981 resultados para Esmalt dental


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Context: The possibility of bleaching vital teeth with peroxide-based products considerably revolutionized esthetic dentistry. Aim: The aim of this clinical study was to evaluate tooth color change and dental sensitivity after exposure to preloaded film containing a 10% hydrogen peroxide whitening system (Opalescence Trθswhite Supreme). Materials and Methods: A total of 13 volunteers, aged 18 to 25 years, participated in this study. The patients used the whitening system once a day for 60 minutes during the 8-day study. For maxillary incisors and canines, the color change was visually evaluated with the Vita color scale before, immediately, and six months after the treatment. Tooth sensitivity was evaluated during the daily gel applications. All whitening applications were done in office and under the supervision of a dental professional. Statistical Analysis Used: The results were analyzed using the Friedman Test (nonparametric repeated measures ANOVA) at a level of 5%, and Dunn's Multiple Comparison Test at the level of 5%. Results: It was verified that the original mean color values observed at the baseline analysis differed significantly from those observed immediately after bleaching, as well as from those seen in the analysis at six months ( P = 0.001). There was no significant difference between the mean color values observed in the immediate time and in the analysis at six months ( P = 0.474). No tooth sensitivity was observed in any patients. Conclusion: It was concluded that the bleaching technique using the 10% hydrogen peroxide system was effective in a short period of time without tooth sensitivity during applications.


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Entre as diversas anomalias dentárias, a giroversão dental constitui uma anomalia de grande prevalência, na qual o dente realiza rotação em torno do seu próprio eixo. No exame radiográfico panorâmico é possível verificar a presença de giroversão, porém, quando a dinâmica de giro do eixo do equipamento não coincide com a curvatura da maxila e mandíbula, a imagem dos dentes apresenta-se girovertida ou com apinhamento dental. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar se as giroversões dentais presentes nas radiografias panorâmicas são verdadeiras ou apenas “virtuais”. Foram selecionadas 71 radiografias panorâmicas com imagens sugestivas de dentes girovertidos, de pacientes que também possuíam a documentação da cavidade bucal por fotografia e modelo de estudo. A média de idade dos pacientes avaliados foi 15 anos de idade. A imagem radiográfica panorâmica, fotografia e modelo de estudo foram avaliadas por um único examinador. Na avaliação das radiografias panorâmicas foram encontradas 246 dentes girovertidos. Porém, ao avaliar a fotografia e o modelo de estudo destes pacientes comprovou-se apenas 127 dentes com giroversão. Estes resultados indicam uma correspondência clinica/radiográfica de 51,4 %, ou seja, 48,6% das giroversões identificadas radiograficamente, eram “virtuais”. Pode-se concluir que o diagnóstico de giroversão dental utilizando a radiografia panorâmica deve ser confirmado pelo exame clínico para evitar diagnósticos falsos positivos.


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Hepatitis C is associated with autoimmune diseases, hepatocellular carcinoma,and extrahepatic manifestations that, in conjunction, may seriously compromise the patient's quality of life. We herein describe a case of chronic hepatitis C with oral manifestations and discuss some implications for diagnosis and treatment. A 63-year-old woman complaining of spontaneous bleeding of the oral mucosa presented with bilateral asymmetric ulcers surrounded by white papules and striae on the buccal mucosa. Her medical history revealed leucopenia, thrombocytopenia, and skin lesions associated with chronic hepatitis C. Propranolol and ranitidine had recently been prescribed. Lichen planus, lichenoid reaction, and erythema multiforme were considered in the differential diagnosis. Histopathological analysis revealed lymphocytic infiltrate in a lichenoid pattern. The lesions partially healed after 1 week and completely regressed after 6 months, despite the maintenance of all medications; no recurrence was observed. The final diagnosis was oral lichen planus associated with hepatitis C. Chronic hepatitis C may present oral manifestations, which demand adjustments in dental treatment planning. Medication side effects may interfere with the clinical presentation and course of the disease and should be accounted for in the differential diagnosis. The possibility of spontaneous remission of oral lichen planus should always be considered, especially when putative etiological factors of a lichenoid lesion are withdrawn in an attempt to differentiate oral lichen planus from lichenoid lesions. This case emphasizes the importance of recognizing the extrahepatic manifestations of hepatitis C as a cause of increased morbidity.


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Aim: This study assessed the risk factors of undergraduate students to develop musculoskeletaldisorders (MSD) in the upper limbs, regarding gender, type of dental clinical procedure, mouthregion treated, and the four-handed dentistry practice. Methods: Dental students enrolled in the8th semester in the Araraquara School of Dentistry, UNESP, Brazil, were photographed whilepracticing 283 dental procedures. The Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) method was usedto evaluate the working postures of each student. The photographs were evaluated and a finalrisk score was attributed to each analyzed procedure. The prevalence of risk factors of developingMSD was estimated by point and by 95% confidence interval. The association between the riskfactor of developing disorders and variables of interest were assessed by the chi-square test witha significance level of 5%. Results: The risk factors of developing MSD were high, regardingmost dental procedures performed by the undergraduate students (score 5: 7.07%, CI95%: 4.08-10.06%; score 6: 62.54%, CI95%: 56.90-68.18%). There was no significant association betweenthe RULA final score and gender (p=0.559), and type of dental procedure (p=0.205), and mouthregions by arch (p=0.110) or hemi-arch (p=0.560), and the use of four-handed dentistry (p=0.366).Conclusions: It can be concluded that gender, type of dental clinical procedure, mouth regiontreated, and practice of four-handed dentistry did not influence the risk of developing MSD in theupper limbs among the dental students evaluated; however, they are at a high risk of developingsuch disorders.(AU).