983 resultados para Exotic pests
We use QCD sum rules to study the recently observed resonance-like structures in the pi(+)chi(c1) mass distribution, Z(1)(+) (4050) and Z(2)(+) (4250), considered as D*(+) (D) over bar*(0) and D(1)(+) (D) over bar (0) + D(+) (D) over bar (0)(1) molecules with the quantum number J(P) = 0(+) and J(P) = 1-, respectively. We consider the contributions of condensates up to dimension eight and work at leading order in alpha(s). We obtain m(D*D*) = (4.15 +/- 0.12) GeV, around 100 MeV above the D*D* threshold, and m(D1D) = (4.19 +/- 0.22) GeV, around 100 MeV below the D(1)D threshold. We conclude that the D*(+)(D) over bar*(0) state is probably a virtual state that is not related with the Z(1)(+) (4050) resonance-like structure. In the case of the D(1)D molecular state, considering the errors, its mass is consistent with both Z(1)(+)(4050) and Z(2)(+)(4250) resonance-like structures. Therefore, we conclude that no definite conclusion can be drawn for this state from the present analysis. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
We use QCD sum rules to test the nature of the recently observed mesons Y(4260), Y(4350) and Y(4660), assumed to be exotic four-quark (c (c) over barq (q) over bar) or (c (c) over bars (s) over bar) states with J(PC)= 1(--). We work at leading order in alpha(s), consider the contributions of higher dimension condensates and keep terms which are linear in the strange quark mass m(s). We find for the (c (c) over bars (s) over bar) state a mass in m(Y) = (4.65 +/- 0.10) GeV which is compatible with the experimental candidate Y (4660), while for the (c (c) over barq (q) over bar) state we find a mass in m(Y) = (4.49 +/- 0.11) GeV, which is still consistent with the mass of the experimental candidate Y(4350). With the tetraquark structure we are working we cannot explain the Y(4260) as a tetraquark state. We also consider molecular D(s0)(D) over bar (s)* and D(0)(D) over bar* states. For the D(s0)(D) over bar (s)* molecular state we get m(Ds0 (D) over bars*) = (4.42 +/- 0.10) GeV which is consistent, considering the errors, with the mass of the meson Y(4350) and for the D(0)(D) over bar* molecular state we get m(D0 (D) over bar*) = (4.27 +/- 0.10) GeV in excellent agreement with the mass of the meson Y(4260). (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A method is developed to search for air showers initiated by photons using data recorded by the surface detector of the Auger Observatory. The approach is based on observables sensitive to the longitudinal shower development, the signal risetime and the curvature of the shower front. Applying this method to the data, tipper limits on the flux of photons of 3.8 x 10(-3), 2.5 x 10(-3), and 2.2 x 10(-3) km(-2) sr(-1) yr(-1) above 10(19) eV, 2 x 10(19) eV, and 4 x 10(19) eV are derived, with corresponding limits on the fraction of photons being 2.0%, 5.1%, and 31% (all limits at 95% c.l.). These photon limits disfavor certain exotic models of sources of cosmic rays. The results also show that the approach adopted by the Auger Observatory to calibrate the shower energy is not strongly biased by a contamination from photons. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The magnetic structures of the title compounds have been studied by neutron diffraction. In contrast to the isomorphous RNi(2)B(2)C compounds, wherein a variety of exotic incommensurate modulated structures has been observed, the magnetic structure of ErCo(2)B(2)C is found to be a collinear antiferromagnet with k = (12, 0, 12) while those of HoCo(2)B(2)C and DyCo(2)B(2)C are observed to be simple ferromagnets. For all studied compounds, the moments are found to be confined within the basal plane and their magnitudes are comparable to the values obtained from the low-temperature isothermal magnetization measurements. The absence of modulated magnetic structures in the RCo(2)B(2)C series (for ErCo(2)B(2)C, verified down to 50 mK) is attributed to the quenching of the Fermi surface nesting features.
The University of Notre Dame, USA (Becchetti et al, Nucl. Instrum. Metho ds Res. A505, 377 (2003)) and later the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil (Lichtenthaler et al, Eur. Phys. J. A25, S-01, 733 (2005)) adopted a system based on superconducting solenoids to produce low-energy radioactive nuclear beams. In these systems the solenoids act as thick lenses to collect, select, and focus the secondary beam into a scattering chamb er. Many experiments with radioactive light particle beams (RNB) such as (6)He, (7)Be, (8)Li, (8)B have been performed at these two facilities. These low-energy RNB have been used to investigate low-energy reactions such as elastic scattering, transfer and breakup, providing useful information on the structure of light nuclei near the drip line and on astrophysics. Total reaction cross-sections, derived from elastic scattering analysis, have also been investigated for light system as a function of energy and the role of breakup of weakly bound or exotic nuclei is discussed.
Reaction mechanisms for weakly-bound, stable nuclei and unstable, halo nuclei on medium-mass targets
An experimental overview of reactions induced by the stable, but weakly-bound nuclei (6)Li, (7)Li and (9)Be, and by the exotic, halo nuclei (6)He, (8)B, (11)Be and (17)F on medium-mass targets, such as (58)Ni, (59)Co or (64)Zn, is presented. Existing data on elastic scattering, total reaction cross sections, fusion processes, breakup and transfer channels are discussed in the framework of a CDCC approach taking into account the breakup degree of freedom.
Heavy-ion total reaction cross-section measurements for more than 1100 reaction cases covering 61 target nuclei in the range (6)Li-(238)U and 158 projectile nuclei from (2)H to (84)Kr (mostly exotic ones) have been analyzed in a systematic way by using an empirical, three-parameter formula that is applicable to the cases of projectile kinetic energies above the Coulomb barrier. The analysis has shown that the average total nuclear binding energy per nucleon of the interacting nuclei and their radii are the chief quantities that describe the cross-section patterns. A great amount of cross-section data (87%) has been quite satisfactorily reproduced by the proposed formula; therefore, the total reaction cross-section predictions for new, not yet experimentally investigated reaction cases can be obtained within 25% (or much less) uncertainty.
Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus obtained from four local populations in Uruguay (2007-2008) were subjected to various bioassay techniques to determine the presence of fipronil resistance within the country. Resistance ratios (RRs) obtained by larval immersion test varied between 3.3 and 3635 for tick populations subjected to treatment with fipronil for the last 3-7 years. The highest RR was observed in the population which received fewer treatments. Using discriminating concentration (8 ppm) for larval immersion test, all field strains were correctly diagnosed as fipronil-resistant. This study presents the first diagnoses of cattle tick resistance to fipronil in Uruguay`s field populations. It also highlights the importance of the possible conflict between programs to control agricultural pests and cattle ticks. The findings provide valuable information for selection and adoption of new control alternatives to manage drug resistance exhibited by cattle ticks. (C) 2009 Elsevier BM. All rights reserved.