changes in social conditions from the point of view of women who are venture incubated by Casa da Beleza
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
This article holds that the dominant scene of the “crisis of politics” in modern societies reflects a complex process of reconfiguration of social life and way of living. Through critical dialogue with some representatives of political sociology of radicalized modernity, it suggests that current failure of politics is the failure of one way of doing and thinking about politics, direct heir of “historical capitalism”. It is not the failure of politics as such, but of a mode of politics, political system, political practice. It must be associated with a sort of fatigue of the material which composed modern politics, which has always been based on strong national and constitutional states, on mass parties and active parliaments, as well as on the efficient functioning of representative democracies.
The author, based on the work Change of Revolution, analyzes what Jacques Ellul understand as structural and existential in a Marxist revolution. Analyzing the main experiences of this type, the French thinker finds its by technification of the society. However, it also notes the validity of Marx’s objectives of overcoming the proletariat and the alienation. Thus, a revolutionary and libertarian socialism would be possible under certain conditions. On an existential level, Ellul questions in each one of us the permanence of efficiency values, of power and the pursuit of money as the main purpose of life, offering an authentic and radical transformation before the seizure of power. Thus, the author develops the Ellulian concept of God’s revelation in Jesus Christ as a lever and fulcrum of Revolution.
This paper aims to show the beginning of habitus and the bodily hexis construction of male ballet dancer and female player soccer. Firstly, the habitus and the bodily hexis are established by the cultural inheritance of families (advices, likes, choices, prohibitions, and work divisions). After, they are restructured by the most diverse fields where this people act, mainly in the school, specifically at Physical Education classes (in the specialized places where these classes occur). Thus, it is possible to verify the success or the failure of their path lives and the possibility of a social ascent by the choice of these practices as professional career.
This paper presents the main achievements in the field of children and youngsters social rights and provides some data on Brazilian education that show the discrepancy between the legal guidelines and the educational situation of children and youngsters within public schools. It presents a critical approach to the ways production and attendance of school problems have been interpreted and shows the dimension in which social facilities established to provide protection to children and adolescents have not been able to ensure a good quality schooling. It highlights the Guardian Council as addressee of school demands and stands out the urgency of debating the violation of fundamental rights such as the lack of quality in education, the repeated situations of failure, and dropping out experienced by a significant number of poor students. The analyzes developed point to the fragility of the relationship between school and Guardian Council revealing an institutional dynamic that individualize social issues. The analyzes developed also suggest the possibility of including Psychology mediation to school, family and Guardian Council. These aim to break the hegemony of the gaze individualizing approach that blame individual and / or family for school failures. This all present to professionals the urgenct for a critical attitude, based on theoretical and practical approaches able to research and propose critical interventions in order to overcome the production of educational exclusion.