997 resultados para Eucanaã Ferraz


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We study the pair production of neutral Higgs bosons through gluon fusion at hadron colliders in the framework of the minimal supersymmetric standard model. We present analytical expressions for the relevant amplitudes, including both quark and squark loop contributions, and allowing for mixing between the superpartners of left- and right-handed quarks. Squark loop contributions can increase the cross section for the production of two CP-even Higgs bosons by more than two orders of magnitude, if the relevant trilinear soft breaking parameter is large and the mass of the lighter squark eigenstate is not too far above its current lower bound. In the region of large tan β, neutral Higgs boson pair production might even be observable in the 4b final state during the next run of the Fermilab Tevatron collider. ©1999 The American Physical Society.


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We study the effects of new dimension-6 operators, resulting from a general SU(3)C ⊗ SU(2)L ⊗ U(1)Y invariant effective Lagrangian, on three jet production at LEP and at the Next Linear Collider. Contributions to the total event rate and to some event shape variables are analysed in order to establish bounds on these operators. © 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We update the indirect bounds on anomalous triple gauge couplings coming from the non-universal one-loop contributions to the Z → bb width. These bounds, which are independent of the Higgs boson mass, are in agreement with the standard model predictions for the gauge boson self-couplings since the present value of R(b) agrees fairly well with the theoretical estimates. Moreover, these indirect constraints on Δg(Z)/1 and g(Z)/5 are most stringent than the present direct bounds on these quantities, while the indirect limit on λ(Z) is weaker than the available experimental data.


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Bose-Einstein correlations are studied in semileptonic (WW → qq̄lv) and fully hadronic (WW → qq̄qq̄) W-pair decays with the ALEPH detector at LEP at centre-of-mass energies of 172, 183 and 189 GeV. They are compared with those made at the Z peak after correction for the different flavour compositions. A Monte Carlo model of Bose-Einstein correlations based on the JETSET hadronization scheme was tuned to the Z data and reproduces the correlations in the WW → qq̄lv events. The same Monte Carlo reproduces the correlations in the WW → qq̄qq̄ channel assuming independent fragmentation of the two W's. A variant of this model with Bose-Einstein correlations between decay products of different W's is disfavoured. (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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We show that the accumulated CERN LEP-II data taken at √s = 130-206 GeV can establish more restrictive bounds on doubly charged bilepton couplings and masses than any other experiment so far. We also analyze the discovery potential of a prospective linear collider operating in both e+e- and e γ modes.


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Chronic hypertrophic pododermatitis cases in six horses of different breeds, aging 14 months to 19 years are described. The lesion begun with a infiltrative tissue in the frog and sole regions of the hoof, characterized by a fast and disorganized growth, with a papillary aspect, white colored in the roots and dark on the extremity, with a necrotic secretion and an extremely fetid odor. Microscopically, an exuberant epidermic proliferative tissue was observed, intermingled with little connective tissue. The horses were divided into two treatment groups. In the first group, including three young mares and a foal, showing lesions in only one limb, a surgical resection of the invasive mass was performed, followed by cauterization of the remaining edges and subsequent daily local application of antiseptic substances. In three of these horses, recurrence of the initial lesion occurred, with fast growth of hyperplasic tissue, affecting almost all the frog and half of the sole. Two horses developed contraction deformities of the hoof. In the second group, one male and one female, each with lesions in two limbs, after surgical debridement of the tissue, the animals received daily applications of picric acid 5%, associated to local use of oxitetracyclin. Although one of these cases required a second surgical intervention for removal of the mass, the horses showed after a period of two to three months total absence of the infiltrative tissue. The use of local picric acid 5% and oxitetracyclin associated to previous surgical debridement showed to be more efficient than the use of antiseptic substances in the treatment of chronic hypertrophic pododermatitis.


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A plantation of Eucalyptus urophylla, established in 1984 on a Quartzpsamment Soil, at Altinopolis, São Paulo State, presented in 1989 an medium increment of the cylindrical volume of the trees of 13.97 m 3/ha/year and also showed deficiency symptoms of potassium, calcium and magnesium. At 4.33 years after planting were applied two doses of nitrogen (0 and 10 g/tree of N), potassium (0 and 20 g/tree of K 2O) and of dolomitic lime (0 and 500 g/tree), combined in a randomized block design arranged in a factorial way (2 × 2 × 2), with four replications, in order to study the recuperation of the tree growth rate. Evaluations of the trees growth were performed at 4.33, 5.67, 6.75 and at 7.58 years when cutting the plantation was done. The soil fertility and leaf concentrations of N, K, Ca and Mg were analyzed before and after the application of the treatments. The accumulation and distribution of biomass and of these nutrients in the tree components and in the litter, and the economic studies referring to the volumes of wood were also evaluated 7.58 years after planting. Potassium fertilization increased the mass of potassium in stemwood, stembark, foliage, fruits and litter, but the increase was greater in foliage and in the stembark. Liming increased the mass of magnesium in stemwood, stembark, foliage and litter, but the increase was greater in the litter. There was no isolated effect of nitrogen fertilization. The growth rate of trees was recovered with the potassium application, which increased the mean annual increment (MAI) of cylindrical volume from 13.85 m 3/ha/year without fertilizer to 16.82 m 3/ha/year. At 7.58 years after planting, there was observed an effect of the N x K x dolomitic lime interaction in the wood production. In the absence of nitrogen and dolomitic lime, the application of potassium increased the real volume of 43% and there was a gain of US$ 86.79/ha.


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In order to identify genes expressed in the pistil that may have a role in the reproduction process, we have established an expressed sequence tags project to randomly sequence clones from a Nicotiana tabacum stigma/style cDNA library. A cDNA clone (MTL-8) showing high sequence similarity to genes encoding glycine-rich RNA-binding proteins was chosen for further characterization. Based on the extensive identity of MTL-8 to the RGP-1a sequence of N. sylvestris, a primer was defined to extend the 5′ sequence of MTL-8 by RT-PCR from stigma/style RNAs. The amplification product was sequenced and it was confirmed that MTL-8 corresponds to an mRNA encoding a glycine-rich RNA-binding protein. Two transcripts of different sizes and expression patterns were identified when the MTL-8 cDNA insert was used as a probe in RNA blots. The largest is 1,100 nucleotides (nt) long and markedly predominant in ovaries. The smaller transcript, with 600 nt, is ubiquitous to the vegetative and reproductive organs analyzed (roots, stems, leaves, sepals, petals, stamens, stigmas/styles and ovaries). Plants submitted to stress (wounding, virus infection and ethylene treatment) presented an increased level of the 600-nt transcript in leaves, especially after tobacco necrosis virus infection. In contrast, the level of the 1,100-nt transcript seems to be unaffected by the stress conditions tested. Results of Southern blot experiments have suggested that MTL-8 is present in one or two copies in the tobacco genome. Our results suggest that the shorter transcript is related to stress while the larger one is a flower predominant and nonstress-inducible messenger.


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The TL, optical absorption (OA) and EPR properties of natural Brazilian alexandrite and chrysoberyl have been investigated. The TL measurements for natural alexandrite show five peaks between 100 and 450°C, with their emission spectrum having 370 and/or 570 nm components. The intensity of the 320°C TL peak was found to be enhanced with pre-annealing treatment, more prominently above 600°C. The OA and EPR measurements showed that this kind of heat treatment induces the Fe2→ Fe3+ conversion in the natural sample. Chrysoberyl samples exhibited the TL peaks at the same temperatures as alexandrite samples, but the glow curves were more than 200 times less intense than alexandrite ones.


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A field trial was conduced in Piratininga, São Paulo State, Brazil, from August to 1991 to May 1999, aiming to study the effects of weed interference on the productivity of Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill Ex Maiden. The experimental design was complete randomized blocks with four replications. The treatments consisted of different extensions and times of the weed free period. The weed free periods were divided in two groups. In the first one, the weed free period were from the Eucalyptus planting to 28, 56, 112, 140, 168, 224, 278 and 360 days. In the second group the weed free period began at 0, 28, 56, 112, 140, 168, 224 and 278 days after the planting and finished at 364 days. The main weeds were Brachiaria decumbens and Brachiaria brizantha. The eucalypt plants were strong susceptive at weed interference at 12 months after planting, it was showing PAI of 12 and 6 days, when to consider 2 and 5% reduction on height. Although, to assure crop productivity at Piratininga it was necessary to maintain a weed free period of to 364 and 365 days after planting (PTPI) at 12 months, 194 and 166 days after planting at 24 months, 188 and 130 days after planting at 36 months, 88 and 54 days after planting at 48 months and 155 and 133 days after planting at 78 months, when to consider 2 an 5% reduction on heigth. But, if when to consider the DAP, the PTPI was 242 and 200 days after planting at 24 months, 208 and 153 days after planting at 36 months, 224 and 150 days after planting at 48 months and 134 and 119 days after planting at 78 months. Although when to consider the wood volume it was necessary to keep the weed free from the planting to 153 and 142 days at 36 months after planting, 99 and 91 days at 48 months after planting and 92 and 72 days at 78 months after planting (crop). However, in area to suggest the recuperation the eucalypt plants at weed Interference.


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Trichilia pallida Swartz is an Atlantic Forest shady climax tree of Meliaceae family that presents insecticide properties against chewing insects like as some family trees, making it interesting for forestry uses. Forty plants of Oito Pontas Farm population were collected in Bofete County, Santa Genebra Ecological Station in Campinas County, and Caetetus Ecological Station in Gélia County, all in the Sao Paulo State, Brazil. Leaf DNA analysis was used by RAPD method, that showed 10 highly polymorphic primers, with 72 dominant markers, used to estimate genetic diversity within and among populations. The polymorphism within populations varied from 90.3 to 97.2%, and the effective allele number varied from 1.46 ± 0.33 to 1.57 ± 0.33, while the average of genetic differentiation of populations varied from 0.27 ± 0.18 to 0, 33 ± 0.15. The gene diversity in the total population (H T) was 0.334 ± 0.02, while the average gene diversity within populations (H s) was 0.292 ± 0.017, and the coefficient of gene differentiation (G ST) was 0.125, Bofete and Campinas populations had the smallest Nei's genetic distance (0.049) and the distances of both with Gália were 0.117 and 0.107, respectively.


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A high rate of root exposure and consequently the exposure of the furcation area is usually observed in multirooted teeth. In maxillary molar teeth, this fact may endanger the three existent furcations (buccal, mesial and distal), causing serious problems. In this research, distance measures from the buccal furcation to the mesial (F1M) and distal (F1D) surfaces of the mesio-buccal and disto-buccal roots; from the mesial furcation to the buccal (F2B) and palatal (F2P) surfaces of the mesio-buccal and palatal roots and from the distal furcation to the buccal (F3B) and palatal (F3P) surfaces of the disto-buccal and palatal roots, respectively were established. One hundred maxillary first molar teeth were used, 50 of the right and 50 of the left side. Reference marks and demarcations were determined on the furcations and also on the root surfaces involved in the measures. We concluded that these measurements are important because they may effectivelly contribute to diagnosis, prevention and treatment of periodontal problems.


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Strongyloidiasis, a relatively common parasitism in tropical and sub-tropical areas, is the result of the infection by the smaller nematode, the Strongyloides stercoralis. Humans can be infected by this parasite, which has in its vital cycle free-life forms of male and female individuals able to live in the ground, and with another step necessary parasitism in the intestinal wall. The diagnostic of the infection is routinely done by the microscopic observation of the larva in stool samples and the high sensibility of urn method over another one allows an trustable and efficient diagnostic. The efficiency of three methods (Direct, COPROTEST and Rugai) used in the Parasitology Sector of the NAC-LACAL in Araraquara (SP) to diagnosis the strongiloidiasis were evaluated. A number of 2346 samples of stool of patients from NAC-LACAL and Nestor Goulart Reis Hospital were analyzed in the period between August and December of 2002. The Rugai Method with an positivity index of 65 % was elected as the most efficient of thee ones.


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We present the results of a search for the flavor-changing neutral current decay Bs 0 → μ+ μ-. using a data set with integrated luminosity of 240 pb-1 of pp̄ collisions at √s = 1.96 TeV collected with the D0 detector in run II of the Fermilab Tevatron collider. We find the upper limit on the branching fraction to be B(Bs 0 → μ+ π-) ≤ 5.0 × 10-7 at the 95% C.L. assuming no contributions from the decay Bd 0 → μ+ μ- in the signal region. This limit is the most stringent upper bound on the branching fraction Bs 0 → μ+ μ- to date. © 2005 The American Physical Society.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the herbage availability, nutritive value, dry matter intake and grass and legume percentage in diet of crossbred Holstein-Zebu cows, in pasture with Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk, Stylosanthes guianensis var. vulgaris cv. Mineirão and tree legumes. To estimate the fecal output, it was used 10 g cow -1 day -1 of chromium oxide during ten consecutive days. Extrusa samples were used to determine the chemical composition and in vitro dry matter digestibility. B. decumbens availability varied with climatic conditions, while S. guianensis availability decreased linearly along the experimental period. Dry matter intake was higher in May/2001 (1.9% body weight) and did not differ among other months (1.5% body weight). Low dry matter intake values were related to low in vitro dry matter digestibility coefficients (42.1 % to 48.0%) and high neutral detergent fiber content (70.2% to 79.4%). Dry matter intake was directly related to legume percentage in the pasture. This observation could indicate the potential of mixed pasture for improving nutritive value in dairy cattle diet.