1000 resultados para Forcing Function


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This paper investigates evidence for palaeoclimatic changes during the period ca. 1500-500 cal. yr BC through peat humification studies on seven Irish ombrotrophic bogs. The sites are well-correlated by the identification of three mid-first millennium BC tephras, which enable the humification records at specific points in time to be directly compared. Phases of temporarily increased wetness are suggested at ca. 1300-1250 cal. yr BC, ca. 1150-1050 cal. yr BC, ca. 940 cal. yr BC and ca. 740 cal. yr BC. The last of these is confirmed to be synchronous at five sites, suggesting external forcing on a regional scale. The timing of this wet-shift is constrained by two closely dated tephras and is demonstrated to be distinct from the widely reported changes to cooler/wetter conditions associated with a solar minimum at 850-760 cal. yr BC, at which time the Irish sites appear instead to experience drier conditions. The results suggest the possibility of either non-uniform responses to solar forcing in northwest Europe at this time, or the existence of unrelated climate events in the early first millennium BC. The findings caution against the correlation of loosely dated palaeoclimate data if the effects of forcing mechanisms are to be understood.


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The temporal and spatial extent of Holocene climate change is an area of considerable uncertainty, with solar forcing recently proposed to be the origin of cycles identified in the North Atlantic region. To address these issues we have developed an annually resolved record of changes in Irish bog tree populations over the last 7468 years which, together with radiocarbon-dated bog and lake-edge populations, extend the dataset back to 9000 yr ago. The Irish trees underpin the internationally accepted radiocarbon calibration curve, used to derive a proxy of solar activity, and allow us to test solar forcing of Holocene climate change. Tree populations and age structures provide unambiguous evidence of major shifts in Holocene surface moisture, with a dominant cyclicity of 800 yr, similar to marine cycles in the North Atlantic, indicating significant changes in the latitude and intensity of zonal atmospheric circulation across the region. The cycles, however, are not coherent with changes in solar activity (both being on the same absolute timescale), indicating that Holocene North Atlantic climate variability at the millennial and centennial scale is not driven by a linear response to changes in solar activity.


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Langerhans cells (LCs) are prominent dendritic cells (DCs) in epithelia, but their role in immunity is poorly defined. To track and discriminate LCs from dermal DCs in vivo, we developed knockin mice expressing enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) under the control of the langerin (CD207) gene. By using vital imaging, we showed that most EGFP(+) LCs were sessile under steady-state conditions, whereas skin inflammation induced LC motility and emigration to lymph nodes (LNs). After skin immunization, dermal DCs arrived in LNs first and colonized areas distinct from slower migrating LCs. LCs reaching LNs under steady-state or inflammatory conditions expressed similar levels of costimulatory molecules. Langerin and EGFP were also expressed on thymic DCs and on blood-derived, CD8alpha(+) DCs from all secondary lymphoid organs. By using a similar knockin strategy involving a diphtheria toxin receptor (DTR) fused to EGFP, we demonstrated that LCs were dispensable for triggering hapten-specific T cell effectors through skin immunization.


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Langerin is a C-type lectin expressed by a subset of dendritic leukocytes, the Langerhans cells (LC). Langerin is a cell surface receptor that induces the formation of an LC-specific organelle, the Birbeck granule (BG). We generated a langerin(-/-) mouse on a C57BL/6 background which did not display any macroscopic aberrant development. In the absence of langerin, LC were detected in normal numbers in the epidermis but the cells lacked BG. LC of langerin(-/-) mice did not present other phenotypic alterations compared to wild-type littermates. Functionally, the langerin(-/-) LC were able to capture antigen, to migrate towards skin draining lymph nodes, and to undergo phenotypic maturation. In addition, langerin(-/-) mice were not impaired in their capacity to process native OVA protein for I-A(b)-restricted presentation to CD4(+) T lymphocytes or for H-2K(b)-restricted cross-presentation to CD8(+) T lymphocytes. langerin(-/-) mice inoculated with mannosylated or skin-tropic microorganisms did not display an altered pathogen susceptibility. Finally, chemical mutagenesis resulted in a similar rate of skin tumor development in langerin(-/-) and wild-type mice. Overall, our data indicate that langerin and BG are dispensable for a number of LC functions. The langerin(-/-) C57BL/6 mouse should be a valuable model for further functional exploration of langerin and the role of BG.


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Nitric oxide (NO), produced by endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), plays important roles in normal vascular homeostasis, and reduced endothelial NO bioactivity is an important feature of vascular disease states. The Glu298Asp (G894T) polymorphic variant of eNOS has been associated with vascular disease, but functional data are lacking. Accordingly, we examined the relationships between NO-mediated endothelial function, the presence of the eNOS Glu298Asp variant, and clinical risk factors for atherosclerosis. Endothelium-dependent vasorelaxations to different agonists were determined in human saphenous veins obtained from patients with coronary artery disease and identified risk factors (n = 104). Patients were genotyped for the eNOS G894T polymorphism. Nitric oxide-mediated endothelial vasorelaxations were highly variable between patients. Reduced vasorelaxations were associated with increased number of clinical risk factors for atherosclerosis (r = - 0.54, P


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Severity of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) correlates with elevated plasma levels of neuropeptide Y (NPY) in hypertension. NPY elicits positive and negative contractile effects in cardiomyocytes through Y(1) and Y(2) receptors, respectively. This study tested the hypothesis that NPY receptor-mediated contraction is altered during progression of LVH. Ventricular cardiomyocytes were isolated from spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs) pre-LVH (12 weeks), during development (16 weeks), and at established LVH (20 weeks) and age-matched normotensive Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rats. Electrically stimulated (60 V, 0.5 Hz) cell shortening was measured using edge detection and receptor expression determined at mRNA and protein level. The NPY and Y(1) receptor-selective agonist, Leu(31)Pro(34)NPY, stimulated increases in contractile amplitude, which were abolished by the Y(1) receptor-selective antagonist, BIBP3226 [R-N(2)-(diphenyl-acetyl)-N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)methyl-argininamide)], confirming Y(1) receptor involvement. Potencies of both agonists were enhanced in SHR cardiomyocytes at 20 weeks (2300- and 380-fold versus controls). Maximal responses were not attenuated. BIBP3226 unmasked a negative contraction effect of NPY, elicited over the concentration range (10(-12) to 3 x 10(-9) M) in which NPY and PYY(3-36) attenuated the positive contraction effects of isoproterenol, the potencies of which were increased in cardiomyocytes from SHRs at 20 weeks (175- and 145-fold versus controls); maximal responses were not altered. Expression of NPY-Y(1) and NPY-Y(2) receptor mRNAs was decreased (55 and 69%) in left ventricular cardiomyocytes from 20-week-old SHRs versus age-matched WKY rats; parallel decreases (32 and 80%) were observed at protein level. Enhancement of NPY potency, producing (opposing) contractile effects on cardiomyocytes together with unchanged maximal response despite reduced receptor number, enables NPY to contribute to regulating cardiac performance during compensatory LVH.


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Obesity is a low grade inflammatory state associated with premature cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Along with traditional risk factors the measurement of endothelial function, insulin resistance, inflammation and arterial stiffness may contribute to the assessment of cardiovascular risk. We conducted a randomised placebo controlled trial to assess the effects of 12 weeks treatment with a PPAR-alpha agonist (fenofibrate) and a PPAR-gamma agonist (pioglitazone) on these parameters in obese glucose tolerant men. Arterial stiffness was measured using augmentation index and pulse wave velocity (PWV). E-selectin, VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 were used as markers of endothelial function. Insulin sensitivity improved with pioglitazone treatment (p=0.001) and, in keeping with this, adiponectin increased by 85.2% (p