1000 resultados para Expression.


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The role of tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) is controversial. Although most studies on different cancer types associate them with a poorer prognosis, interestingly in colon cancer, most articles indicate that TAMs prevent tumor development; patients with high TAMs have better prognosis and survival rate. M1-polarized macrophages produce high level of tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin-1 beta or reactive oxygen species, which can effectively kill susceptible tumor cells. In contrast, M2-polarized macrophages can secrete different factors that promote tumor cell growth and survival or favor angiogenesis and tissue invasion. Considering the beneficial role of TAMs in colon cancer, we speculated that they may not display the M2 polarization commonly observed in tumor microenvironment, but rather develop M1 properties. Therefore, we used an in vitro model to analyze the effects of supernatants from M1-polarized macrophages on DLD-1 colon cancer cells. Our data indicate that the conditioned medium from LPS-activated macrophages (CM-LAM) contains a high level of granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, interleukins-1 beta, -6, -8 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and that it exerts a marked growth inhibitory activity on DLD-1 cells. Prolonged exposure to CM-LAM results in cell death by apoptosis. Such exposure to CM-LAM leads to the modulation of gal-3 expression: we observed a marked downregulation of gal-3 mRNA and protein expression following CM-LAM treatment. We also describe that the knockdown of gal-3 sensitizes DLD-1 cells to CM-LAM. These data suggest an involvement of gal-3 in the response of colon cancer cells to proinflammatory stimuli, such as the conditioned medium from activated macrophages.


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In dog thyroid cells, insulin or IGF-1 induces cell growth and is required for the mitogenic action of TSH through cyclic AMP, of EGF, and of phorbol esters. HGF per se stimulates cell proliferation and is thus the only full mitogenic agent. TSH and cAMP enhance, whereas EGF phorbol esters and HGF repress differentiation expression. In this study, we have investigated for each factor and regulatory cascade of the intermediate step of immediate early gene induction, that is, c-myc, c-jun, jun D, jun B, c-fos, fos B, fra-1, fra-2, and egr1; fra-1 and fra-2 expressions were very low. TSH or forskolin increased the levels of c-myc, jun B, jun D, c-fos, and fos B while decreasing those of c-jun and egr1. Phorbol myristate ester stimulated the expression of all the genes. EGF and HGF stimulated the expression of all the genes except jun D and for EGF fos B. All these effects were obtained in the presence and in the absence of insulin, which shows that insulin is not necessary for the effects of the mitogens on immediate early gene expression. The definition of the repertoire of early immediate genes inductible by the various growth cascades provides a framework for the analysis of gene expression in tumors. (1) Insulin was able to induce all the protooncogenes investigated except fos B. This suggests that fos B could be the factor missing for insulin to induce mitogenesis. (2) No characteristic pattern of immediate early gene expression has been observed for insulin, which induces cell hypertrophy and is permissive for the action of the other growth factors. These effects are therefore not accounted for by a specific immediate early gene expression. On the other hand, insulin clearly enhances the effects of TSH, phorbol ester, and EGF on c-myc, junB, and c-fos expression. This suggests that the effect of insulin on mitogenesis might result from quantitative differences in the transcription complexes formed. (3) c-myc, c-fos, and jun B mRNA induction by all stimulating agents, whether inducing cell hypertrophy, or growth and dedifferentiation, or growth and differentiation, suggests that, although these expressions are not sufficient, they may be necessary for the various growth responses of thyroid cells. (4) The inhibition of c-jun and egr1 mRNA expression, and the marked induction of jun D mRNA appear to be specific features of the TSH cAMP pathway. They might be related to its differentiating action. (5) fos B, which is induced by TSH, forskolin, phorbol ester, and HGF but not by insulin, could be involved in the mitogenic action of the former factors.


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Three β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/Δ5-Δ4-isomerase (3β-HSD) catalyze the oxidative conversion of Δ5-3β-hydroxysteroids to the Δ4-3-keto configuration and is therefore essential for the biosynthesis of all classes of hormonal steroids, namely progesterone, glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, androgens, and estrogens. Using human 3β-HSD cDNA as probe, a human 3β-HSD gene was isolated from a λ-EMBL3 library of leucocyte genomic DNA. A fragment of 3β-HSD genomic DNA was also obtained by amplification of genomic DNA using the polymerase chain reaction. The 3β-HSD gene contains a 5′-untranslated exon of 53 base pairs (bp) and three successive translated exons of 232, 165, and 1218 bp, respectively, separated by introns of 129, 3883, and 2162 bp. The transcription start site is situated 267 nucleotides upstream from the ATG initiating codon. DNA sequence analysis of the 5′-flanking region reveals the existence of a putative TATA box (ATAAA) situated 28 nucleotides upstream from the transcription start site while a putative CAAT binding sequence is located 57 nucleotides upstream from the TATA box. Expression of a cDNA insert containing the coding region of 3β-HSD in nonsteroidogenic cells shows that the gene encodes a single 42-kDa protein containing both 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and Δ5-Δ4-isomerase activities. Moreover, all natural steroid substrates tested are transformed with comparable efficiency by the enzyme. In addition to its importance for studies of the regulation of expression of 3β-HSD in gonadal as well as peripheral tissues, knowledge of the structure of the human 3β-HSD gene should permit investigation of the molecular defects responsible for 3β-HSD deficiency, the second most common cause of adrenal hyperplasia in children.


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We have recently characterized two types of rat 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/Δ5-Δ4 isomerase (3β-HSD) isoenzymes expressed in adrenals and gonads. In addition, we have cloned a third type of cDNA encoding a predicted type III 3β-HSD protein specifically expressed in the male rat liver which shares 80% similarity with the two other isoenzymes. Transient expression in human HeLa cells of the cDNAs reveals that the type III 3β-HSD protein does not display oxidative activity for the classical substrates of 3β-HSD, in contrast to the type I 3β-HSD isoenzyme. However, in the presence of NADH, type III isoenzyme, in common with the type I isoform, converts 5α-androstane-3,17-dione (A-dione) and 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) to the corresponding 3β-hydroxysteroids. In fact, the type I and the type III isoenzymes have the same affinity for DHT with K(m) values of 5.05 and 6.16 μM, respectively. When NADPH is used as cofactor, the affinity for DHT of the type III isoform becomes higher than that of the type I isoform with K(m) values of 0.12 and 1.18 μM, respectively. The type III isoform is thus a 3-ketoreductase using NADPH as preferred cofactor which is responsible for the conversion of 3-keto-saturated steroids such as DHT and A-dione into less active steroids.


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Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE) is a relatively new method for monitoring gene expression levels and is expected to contribute significantly to the progress in cancer treatment by enabling a precise and early diagnosis. A promising application of SAGE gene expression data is classification of tumors. In this paper, we build three event models (the multivariate Bernoulli model, the multinomial model and the normalized multinomial model) for SAGE data classification. Both binary classification and multicategory classification are investigated. Experiments on two SAGE datasets show that the multivariate Bernoulli model performs well with small feature sizes, but the multinomial performs better at large feature sizes, while the normalized multinomial performs well with medium feature sizes. The multinomial achieves the highest overall accuracy.


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This paper presents the AGILE policy expression language. The language enables powerful expression of self-managing behaviours and facilitates policy-based autonomic computing in which the policies themselves can be adapted dynamically and automatically. The language is generic so as to be deployable across a wide spectrum of application domains, and is very flexible through the use of simple yet expressive syntax and semantics. The development of AGILE is motivated by the need for adaptive policy mechanisms that are easy to deploy into legacy code and can be used by non autonomics-expert practitioners to embed self-managing behaviours with low cost and risk. A library implementation of the policy language is described. The implementation extends the state of the art in policy-based autonomics through innovations which include support for multiple policy versions of a given policy type, multiple configuration templates, and higher-level ‘meta-policies’ to dynamically select between differently configured business-logic policy instances and templates. Two dissimilar example deployment scenarios are examined.


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[This is a summary of an Oral Presentation] The study explored the expression of Big 5 personality traits in three different social contexts (with parents friends and work colleagues) to test the prediction that personality is socially variable due to the motivation to ‘fit in’. The questionnaire-based method produced results that support this hypothesis; all Big 5 traits were significantly variable across contexts with Conscientiousness the least variable and Extraversion possessiveness. The results indicated that females reported being more distressed than males and older respondents reported being less distressed then younger respondents. The findings from this study contribute to the literature on online infidelity in terms of understanding differences in the way it is perceived.