987 resultados para Força radial
We present a novel kinetic multi-layer model that explicitly resolves mass transport and chemical reaction at the surface and in the bulk of aerosol particles (KM-SUB). The model is based on the PRA framework of gas–particle interactions (P¨oschl et al., 5 2007), and it includes reversible adsorption, surface reactions and surface-bulk exchange as well as bulk diffusion and reaction. Unlike earlier models, KM-SUB does not require simplifying assumptions about steady-state conditions and radial mixing. The temporal evolution and concentration profiles of volatile and non-volatile species at the gas-particle interface and in the particle bulk can be modeled along with surface 10 concentrations and gas uptake coefficients. In this study we explore and exemplify the effects of bulk diffusion on the rate of reactive gas uptake for a simple reference system, the ozonolysis of oleic acid particles, in comparison to experimental data and earlier model studies. We demonstrate how KM-SUB can be used to interpret and analyze experimental data from laboratory stud15 ies, and how the results can be extrapolated to atmospheric conditions. In particular, we show how interfacial transport and bulk transport, i.e., surface accommodation, bulk accommodation and bulk diffusion, influence the kinetics of the chemical reaction. Sensitivity studies suggest that in fine air particulate matter oleic acid and compounds with similar reactivity against ozone (C=C double bonds) can reach chemical lifetimes of 20 multiple hours only if they are embedded in a (semi-)solid matrix with very low diffusion coefficients (10−10 cm2 s−1). Depending on the complexity of the investigated system, unlimited numbers of volatile and non-volatile species and chemical reactions can be flexibly added and treated with KM-SUB. We propose and intend to pursue the application of KM-SUB 25 as a basis for the development of a detailed master mechanism of aerosol chemistry as well as for the derivation of simplified but realistic parameterizations for large-scale atmospheric and climate models.
An input variable selection procedure is introduced for the identification and construction of multi-input multi-output (MIMO) neurofuzzy operating point dependent models. The algorithm is an extension of a forward modified Gram-Schmidt orthogonal least squares procedure for a linear model structure which is modified to accommodate nonlinear system modeling by incorporating piecewise locally linear model fitting. The proposed input nodes selection procedure effectively tackles the problem of the curse of dimensionality associated with lattice-based modeling algorithms such as radial basis function neurofuzzy networks, enabling the resulting neurofuzzy operating point dependent model to be widely applied in control and estimation. Some numerical examples are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed construction algorithm.
A fast backward elimination algorithm is introduced based on a QR decomposition and Givens transformations to prune radial-basis-function networks. Nodes are sequentially removed using an increment of error variance criterion. The procedure is terminated by using a prediction risk criterion so as to obtain a model structure with good generalisation properties. The algorithm can be used to postprocess radial basis centres selected using a k-means routine and, in this mode, it provides a hybrid supervised centre selection approach.
Associative memory networks such as Radial Basis Functions, Neurofuzzy and Fuzzy Logic used for modelling nonlinear processes suffer from the curse of dimensionality (COD), in that as the input dimension increases the parameterization, computation cost, training data requirements, etc. increase exponentially. Here a new algorithm is introduced for the construction of a Delaunay input space partitioned optimal piecewise locally linear models to overcome the COD as well as generate locally linear models directly amenable to linear control and estimation algorithms. The training of the model is configured as a new mixture of experts network with a new fast decision rule derived using convex set theory. A very fast simulated reannealing (VFSR) algorithm is utilized to search a global optimal solution of the Delaunay input space partition. A benchmark non-linear time series is used to demonstrate the new approach.
A nonlinear regression structure comprising a wavelet network and a linear term is proposed for system identification. The theoretical foundation of the approach is laid by proving that radial wavelets are orthogonal to linear functions. A constructive procedure for building such models is described and the approach is tested with experimental data.
This paper shows that a wavelet network and a linear term can be advantageously combined for the purpose of non linear system identification. The theoretical foundation of this approach is laid by proving that radial wavelets are orthogonal to linear functions. A constructive procedure for building such nonlinear regression structures, termed linear-wavelet models, is described. For illustration, sim ulation data are used to identify a model for a two-link robotic manipulator. The results show that the introduction of wavelets does improve the prediction ability of a linear model.
In this paper, we propose a new on-line learning algorithm for the non-linear system identification: the swarm intelligence aided multi-innovation recursive least squares (SI-MRLS) algorithm. The SI-MRLS algorithm applies the particle swarm optimization (PSO) to construct a flexible radial basis function (RBF) model so that both the model structure and output weights can be adapted. By replacing an insignificant RBF node with a new one based on the increment of error variance criterion at every iteration, the model remains at a limited size. The multi-innovation RLS algorithm is used to update the RBF output weights which are known to have better accuracy than the classic RLS. The proposed method can produces a parsimonious model with good performance. Simulation result are also shown to verify the SI-MRLS algorithm.
Interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) are often observed to travel much faster than the ambient solar wind. If the relative speed between the two exceeds the fast magnetosonic velocity, then a shock wave will form. The Mach number and the shock standoff distance ahead of the ICME leading edge is measured to infer the vertical size of an ICME in a direction that is perpendicular to the solar wind flow. We analyze the shock standoff distance for 45 events varying between 0.5 AU and 5.5 AU in order to infer their physical dimensions. We find that the average ratio of the inferred vertical size to measured radial width, referred to as the aspect ratio, of an ICME is 2.8 ± 0.5. We also compare these results to the geometrical predictions from Paper I that forecast an aspect ratio between 3 and 6. The geometrical solution varies with heliocentric distance and appears to provide a theoretical maximum for the aspect ratio of ICMEs. The minimum aspect ratio appears to remain constant at 1 (i.e., a circular cross section) for all distances. These results suggest that possible distortions to the leading edge of ICMEs are frequent. But, these results may also indicate that the constants calculated in the empirical relationship correlating the different shock front need to be modified; or perhaps both distortions and a change in the empirical formulae are required.
Os métodos de diagnóstico sorológico são ainda as ferramentas mais realistas e aplicáveis para identificação de cães com leishmaniose visceral. A pesquisa por métodos sorológicos mais eficientes e de produção simplificada é importante para a identificação do reservatório canino, ação primordial para o controle da doença. Este estudo teve por objetivo o desenvolvimento e a avaliação do desempenho de um ELISA para leishmaniose visceral canina, utilizando como conjugado enzimático uma IgY anti-IgG canina. Para isto, galinhas poedeiras foram imunizadas com IgG canina purificada e a IgY anti-IgG foi isolada das gemas dos ovos por precipitação com polietilenoglicol e purificada por meio de adsorção tiofílica. A especificidade frente ao antígeno imunizante foi verificada por imunodifusão radial dupla, ELISA e western-blot. O ELISA foi desenvolvido utilizando IgY conjugada a enzima peroxidase, tendo seus parâmetros de acurácia avaliados e comparados com o ELISA utilizando IgG de mamíferos conjugada a peroxidase. A concentração total de IgY isolada nas gemas foi constante, sem diferença significativa nos meses analisados (...), com média de 97,55 mg de IgY/ gema. A IgY produzida reconheceu a IgG canina, demonstrando uma forte sensibilidade e especificidade no ELISA, porém na imunodifusão não foi detectada ligação da IgY produzida a IgG canina. Após a imunização, houve um aumento significante da produção de IgY específica do primeiro para o segundo mês (...) onde ocorreu um pico estável sem queda de produção até o final do período analisado (...). A IgY demonstrou ainda, forte reatividade no western-Blot frente a IgG canina purificada e a presente no soro de cão clinicamente saudável, não sendo capaz de reconhecer IgG de outras espécies animais.
An efficient numerical self-consistent field theory (SCFT) algorithm is developed for treating structured polymers on spherical surfaces. The method solves the diffusion equations of SCFT with a pseudospectral approach that combines a spherical-harmonics expansion for the angular coordinates with a modified real-space Crank–Nicolson method for the radial direction. The self-consistent field equations are solved with Anderson-mixing iterations using dynamical parameters and an alignment procedure to prevent angular drift of the solution. A demonstration of the algorithm is provided for thin films of diblock copolymer grafted to the surface of a spherical core, in which the sequence of equilibrium morphologies is predicted as a function of diblock composition. The study reveals an array of interesting behaviors as the block copolymer pattern is forced to adapt to the finite surface area of the sphere.
This contribution proposes a powerful technique for two-class imbalanced classification problems by combining the synthetic minority over-sampling technique (SMOTE) and the particle swarm optimisation (PSO) aided radial basis function (RBF) classifier. In order to enhance the significance of the small and specific region belonging to the positive class in the decision region, the SMOTE is applied to generate synthetic instances for the positive class to balance the training data set. Based on the over-sampled training data, the RBF classifier is constructed by applying the orthogonal forward selection procedure, in which the classifier's structure and the parameters of RBF kernels are determined using a PSO algorithm based on the criterion of minimising the leave-one-out misclassification rate. The experimental results obtained on a simulated imbalanced data set and three real imbalanced data sets are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm.
This paper deals with the selection of centres for radial basis function (RBF) networks. A novel mean-tracking clustering algorithm is described as a way in which centers can be chosen based on a batch of collected data. A direct comparison is made between the mean-tracking algorithm and k-means clustering and it is shown how mean-tracking clustering is significantly better in terms of achieving an RBF network which performs accurate function modelling.