982 resultados para Elastically restrained edges


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I have quite distinct memories of my first encounters with people I identified as Jews. In the 1970's, when I was in my teens, I made friends with a group of Jewish girls, and was invited to their homes, most of which were in the Melbourne (Australia) suburb of Caulfield, which had one of the highest proportions of Jewish inhabitants in the city. I was growing up opposite a golf-course in an increasingly affluent, beachside, bleached-blonde outer suburb whose micro-culture epitomised entrenched Anglo-Australian values; good manners, regular hours, discreet display of wealth, restrained emotion, mid-week tennis, weekends on the beach. Entree to the homes of these Jewish families provided my fairly romantic and uncritical eye with a glimpse of another world....


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The freshman year of college is a period of heightened risk for weight gain. This study examined measures of restrained eating, disinhibition, and emotional eating as predictors of weight gain during the freshman year. Using Lowe's multi-factorial model of dieting, it also examined three different types of dieting as predictors of weight gain. Sixty-nine females were assessed at three points during the school year. Weight gain during the freshman year averaged 2.1 kg. None of the traditional self-report measures of restraint, disinhibition, or emotional eating were predictive of weight gain. However, both a history of weight loss dieting and weight suppression (discrepancy between highest weight ever and current weight) predicted greater weight gain, and these effects appeared to be largely independent of one another. Individuals who said they were currently dieting to lose weight gained twice as much (5.0 kg) as former dieters (2.5 kg) and three times as much as never dieters (1.6 kg), but the import of this finding was unclear because there was only a small number of current dieters (N=7). Overall the results indicate that specific subtypes of dieting predicts weight gain during the freshman year better than more global measures of restraint or overeating.


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Calls for major curriculum reform, arguing that the time has passed for tinkering around the edges of a science curriculum that belongs to the past.


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Clustering of multivariate data is a commonly used technique in ecology, and many approaches to clustering are available. The results from a clustering algorithm are uncertain, but few clustering approaches explicitly acknowledge this uncertainty. One exception is Bayesian mixture modelling, which treats all results probabilistically, and allows comparison of multiple plausible classifications of the same data set. We used this method, implemented in the AutoClass program, to classify catchments (watersheds) in the Murray Darling Basin (MDB), Australia, based on their physiographic characteristics (e.g. slope, rainfall, lithology). The most likely classification found nine classes of catchments. Members of each class were aggregated geographically within the MDB. Rainfall and slope were the two most important variables that defined classes. The second-most likely classification was very similar to the first, but had one fewer class. Increasing the nominal uncertainty of continuous data resulted in a most likely classification with five classes, which were again aggregated geographically. Membership probabilities suggested that a small number of cases could be members of either of two classes. Such cases were located on the edges of groups of catchments that belonged to one class, with a group belonging to the second-most likely class adjacent. A comparison of the Bayesian approach to a distance-based deterministic method showed that the Bayesian mixture model produced solutions that were more spatially cohesive and intuitively appealing. The probabilistic presentation of results from the Bayesian classification allows richer interpretation, including decisions on how to treat cases that are intermediate between two or more classes, and whether to consider more than one classification. The explicit consideration and presentation of uncertainty makes this approach useful for ecological investigations, where both data and expectations are often highly uncertain.


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Predator-prey relationships are an important aspect of the natural world, and, because of its relevance to survival and natural selection, is an interesting relationship to study. In amphibian larvae, level of activity and landscape use are often what determines the survival as prey. I studied the anti-predator behavior of the North American bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) tadpoles when presented with dragonfly (Aeshna) larvae, a known predator of tadpoles. Tadpoles were acclimated to four different habitats with varying degrees of habitat cover, and were transferred to a new habitat with a degree of cover equal to one of the acclimation tanks. A restrained predator, and thus its chemical cue, was introduced, and the behavior, particularly the use of the habitat cover to hide from the perceived risk of predation was observed. A significantly higher frequency of inactivity was found in tank I than in II and III, and inactivity followed a general trend of decreasing with increasing habitat cover. Difference in tank cover was not found to have a significant effect on swimming behavior, but did have a significant effect on hiding behavior, which increased with higher availability. Foraging decreased significantly with the addition of a predator, but did not vary significantly with different levels of cover. Hiding behavior and reducing conspicuous behaviors (like foraging) are probably the behaviors that afford the tadpole the most success at eluding a predator in their natural environment.


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The effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for eating disorders has established a link between cognitive processes and unhealthy eating behaviors. However, the relationship between individual differences in unhealthy eating behaviors that are not related to clinical eating disorders, such as overeating and restrained eating, and the processing of food related verbal stimuli remains undetermined. Furthermore, the cognitive processes that promote unhealthy and healthy exercise patterns remain virtually unexplored by previous research. The present study compared individual differences in attitudes and behaviors around eating and exercise to responses to food and exercise-related words using a Lexical Decision Task (LDT). Participants were recruited from Colby (n = 61) and the greater Waterville community (n = 16). The results indicate the following trends in the data: Individuals who scored high in “thin ideal” responded faster to food-related words than individuals with low “thin Ideal” scores did. Regarding the exercise-related data, individuals who engage in more “low intensity exercise” responded faster to exercise-related words than individuals who engage in less “low intensity exercise” did. These findings suggest that cognitive schemata about food and exercise might mediate individual’s eating and exercise patterns.


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Debates over the merits and demerits of globalisation for health are increasingly polarised. Conclusions range from globalisation being essentially positive for health, albeit with a need to smooth out some rough edges, to one of utter condemnation, with adverse effects on the majority of the world's population. Anyone wading into this debate is immediately confronted by seemingly irreconcilable differences in ideology, opinion and interests. Both camps agree that global changes are occurring, and with them many of the determinants of population health status. While some skepticism persists about whether “globalisation” has value beyond being a fashionable buzzword, most agree that we need better understanding of these changes. Two difficult questions arise: (i) What are the health impacts of these changes; and (ii) how can we respond more effectively to them? To move beyond the stand-offs that have already formed within the health community, this paper reviews the main empirical evidence that currently exists, summarises key points of debate that remain, and suggests some ways forward for the research and policy communities. In particular, there is need for an informed and inclusive debate about the positive and negative health consequences of globalisation.