1000 resultados para Foliar Fertilizer


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of girdling of branches and the application of GA3, still in the main crop flowering on the formation of reproductive structures, the fruit set of the following extemporaneous flowering of 'Tahiti' acid lime. This work used a randomized block design with five replications in a 4x3 factorial design. The first factor was the foliar application of GA3, 88 days before extemporaneous flowering at five concentrations (0, 7, 14 and 21 mg.L-1). The second factor was the girdling times, 108 days before flowering onset (A108AF), 78 days before flowering (A78AF) plus no-girdling control (NG). In extemporaneous flowering, the proportion of buds, flowers and fruits that abscised was 38.75, 31.25 and 18.64% respectively and 11.34% of all reproductive structures formed were collected. GA3 did not affect fruit set. Girdling increased fruit set by 229 and 256% at A108DAF and A78DAF respectively, in relation to NG plants. The GA3 reduced the formation of floral structures, which resulted in a quadratic increase in field production by reducing the competition for photoassimilates among fruits. The concentration of 21 mg.L-1 was the most productive, with 15.97 fruit.plant-1.


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The production of medicinal plants as raw material for industry must associate quality with biomass formation and, with this purpose, the application of plant growth regulators has been studied in these crops. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of a biostimulant on growth, inflorescence production and flavonoid content in marigold. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse and the treatments consisted of increasing doses of the biostimulant (0, 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 mL L-1) applied by foliar spraying in ten consecutive applications. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design, with six treatments and ten repetitions. The number of leaves and flowerheads and dry matter of roots increased linearly with increasing doses of the growth promoter, with 20%, 36.97% and 97.28% increases, respectively, compared with the control. The total dry mass and shoot dry mass showed maximum values at the highest dose tested of 15 mL L-1 (with increases of 40.09% and 46.30%, respectively). Plant height and flavonoid content reached the highest values at a dose of 6 mL L-1. The biostimulant promoted the development of marigold and positively influenced the synthesis of the secondary compound of medicinal interest. Among the tested doses, the application of rates between 6 and 9 mL L-1 of the biostimulant is recommended for more efficient large-scale production of marigold.


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O extrato pirolenhoso vem sendo utilizado para diversos fins na agricultura, como a melhoria do desenvolvimento vegetativo, a fertilização orgânica, o condicionamento do do solo e a indução de enraizamento. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de diferentes doses de extrato pirolenhoso no cultivo da orquídea Cattleya loddigesii Lindl. Utilizaram-se plantas propagadas in vitro, as quais foram cultivadas em vasos com substrato composto de fibra de coco, casca de pinus e casca de arroz carbonizada (1:1:1 v/v/v). As regas foram realizadas manualmente duas vezes por semana, no outono e no inverno, e três vezes por semana, na primavera e no verão. Os tratamentos foram: 0,0 (controle), 0,1, 0,2, 0,3, 0,4, 0,5 e 0,6%, valores que correspondem a 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 e 6 mL L-1 de extrato pirolenhoso, respectivamente, aplicados utilizando-se o produto diluído em água, no volume de 50 mL por vaso a cada 30 dias. Após 12 meses do início do experimento, foram avaliados altura da parte aérea, número de brotos, número de folhas, número de pseudobulbos, comprimento da maior raiz, número de raízes, comprimento da maior folha, massa fresca total, massa seca da parte aérea e pH do substrato. A análise química foliar foi realizada para os elementos cálcio, magnésio, fósforo, potássio e nitrogênio. Observou-se que a aplicação do extrato pirolenhoso foi eficaz no cultivo da espécie Cattleya loddigesii Lindl., sendo recomendada a dose de 0,6%.


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Conhecimentos sobre o acúmulo e a distribuição da fitomassa do feijoeiro comum, sob diferentes níveis de adubação, podem auxiliar no manejo da cultura. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar o crescimento, os índices fisiológicos e a produtividade de cultivares de feijão, sob diferentes níveis de adubação NPK. O experimento foi conduzido em um Nitossolo Vermelho distroférrico, no município de Botucatu, SP, no delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados, em parcelas subdivididas, com quatro repetições. As parcelas foram constituídas por seis tratamentos ('Pérola', sem adubação; 'Pérola', com 50% da adubação recomendada; 'Pérola', com 100% da adubação recomendada; 'IAC Alvorada', sem adubação; 'IAC Alvorada', com 50% da adubação recomendada e 'IAC Alvorada', com 100% da adubação recomendada) e, as subparcelas, por sete épocas de coletas no decorrer do ciclo. A adubação NPK aumentou os acúmulos de matéria seca, os componentes da produção e a produtividade de grãos dos cultivares Pérola e IAC Alvorada de forma semelhante. O cultivar IAC Alvorada apresentou maiores índices de área foliar e matéria seca de folhas, quando comparados com os de Pérola, sob adubação NPK recomendada, porém, sem esses índices refletirem-se em maior produtividade de grãos. O máximo acúmulo de matéria seca foi alcançado aos 80 DAE e a maior taxa de crescimento da cultura ocorreu aos 55 DAE, independentemente do tratamento.


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The objective of this study was to analyze the environmental performance of aquaculture in the city of Colorado do Oeste, Rondônia State, Brazil. Fifteen fish farmers were interviewed. For data collection, structured interviews were carried out, using a questionnaire based on information supplied by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The questionnaire considered 12 items, organized into three main topics: a) social and legal standards b) environmental standards c) standards of food safety and hygiene. The questionnaire considered 12 items, organized into three main topics: a) social and legal standards b) environmental standards c) standards of food safety and hygiene. Aquaculture in the city of Colorado do Oeste, Rondônia presents two fish production systems: extensive and semi-intensive. In the semi-intensive system, stocking rate was one fish per m3, on average; tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum), tilapias (Oreochromis spp.), pirarucu (Arapaima gigas) and pintado (Pseudoplatystoma spp.) were the species farmed at the largest number. The rate of water renewal was due to the greater availability of natural food in this system. Water renewal was constant in the ponds (1,500 liters per minute). In the semi-intensive system using dug ponds, alevins were stocked and fed during the entire rearing time with natural and exogenous food. The extensive system relied on the natural production of the pond, with stocking density limited by the production of natural food. The little renewal of water made the cultivation tank itself acted as a decantation lake, with the occurrence of oxidation and sedimentation of residual organic matter, consisting of feces, debris and organic fertilizer. Production of reduced effluent volume took place in the extensive system, compared to the cultivation area. In addition, there was high water turbidity, caused by high concentration of planktonic organisms, and low concentrations of dissolved oxygen in the water. Data showed that nine estates of the interviewed fish farmers had critical environmental performance (less than 30.0%). Six estates of fish farmers had bad environmental performance (between 30.0 and 50.0%) (Coefficient of sustentainability = green square x 100 ÷ Total Questions less the yellow squares)


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A plant's nutritional balance can influence its resistance to diseases. In order to evaluate the effect of increasing doses of N and K on the yield and severity of the mayze white spot, two experiments were installed in the field, one in the city of Ijaci, Minas Gerais, and the other in the city of Sete Lagoas, Minas Gerais. The experimental delimitation was in randomized blocks with 5 x 5 factorial analysis of variance, and four repetitions. The treatments consisted of five doses of N (20; 40; 80; 150; 190 Kg ha-1of N in the experiments 1 and 2) and five doses of K (15; 30; 60; 120; 180 Kg ha-1of K in experiment 1 and 8.75; 17.5; 35; 50; 100 Kg ha-1of K in experiment 2). The susceptible cultivar 30P70 was planted in both experiments. The plot consisted of four rows 5 meters long, with a useful area consisting of two central rows 3 meters each. Evaluations began 43 days after emergence (DAE) in the first experiment and 56 DAE in the second one. There was no significant interaction between doses of N and K and the disease progress P+. The effect was only observed for N. The K did not influence the yield and the severity of the disease in these experiments. Bigger areas below the severity progress curve of the white spot and better yield were observed with increasing doses of N. Thus, with increasing doses of N, the white spot increased and also did the yield.


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Potassium is a nutrient found at low levels in Brazilian soils, requiring large inputs of fertilizers to achieve satisfactory crop yields. Brazil has high external dependence and limited reserves of soluble K mineral, which is traditionally exploited for the production of fertilizers. On the other hand, it is common the occurrence in the country of potassium-rich silicate minerals which are not commercially exploited. This study aimed to characterize mineralogically and chemically samples of verdete rock separated into size fractions and evaluate its potential as potassium fertilizer. The mineral composition of verdete rock is based on glauconite, quartz and feldspar. The total K2O content in verdete rock ranged from 5.18 to 9.0 dag/kg. The K content extracted in water or 2% citric acid was 2.4% below the total of K, indicating low reactivity of verdete rock and limitations for direct use as K source. The processes of physical fractionation and sedimentation in water are inefficient to promote the concentration of K in the different verdete rock fractions. The total K content in some samples are considerable and may enable the use of this rock as raw material for production of more reactive potassium fertilizers.


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RESUMOA utilização de produtos biofertilizantes, como fermentados bacterianos, contendo aminoácidos, é pouco estudada na produção de mudas de hortaliças, especialmente no sistema orgânico. Neste trabalho, o objetivo foi avaliar o efeito da aplicação foliar de um fermentado bacteriano do melaço da cana, contendo 30% do aminoácido ácido L-glutâmico, no desenvolvimento de mudas de repolho. Os tratamentos, constituídos por quatro repetições, eram compostos por concentrações do fermentado (0; 0,1; 0,2; 0,4 e 0,8 mL L-1)aplicadas nas folhas, em intervalos de sete ou de 14 dias. Aos 35 dias após a semeadura, foram determinados o índice relativo de clorofila, a área foliar e o volume do sistema radicular. O fermentado bacteriano promoveu incrementos do índice relativo de clorofila, da área foliar e do volume radicular, quando aplicado com intervalos de 14 dias, e incremento do volume radicular, quando aplicado com intervalos de sete dias. Ocorreu redução da área foliar, quando aplicado em concentrações superiores a 0,2 ml L-1, com intervalos de sete dias. O biofertilizante incrementa o desenvolvimento de mudas de repolho.


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RESUMO Reguladores de crescimento podem ser utilizados com o intuito de evitar o acamamento do trigo, porém, podem apresentar outros benefícios, em função da melhoria da interceptação de luz e da realocação de carbono. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência do regulador de crescimento (trinexapac-etil) sobre o desenvolvimento vegetativo, os componentes da produção e a qualidade de grãos de dois cultivares de trigo distintos em relação à susceptibilidade ao acamamento. Um experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação e outro a campo. No experimento em casa de vegetação, foram avaliadas as variáveis de desenvolvimento vegetativo (estatura de planta, relação entre raiz e parte aérea, áreas foliares unitária e total, comprimento e matéria seca de raízes) em plantas de trigo, com e sem a aplicação de trinexapac-etil, em estádio de primeiro nó visível e segundo nó perceptível. A campo foram avaliadas variáveis de desenvolvimento vegetativo (clorofila, estatura e área foliar), rendimento (número de espigas, massa de mil grãos e produtividade) e qualidade (massa do hectolitro e conteúdo de proteína), em plantas de trigo com variações de aplicação de trinexapac-etil (testemunha sem aplicação, perfilhamento e primeiro nó visível e segundo perceptível). O regulador de crescimento trinexapac-etil aumenta a relação entre raiz e parte aérea do cultivar Mirante e a produtividade dos cultivares Quartzo e Mirante. Porém, não interfere na qualidade de grãos desses cultivares.


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ABSTRACT The analytical determination of nutrient levels in recently mature leaves in order to diagnose nutritional status is based on the fact that leaves are metabolically active and more sensitive to variation in nutrients of the soil. In most of cases, there is a direct well known between foliar content and the development and yield of the plant. However, for a more accurate interpretation, it is essential to establish the index leaf. There are few published studies about Jatropha with contrasting results. In order to establish the index leaf, in adult plants, the macronutrient levels were evaluated in samples collected in experimental plots, in which doses of nitrogen and phosphorus were applied, in two parts of the floral branches (in the top and in the middle thirds); and in three positions of leaves of the floral branch (between the 1st and 3rd, 6th and 8th, and 13th and 15th leaves below the inflorescence). The location of the leaf on the plant significantly affects nutrient contents. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulfur tend to have higher concentration in young tissues. Calcium and magnesium showed higher levels in the basal leaves of floral branches. Samples collected in the top third of plants (between the 6th and 15th leaves of the floral branch) are more sensitive to variations of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization. Therefore, we indicate the 6th to 15th leaves of the top third plants as index leaves estimate nutritional status of Jatropha.


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RESUMO As gramas halófitas Spartina alterniflora e Spartina densiflora são espécies bioengenheiras, que podem ser utilizadas para mitigação de áreas degradadas de marismas e manguezais, para o controle da erosão costeira e para estabilização de dragado depositado em regiões estuarinas e costeiras. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da densidade de plantio e da adubação com nitrogênio (N) e fósforo (P) sobre mudas de propagação vegetativa destas duas espécies, crescendo em bandejas (0,15 m2; 7500 cm3). Para isto, foram realizados em estufa agrícola, não climatizada, dois experimentos nos anos de 2009 e 2011. Em 2009, apenas S. alterniflora foi cultivada, em duas densidades de plantios (133 e 400 mudas m-2) e com dois níveis de adição de nutrientes (sem adubação e com adição total de 50,8 gN m-2 e 16 gP m-2). Em 2011, bandejas com 80 mudas m-2 de ambas as espécies foram adubadas com razões 2N:1P, 6N:1P, 10N:1P e 14N:1P (adição total de 115 gN m-2). A adubação com NP estimulou a formação foliar e, em recipientes fertilizados, o número médio de hastes de S. alterniflora, após 80 dias, foi o dobro do observado nos recipientes-controle. Entretanto, densidades iniciais de 400 ou mais hastes m-2 nas bandejas resultaram em alongamento vertical excessivo das hastes de S. alterniflora (cerca de 100 cm de altura), o que prejudica o manuseio e o plantio. A adubação com razão 2N:1P resultou em melhor perfilhamento de ambas as espécies.


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ABSTRACT The indiscriminate use of mineral fertilizers in papaya orchards has increased production costs, and the use of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi is a promising alternative to reduce such expenses. Therefore, the present research aimed at studying the efficiency of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) on dry matter and nutrient accumulation in Sunrise Solo papaya seedlings, by applying doses of P2O5 (triple superphosphate) that are harmful to the symbiosis. The experiment was carried out in a protected environment and was set up in a randomized block design with four replications, and consisted of four P2O5 doses (0, 672, 1386 and 2100 mg dm-3), three mycorrhizal fungi species (Gigaspora margarita, Entrophospora colombiana and Scutellospora heterogama) and the control treatment (mycorrhiza-free). Shoot and root dry matter as well as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium contents in leaf and root tissues were assessed. Mycorrhizal inoculation promoted a 30% increase in shoot dry matter in relation to the control treatment. Mycorrhizal fungi promoted increases in leaf and root nitrogen content up to 672 mg dm-3 P2O5. Inoculation of E. colombiana favored the highest gains in root and shoot dry matter. P2O5 fertilization increased foliar and root phosphorus content.


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ABSTRACT The efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer in corn is usually low, negatively affecting plant nutrition, the economic return, and the environment. In this context, a variable rate of nitrogen, prescribed by crop sensors, has been proposed as an alternative to the uniform rate of nitrogen traditionally used by farmers. This study tested the hypothesis that variable rate of nitrogen, prescribed by optical sensor, increases the nitrogen use efficiency and grain yield as compared to uniform rate of nitrogen. The following treatments were evaluated: 0; 70; 140; and 210 kg ha-1 under uniform rate of nitrogen, and 140 kg ha -1 under variable rate of nitrogen. The nitrogen source was urea applied on the soil surface using a distributor equipped with the crop sensor. In this study, the grain yield ranged from 10.2 to 15.5 Mg ha-1, with linear response to nitrogen rates. The variable rate of nitrogen increased by 11.8 and 32.6% the nitrogen uptake and nitrogen use efficiency, respectively, compared to the uniform rate of nitrogen. However, no significant increase in grain yield was observed, indicating that the major benefit of the variable rate of nitrogen was reducing the risk of environmental impact of fertilizer.


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ABSTRACT The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of nitrogen doses applied via fertigation and associated with different types of crop establishment fertilization on growth and biomass of radish. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse of the Academic Unit of Agricultural Engineering, Federal University of Campina Grande, from April to May 2014. Treatments consisted of five doses of nitrogen fertilizer applied by fertigation (0, 0.7, 1.4, 2.1 and 2.8g per pot) and three types of crop establishment fertilization (humus 2:2; NPK and control), arranged in a 5 x 3 factor design with four repetitions. The 15 treatments were arranged in 60 plots. The nitrogen source used in the study was urea, divided in three applications: the first application was carried out eight days after transplanting, the second, on day 15, and the third, on day 22. The crop establishment fertilization significantly influenced the growth variables and plant mass of the radish on day 35 after transplanting. The highest values of the variables (number of leaves, plant height, bulb diameter, leaf area, fresh mass of the aerial part, dry mass of the aerial part and root/aerial part were observed in the treatment with humus on day 35 after transplanting. The dose of 2.8g nitrogen per pot corresponding to 6.22g of urea per plant provided the highest yield for the variable number of leafs, leaf area and root length on day 35 after transplanting.


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RESUMO Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar o crescimento de quatro cultivares de alface, nas condições do sul do Piauí, para recomendar os melhores para a região. O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação, em blocos casualizados, com avaliação em parcelas subdivididas no tempo, avaliadas em seis épocas (20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40 dias após a semeadura - DAS) e com os tratamentos correspondentes a quatro cultivares (Americana Rafaela(r), Grand Rapids TBR(r), Crespa Repolhuda(r) e Repolhuda Todo ano(r)), com cinco repetições. Foram avaliados área foliar, número de folhas, diâmetro de coleto, massa fresca da parte aérea, massa seca da parte aérea, de raízes e total e os índices fisiológicos da análise de crescimento. Os cultivares de alface interferiram significativamente nos parâmetros estudados, sendo que Americana Rafaela(r) e Repolhuda todo ano(r), nas condições a que foram submetidas, apresentaram melhores desempenhos e maiores índices morfofisiológicos, cultivados em vaso. Os cultivares Americana Rafaela(r) e Repolhuda todo ano(r) podem ser produzidos nas condições do sul do Piauí.