979 resultados para FASTIGIAL NUCLEUS
We report the cases of two patients presenting a peculiar speech disorder, which we have named "echoing approval", in which the patients echo, in replying to questions in a dialogue with short phrases, the positive or negative syntactical construction of a question, or its positive or negative intonation, but without any repetition of whole or part of sentences. When asked about their symptoms, the patients replied 80% of the time with "yes, yes", "that's right", or "exactly" to positive questions and "no, no" or "absolutely not" to negative questions, regardless of their actual symptoms and oblivious to self-contradiction. In addition, when the examining doctor was speaking to a medical colleague in the patient's presence and using medical terminology that the patient did not understand, he/she agreed or disagreed with any sentence and technical word uttered in a way entirely dependent on the syntax or intonation used. To distinguish this speech disorder from echolalia or verbal perseverations, with which it may be superficially confused, we suggest that it be called "echoing approval", as it may be part one of the manifestations of the environment-dependency syndrome. This clinical picture was found to be associated with features of transcortical motor aphasia and frontal lobe signs. One patient had a bilateral callosofrontal malignant glioma and the other a probable multiple system atrophy with global deterioration, pre-eminent frontal release signs, diffuse leukoencephalopathy and multiple lacunes. On the basis of these clinical deficits and neuroimaging features, we are unable to delineate the common, or minimal, lesioned network required for this symptomatology to occur, especially in the absence of a series of patients, and with such a difference in both the location and causes of the lesions. However, bilateral frontosubcortical dysfunction was pre-eminent in the clinical picture in both patients, even though more diffuse brain pathology was seen in one, and it might be speculated that dysfunction of the bilateral orbitofrontal and frontomesial motor frontosubcortical circuits might be involved in the aetiology of this peculiar speech disorder.
BACKGROUND: In contrast to mammalian erythrocytes, which have lost their nucleus and mitochondria during maturation, the erythrocytes of almost all other vertebrate species are nucleated throughout their lifespan. Little research has been done however to test for the presence and functionality of mitochondria in these cells, especially for birds. Here, we investigated those two points in erythrocytes of one common avian model: the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata). RESULTS: Transmission electron microscopy showed the presence of mitochondria in erythrocytes of this small passerine bird, especially after removal of haemoglobin interferences. High-resolution respirometry revealed increased or decreased rates of oxygen consumption by erythrocytes in response to the addition of respiratory chain substrates or inhibitors, respectively. Fluorometric assays confirmed the production of mitochondrial superoxide by avian erythrocytes. Interestingly, measurements of plasmatic oxidative markers indicated lower oxidative stress in blood of the zebra finch compared to a size-matched mammalian model, the mouse. CONCLUSIONS: Altogether, those findings demonstrate that avian erythrocytes possess functional mitochondria in terms of respiratory activities and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. Interestingly, since blood oxidative stress was lower for our avian model compared to a size-matched mammalian, our results also challenge the idea that mitochondrial ROS production could have been one actor leading to this loss during the course of evolution. Opportunities to assess mitochondrial functioning in avian erythrocytes open new perspectives in the use of birds as models for longitudinal studies of ageing via lifelong blood sampling of the same subjects.
Prèviament havíem identificat la presència d’una forma de l’IKKα de 45kD que s’expressa específicament en el nucli de les cèl.lules de cancer colorectal. A més havíem demostrat que aquesta forma estava fosforilada la qual cosa suggereix que es tracta d’una forma activa d’IKKa. Un dels objectius que ens varem plantejar va ser determinar el mecanisme per el qual es generava aquesta forma de la quinasa. Mitjançant eines bioinformàtiques hem identificat possibles llocs de processament proteolític en la seqüència d’IKKα que podrien ser responsables de generar el fragment de 45kD present en les cèl.lules tumorals. Després, hem demostrat que les proteases identificades in silico són capaces de processar IKKa in vitro, específicament en els llocs predits. S’ha pogut constatar, mitjançant la mutació dels possibles llocs de processament, que només un dels llocs identificats bioinformàticament corresponent a Cathepsin B/L era funcional in vitro, mentre que els altres llocs predits no ho eren. D’igual manera, l’expressió ectòpica de la Cathepsin B o L és capaç de produïr el processament d’IKKα. Pel contrari, la inhibició de l’activitat de la proteasa mitjançant inhibidors específics és capaç de bloquejar el processament d’IKKa en cèl.lules tumorals. Finalment, hem demostrat que els nivells de la Cathepsin B i L, proteases identificades com a responsables de processar IKKa es troben sobre-expressades en la majoria de les mostres humanes de càncer de colon analitzades comparat amb el teixit normal adjacent del mateixos pacients.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the involvement of the nuclear factor (NF)-kappaB in the interleukin (IL)-1 beta-mediated macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) gene activation. DESIGN: Prospective study. SETTING: Human reproduction research laboratory. PATIENT(S): Nine women with endometriotic lesions. INTERVENTION(S): Endometriotic lesions were obtained during laparoscopic surgery. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): The MIF protein secretion was analyzed by ELISA, MIF mRNA expression by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR), NF-kappaB translocation into the nucleus by electrophoresis mobility shift assay, I kappaB phosphorylation and degradation by Western blot, and human MIF promoter activity by transient cell transfection. RESULT(S): This study showed a significant dose-dependent increase of MIF protein secretion and mRNA expression, the NF-kappaB translocation into the nucleus, I kappaB phosphorylation, I kappaB degradation, and human MIF promoter activity in endometriotic stromal cells in response to IL-1 beta. Curcumin (NF-kappaB inhibitor) significantly inhibited all these IL-1 beta-mediated effects. Analysis of the activity of deletion constructs of the human MIF promoter and a computer search localized two putative regulatory elements corresponding to NF-kappaB binding sites at positions -2538/-2528 bp and -1389/-1380 bp. CONCLUSION(S): This study suggests the involvement of the nuclear transcription factor NF-kappaB in MIF gene activation in ectopic endometrial cells in response to IL-1 beta and identifies a possible pathway of endometriosis-associated inflammation and ectopic cell growth.