991 resultados para Ewald, Johannes, 1743-1781.


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Lead-tin-telluride is a well-known thermoelectric material in the temperature range 350-750 K. Here, this alloy doped with manganese (Pb0.96-yMn0.04SnyTe) was prepared for different amounts of tin. X-ray diffraction showed a decrease of the lattice constant with increasing tin content, which indicated solid solution formation. Microstructural analysis showed a wide distribution of grain sizes from <1 mu m to 10 mm and the presence of a SnTe rich phase. All the transport properties were measured in the range of 300-720 K. The Seebeck coefficient showed that all the samples were p-type indicating holes as dominant carriers in the measurement range. The magnitude increased systematically on reduction of the Sn content due to possible decreasing hole concentration. Electrical conductivity showed the degenerate nature of the samples. Large values of the electrical conductivity could have possibly resulted from a large hole concentration due to a high Sn content and secondly, due to increased mobility by sp-d orbital interaction between the Pb1-ySnyTe sublattice and the Mn2+ ions. High thermal conductivity was observed due to higher electronic contribution, which decreased systematically with decreasing Sn content. The highest zT = 0.82 at 720 K was obtained for the alloy with the lowest Sn content (y = 0.56) due to the optimum doping level.


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Recently, research in copper based quaternary chalcogenide materials has focused on the study of thermoelectric properties due to the complexity in the crystal structure. In the present work, stoichiometric quaternary chalcogenide compounds Cu2+xCd1-x,GeSe4 (x = 0, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1, 0.125) were prepared by solid state synthesis. The powder X-ray diffraction patterns of all the samples showed a tetragonal crystal structure with the space group I-42m of the main phase, whereas the samples with x = 0 and x = 0.025 revealed the presence of an orthorhombic phase in addition to the main phase as confirmed by Rietveld analysis. The elemental composition of all the samples characterized by Electron Probe Micro Analyzer showed a slight deviation from the nominal composition. The transport properties were measured in the temperature range of 300 K-723 K. The electrical conductivity of all the samples increased with increasing Cu content due to the enhancement of the hole concentration caused by the substitution of Cd (divalent) by Cu (monovalent). The positive Seebeck coefficient of all the samples in the entire temperature ranges indicates that holes are the majority carriers. The Seebeck coefficient of all the samples decreased with increasing Cu content and showed a reverse trend to the electrical conductivity. The total thermal conductivity of all the samples decreased with increasing temperature which was dominated by the lattice contribution. The maximum figure of merit ZT = 0.42 at 723 K was obtained for the compound Cu2.1Cd0.9GeSe4. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The information-theoretic approach to security entails harnessing the correlated randomness available in nature to establish security. It uses tools from information theory and coding and yields provable security, even against an adversary with unbounded computational power. However, the feasibility of this approach in practice depends on the development of efficiently implementable schemes. In this paper, we review a special class of practical schemes for information-theoretic security that are based on 2-universal hash families. Specific cases of secret key agreement and wiretap coding are considered, and general themes are identified. The scheme presented for wiretap coding is modular and can be implemented easily by including an extra preprocessing layer over the existing transmission codes.


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The metal thin film delamination along metal/ceramic interface in the case of large scale yielding is studied by employing the strain gradient plasticity theory and the material microscale effects are considered. Two different fracture process models are used in this study to describe the nonlinear delamination phenomena for metal thin films. A set of experiments have been done on the mechanism of copper films delaminating from silica substrates, based on which the peak interface separation stress and the micro-length scale of material, as well as the dislocation-free zone size are predicted.


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En el presente estudio se evaluaron 8 fincas en el Municipio de Pantasma, para validar una mezcla de cepas de Rhizobium en semilla de frijol así como su aceptación por parte de los productores. Por medio del análisis de estabilidad modificado se logró determinar que de las 8 fincas en estudio 5 presentaron buenos ambientes, es decir que presentan óptimas condiciones edafoclimáticas para el cultivo del frijol A través de una distribución de intervalos de confianza se determinó que los rendimientos fueron más estables en las parcelas sin inocular que en las inoculadas, aunque fueron las inoculadas las que presentaron los mayores rendimientos. Las parcelas inoculadas mostraron diferencias significativas con respecto a las fertilizadas en altura, nodulación (número y color), número de vainas por planta, número de granos por vaina, peso de 1000 granos y en el rendimiento. El inoculante contribuyó a aumentar los rendimientos en todas las fincas, en donde la mayor producción fue obtenido por la finca 6 propiedad del productor Ronald Gutiérrez con 1743.20 kg/ha, obteniendo una ganancia neta de 10,822.34 C$/ha. El sondeo realizado entre los productores de la zona, demostró la aceptación de los mismos a esta nueva alternativa, que sin lugar a duda será Trascendental para la producción de frijol rojo en el país.


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El presente trabajo fue realizado en la finca experimental La Compañía, Carazo, en época de postrera (octubre- diciembre de 1996), en suelos jóvenes de origen volcánico con altos contenidos de potasio y deficiente de fósforo. El propósito del experimento fue determinar la influencia de dos tipos de Rhizobium en tres variedades de frijol común (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), sobre la producción de materia seca y rendimiento, así como la extracción de los elementos mayores tales como N, P y K. Las variedades evaluadas fueron: Honduras - 46, DOR - 364 y Revolución - 79 y los tipos de Rhizobium evaluados fueron: Rhizobium tropici UMR 1899 y la bacteria nativa Rhizobium leguminosarum bv phaseoli. El diseño utilizado fue bloques completos al azar (B.C.A), con seis tratamientos y cuatro repeticiones. Las variables evaluadas fueron: altura de planta, número de nódulos, peso seco de nódulos, peso seco de cada nódulo, materia seca, densidad de plantas por hectárea, número de vainas por planta, número de granos por vaina, peso de 100 granos, rendimiento y extracciones de macronutrientes como N, P y K. Los datos se procesaren usando análisis de varianza (ANDEVA) y se utilizó la prueba de rangos múltiples de DUNCAN (Ps0.05). Los resultados obtenidos se pueden sintetizar de la siguiente forma: la variedad Honduras - 46, presentó mayor producción de materia seca en los tejidos del follaje (1563.23 kg/ha), así como también obtuvo el mayor rendimiento (1 000.51 kg/ha), la variedad Revolución - 79 obtuvo la mayor producción de materia seca en los tejidos de la raíz (117.91 Kg/ha). La variedad DOR - 364 obtuvo la mayor extracción de macro nutrientes primarios (67.12 kg/ha de nitrógeno, 6.90 kg/ha de fósforo y 60.91 kg/ha de potasio). La bacteria nativa Rhlzobium leguminosarum bv phaseoli obtuvo la mayor producción de materia seca en los tejidos del follaje y la raíz, asi como en el rendimiento y extracciones totales de macronutrientes primarios.


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El presente trabajo se realizó en Geneticos Nicaraguenses (REGEN) adscrito Nacional Agraria a finales de 1995 con el la Prueba de Envejecimiento Acelerado (PEA) el Programa a la Universidad propósito de utilizar de semillas como una herramienta más para evaluar vigor, atributo relacionado con la emergencia en campo y la almacenabilidad de las mismas. El estudio se realizó con seis variedades (dos mejoradas modernas y cuatro locales o tradicionales) sometidas a condiciones de envejecimiento acelerado a fin de diferenciar los genotipos en base a su comportamiento después de la prueba mencionada. Se evaluaron en laboratorio y en campo en un diseño completamente al azar, las variables siguientes: Germinación estándar. número de plantas emergidas. velocidad de emergencia, materia seca de plántulas y de raíces. Del análisis de los resultados se llego a las conclusiones siguientes: 1) De manera general. la PA permitió hacer una diferenciación entre los materiales estudiados: las variedades locales mostraron un comportamiento superior con relación a las mejoradas. 2) La variedad local "Chile" se vio menos afectada por la PEA considerándose como un material muy vigoroso y con alto potencial de almacenamiento. ) La reducción de la terminación inicial de las variedades locales después de la PEA fue hasta un 24%. en cambio para las mejoradas fue mayor de un 48%. 4)Las variables materia seca de plántula y de raíz no permitieron valorar objetivamente la calidad de las semillas debido a las variaciones observadas. 5) Al correlacionar los resultados de la Prueba de Germinación Estándar y de la PEA con la emergencia en campo, la primera mostró un mayor coeficiente de correlación (0.98 **)con relación a la segunda prueba (0.82*). 6) A fin de mejorar la metodología de la PEA se recomienda, para llegar a conclusiones más definitivas, uniformizar ciertos parámetros de las semillas de los materiales genéticos sujetos a estudio como son: Calidad fisiológica Inicial, contenido de humedad Inicial, condiciones previas de almacenamiento, color de testa, rugosidad etc.


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Resumen: El Requiem Alemán de Brahms ha sido objeto de numerosos análisis teológicomusicológicos, debido principalmente a dos características peculiares: 1. es una obra del género requiem que no utiliza el texto de la Missa pro defunctis, sino que emplea una selección de textos bíblicos elegidos por su autor, y 2. su contenido motívico deriva de manipulaciones sobre la melodía del coral Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten, que aparecen a lo largo de los 7 números de la obra. Este trabajo pone de relieve la existencia de un motivo autónomo, independiente del contenido del coral, que aparece en cinco de los siete números y al que el autor asigna la representación simbólica de la Redención.


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Aborda aspectos relacionados à pressão exercida pelos parlamentares federais para a inclusão de novas dotações na lei orçamentária anual (LOA), sem que seja realizada uma análise das políticas públicas propostas, de forma a priorizar aquelas que julgarem mais relevantes.


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It has been predicted that the floating potential of particles in plasma may become positive when the particle surface temperature is high enough, but, to our knowledge, no positive floating potential has been obtained yet. In the present paper the floating potential theory of high-temperature particles in plasma is developed to cover the positive potential range for the first time, and a general approximate analytical formula for the positive floating potential with a thin plasma sheath and subsonic plasma flow is derived from the new model recently proposed by the authors. The results show that when the floating potential is positive, the net flux of charge incident on the particle approaches a constant similar to the 'electron saturation' phenomena in the case of the electric probes.


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The Hawkesbury-Nepean River in New South Wales (NSW), Australia, is the largest river system in the Sydney metropolitan area, and it drains most of the developing areas to the west. This catchment is under increasing pressure from urban expansion and the river frequently experiences extended periods of low flows due to a combination of extensive river regulation and the Australian temperate climate. Added to this, the river and several of its tributaries receive treated sewage and stormwater from various sources. Habitats and biota within the Hawkesbury-Nepean River catchment have been altered since European settlement and many introduced species have spread throughout the terrestrial and aquatic environment (Recher et al. 1993). Submersed macrophyte assemblages within the river have undergone significant changes in their distribution and abundance due to eutrophication, habitat alteration and changes to river flows (Recher et al 1993). Anecdotal evidence and some early unpublished studies suggest that egeria (Egeria densa Planchon), introduced from South America as an aquarium plant, was present in the Hawkesbury-Nepean River prior to 1980. Sainty (1973) reported a persistent and troublesome infestation over a number of years at Wallacia in the upper Nepean River. Here, as part of a larger study on the ecology of macrophyte and invertebrate assemblages associated with anthropogenic disturbance in the Hawkesbury-Nepean River, we document the rapid spread of egeria since 1994. Significant increases in egeria biomass were also found, and we present preliminary evidence which suggest that the native ribbonweed, vallisneria (Vallisneria americana Michx.) is being displaced.


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Carfentrazone-ethyl (CE) is a reduced risk herbicide that is currently being evaluated for the control of aquatic weeds. Greenhouse trials were conducted to determine efficacy of CE on water hyacinth ( Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms- Laub.), water lettuce ( Pistia stratiotes L.), salvinia ( Salvinia minima Baker) and landoltia (Landoltia punctata (G. Mey.) Les & D. J. Crawford ) . CE controlled water lettuce, water hyacinth and salvinia at rates less than the maximum proposed use rate of 224 g ha -1 . Water lettuce was the most susceptible to CE with an EC 90 of 26.9 and 33.0 g ha -1 in two separate trials. Water hyacinth EC 90 values were calculated to be 86.2 to 116.3 g ha -1 , and salvinia had a similar susceptibility to water hyacinth with an EC 90 of 79.1 g ha -1 . Landoltia was not adequately controlled at the rates evaluated. In addition, CE was applied to one-half of a 0.08 ha pond located in North Central, Florida to determine dissipation rates in water and hydrosoil when applied at an equivalent rate of 224 g ha -1 . The half-life of CE plus the primary metabolite, CE-chloropropionic acid, was calculated to be 83.0 h from the whole pond, and no residues were detected in water above the limit of quantification (5 μg L -1 ) 168 h after treatment. CE dissipated rapidly from the water column, did not occur in the sediment above the levels of quantification, and in greenhouse studies effectively controlled three species of aquatic weeds at relatively low rates.(PDF contains 6 pages.)


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Gerardus Johannes Vossius, filólogo e erudito holandês, nasceu em Heidelberg em 1577 e morreu em Amsterdã em 1649. Em 1632, transferiu-se para Amsterdã onde ensinou história no então fundado Athenaeum. Suas obras mais notáveis são sobre as heresias dos historiadores antigos. ‘Rethorices contractae’ é uma obra produzida em 1606, que contém regras sobre retorica e oratória. Formada por cindo livros ou partes o autor apresenta a natureza, o gênero e os tipos de retórica, o uso de figuras de linguagens e o estilo dos discursos para emprego nas diversas situações. No final do livro, encontra-se o índice remissivo de assuntos.