981 resultados para Edge effect control


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Deoxynivalenol (DON), also known as vomitoxin, is the most prevalent type B trichothecene mycotoxin worldwide. Pigs show a great sensitivity to DON, and because of the high proportion of grains in their diets, they are frequently exposed to this mycotoxin. The objective of this study was to determine the impact of DON naturally contaminated feed on porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) infection, the most important porcine viral pathogen in swine. Experimental infections were performed with 30 animals. Piglets were randomly divided into three groups of 10 animals based on DON content of diets (0, 2.5 and 3.5 mg/kg DON). All experimental groups were further divided into subgroups of 6 pigs and were inoculated with PRRSV. The remaining pigs (control) were sham-inoculated with PBS. Pigs were daily monitored for temperature, weight and clinical signs for 21 days. Blood samples were collected and tested for PRRSV RNA and for virus specific antibodies. Results of PRRSV infection showed that ingestion of diet highly contaminated with DON greatly increases the effect of PRRSV infection on weight gain, lung lesions and mortality, without increasing significantly viral replication, for which the tendency is rather directed toward a decrease of replication. These results suggest that PRRSV infection could exacerbate anorectic effect of DON, when ingested in large doses. Results also demonstrate a DON negative effect on PRRSV-specific humoral responses. This study demonstrate that high concentrations of DON naturally contaminated feed decreased the immune response against PRRSV and influenced the course of PRRSV infection in pigs.


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Deoxynivalenol (DON) is a mycotoxin produced by Fusarium spp and is a common contaminant of grains in North America. Among farm animals, swine are the most susceptible to DON because it markedly reduces feed intake and decreases weight gain. Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) is the main causative agent of several syndromes in weaning piglets collectively known as porcine circovirus-associated disease (PCVAD). The objectives of this study were to investigate the impact of DON on PCV2 replication in NPTr permissive cell line, and to determine eventual potentiating effects of DON on PCV2 infection in pigs. Noninfected and infected cells with PCV2 were treated with increasing concentrations of DON (0, 70, 140, 280, 560, 1200 ng/mL) and cell survival and virus titer were evaluated 72 h postinfection. Thirty commercial piglets were randomly divided into 3 experimental groups of 10 animals based on DON content of served diets (0, 2.5 and 3.5 mg/kg DON). All groups were further divided into subgroups of 6 pigs and were inoculated with PCV2b virus. The remaining pigs (control) were sham-inoculated with PBS. In vitro results showed that low concentrations of DON could potentially increase PCV2 replication depending on virus genotype. In vivo results showed that even though viremia and lung viral load tend to be higher in animal ingesting DON contaminated diet at 2.5 mg/kg, DON had no significant effect on clinical manifestation of PCVAD in PCV2b infected animals. DON has neither in vitro nor in vivo clear potentiating effects in the development of porcine circovirus infection despite slight increases in viral replication.


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Dues à leur importance croissante dans la dégénérescence musculaire, les mitochondries sont de plus en plus étudiées en relation à diverses myopathies. Leurs mécanismes de contrôle de qualité sont reconnus pour leur rôle important dans la santé mitochondrial. Dans cette étude, nous tentons de déterminer si le déficit de mitophagie chez les souris déficiente du gène Parkin causera une exacerbation des dysfonctions mitochondriales normalement induite par la doxorubicine. Nous avons analysé l’impact de l’ablation de Parkin en réponse à un traitement à la doxorubicine au niveau du fonctionnement cardiaque, des fonctions mitochondriales et de l’enzymologie mitochondriale. Nos résultats démontrent qu’à l’état basal, l’absence de Parkin n’induit pas de pathologie cardiaque mais est associé à des dysfonctions mitochondriales multiples. La doxorubicine induit des dysfonctions respiratoires, du stress oxydant mitochondrial et une susceptibilité à l’ouverture du pore de transition de perméabilité (PTP). Finalement, contrairement à notre hypothèse, l’absence de Parkin n’accentue pas les dysfonctions mitochondriales induites par la doxorubicine et semble même exercer un effet protecteur.


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RÉSUMÉ Suite à une centaine de publications sur la réduction de la PIO post-exercice, il est connu que parmi un grand nombre de programme d'exercices de différentes durées et intensités, les effets hypotenseurs de l'exercice sur la PIO sont atténués chez les sujets en bonne condition physique. Le mécanisme proposé est l'augmentation potentielle de l'efficacité du système parasympathique avec l'activité physique. Le principal objectif de cette thèse est d'identifier les facteurs contribuants à la réduction de la PIO post-exercice et d'élucider les différents mécanismes possibles. L'étude 1, une méta-analyse, a été menée afin de quantifier les contributions relatives de l'intensité et de la durée de l'effet de l'exercice sur la PIO et la mesure dans laquelle ces variables affectent les sujets sédentaires et normalement actifs. La tendance ressortant des résultats est que la diminution de la PIO suite à de l'exercice aérobie est plus élevée chez les sujets sédentaires que les sujets en bonne condition physique. (ES = -4.198 mm Hg et -2.340 mm Hg, respectivement). L'absence d'un contrôle des liquides ingérés avant l'activité physique est à souligné dans cette étude. L'hyperosmolarité (un effet secondaire de la déshydratation) est l'un des mécanismes proposés influant l'effet hypotenseur de l'exercice. L'étude 2 comparait la réduction de la PIO dans deux conditions, soit hypohydraté et hyperhydraté, avant, pendant et après un effort de 90 minutes sur un ergocycle. Après une diminution initiale pour les deux conditions, la PIO revient aux valeurs de départ pour la condition hypohydratée malgré une perte de poids significative et elle augmente pour la condition hyperhydratée (résultat du protocole d'hydratation). Étant donné le niveau élevé de participants en bonne condition physique dans l'étude 2, la troisième étude a été conçue afin de etude la relation entre la PIO et la condition physique. À l'aide d'analyses corrélationnelles il a été possible d'observer la relation entre le test de vo2max et la moyenne des mesures de PIO prises sur un intervalle de huit semaines. Une relation significative n'existait que pour les participants se situant dans la portion supérieure du continuum de la condition physique. Conclusion: Les résultats de la présente étude suggèrent que l'effet hypotenseur de l'exercice sur la PIO est probablement une réponse homéostatique à la dérégulation de l'humeur aqueuse causée par l'initiation de l'exercice et le protocole d'ingestion de fluides pré-exercice.


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Alloxan induced animal model was used to evaluate the potential antidiabetic effect of A . marmelose leaf extract. The diabetic animals were given insulin injection and another group A . marmelose leaf extract orally. It maintained the weight of the animals near to the control rats but a significant decrease in weight was noted it diabetic animals without any treatment . The blood elucose level in 'treated animals were near to that of control ones. Also a significantly increased glucose tolerance was observed in animals orally given the leaf extract prior to the experiment . A significant decrease in liver glycogen ( 1.24 -.07 s!/ 100 g of wet tissue) was observed in diabetic rats which was brought to almost the normal level (I.84- . 14 g; 100 g) with Icaf extract treatment. Blood urea and serum cholesterol increased ( 62.66 - 3.50 and 192.67± 13.64 mg' dl) significantly in alloxxan diabetic rats . The leaf extract treatment decreased the blood urea and serum . cholesterol (37.83 - 3.97 and 99?0±8.43 mg/dl ) to that of control ones . A similar effect was seen with insulin treatment . The results indicate that the active principle in .4. marmelose leaf extract has similar hypoglycaemic activity to insulin treatment.


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Alloxan induced diabetic animal model was used to evaluate the antidiabetic effect of alkaloids extracted from the leaves of Aegis marine/ose. The alkaloid extract maintained the weight of animals near to that of control ones - whereas there was a decrease in the body weight of diabetic animals. A significant increase in blood glucose (342. 14 -+- 14.89 mg/dl) was seen in diabetic animals but in alkaloid treated group the blood glucose was lowered (90: 12 +_5.81 mg/dl). There was no decrease in blood urea arid sreum cholesterol in the alkaloid treated group of diabetic animals. The liver glycogen decreased in diabetic animals (1.27+.12 g/100g of wet tissue) and the treatment brought the glycogen level to that of control ones (2.51 +.75 g/100 g of wet tissue). The result show that the alkaloid extract has hypoglycaemic activity.