993 resultados para Fazer Histórico
The city of Santos always had its importance recognised by the respectful role of flowing off the coffee production between the end of 19th and beginning of 20th centuries. All effervescence of this period brought changes to the central area of the city, located near the port. Beginning in the 1970s, some changes in the politics and in the city's urban space made its cafes, theaters, stores and traditional residencies find itselves in decadence imposed by the negligence of the public power. The Historic Downtown of Santos changed to a forgotten and depreciated space and remained that way for many years, reflecting negatively in the preservation of the arquitetonic heritage of the city. The present project aims to analyse the transformation of the current space of the Hitoric Downtown of Santos from the beginning of the 20th century and its recent revaluation through the public politics of the city
This paper aims to examine the genesis of migration to the city of Leme-SP, as well as the influence of the social matrix northeastern expansion and redevelopment through the territorialization of the migrant population, particularly workers from the state of Ceará, migration from the 1970s. This process is evidenced by the territorial division of labor, through the economic, political and cultural insecurity through the work of cutting sugar cane, the territoriality of culture and northeastern faith in the city, and becomes another object before the materiality in which occurs. In this aspect, through dialogue between the sciences and arts, it was possible to show the historical importance of the phenomenon of migration in the country, in different scales and relationship that encompasses everything and everyone
The region encompassed by the cities of Bocaina’s Historic Valley has your formation closely linked to the coffee´s culture, that were installed during the nineteenth century bringing, at first, a great economic and population growth. However, with the time, the incorrect wear land of the area combined with the antislavery movement and the discovery of more fertile soils in western of São Paulo, among other factors, brought serious setbacks for coffee production in the region which ultimately migrate to other areas, causing an economic crisis in the region that endures to this day. Thus, this paper aims to conduct a study that part of an update of the concept of physiology landscape to identify the physical, ecological and social facts that make up the area of this region, to understand the real causes and consequences of the crisis and what potential persist to circumvent it
O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de realizar o levantamento e pesquisa sobre os jardins de valor histórico na cidade de Jaú (SP), visando dar subsídios para a elaboração do inventário, revitalização e proposta de proteção como patrimônio cultural. O estudo de caso adotado é a Praça da República tendo como subsídio as fichas de inventário disponíveis no Brasil a nível federal, estadual e municipal, bem como a recomendada pelo International Council on Momuments and Sites (ICOMOS)
Bettelheim (2007), analyzing the infant psyche concluded that for the child to gain self-esteem and develop a balanced sense of self, need to learn to take certain decisions on a daily basis, which will be facilitated by identifying their problems, designed in the stories that are told (or read). Thus, it could find solutions and feel safer. Based on the reading of fairy tales, we dealt with this research, the resumption of fairy tales in homes and schools, in order to help parents and teachers to get parameters to work thinking of their children and students, from such stories, awakening the taste of children by reading and text production. The proposal considered different versions of the fairy tale Cinderella, noting as the moralizing process the messages each approach, and explores the plot and determines which versions would be appropriate for the psycho-cognitive development of children. We also investigated aspects pertinent to the narrative structure, based on literary theory, in order to work in comparative literature. From the discourse analysis, sought to address the marks left by the utterer, capable of denoting its cargo and its ideological worldview projected in the story, although he re-create the history and environment on real facts of a particular period (MARTINS, 2007)
Dans ces dernières années, plusieurs méthodes de dimensionnement d'ouvrages de soutènement en sol renforcé ont été développés, mais la doute c’est où l'utilisation de chacun d'eux se révèle plus avantageux? Ce travail a été conçu avec l'objectif de faire une étude d’un cas historiques d'un mur en remblais renforcé avec parement végétal de 27,6 mètres de haut, dont la conception a été analysé en utilisant une méthode de calcul et des logiciels informatiques spécifiques à l’utilisation dans le domaine géotechnique. Avec cette étudesont attendus de résultats capable de présenter les principales caractéristiques de chaque méthode et où il peut le mieux être appliquée
This study aims to identify the horizon of emancipation in Human Rights Education, using the philosophy of praxis as a theoretical framework, basing on authors as Tonet, Losurdo, Marx, and Saviani and Duarte, taking as a privileged locus analysis of the Plan National Human Rights Education (PNEDH, 2007). The discussion about the historical development of the movement of the struggles for human rights was a starting point to indicate how, in general, these struggles have been developing since the context of bourgeois revolutions. From there we tried to discuss how the prospect of citizenship has been treated within the Rights Education, the latter being a reflection of social movements' struggles for rights from the year 1980. Situating this movement within a larger movement on the issue of education in Brazil in the twentieth century, we tried to discuss the flags such as citizenship, the strengthening of civil society and creating a culture of rights as a goal of emancipation. Seeking to differentiate between citizenship as political emancipation and human emancipation, was placed the imperative to take the citizenship as a mediator and not as an endpoint in order to equip a culture of struggle for a classless society without exploitation of man by man
O município de Rio Claro, localizado na região central do estado de São Paulo, durante o auge da era do café, da imigração tanto estrangeira como regional e da instalação de várias empresas, dentre elas a Companhia Paulista de Estradas de Ferro se urbanizou num acelerado ritmo, assim como tantas outras cidades do Brasil. Como resultado o aglomerado urbano cresceu, necessitando que seu perímetro expandisse para a zona rural, comprometendo tanto o seu patrimônio histórico quanto o cultural. Antigas propriedades datadas do final do século XIX que resistem à ação do tempo e mantém viva a riqueza e a cultura da época dão lugar à cidade. Esse processo é observado no bairro rural do Sobrado, localizado na região norte de Rio Claro, que vem sofrendo diretamente com a expansão urbana através da criação de novos loteamentos residenciais e comerciais. Portanto, o avanço da urbanização tem provocado à degradação e/ou desaparecimento dos fatos históricos e culturais ainda presentes nos bairros rurais do município
O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é analisar projetos contemporâneos de urbanismo futurista, estudar representantes anteriores desse pensamento e realizar uma comparação entre eles, buscando possíveis semelhanças e diferenças. Esse trabalho pretende levantar questionamentos em relação ao projeto urbano, estudando o passado e o contemporâneo
A dança surgiu desde os primórdios da humanidade, quando os povos mais antigos dançavam, para a chuva e para o sol, para seus Deuses e para as pessoas mortas ou pelo simples fato de se comunicar. A partir do século XV, ela passou a ser executada nos grandes salões dos palácios, e algumas dessas danças são a valsa, o minueto e a quadrilha. Surgiu, então, a Dança de Salão, sendo que, cada região tinha suas danças características. No início do século XX começam as primeiras competições de dança e uma organização e padronização delas, buscando sua inserção nos Jogos Olímpicos. A dança de salão chegou ao Brasil com a Família Real, e após sua popularização, sofreu influência da cultura africana, que deu origem a novas danças, como o maxixe, o samba, o choro, a lambada, o forró entre outros. A dança como esporte chegou ao Brasil há pouco tempo, com a criação da Confederação Brasileira de Dança de Salão. Com essa profissionalização da Dança de Salão e mesmo pelo seu caráter lúdico, hoje, existem muitos praticantes. Este estudo teve a finalidade de fazer um levantamento histórico, que possa contribuir e enriquecer a quantidade de estudos nesta área, além de possibilitar àqueles que buscam a obtenção de informações relevantes sobre a dança de salão.
The present work has as its theme the group of St. Louis School of Paraitinga: historical context (the 1930 to 1970). This work has the distinction the subject rarely addressed in academic, school groups in the region of Vale do Paraiba, these schools are not constant theme of research, making this differentiation materials present little used, but extremely important for understanding of education present in the region of Vale do Paraíba. For the realization was made to read the legislation in the period 1930 to 1970, the documentation provided by the Department of Education, reading and analysis of documentation presented, one can understand the historical context of the school group to be targeted by the study: School Group Colonel Domingues de Castro. Objective of this study was to understand how the group of the school of St. Louis was shaping up Paraitinga laws and guidelines in the historical context of the decades from 1930 to 1970, contextualizing historical events general and the specific events of São Luiz do Paraitinga. The methodology used is studies of educational phenomena along with the narrative-biographical study of respondents to this survey
Fairy tales are popular stories that has been narrated for centuries, whether through oral tradition or printed manuscripts, over generations. It is known that fairy tales can, through symbolism, to penetrate the human unconscious, rescuing emotions, feelings and influencing their actions and ways of thinking, and are means of transmitting moral values propagated by particular historical and social contexts for variations that appear in the same story, because it can be modified by the intention of the person who transmits me story and the interpretation of those who read it, at a particular time and situation. Although, these changes, compared to the classic fairy tales of Perrault, the Grimm Brothers and Andersen, are marked clearly different, which shows the habits and customs of the time in which they are conveyed, whether in written or oral form. The present work aimed to study the differences between current and classic tales, as well as their influences on implications for the child's mind, from a work by the teacher, which consider the role of context in the situation, the characters and the plot. Thus it is intended that students be induced to question, to understand the values dealtturn in the story and to make inferences, and that logical reasoning be stimulated not only for reading, but for any act of communication to occur
Negócio de Artesão: Empreendendo no Artesanato Pessoal is a blog about entrepreneurship for craftspeople. The present work comes to help in the formation of the artisan, bringing material for study on business, experts and organizations who understand the subject show up to talk about several topics in a simple, concise and relaxed way. Moreover, we also want to tell the story of people who already undertake projects, and supplement their income by selling products they make, humanizing the testimonies. The overall goal is to generate interest for the entrepreneurial activity in people who do handcrafts or who want to start doing it. Thus, people who once used to handcraft just as a hobby can now find a way to supplement their income. The specific goals are: to encourage people to think of a business of their own; stimulate the creative industries through the blog; contribute to the formalization of the artisan; stimulate the exchange of knowledge among artisans; to spread the work of artisans. The methodology used for this project was exploratory research, using bibliographical and desk research, in addition to interviewing and direct and indirect documentary techniques. The method used was the deductive approach, as the methods of procedure used were the historical and comparative ones. As a result, we have the blog named Negócio de Artesão, which can be used both to inform the reader about how he can conceive their enterprise and to be able to make money from their work
Aikido is a Japanese martial art developed in the 20th century by Morihei Ueshiba. This self defense art, as it is known, is trained around the world as a noncompetitive practice. This work aimed to investigate and circumscribe the history of this martial art presenting features of its singularity. Akido´s Cultural History was used as a theoretical approach to build the historical background. The work was divided in five chapters as respectively named and described: Japan´s historical contextualization - it seeks to show the changing processes that happened in Japan which were arising from the insertion of other cultures, and how that insertion led the country to modernize itself and turn into a great world power. The ancient art: Aiki Jujutsu Daitoryu - talks about this samurai martial art which ensured the Aikido to obtain as the source technique the aiki, and the Xintoist practice. The history of a master: Morihei Ueshiba - presents some defining facts and moments from the master Ueshiba´s history, which points both to the changes occurred in the country, and to the ones that led the master to justify and broadcast the martial art. Aikido: The Budo art - portraits the Aikido´s meaning and the way that it was built to present the Aikido as a Budo art. And to finalize, Martial asceticism - seeks to make the dialogue between the cultures, from the meaning of this chapter title words (martial asceticism), as well as to point facts from the contemporaneity which provoke reflections upon the present practice
Esta pesquisa aborda a temática ambiental como propulsora na formação do sujeito ecológico. Este trabalho teve como objetivo realizar uma trajetória histórica do projeto de Educação Ambiental “Preserve o Planeta Terra” promovendo uma avaliação dos anos, demarcando as tendências e dificuldades alcançados do decorrer da existência do grupo. O projeto é cadastrado via Pró – Reitoria de Extensão Universitária da UNESP de Rio Claro e atua no Núcleo “Arte e Vida”, uma ONG localizada no bairro Jardim Bom Sucesso que atende os membros do próprio bairro e suas proximidades. Para execução desta monografia foi utilizada uma análise documental para mapear a história e as práticas educativas envolvendo as questões ambientais que lá são desenvolvidas. A partir da análise dessa experiência foi proposto encaminhamentos para facilitar o trabalho que lá é desenvolvido por meio de sugestões didático-pedagógicas que contribuam para o fortalecimento das ações educativas da ONG.