1000 resultados para Eleccions -- Espanya
Trabajos recientes han puesto de manifiesto que la búsqueda española en economía realizada durante la década de los noventa ha incrementado su presencia internacional al mismo tiempo que se observa una dualidad a la difusión de la búsqueda a través de revistas nacionales e internacionales en función del ámbito de búsqueda considerado. Este trabajo analiza, a partir de la aplicación de técnicas bibliométricas que ha sido la evolución de la búsqueda regional y urbana realizada en España dentro del contexto internacional y si hay diferencias muy marcadas entre la búsqueda publicada a revistas nacionales y la publicada a revistas internacionales durante el periodo 1991-2000. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la tendencia observada por el conjunto de la economía también se han producido (incluso con más intensidad) dentro del ámbito de la búsqueda centrada en aspectos regionales y urbanos
Este trabajo analiza si las series de Contabilidad Nacional Trimestral de España son excesivamente suaves y, por lo tanto, si son realmente informativas de la evolución de la economía española a corto plazo. Mediante la utilización de las técnicas de análisis espectral se observa que las series trimestrales españolas presentan una variabilidad mayor que las de otros países de la OCDE en el intervalo de frecuencias más bajas (asociadas al comportamiento de la serie a largo plazo ) y una variabilidad menor en el intervalo de frecuencias más altas (asociadas al ruido que contiene la serie). El motivo de este comportamiento diferencial de las series trimestrales españolas se encuentra en el método utilizado por el Instituto Nacional de Estadística por estimar la señal ciclo-tendencia de los indicadores utilizados como referencia, concretamente, el conocido como filtro de líneas aéreas modificado (LAM)
This paper studies the output effects, transition costs and the change in pension benefits derived from the substitution of the current unfunded pension system by a fully funded pension system financed through mandatory savings.These effects are estimated by using reduced versions of the neoclassical and endogenous growth frameworks. Because of the greater capital accumulation during the transition phase, final output increases by 23,6% (neoclassicalframework); and a 24,5-31,5% (endogenous growth framework). The initial revenue loss for the government would represent a 4,8% of the GDP, raising very slowly during the transition period. Given the new growth rates, rates of return ofphysical capital, and financial intermediation costs, we have that the capitalization pension benefits obtained by all 30-contribution-year worker would be more than twice than those that guarantee the financial sustainability of thepublic pension system
In this paper we use a gravity model to study the trade performance of French and Spanishborder regions relatively to non-border regions, over the past two decades. We find that,controlling for their size, proximity and location characteristics, border regions trade onaverage between 62% and 193% more with their neighbouring country than other regions,and twice as much if they are endowed with good cross border transport infrastructures.Despite European integration, however, this trade outperformance has fallen for the mostperipheral regions within the EU. We show that this trend was linked in part to a shift in the propensity of foreign investors to move their affiliates from the regions near their home market to the regions bordering the EU core.
El presente trabajo analiza desde un punto de vista cuantitativo, mediante un modelo de equilibrio general de generaciones sucesivas, los efectos sobre la economía española de eliminar el actual sistema de Seguridad Social e implantar uno de capitalización. El análisis considera el proceso de transición y mide en términos de bienestar, quiénes son los agentes que se opondrían a este tipo de reforma. La consideración de la interacción entre el sistema de seguridad social y el sistema fiscal implica mayores beneficios asociados a una reforma de la seguridad social. Sin embargo, este tipo de reforma sigue generando pérdidas de bienestar para la mayoría de agentes vivos en el momentodel inicio de la reforma, existiendo un sesgo en favor del status quo.
Capital intensive industries in specialized niches of production have constituted solid ground for family firms in Spain , as evidenced by the experience of the iron and steel wire industries between 1870 and 2000. The embeddedness of these firms in their local and regional environments have allowed the creation of networks that, together with favourable institutional conditions, significantly explain the dominance of family entrepreneurship in iron and steel wire manufacturing in Spain, until the end of the 20 th century. Dominance of family firms at the regional level has not been not an obstacle for innovation in wire manufacturing in Spain, which has taken place even when institutional conditions blocked innovation and traditional networking. Therefore, economic theories about the difficulties dynastic family firms may have to perform appropriately in science-based industries must be questioned
One of the limitations of cross-country health expenditure analysis refers to the fact that the financing, the internal organization and political restraints of health care decision-making are country-specific and heterogeneous. Yet, a potential solution is to examine the influence of such effects in those countries that have undertaken decentralization processes. In such a setting, it is possible to examine potential expenditure spillovers across the geography of a country as well as the influence of the political ideology of regional incumbents on public health expenditure. This paper examines the determinants of public health expenditure within Spanish region-states (Autonomous Communities, ACs), most of them subject to similar financing structures although exhibiting significant heterogeneity as a result of the increasing decentralization, region-specific political factors along with different use of health care inputs, economic dimension and spatial interactions
In this paper we study, having as theoretical reference the economic model of crime (Becker, 1968; Ehrlich, 1973), which are the socioeconomic and demographic determinants of crime in Spain paying attention on the role of provincial peculiarities. We estimate a crime equation using a panel dataset of Spanish provinces (NUTS3) for the period 1993 to 1999 employing the GMMsystem estimator. Empirical results suggest that lagged crime rate and clear-up rate are correlated to all typologies of crime rate considered. Property crimes are better explained by socioeconomic variables (GDP per capita, GDP growth rate and percentage of population with high school and university degree), while demographic factors reveal important and significant influences, in particular for crimes against the person. These results are obtained using an instrumental variable approach that takes advantage of the dynamic properties of our dataset to control for both measurement errors in crime data and joint endogeneity of the explanatory variables
En este artículo se examina la relación existente entre los salarios de las regiones españolas y su potencial de mercado en el período 1955-1995. Se prueba la existencia de una estructura espacial de los salarios, en la que los salarios disminuyen al alejarnos de las regiones de renta elevada. Este resultado refuerza la hipótesis de la existencia de una dinámica aglomerativa en España durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Sin embargo, el efecto del potencial de mercado sobre los salarios disminuye en la segunda parte del período (1975-1995). Este resultado es consistente con la apertura de una senda de dispersión en la localización de la actividad industrial a partir de mediados de los setenta
This empirical work applies a duration model to the study of factors determining privatization of local water services. I assess how factors determining privatization decision evolve as time goes by. A sample of 133 Spanish municipalities during the six terms of office taken place during the 1980-2002 period is analyzed. A dynamic neighboring effect is hypothesized and successfully tested. In a first stage, private water supply firms may try to expand to regions where there is no service privatized, in order to spread over this region after having being installed thanks to its scale advantages. Other factors influencing privatization decision evolve during the two decades under study, from the priority to fix old infrastructures to the concern about service efficiency. Some complementary results regarding political and budgetary factors are also obtained
This work focuses on the study of the relationship between ownership and control structure of the company and its innovative activity. Its aim consists of analysing the role that may be played by determinants within the company related to ownership structure when the decision to incur research and development activities is taken as well as on the output of this innovate process. Among these determinants we may think of issues such as who owns the firm and how the control of decision-making is distributed, the nature of this control and the level of concentration of ownership, among others. The study is carried out for the year 2001 using a representative sample of Spanish manufacturing industries.
Both public and private insurance for long-term care is undeveloped in some European countries such as in Spain and empirical evidence is still limited. This paper aims at exmining the determinants of the demand for Long Term Care (LTC) coverage in Spain using contingent valuation techniques. Our findings indicate that only one-fifth of the population is willing to pay to assure coverage decisions are significantly affected by private information asymmetry and housing tenure in giving rise to self-insurance reduces the probability of insurance being hypothetically purchased.
Introducción: Analizar la eficiencia de añadir la determinación NT-proBNP al examen clínico convencional (ECC) para el diagnóstico de insuficiencia cardíaca (IC) en pacientes con disnea que acuden a servicios de urgencias (SU) españoles. Material y métodos: Se desarrolló un árbol de decisión para evaluar los resultados clínicos y económicos de ambas alternativas durante 60 días de seguimiento desde la visita al SU en pacientes hospitalizados y no hospitalizados. Los parámetros clínicos fueron principalmente obtenidos del estudio PRIDE y validados por médicos de SU y cardiólogos. El punto de corte de la determinación NT-proBNP fue de 900 pg/mL (sensibilidad del 90% y especificidad del 85%). En base a datos espa noles publicados, se asumió que el 65% de pacientes con disnea sufrían IC. El uso de recursos fue identificado mediante opinión de expertos y evaluado desde la perspectiva del Sistema Nacional de Salud (SNS). El análisis comparó el diagnóstico final del paciente con el diagnóstico realizado en el SU. Se realizaron diversos análisis de sensibilidad para evaluar la incertidumbre del modelo. Resultados: El diagnóstico incorporando la determinación NT-proBNP fue correcto en el 91,96% de los pacientes (59,09% verdaderos positivos y 32,87% verdaderos negativos) frente al 85,53% mediante ECC (50,79% verdaderos positivos y 34,74% verdaderos negativos). La incorporación de la determinación NT-proBNP resultó tener un coste menor (3.720 versus 5.188 ). Los análisis de sensibilidad realizados confirmaron los resultados.
A small, closed, lacustrine system developed during the restraining overstep stages of the Oligocene As Pontes strike-slip basin (Spain). The increase in basin accommodation and the headward spread of the drainage, which increased the water input, triggered a change from shallow, holomictic to deeper, meromictic conditions.
Wasps and their relatives from the Lower Cretaceous lithographic limestones of Spain have been studied. Thirty specimens representing 30 species (4 of them with undetermined placement), at least 21 genera and 11 families are recorded. We erect 1 new family - Andrenelidae-, 6 new genera and 11 new species: Meiaghilarella cretacica n.gen., n.sp. (Sepulcidae Ghilarellinae), Eosyntexis catalonicus n.sp., Cretosyntexis montsecensis n.gen., n.sp. (Anaxyelidae Syntexinae), Montsecephialtites zherikhini n.gen., n.sp. (Ephialtitidae Ephialtitinae), Karataus hispanicus n.sp. (Ephialtitidae Symphytopterinae), Manlaya ansorge i n.sp. (Gasteruptiidae Baissinae), Andrenelia pennata n.gen., n.sp. (Andrenelidae n. fam.), Cretoserphus gomezi n.gen., n.sp. (Mesoserphidae), Montsecosphex jarzembow skii n.gen., n.sp., Angarosphex penyalveri n.sp., Pompilopterus (?) noguerensis n.sp. (Sphecidae Angarosphecinae), Cretoscolia conquensis n.sp. (Scoliidae Archaeoscoliinae). The Mesozoic family Ephialtitidae is revisited based on the restudy of the type-species. We compare these Spanish Cretaceous assemblages with other ones from various parts of the world: Central and Eastern Asia, England, Australia, and Brazil. The number of genera and families identified in the Spanish fossil-sites is almost the same as in the English Purbeck and Wealden. The absence of some hymenopteran groups as Xyelidae, is consistent with the warm climate know to exist in Spain during the Early Cretaceous. We conclude that both La Cabrúa and La Pedrera assemblages - the two sites that have yielded the greatest number of species- correspond to the Lower Cretaceous"Baissin type" (sensu Rasnitsyn et al., 1998), but including some Jurassic"survivors". La Pedrera assemblage fits equally well in the"angarosphecine subtype", while La Cabrúa roughly corresponds to the"proctotrupid" one, although shows a comparative ly high proportion of angarosphecins. This fact may suggest: a) possibly asynchrony between these two fossilsites, b) environmental differences not reflected in the lithological record, c) different taphonomic processes and/or, d) insufficient sample size - to reflect the reality of the source populations-. La Pedrera assemblage is very similar to those from Weald Clay (England), Bon Tsagan (Mongolia) and Santana (Brazil). La Cabrúa approaches to a some extent, though not quite agrees with the Purbeck (UK), Koonwarra (Australia), and most Lower Cretaceous Asian assemblages.