994 resultados para Ephrata (Pa.). Bauman
Cuando se ense?an las matem?ticas se debe tener claros los conceptos que se abordar?n en la clase, pero no se puede dejar de lado que dichos conceptos surgieron en un momento hist?rico y que fueron construidos por estudiosos de las matem?ticas bajo un contexto determinado, lo cual sirve para conocer el por qu? surgieron las matem?ticas, para qu? que se ense?an en la escuela, qu? se debe ense?ar y qu? esperan los estudiantes aprender, debido a que constantemente se preguntan si las matem?ticas les servir? de algo en su d?a a d?a. Las matem?ticas se van construyendo y se enriquecen de nociones, muchas veces expl?citas como bien se conoce, o en otras impl?citas como es el caso que se observa en diversas obras literarias. Espec?ficamente, en este trabajo se abordar?n algunos cap?tulos de dos libros que parecen ser solo para un p?blico infantil, se trata de ?Alicia en el pa?s de las maravillas? y ?Alicia a trav?s del espejo?, escritos por un matem?tico ingl?s de la ?poca victoriana, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, m?s conocido en la literatura como Lewis Carroll. Pues bien, para poder comprender estas dos obras desde la mirada matem?tica, se hizo necesario partir no solo del desarrollo matem?tico de la Inglaterra victoriana, sino tambi?n conocer una edici?n comentada de las obras por parte del autor Manuel Garrido y desde la filosof?a del lenguaje, por lo cual se tomaron como referente los trabajos del fil?sofo Jairo Urrea Henao quien a su vez menciona varios fil?sofos que han realizado un estudio de las obras de Carroll, dado que es a trav?s de los juegos del lenguaje y la noci?n de la l?gica del sinsentido donde se pueden evidenciar algunas nociones matem?ticas de la ?poca del reverendo Dodgson, para aportar reflexiones educativas desde la literatura hacia la ense?anza de las matem?ticas en el bachillerato.
The subject of this paper concerns selected experiences of citizens from the Visegrad Group countries (Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary) participating in the process of direct (that is, exercised by means of the tools of direct democracy) decision making as regards the most important matters, ranging from those related to the process of political transformation to the decision on accession to the European Union. The present considerations dwell on the experiences of Central and East European countries.
Estudar a ps-modernidade sempre tarefa delicada devido aos muitos desdobramentos que um nico tema pode tornar possvel. Zygmunt Bauman nos abre a possibilidade de analisar o cerne da questo e, partindo dele, encontrar os motivos da crise global da contemporaneidade. Com isso, analisando tanto os atores hegemnicos como a banalizao geral, podemos compreender muitos fatores essenciais sobre os meandros da atual crise de conscincia e da razo humana, males que atingem diretamente o ser humano em sua identidade cotidiana.
From May 15th to 30th and 15th to 30th September 2015 took place the fifth and sixth excavation campaign at the Castellazzo of Monte Iato. The presence of 15 participants made it possible to deepen the research significantly and ex-pand the surface area of investigation. It is completely emptied a room already identified in previous campaigns and provided new information about the relationship with the existing cemetery. Part of a burial in a supine position was destroyed by the installation of wall 20. Traces of another turret projecting from the walls have been discovered in the east and another section of the inner walls (15) was fully exposed. A gate, between two towers, is the first entry traced so far, on the north-eastern side of the plateau. The archaeological materials found confirm the characteristics and type of construction. Being a military camp of ephemeral nature, although active at least 30 years, objects such as arrowheads and crossbow quarrels, knives, buckles and harnesses for horses have been found. One of the environments has been interpreted as an area where gaming took place because of the presence of four dice in ivory, glasses and different coins, in addition to the greater extent than the other environments found. Among the findings are reported a glass weight with a cufic inscription dated to the mid-twelfth century and two bronze coins dated in 15th centu-ry.
The article is devoted to the presentation of the outline of the concept of operationalization of human rights taking place in the states involved in the system of international protection of those rights. The concept of operationalization of protection is a collective term for a series of processes that lead to the establishment of legal provisions protecting human rights, and to transfer this abstract construct to specific societies. It includes both the decision-making processes of extralegal (uprising idea, its conceptualization, social issues and change the perception of axiology of society, cultural aspects) and legal (lawmaking and law application processes in the aspect of human rights and the impact of international institutions on them) character. The essence of the process of operationalization is providing effective protection of human rights in a state. The concept is set primarily on the consequences of membership of Poland in the system of the Council of Europe.
Ksika zawiera krytyczne wydanie 23 znanych redniowiecznych polskojzycznych przekazw Modlitwy Pańskiej oraz ich charakterystyk rdoznawcz i jzykow. Jest to pierwsza caociowa edycja staropolskich odpisw Ojcze nasz, take tych dotd niepublikowanych. Do zachowanych 17 rkopisw (pozostae znane s jedynie z dawnych edycji) doczono kolorow fotokopi zabytku, przygotowano now transliteracj i transkrypcj tekstw. Cz analityczna pozwolia wyodrbni miejsca niezmienne oraz tumaczone na wiele sposobw, a take zidentyfikowa typy rnic, okreli kierunki zmian elementw zmiennych oraz zidentyfikowa symptomy standaryzacji tego tekstu. Ponadto przeprowadzone analizy umoliwiy postawienie pytania o podstaw tumaczenia oraz o sposb przekadu modlitwy. Zaobserwowano pocztkow niezaleno gramatyczn od tekstu aciskiego i stopniowe naladowanie konstrukcji aciskich (zwaszcza w zakresie szyku) oraz niezaleno staropolskich tumacze od najstarszych czeskich redakcji Pater noster. Wskazane w analizach obszary tekstu zarwno niezmienne, jak i te, ktre najczciej podlegay zmianom lub te maj powiadczonych najwicej wariantw tumaczeniowych, nie tylko sprawiay anonimowym redniowiecznym skrybom piszcym po polsku najwicej problemw, ale byy obrazem ich wiadomej pracy, przejawem prowadzonych z rozmysem poszukiwa najlepszych polskich odpowiednikw dla oddania aciskiego tekstu. Uzupenieniem analiz jzykowych jest omwienie wczesnopitnastowiecznego aciskiego komentarza dotyczcego tumaczenia modlitw na jzyk polski autorstwa Jakuba z Piotrkowa. Wyodrbnione na podstawie porwnania zachowanych tekstw typy rnic znajduj odzwierciedlenie w zagadnieniach poruszanych przez redniowiecznego skryb, co umacnia wnioski pynce z pracy.
Fondo Margaritains Restrepo
Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytw RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/2016
This thesis aims to investigating the cantadores and the toadas in the Boi Bumb, debating questions which put together around the construction and performance of amo s and cantador s role in the Boi Bumb Caprichoso of Belm-PA city and exploring the extent of toadas its characteristics, functions, the uses that are made of theirs and the relations that establishes between them and the cantadores. The problematic of the research consisted on analysing what the amos, cantadores and toadas represent in the whole context of boi-bumb plays in Belm, nowadays. Considering this perspective, I tried to identify on Boi Caprichoso the most meaningful expressions which were related to toadas and how the roles of amo and cantador were performed. Participative observation, ethnical research, open and semistructured interviews were used as research methods. The role performances on Boi Caprichoso plays an essential part on the playing realization, highlighting themselves as pivotal characters. These performances, characterized by the vocal presence, also highlighted the size that toadas occupy in the whole play, and pointed the way for an emerging model of presentation, in which both toada and cantador appear as central figures
Fondo Margaritains Restrepo
Fondo Margaritains Restrepo
Fondo Margaritains Restrepo