1000 resultados para Enrique González Tuñón


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In this paper we show that the effect of jitter due to driver and LED is the limiting factor in the baud rate in L-PPM formats for VLC systems.


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En el presente trabajo se presenta el diseño e implementación de un conjunto de habilitadores o servicios genéricos para aplicaciones de teleconsulta sobre redes IMS. A partir de las funcionalidades identificadas en las aplicaciones de teleconsulta se han diseñado los habilitadores a desarrollar, que son los siguientes: una sala de espera virtual, una pizarra virtual y una multiconferencia multimedia. Estos servicios utilizan a su vez otros habilitadores genéricos referidos en el estado del arte de la arquitectura IMS. Tales servicios se han integrado en una arquitectura IMS para garantizar su funcionamiento. Para evaluar el funcionamiento de los habilitadores desarrollados se ha definido e implementado el caso de uso de una aplicación de teleconsulta avanzada.


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En el presente trabajo se muestran los resultados preliminares de validación de un sistema de evaluación de habilidades motoras en cirugía de mínima invasión (CMI) basado en el seguimiento por vídeo del instrumental quirúrgico. El sistema, en fase de prototipo aún, se valida con 42 participantes (16 noveles, 22 residentes y 4 expertos). En esta primera fase del trabajo se han analizado varias métricas obtenidas a partir del 2D de la imagen. El sistema presenta validez para las métricas de tiempo, camino recorrido, velocidad media y eficiencia de espacio. A falta de implementar una versión definitiva capaz de llevar a cabo procesamiento en tiempo real de múltiples herramientas, y de la validación de métricas obtenidas a partir del 3D, se demuestra la viabilidad de construir entornos de formación basados en tecnologías de video, que sean transparentes al cirujano.


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El presente trabajo investiga la relevancia de las métricas de movimiento en la evaluación objetiva de habilidades laparoscópicas, así como su correlación directa a dichas habilidades. Se ha realizado una validación de construcción de tres nuevas tareas para la evaluación de cirujanos. Para registrar los movimientos, se ha empleado el sistema de tracking TrEndo. 42 voluntarios (16 noveles, 22 residentes y 4 expertos) participaron en el experimento. Los resultados muestran que tiempo, camino recorrido y profundidad son métricas de evaluación válidas para un amplio espectro de habilidades. Otras métricas como la brusquedad de movimientos o el tiempo muerto demuestran validez en tareas bi-manuales. Métricas como la brusquedad o la velocidad media muestran un alto grado de independencia con respecto a los objetivos de la tarea a realizar. Se verifica la utilidad de este tipo de métricas, si bien son necesarios nuevos estudios que corroboren los resultados alcanzados.


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Los avances en instrumentación, tecnologías de localización y en técnicas de procesado de imagen han permitido el desarrollo de la cirugía guiada por imagen (CGI). En concreto, los sistemas de navegación quirúrgicos permiten transferir los estudios preoperatorios, imágenes y decisiones al propio quirófano, sirviendo de apoyo a los cirujanos durante la intervención. Los principales retos de estos sistemas se hallan en su incorporación en cirugías de tejidos blandos, donde la deformación y el movimiento de los órganos complican el desarrollo de estos sistemas. Tal es el caso de las cirugías hepáticas. El presente trabajo recoge un estado del arte de sistemas de navegación centrados en cirugía hepática


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Dada la gran importancia de los contenidos para el éxito del proceso de formación es necesario desarrollar herramientas que permitan la creación de los mismos de una manera simple, eficaz y motivadora. Actualmente, su proceso de creación es largo y costoso, teniendo que llevarlo a cabo expertos cirujanos docentes en estrecha colaboración con técnicos especialistas en herramientas de edición y creación de contenidos multimedia. El presente trabajo de investigación presenta una nueva herramienta de autoría que permite la creación y edición de contenidos didácticos multimedia que son utilizados en el proceso de formación de los cirujanos. La herramienta incorpora un editor multimedia de vídeos laparoscópicos, capaz de realizar un procesamiento y agregar valor didáctico a los vídeos originales. La herramienta de autoría se incorpora en un entorno de formación web que permite crear, compartir y reutilizar contenidos didácticos basados en la edición de vídeo laparoscópico.


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Automatic analysis of minimally invasive surgical (MIS) video has the potential to drive new solutions that alleviate existing needs for safer surgeries: reproducible training programs, objective and transparent assessment systems and navigation tools to assist surgeons and improve patient safety. As an unobtrusive, always available source of information in the operating room (OR), this research proposes the use of surgical video for extracting useful information during surgical operations. Methodology proposed includes tools' tracking algorithm and 3D reconstruction of the surgical field. The motivation for these solutions is the augmentation of the laparoscopic view in order to provide orientation aids, optimal surgical path visualization, or preoperative virtual models overlay


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En este artículo se presenta el diseño, implementación y evaluación de tres métodos que permiten realizar la detección y el seguimiento de estructuras de interés seleccionadas por el usuario a lo largo de un conjunto de fotogramas de vídeo quirúrgico. El objetivo de estos métodos es la extracción de la información relativa a las estructuras presentes en una determinada escena quirúrgica en entornos de formación o durante los procedimientos de mínima invasión. Los resultados muestran su directa aplicabilidad a entornos didácticos, por ser técnicas semiautomáticas en las que se requiere interacción del usuario.


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Sistema de seguimiento del instrumental laparoscópico basado en marcas artificiales: pruebas iniciales


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La creciente preocupación por parte de la sociedad respecto del medio ambiente que nos rodea, ha hecho que las administraciones de ámbito local recojan las inquietudes de los ciudadanos e intenten dar soluciones mediante la creación de lo que se viene a denominar espacios verdes urbanos: son nuestros parques y jardines públicos. Sin embargo, día a día surgen nuevas demandas por parte de los distintos grupos sociales, pasando de la mera creación o representación estética del campo en la ciudad a dotar a estos entornos de elementos en los que la practicidad toma un valor relevante. El objetivo del presente trabajo es servir como instrumento de información a las distintas administraciones en su labor de planificación de zonas verdes urbanas utilizando para ello Sistemas de Información Geográfica


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This article presents a cartographic system to facilitate cooperative manoeuvres among autonomous vehicles in a well-known environment. The main objective is to design an extended cartographic system to help in the navigation of autonomous vehicles. This system has to allow the vehicles not only to access the reference points needed for navigation, but also noticeable information such as the location and type of traffic signals, the proximity to a crossing, the streets en route, etc. To do this, a hierarchical representation of the information has been chosen, where the information has been stored in two levels. The lower level contains the archives with the Universal Traverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates of the points that define the reference segments to follow. The upper level contains a directed graph with the relational database in which streets, crossings, roundabouts and other points of interest are represented. Using this new system it is possible to know when the vehicle approaches a crossing, what other paths arrive at that crossing, and, should there be other vehicles circulating on those paths and arriving at the crossing, which one has the highest priority. The data obtained from the cartographic system is used by the autonomous vehicles for cooperative manoeuvres.


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An important goal in the field of intelligent transportation systems (ITS) is to provide driving aids aimed at preventing accidents and reducing the number of traffic victims. The commonest traffic accidents in urban areas are due to sudden braking that demands a very fast response on the part of drivers. Attempts to solve this problem have motivated many ITS advances including the detection of the intention of surrounding cars using lasers, radars or cameras. However, this might not be enough to increase safety when there is a danger of collision. Vehicle to vehicle communications are needed to ensure that the other intentions of cars are also available. The article describes the development of a controller to perform an emergency stop via an electro-hydraulic braking system employed on dry asphalt. An original V2V communication scheme based on WiFi cards has been used for broadcasting positioning information to other vehicles. The reliability of the scheme has been theoretically analyzed to estimate its performance when the number of vehicles involved is much higher. This controller has been incorporated into the AUTOPIA program control for automatic cars. The system has been implemented in Citroën C3 Pluriel, and various tests were performed to evaluate its operation.


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INTRODUCTION: The EVA (Endoscopic Video Analysis) tracking system a new tracking system for extracting motions of laparoscopic instruments based on non-obtrusive video tracking was developed. The feasibility of using EVA in laparoscopic settings has been tested in a box trainer setup. METHODS: EVA makes use of an algorithm that employs information of the laparoscopic instrument's shaft edges in the image, the instrument's insertion point, and the camera's optical centre to track the 3D position of the instrument tip. A validation study of EVA comprised a comparison of the measurements achieved with EVA and the TrEndo tracking system. To this end, 42 participants (16 novices, 22 residents, and 4 experts) were asked to perform a peg transfer task in a box trainer. Ten motion-based metrics were used to assess their performance. RESULTS: Construct validation of the EVA has been obtained for seven motion-based metrics. Concurrent validation revealed that there is a strong correlation between the results obtained by EVA and the TrEndo for metrics such as path length (p=0,97), average speed (p=0,94) or economy of volume (p=0,85), proving the viability of EVA. CONCLUSIONS: EVA has been successfully used in the training setup showing potential of endoscopic video analysis to assess laparoscopic psychomotor skills. The results encourage further implementation of video tracking in training setups and in image guided surgery.


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INTRODUCTION: Motion metrics have become an important source of information when addressing the assessment of surgical expertise. However, their direct relationship with the different surgical skills has not been fully explored. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relevance of motion-related metrics in the evaluation processes of basic psychomotor laparoscopic skills, as well as their correlation with the different abilities sought to measure. METHODS: A framework for task definition and metric analysis is proposed. An explorative survey was first conducted with a board of experts to identify metrics to assess basic psychomotor skills. Based on the output of that survey, three novel tasks for surgical assessment were designed. Face and construct validation study was performed, with focus on motion-related metrics. Tasks were performed by 42 participants (16 novices, 22 residents and 4 experts). Movements of the laparoscopic instruments were registered with the TrEndo tracking system and analyzed. RESULTS: Time, path length and depth showed construct validity for all three tasks. Motion smoothness and idle time also showed validity for tasks involving bi-manual coordination and tasks requiring a more tactical approach respectively. Additionally, motion smoothness and average speed showed a high internal consistency, proving them to be the most task-independent of all the metrics analyzed. CONCLUSION: Motion metrics are complementary and valid for assessing basic psychomotor skills, and their relevance depends on the skill being evaluated. A larger clinical implementation, combined with quality performance information, will give more insight on the relevance of the results shown in this study.


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In recent years, spacial agencies have shown a growing interest in optical wireless as an alternative to wired and radio-frequency communications. The use of these techniques for intra-spacecraft communications reduces the effect of take-off acceleration and vibrations on the systems by avoiding the need for rugged connectors and provides a significant mass reduction. Diffuse transmission also eases the design process as terminals can be placed almost anywhere without a tight planification to ensure the proper system behaviour. Previous studies have compared the performance of radio-frequency and infrared optical communications. In an intra-satellite environment optical techniques help reduce EMI related problems, and their main disadvantages - multipath dispersion and the need for line-of-sight - can be neglected due to the reduced cavity size. Channel studies demonstrate that the effect of the channel can be neglected in small environments if data bandwidth is lower than some hundreds of MHz.