In Brazil there are few studies on the occurrence of the feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) infection and its subtypes, which are essential for the development of vaccines and new diagnostic tests. The present study investigated the occurrence of the FIV infection between 2010 and 2011 in domestic cats submitted to medical attendance in the city of Pelotas and nearby area. Total blood samples of seventy cats, suspected (28) or not (42) of infection by FIV were analyzed by nested PCR in order to perform a diagnosis. The results pointed to a FIV infection frequency of 15.7% (11/70) and the analysis of the risk factors related to infection (sex, age and clinical condition) evidenced a greater occurrence in cats up to 10 years of age with chronic and recurrent infections. Eight samples found positive by nested PCR were submitted to DNA sequencing indicating that only the subtype B was detected in the studied region.
The objective of this study was to define a method for estimating soybean crop area in the Northern Rio Grande do Sul state (Brazil). Overall, six different remote sensing methods were proposed based on spectral-temporal profile and minimum and maximum values of NDVI/MODIS related to the stages of sowing, maximum development and harvesting of soybean areas. The resulting estimates were compared to official crop area data provided by the Brazilian government, using statistical analysis and the fuzzy similarity method. The performance of each method depended on information such as crop size, type of crop management, and sowing/harvesting dates. Regression coefficients of determination and fuzzy agreement values were above 0.8 and 0.45, respectively, for all methods. For operational monitoring of soybean crop area, the empirical threshold applied to the image difference with inclusion of harvest image method was the most effective, producing estimates that matched closely the official data. For spatial analysis the application of multitemporal images classification method is recommended that generated a map of better quality. The efficiency of these methods should be evaluated in the areas of soybean expansion in the state.
The hairs of Leptogium species are complex structures which determine taxonomic groups within the section Mallotium. The hairs composed of cylindrical cells can be short and, when present on the surface, give origin to glass-or velvet-like hairs. Leptogium involutum, collected in Southern Brazil, a new species with velvet-like hairs is described herewith.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT
O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a situação financeira dos estados de São Paulo e Rio Grande do Sul após a renegociação da dívida financeira com o governo federal. A renegociação da dívida foi efetivada mediante a aprovação de um Programa de Ajuste Fiscal com metas periodicamente reavaliadas. É realizada uma contextualização histórica da economia brasileira e da situação dos estados brasileiros. Em seguida, é estudado o Programa de Ajuste Fiscal do Estado de São Paulo, e o Programa de Ajuste Fiscal do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Por fim, são realizadas algumas considerações acerca dos Programas desenvolvidos e realizados pelos Estados
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The objective of the present article is to introduce Zaira de Bittencourt Martins’s contributions to psychoanalysis in Rio Grande do Sul, identifying her as pioneer in child psychoanalysis in this State. Starting from a historic research based on interviews with psychoanalysts, bibliographical sources and contacts with relatives, the author composed a biographical outline of the psychoanalyst above mentioned. Zaira Martins, together with her husband, the psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Mario Martins, immigrated to Argentina in 1944, and in 1947 was recognized as an analyst by the Argentinian Psychoanalytic Association. On her return to Brazil she became the first non physician woman to make part of the Psychoanalytic Society of Porto Alegre, collaborating with her foundation, in 1963. She played the pioneer role as child psychoanalyst and contributed in the dissemination of Kleinian ideas in her State. She also contributed in the formation of young analysts who were beginners in the child analyst field, through courses and supervisions.
The aim of this study was to describe the distribution of waist circumference (WC) and WC to height (WCTH) values among Kaingang indigenous adolescents in order to estimate the prevalence of high WCTH values and evaluate the correlation between WC and WCTH and body mass index (BMI)-for-age. A total of 1,803 indigenous adolescents were evaluated using a school-based cross-sectional study. WCTH values > 0.5 were considered high. Higher mean WC and WCTH values were observed for girls in all age categories. WCTH values > 0.5 were observed in 25.68% of the overall sample of adolescents. Mean WC and WCTH values were significantly higher for adolescents with BMI/age z-scores > 2 than for those with normal z-scores. The correlation coefficients of WC and WCTH for BMI/age were r = 0.68 and 0.76, respectively, for boys, and r = 0.79 and 0.80, respectively, for girls. This study highlights elevated mean WC and WCTH values and high prevalence of abdominal obesity among Kaingang indigenous adolescents.
Eficiência agrícola (EA) é utilizada como indicador do nível de desenvolvimento agrícola regional, expressando, por meio da relação entre as produtividades real e atingível, o nível tecnológico empregado nas culturas. Com base nisso, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a EA das culturas da soja, do milho e do trigo para o estado do Rio Grande do Sul, entre os anos de 1980 e 2008, identificando os principais fatores que as condicionaram. A EA foi obtida pela relação entre a produtividade atingível (PA) e a real (PR). A PR foi obtida junto ao banco de dados do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). A PA foi obtida pela estimativa da produtividade potencial (PPf), pelo método de Zona Agroecológica da FAO, deflacionada pelo déficit hídrico em cada uma das fases da cultura. Verificou-se que as EAs médias para as culturas do milho, da soja e do trigo para o RS foram iguais a 54, 61 e 43%, respectivamente. Nas localidades de Santa Rosa, São Borja e Veranópolis, a EA para a soja foi, ao contrário das demais localidades, negativa. Os principais fatores que contribuíram para o aumento da EA, na maioria das localidades, foram: mudanças no uso e fertilidade do solo; uso de mecanização agrícola; preços pagos pelas commodities; investimentos em pesquisa e desenvolvimento; adoção do zoneamento de risco climático; e melhoramento genético.
The estimation of reference evapotranspiration (ETo), used in water balance, allows to determine soil water content, assisting on irrigation management. The present study aimed to compare simple ETo estimating methods with the Penman-Monteith (FAO), in the folowing time scales: daily, 5, 10, 15 and 30 days and monthly in the counties of Frederico Westphalen and Palmeira das Missoes, in the Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. The methods tested had their efficiency improved by increasing the time scale of analysis, keeping the same performance for both locations. The highest and lowest ETo values occurred in December and June, respectively. Most methods underestimated ETo. For any of the time scales Makking and Radiaton FAO24 methods can replace the Penman-Monteith for estimating ETo.
The aim of this study was to describe the distribution of waist circumference (WC) and WC to height (WCTH) values among Kaingáng indigenous adolescents in order to estimate the prevalence of high WCTH values and evaluate the correlation between WC and WCTH and body mass index (BMI)-for-age. A total of 1,803 indigenous adolescents were evaluated using a school-based cross-sectional study. WCTH values > 0.5 were considered high. Higher mean WC and WCTH values were observed for girls in all age categories. WCTH values > 0.5 were observed in 25.68% of the overall sample of adolescents. Mean WC and WCTH values were significantly higher for adolescents with BMI/age z-scores > 2 than for those with normal z-scores. The correlation coefficients of WC and WCTH for BMI/age were r = 0.68 and 0.76, respectively, for boys, and r = 0.79 and 0.80, respectively, for girls. This study highlights elevated mean WC and WCTH values and high prevalence of abdominal obesity among Kaingáng indigenous adolescents.
No Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (RS), os Neossolos Litólicos e Neossolos Regolíticos são solos que têm sofrido forte pressão de uso, demandando maior conhecimento sobre sua gênese e mineralogia. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o grau de intemperismo de Neossolos Litólicos e Neossolos Regolíticos, avaliando-se a alteração dos minerais em perfis dispostos em uma climo-litossequência no Planalto do RS, através de técnicas de dissolução química e difração de raios X. Foram identificados dois grupos de solos com graus de alteração distintos. O primeiro é constituído pelos perfis da porção Oeste da climo-litossequência (P1, P2 e P3) e encontra-se no estádio entre a bissialitização e a monossialitização, com predomínio de esmectita com hidroxi-Al entrecamadas (EHE), caulinita e hematita na fração argila. O segundo é representado pelos perfis da porção Leste (P4 e P5), encontrando-se no estádio entre a monossialitização e a ferralitização, com predomínio de caulinita e goethita e presença de gibbsita e EHE na fração argila. Os resultados sugerem maior influência do clima na alteração dos perfis. Os índices ki e kr não foram eficientes em representar a condição de alteração secundária dos perfis de Neossolos.
A serological survey on Ehrlichia canis was conducted among dogs in the central area of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, where the tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus is a common parasite of dogs. Out of a total of 316 dogs attended at the veterinary teaching hospital in the municipality of Santa Maria, only 14 (4.43%) reacted positively to E. canis antigens in the indirect immunofluorescence assay, with the following endpoint titers: 80 (three dogs), 160 (five), 320 (four), 640 (one) and 1280 (one). Like in previous studies in other regions of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, only a very small portion of the dogs in Santa Maria presented antibodies reactive to E. canis, even though canine infestations due to R. sanguineus are very common in this study region. These results contrast with other regions of Brazil, where E. canis is endemic among canine populations, with seropositivity values generally higher than 30%. Genetic differences among the R. sanguineus populations in South America might be implicated in these contrasting results.