1000 resultados para Einsiedeln, Switzerland (Benedictine monastery). Library.


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Very high concentrations of uranium (up to 4000 ppm) were found in a natural soil in the Dischma valley, an alpine region in the Grisons canton in Switzerland. The goal of this study was to examine the redox state and the nature of uranium binding in the soil matrix in order to understand the accumulation mechanism. Pore water profiles collected from Dischma soil revealed the establishment of anoxic conditions with increasing soil depth. A combination of chemical extraction methods and spectroscopy was applied to characterize the redox state and binding environment of uranium in the soil. Bicarbonate extraction under anoxic conditions released most of the uranium indicating that uranium occurs predominantly in the hexavalent form. Surprisingly, the uranium redox state did not vary greatly as a function of depth. X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy (XANES), confirmed that uranium was present as a mixture of U(VI) and U(IV) with U(VI) dominating. Sequential extractions of soil samples showed that the dissolution of solid organic matter resulted in the simultaneous release of the majority of the soil uranium content (>95%). Extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy also revealed that soil-associated uranium in the soil matrix was mainly octahedrally coordinated, with an average of 1.7 axial (at about 1.76 Å) and 4.6 to 5.3 equatorial oxygen atoms (at about 2.36 Å) indicating the dominance of a uranyl-like (UO22+) structure presumably mixed with some U(IV). An additional EXAFS signal (at about 3.2 Å) identified in some spectra suggested that uranium was also bound (via an oxygen atom) to a light element such as carbon, phosphorus or silicon. Gamma spectrometric measurements of soil profiles failed to identify uranium long-life daughter products in the soil which is an indication that uranium originates elsewhere and was transported to its current location by water. Finally, it was found that the release of uranium from the soil was significantly promoted at very low pH values (pH 2) and increased with increasing pH values (between pH 5 and 9).


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Quarterly update for Iowa Library Services/State Library patrons.


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A combined Ar-40/Ar-39, K/Ar, Rb/Sr and stable isotope study has been made of white micas from the Gummfluh klippe (Brianconnais domain of the Prealpes), Switzerland. The klippe consists mainly of Mesozoic to early Tertiary carbonate rocks metamorphosed from anchizonal to epizonal conditions. At the base of the klippe is a 10-50 m thick, ductilely deformed marble mylonite containing deformed authigenic quartz segregations. Stable isotope measurements of the coexisting calcite (deltaO-18SMOW=24.5) and quartz (deltaO-18SMOW=28.4) from the mylonite indicate relatively low temperatures (< 300-degreesC) during mylonitization. Analyses of white mica separates of varying size fractions from the mylonitic rocks by K/Ar and Rb/Sr techniques yield ages between 57 and 103 Ma. This variation is correlated with two parameters, the size of the mineral fraction, and the proportion of 2M1 (more phengitic) to 1M (more muscovitic) polytype in the sample. The K/Ar and Rb/Sr ages are generally younger in the smaller size fractions, which also containless 2M1 phengite. High precision Ar-40/Ar-39 age spectra from different size fractions of these micas record three distinct components, a small Hercynian component (ca. 200-300 Ma), a significant Eoalpine component (64-80 Ma) forming Ar-40/Ar-39 age plateaus, and a very minor Tertiary component (ca. 20-40 Ma). Characterization of the samples by SEM indicates the presence of two white mica populations, a coarser grained, deformed, detrital mica that probably corresponds to the 2M1 phengite and a finer grained neoformed 1M mica. Collectively these observations suggest that the Gummfluh samples contain a mixture of detrital phengites of Hercynian age together with neocrystallized muscovites grown during the late Eoalpine metamorphic event followed by minor argon loss during the Tertiary. The main geologic episode recorded in the Ar-40/Ar-39 age spectra of white micas in the mylonite is of Late Cretaceous/Early Tertiary age (64-80 Ma), representing the first reliable Eoalpine ages ever to be reported from the Prealpes. Contrary to tectonic models, the marble mylonite at the base of the Gummfluh klippe appears to be a Cretaceous thrust plane and not the thrust surface formed during transport of the klippe into its present position from the Penninic Alps during the Tertiary. The late Cretaceous thrust developed during marine sedimentation at a depth of 800 m below the seafloor at temperatures of approximately 280-degrees-C, facilitated by warm fluids along the tectonic discontinuity.


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The general public seems to be convinced that juvenile delinquency has massively increased over the last decades. However, this assumption is much less popular among academics and some media where doubts about the reality of this trend are often expressed. In the present paper, trends are followed using conviction statistics over 50 years, police and victimization data since the 1980s, and self-report data collected since 1992. All sources consistently point to a massive increase of offending among juveniles, particularly for violent offences during the 1990s. Given that trends were similar in most European countries, explanations should be sought at the European rather than the national level. The available evidence points to possible effects of increased opportunities for property offences since 1950, and although causality remains hard to prove, effects of increased exposure to extreme media violence since 1985.


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The information in this digest comes from the FY11 Iowa Annual Public Library Survey. It reflects the activities of 525 of the 543 public libraries in Iowa.


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The 2010-2011 (FY11) edition of Iowa Public Library Statistics includes information on income, expenditures, collections, circulation, and other measures, including staff. Each section is arranged by size code, then alphabetically by city. The totals and percentiles for each size code grouping are given immediately following the alphabetical listings. Totals and medians for all reporting libraries are given at the end of each section. There are 543 libraries included in this publication; 525 submitted a report. The table of size codes (page 5) lists the libraries alphabetically. The following table lists the size code designations, the population range in each size code, the number of libraries reporting in each size code, and the total population of the reporting libraries in each size code. The total population served by the 543 libraries is 2,339,070. Population data is used to determine per capita figures throughout the publication.


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Objective: To assess the impact of patient admission in different hospital types in Switzerland on early in-hospital and 1-year outcomes in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS).Methods: From 1997 to 2009, 31,010 ACS patients from 76 Swiss hospitals were enrolled in the AMIS Plus registry. Large tertiary teaching institutions with 24 hour/7 day cardiac catheterization facilities were classified as type A hospitals, all others as type B. One-year outcome was studied in a subgroup of patients admitted after 2005. Multivariate logistic regression models were used to calculate the odds ratios (OR with 95%CI) for independent predictors of mortality and major adverse cardiac events (MACE).Results: There were 11 type A hospitals with admissions of 15,987 (52%) patients and 65 type B hospitals with 15,023 (48%) patients. Patients initially admitted into B hospitals were older, more frequently female, hypertensive and diabetic, had more severe comorbidities and more frequently NSTE-ACS/UA. They were less likely to receive aspirin, clopidogrel and GPIIb/IIIa antagonists. STE-ACS patients initially admitted into B hospitals received more thrombolysis than those admitted into A hospitals, but less percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). From the patients admitted to B hospitals, 5271 (35%) were transferred for intervention. Crude in-hospital mortality and MACE were higher in patients from B hospitals. Crude 1-year mortality of 3747 ACS patients followed up was higher in patients initially admitted into B hospitals, but no differences were found for MACE. Hospital type, after adjustment for age, risk factors, type of ACS and co-morbidities, was not an independent predictor of in-hospital mortality (OR 0.94; 0.76-1.16), in-hospital MACE (0.98; 0.82-1.17), 1-year mortality or 1-year MACE (1.06; 0.85-1.33). Analysis of the time of admission indicated a crude outcome in favor of hospitalization during duty-hours but no significant effect could be documented for 1-year outcome.Conclusion: ACS patients admitted to type B hospitals were older, had more severe co-morbidities, more NSTEACS and received less intensive treatment. However, after correcting for baseline inequalities, early and mid-term outcomes were similar regardless of hospital type. Ultimate patient outcome thus does not appear to be influenced by the type of hospital where the initial admission takes place. Appropriate early referral of selected patients probably partly explains this finding.


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OBJECTIVES: To obtain information about the prevalence of, reasons for, and adequacy of HIV testing in the general population in Switzerland in 1992. DESIGN: Telephone survey (n = 2800). RESULTS: Some 47% of the sample underwent one HIV test performed through blood donation (24%), voluntary testing (17%) or both (6%). Of the sample, 46% considered themselves well or very well informed about the HIV test. Patients reported unsystematic pre-test screening by doctors for the main HIV risks. People having been in situations of potential exposure to risk were more likely to have had the test than others. Overall, 85% of those HIV-tested had a relevant, generally risk-related reason for having it performed. CONCLUSIONS: HIV testing is widespread in Switzerland. Testing is mostly performed for relevant reasons. Pre-test counselling is poor and an opportunity for prevention is thus lost.


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This study investigates the sedimentological and geochemical changes that occurred during the last 2200 years in the meromictic Lake Lucerne (Switzerland), one of the largest freshwater lakes of Central Europe. The stable isotope composition (delta C-13 and delta O-18 values) of bulk carbonates is compared to changes in grain-size distribution (clay and silt fraction), natural trace element input (titanium and thorium concentrations), and organic material abundance (C-org, nitrogen and phosphorus) and composition (C/N ratios and hydrogen and oxygen indexes). A drop in carbonate accumulation and in the delta O-18 values of sediments between ca. AD 500 and 700 followed a large and consistent rise in chemical weathering, marked by increases in the silicate-clay fraction and in crustal element concentrations. During the following millennium, there was a long-term decreasing trend in the lithogenic trace element input and in the phosphorus loading, suggesting decreasing terrigeneous input from runoff water. The major sedimentological change over the studied period occurred after ca. AD 1800 with a significant increase in the erosion-driven silt-fraction and in the sedimentation rate. During the last century, human-induced increase in nutrient input to the lake highly enhanced the accumulation of organic matter in sediment. Changes in nutrients and oxygen conditions in the hypolimnion of Lake Lucerne during the eutrophication period (i.e., the last 40 years) highly modified the geochemical fluxes compared to the relatively stable oligotrophic conditions that prevailed during the previous 2000 years. Before the 19th century, climate driven meromixis had a limited impact on the organic matter flux to the sediments, but the accumulation of carbonate considerably decreased during periods of lower mechanical erosion rates and high chemical weathering rates. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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La Cochrane Library (www.thecochranelibrary.com) est une bibliothèque en ligne répertoriant à ce jour plus de 3000 revues systématiques. Ces revues systématiques sont issues de l'activité continue de plus de 50 groupes de revues de la Collaboration Cochrane (www.cochrane.org ), une organisation à laquelle participent plus de 20 000 personnes dans le monde entier et dont le financement est indépendant de sources pouvant créer un conflit d'intérêt. Le public cible est constitué par les professionnels de la santé, les décideurs en matière sanitaire et le public (patients, consommateurs). En sus de la production et de la diffusion de revues systématiques, la Collaboration Cochrane propose également des activités de formation aux méthodes de la médecine factuelle et des revues systématiques. En Francophonie, de telles formations sont proposées par des partenaires du Réseau francophone Cochrane (www.res_franco.cochrane.org ), dont la coordination est assurée depuis Lausanne par une petite équipe basée à l'Institut universitaire de médecine sociale et préventive (IUMSP). [Extrait]


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BACKGROUND: While oral health is part of general health and well-being, oral health disparities nevertheless persist. Potential mechanisms include socioeconomic factors that may influence access to dental care in the absence of universal dental care insurance coverage. We investigated the evolution, prevalence and determinants (including socioeconomic) of forgoing of dental care for economic reasons in a Swiss region, over the course of six years. METHODS: Repeated population-based surveys (2007-2012) of a representative sample of the adult population of the Canton of Geneva, Switzerland. Forgone dental care, socioeconomic and insurance status, marital status, and presence of dependent children were assessed using standardized methods. RESULTS: A total of 4313 subjects were included, 10.6% (457/4313) of whom reported having forgone dental care for economic reasons in the previous 12 months. The crude percentage varied from 2.4% in the wealthiest group (monthly income ≥ 13,000 CHF, 1 CHF ≈ 1$) to 23.5% among participants with the lowest income (<3,000 CHF). Since 2007/8, forgoing dental care remained stable overall, but in subjects with a monthly income of <3,000 CHF, the adjusted percentage increased from 16.3% in 2007/8 to 20.6% in 2012 (P trend = 0.002). Forgoing dental care for economic reasons was independently associated with lower income, younger age, female gender, current smoking, having dependent children, divorced status and not living with a partner, not having a supplementary health insurance, and receipt of a health insurance premium cost-subsidy. CONCLUSIONS: In a Swiss region without universal dental care insurance coverage, prevalence of forgoing dental care for economic reasons was high and highly dependent on income. Efforts should be made to prevent high-risk populations from forgoing dental care.