985 resultados para Fluvial incision


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An organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst analysis was carried out on 53 surface sediment samples from West Africa (17-6°N) to obtain insight in the relationship between their spatial distribution and hydrological conditions in the upper water column as well as marine productivity in the study area. Multivariate analysis of the dinoflagellate cyst relative abundances and environmental parameters of the water column shows that sea-surface temperature, salinity, marine productivity and bottom water oxygen are the factors that relate significantly to the distribution patterns of individual species in the region. The composition of cyst assemblages and dinoflagellate cyst concentrations allows the identification of four hydrographic regimes; 1) the northern regime between 17 and 14°N characterized by high productivity associated with seasonal coastal upwelling, 2) the southern regime between 12 and 6°N associated with high-nutrient waters influenced by river discharge 3) the intermediate regime between 14 and 12°N influenced mainly by seasonal coastal upwelling additionally associated with fluvial input of terrestrial nutrients and 4) the offshore regime characterized by low chlorophyll-a concentrations in upper waters and high bottom water oxygen concentrations. Our data show that cysts of Polykrikos kofoidii, Selenopemphix quanta, Dubridinium spp., Echinidinium species, cysts of Protoperidinium monospinum and Spiniferites pachydermus are the best proxies to reconstruct the boundary between the NE trade winds and the monsoon winds in the subtropical eastern Atlantic Ocean. The association of Bitectatodinium spongium, Lejeunecysta oliva, Quinquecuspis concreta, Selenopemphix nephroides, Trinovantedinium applanatum can be used to reconstruct past river outflow variations within this region.


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Deglacial reefs from Tahiti (IODP 310) feature a co-occurrence of zooxanthellate corals with microbialites that compose up to 80 vol% of the reef framework. The notion that microbialites tend to form in more nutrient-rich environments has previously led to the concept that such encrustations are considerably younger than the coral framework, and that they have formed in deeper storeys of the reef edifice, or that they represent severe disturbances of the reef ecosystem. As indicated by their repetitive interbedding with coralline red algae, the microbialites of this reef succession of Tahiti, however, formed immediately after coral growth under photic conditions. Clearly, the deglacial reef microbialites present in the IODP 310 cores did not follow disturbances such as drowning or suffocation by terrestrial material, and are not "disaster forms". Given that the corals and the microbialites developed in close spatial proximity, highly elevated nutrient levels caused by fluvial or groundwater transport from the volcanic hinterland are an unlikely cause for the exceptionally voluminous development of microbialites. That voluminous deglacial reef microbialites generally are restricted to volcanic islands, however, implies that moderately, and possibly episodically elevated nutrient levels favored this type of microbialite formation.


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The influence of the large-scale ocean circulation on Sahel rainfall is elusive because of the shortness of the observational record. We reconstructed the history of eolian and fluvial sedimentation on the continental slope off Senegal during the past 57,000 years. Our data show that abrupt onsets of arid conditions in the West African Sahel were linked to cold North Atlantic sea surface temperatures during times of reduced meridional overturning circulation associated with Heinrich Stadials. Climate modeling suggests that this drying is induced by a southward shift of the West African monsoon trough in conjunction with an intensification and southward expansion of the midtropospheric African Easterly Jet.


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Fine-grained sediment depocenters on continental shelves are of increased scientific interest since they record environmental changes sensitively. A north-south elongated mud depocenter extends along the Senegalese coast in mid-shelf position. Shallow-acoustic profiling was carried out to determine extent, geometry and internal structures of this sedimentary body. In addition, four sediment cores were retrieved with the main aim to identify how paleoclimatic signals and coastal changes have controlled the formation of this mud depocenter. A general paleoclimatic pattern in terms of fluvial input appears to be recorded in this depositional archive. Intervals characterized by high terrigenous input, high sedimentation rates and fine grain sizes occur roughly contemporaneously in all cores and are interpreted as corresponding to intensified river discharge related to more humid conditions in the hinterland. From 2750 to 1900 and from 1000 to 700 cal a BP, wetter conditions are recorded off Senegal, an observation which is in accordance with other records from NW-Africa. Nevertheless, the three employed proxies (sedimentation rate, grain size and elemental distribution) do not always display consistent inter-core patterns. Major differences between the individual core records are attributed to sediment remobilization which was linked to local hydrographic variations as well as reorganizations of the coastal system. The Senegal mud belt is a layered inhomogeneous sedimentary body deposited on an irregular erosive surface. Early Holocene deceleration in the rate of the sea-level rise could have enabled initial mud deposition on the shelf. These favorable conditions for mud deposition occur coevally with a humid period over NW-Africa, thus, high river discharge. Sedimentation started preferentially in the northern areas of the mud belt. During mid-Holocene, a marine incursion led to the formation of an embayment. Afterwards, sedimentation in the north was interrupted in association with a remarkable southward shift in the location of the active depocenter as it is reflected by the sedimentary architecture and confirmed by radiocarbon dates. These sub-recent shifts in depocenters location are caused by migrations of the Senegal River mouth. During late Holocene times, the weakening of river discharge allowed the longshore currents to build up a chain of beach barriers which have forced the river mouth to shift southwards.


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We present grain-size distributions of the terrigenous fraction of two sediment cores from the southeast Levantine Sea (SL112) and the northern Aegean Sea (SL148), spanning the time interval from the late glacial to the present. End-member modelling of the grain-size distribution allows discriminating between aeolian and fluvial transport of the sediments and helps to infer palaeoenvironmental conditions in the source areas. Sedimentary and depositional processes during the late glacial and Holocene were controlled by climatic variations of both the northern high latitudes and the African climate system. The sedimentation at site SL112 off Israel is dominated by the suspension load of the River Nile and aeolian dust from the Sahara. Variations in grain size reflect the early to mid- Holocene climate transition from the African Humid Period to recent arid conditions. This climate change was gradual, in contrast to the abrupt humidity change documented inWestern Saharan records. This implies a successive decrease in Nile river sediment supply due to a step-wise aridification of the headwaters. The grain-size data of SL112 show a humidity maximum at 5 kyr BP coincident with a regionally-restricted wet phase in the Levantine Sea. The sediments at the North Aegean site SL148 consist of riverine particles and low amounts of aeolian dust, probably derived from South European sources and with probably minor Saharan influence. The sedimentation processes are controlled by climate conditions being characterized by enhanced deposition of dust during the cold and dry glacial period and by decreased aeolian influx during the temperate and humid Holocene.


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Based on a high-resolution sediment record from a submarine meandering canyon system offshore the present-day hyperarid Saharan Africa, two phases of turbidity-current activity can be distinguished during the past 13,000 years. Frequent, siliciclastic turbidity currents can be related to deglacial sea-level history, whereas rhythmically recurring fine-grained and carbonate-rich turbidity currents with recurrence times of roughly 900 years are inferred for the Holocene. Various trigger mechanisms can be considered to initiate turbidity currents, but only a few can explain a periodic turbidite activity. A comparison of Holocene turbidite recurrence times and basic cycles of 900 and 1,800 years found in various Holocene paleoclimate studies suggests that a previously unrecognized climate-related coupling may be active.


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Paleosalinity and terrigenous sediment input changes reconstructed on two sediment cores from the northernmost Red Sea were used to infer hydrological changes at the southern margin of the Mediterranean climate zone during the Holocene. Between approximately 9.25 and 7.25 thousand years ago, about 3 per mil reduced surface water salinities and enhanced fluvial sediment input suggest substantially higher rainfall and freshwater runoff, which thereafter decreased to modern values. The northern Red Sea humid interval is best explained by enhancement and southward extension of rainfall from Mediterranean sources, possibly involving strengthened early-Holocene Arctic Oscillation patterns and a regional monsoon-type circulation induced by increased land-sea temperature contrasts. We conclude that Afro-Asian monsoonal rains did not cross the subtropical desert zone during the early to mid-Holocene.


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Perylene is present in high concentration in Paleogene sediments from the Sanriku-oki borehole of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), northeastern Japan. The borehole penetrates a thick sequence of Late Cretaceous to Neogene sediments deposited under a range of conditions, including fluvial-deltaic and shallow marine. Organic petrological and geochemical data show the sediments to be rich in organic matter (OM) derived from higher plants. Biomarker analysis of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons confirms a significant input from higher plants, with extracts dominated by numerous gymnosperm- and angiosperm-derived biomarkers such as diterpanes, oleanenes, des-A-triterpanes and their aromatized counterparts. The highest concentration of perylene occurs in Middle Eocene sediments deposited in a relatively reducing environment. Stable carbon isotope compositions show 13C enrichment in perylene compared to gymnosperm and angiosperm biomarkers, consistent with a fungal origin. This elevated abundance of sedimentary perylene could relate to a Paleogene continental climate where fungi probably flourished.


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We combine environmental magnetism, geochemical measurements and colour reflectance to study two late Quaternary sediment cores: GeoB 4905-4 at 2° 30 N off Cameroon and GeoB 4906-3 at 0° 44 N off Gabon. This area is suitable for investigating precipitation changes over Central and West Africa because of its potential to record input of aeolian and fluvial sediments. Three magnetozones representing low and high degree of alteration of the primary rock magnetic signals were identified. The magnetic signature is dominated by fine-grained magnetite, while residual haematite prevails in the reduced intervals, showing increase in concentration and fine grain size at wet intervals. Our records also show millennial-scale changes in climate during the last glacial and interglacial cycles. At the northern location, the past 5.5 ka are marked by high-frequency oscillations of Ti and colour reflectance, which suggests aeolian input and hence aridity. The southern location remains under the influence of the Intertropical Convergence Zone and thus did not register aeolian signals. The millennial-scale climatic signals indicate that drier and/or colder conditions persisted during the late Holocene and are synchronous with the 900 a climatic cycles observed in Northern Hemisphere ice core records.


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Understanding past human-climate-environment interactions is essential for assessing the vulnerability of landscapes and ecosystems to future climate change. This is particularly important in southern Morocco where the current vegetation is impacted by pastoralism, and the region is highly sensitive to climate variability. Here, we present a 2000-year record of vegetation, sedimentation rate, XRF chemical element intensities, and particle size from two decadal-resolved, marine sediment cores, raised from offshore Cape Ghir, southern Morocco. The results show that between 650 and 850 AD the sedimentation rate increased dramatically from 100 cm/1000 years to 300 cm/1000 years, and the Fe/Ca and pollen flux doubled, together indicating higher inputs of terrestrial sediment. Particle size measurements and end-member modelling suggest increased fluvial transport of the sediment. Beginning at 650 AD pollen levels from Cichorioideae species show a sharp rise from 10% to 20%. Pollen from Atemisia and Plantago, also increase from this time. Deciduous oak pollen percentages show a decline, whereas those of evergreen oak barely change. The abrupt increase in terrestrial/fluvial input from 650 to 850 AD occurs, within the age uncertainty, of the arrival of Islam (Islamisation) in Morocco at around 700 AD. Historical evidence suggests Islamisation led to population increase and development of southern Morocco, including expanded pastoralism, deforestation and agriculture. Livestock pressure may have changed the vegetation structure, accounting for the increase in pollen from Cichorioideae, Plantago, and Artemisia, which include many weedy species. Goats in particular may have played a dominant role as agents of erosion, and intense browsing may have led to the decline in deciduous oak; evergreen oak is more likely to survive as it re-sprouts more vigorously after browsing. From 850 AD to present sedimentation rates, Fe/Ca ratios and fluvial discharge remain stable, whereas pollen results suggest continued degradation. Pollen results from the past 150 years suggest expanded cultivation of olives and the native argan tree, and the introduction of Australian eucalyptus trees. The rapidly increasing population in southern Morocco is causing continued pressure to expand pastoralism and agriculture. The history of land degradation presented here suggests that the vegetation in southern Morocco may have been degraded for a longer period than previously thought and may be particularly sensitive to further land use changes. These results should be included in land management strategies for southern Morocco.