987 resultados para Formulae, receipts, prescriptions
The gift plate in the front of the book indicates that the book is from Walker’s Drug Store, Niagara Falls, Ontario. Walker’s Drug Company was founded in 1925 by Ivan T. Walker. The dates of this book indicate that it is more likely to have come from A.C. Thorburn, Chemist and Druggist. A.C. Thorburn purchased Smith’s Pharmacy and Pursel and Company Dry Goods Store at the corner of Main Street and Lundy’s Lane in Niagara Falls, Ontario. In 1900, Pursel moved out and Thorburn’s Drug Store came into being. Ivan T. Walker, founder of Walker’s Drugs was employed by Thorburn Drugs in his teen years. The local doctors whose prescriptions are in the book include: J. H. McGarry; F.W.E. Wilson; C. F. Abraham; W.E. Olmsted; W.W. Thompson; Dr. Robb, dentist; Horace R. Elliot, physician and surgeon and Dr. Sutherland, eye, ear nose and throat specialist
Letter to Jarvis Franklin and Co. acknowledging the receipts and copies of application from Samuel Woodruff, May 19, 1882.
Receipt from Aetna Works, Sheffield for payment on account, Nov. 26, 1873.
Receipt from G. Lloyd, dealer in hot air furnaces, stoves, ranges, gas fixtures and pumps, located on King Street, St. Catharines regarding payment received for burners, dampers and other gas fixtures, Jan. 1, 1875.
Receipt from Chance Brothers and Co. Glass Works near Birmingham, England regarding payment received for glass panes. This is accompanied by an envelope, April 6, 1875.
Receipt from Brush Brothers of Buffalo, N.Y. for brick, Oct. 26, 1875.
Receipt from A. Jeffrey importer of Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nails and etc. regarding payment received on glass panes, Nov. 12, 1875.
Receipt from T.B. Stewart and Co. of New York, manufacturers of Slate and Marble Mantels regarding payment on mantle, March 6, 1876.
Receipt from T. Baxter regarding payment for strong wire work, May 4, 1876.
Receipt from Matthias McCormick of St. Catharines, manufacturer of Doors, Blinds and Mouldings regarding payment for lumber, June 10, 1876.
Receipt from E. Priddle for measurement of slate roof, June 24, 1876.
Receipt from A. Jeffrey of St. Catharines regarding payment for screws and white glue, June 30, 1876.