993 resultados para Ecuadorian Amazon
The present study analyzed the effects of prey density, the time of day, and ontogenetic development on the predation of Artemia nauplii by the larvae of the Amazon river prawn, Macrobrachium amazonicum, as well as possible synergy among these factors. Larvae were raised in 120-L tanks with biological filter systems, and fed on recently hatched Artemia nauplii, using two feeding management protocols: (a) fed once per day at 2000 h (high density HD) and (b) half of the ration provided at 2000 h, complemented at 0800 h the following day by a replacement of the nauplii consumed up to a maximum of the full ration (low density with replacement LDWR). Each treatment consisted of six replicates. The consumption of nauplii was estimated prior to the feeding times. Consumption varied according to time of day, ontogenetic development, and feeding protocol. The larvae ingested more nauplii during the daytime at most developmental stages. Ingestion rates were similar during the day under both treatments, but at night the higher density of prey in the HD treatment caused a higher encounter rate and increased ingestion of nauplii by the larvae. Among the performance indicators only survival was greater in HD in comparison with LDWR; productivity and dry weight were similar. The results indicate a circadian trophic rhythm in M. amazonicum, with the encounter rate being an important mechanism for the capture of prey during the night. A second mechanism probably the visual system aids the perception of prey during the daytime. Based on these results, we suggest that feeding captive Amazon river prawn larvae only once a day would be appropriate and economically beneficial. Further work is necessary to determine the most effective time that this single feed should be applied.
Introduction: Large nutritional surveys in Peru have identified the magnitude and location of the different types of malnutrition. The chronic type is the most prevalent one. However, although rates may be considered as alarming (even more in rural areas), only one of these studies contains information about intake characteristics, using 24-hour recalls (R24). That is, it lacks some other systems, adapted to the gastronomical characteristics of their regions and to the bioavailability of food in each area, in order to locate the origin of this situation and, thus, propose truly effective and efficient solutions. Aim: To determine the nutritional value of the main dishes consumed by the residents of a slum in Peruvian Amazon. Methods: Ninety-eight participants completed three 24-h recalls. Based on these data, we selected the 25 most commonly eaten dishes and evaluated their nutritional composition. We took note of the homemade recipes, weights and measures. In addition, we observed preparation and cooking. The mean nutritional composition of each dish was calculated per 100 g using the Nutriplato 4.6. software. We also calculated gains or losses resulting from culinary treatments. Results: Within those which include milk, the highest energy density is the mingado de arroz. In the group of fish, the most energetic is pescado frito, while within meat-based recipes tallarín con pollo, res asada and chancho frito are the most energetic ones. Regarding prepared dishes, the juane is the highest energy density of all recipes. Inside garnish, using bananas as the main ingredient, plátano frito and madurito are the most energetic. Fats are higher in fried dishes and those which contribute most fat ratio. The same thing happens with garnish as 100 grams of plátano frito or madurito contain more than 70% of the RDA. Res asada and juane present the highest sodium level. Conclusions: If we wish to offer healthier dishes, it is necessary to change their composition and/or cooking methods, reducing the consumption of fried foods. Sodium intake should also be reduced. Two foods could be important to that aim: menudencia de pollo, rich in B vitamins and low in fat, and frijol hervido, which is rich in vegetable protein and, with rice dishes ubiquitous in this area, increases the biological value of ingested proteins.
Agroforestry has large potential for carbon (C) sequestration while providing many economical, social, and ecological benefits via its diversified products. Airborne lidar is considered as the most accurate technology for mapping aboveground biomass (AGB) over landscape levels. However, little research in the past has been done to study AGB of agroforestry systems using airborne lidar data. Focusing on an agroforestry system in the Brazilian Amazon, this study first predicted plot-level AGB using fixed-effects regression models that assumed the regression coefficients to be constants. The model prediction errors were then analyzed from the perspectives of tree DBH (diameter at breast height)?height relationships and plot-level wood density, which suggested the need for stratifying agroforestry fields to improve plot-level AGB modeling. We separated teak plantations from other agroforestry types and predicted AGB using mixed-effects models that can incorporate the variation of AGB-height relationship across agroforestry types. We found that, at the plot scale, mixed-effects models led to better model prediction performance (based on leave-one-out cross-validation) than the fixed-effects models, with the coefficient of determination (R2) increasing from 0.38 to 0.64. At the landscape level, the difference between AGB densities from the two types of models was ~10% on average and up to ~30% at the pixel level. This study suggested the importance of stratification based on tree AGB allometry and the utility of mixed-effects models in modeling and mapping AGB of agroforestry systems.
The hydroxyl radical (OH) removes most atmospheric pollutants from air. The loss frequency of OH radicals due to the combined effect of all gas-phase OH reactive species is a measureable quantity termed total OH reactivity. Here we present total OH reactivity observations in pristine Amazon rainforest air, as a function of season, time-of-day and height (0?80 m). Total OH reactivity is low during wet (10 s1) and high during dry season (62 s1). Comparison to individually measured trace gases reveals strong variation in unaccounted for OH reactivity, from 5 to 15% missing in wet-season afternoons to mostly unknown (average 79%) during dry season. During dry-season afternoons isoprene, considered the dominant reagent with OH in rainforests, only accounts for B20% of the total OH reactivity. Vertical profiles of OH reactivity are shaped by biogenic emissions, photochemistry and turbulent mixing. The rainforest floor was identified as a significant but poorly characterized source of OH reactivity.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) generated in reservoirs are released downstream of dams, and few studies have considered these downstream emissions. Fluxes downstream of 3 Amazon hydroelectric reservoirs (Tucuruí, Samuel, and Curuá-Una) are reported here. Degassing through turbines was calculated as the difference between intake and outflow concentrations. Additional releases along the Tocantins, Jamari, and Curuá rivers were measured at were liberated at the turbine outflow. The total downstream emissions are sufficiently large to require consideration in assessments of greenhouse gas emissions from hydroelectric reservoirs.
The complex three-dimensional (3-D) structure of tropical forests generates a diversity of light environments for canopy and understory trees. Understanding diurnal and seasonal changes in light availability is critical for interpreting measurements of net ecosystem exchange and improving ecosystem models. Here, we used the Discrete Anisotropic Radiative Transfer (DART) model to simulate leaf absorption of photosynthetically active radiation (lAPAR) for an Amazon forest. The 3-D model scene was developed from airborne lidar data, and local measurements of leaf reflectance, aerosols, and PAR were used to model lAPAR under direct and diffuse illumination conditions. Simulated lAPAR under clear-sky and cloudy conditions was corrected for light saturation effects to estimate light utilization, the fraction of lAPAR available for photosynthesis. Although the fraction of incoming PAR absorbed by leaves was consistent throughout the year (0.80?0.82), light utilization varied seasonally (0.67?0.74), with minimum values during the Amazon dry season. Shadowing and light saturation effects moderated potential gains in forest productivity from increasing PAR during dry-season months when the diffuse fraction from clouds and aerosols was low. Comparisons between DART and other models highlighted the role of 3-D forest structure to account for seasonal changes in light utilization. Our findings highlight how directional illumination and forest 3-D structure combine to influence diurnal and seasonal variability in light utilization, independent of further changes in leaf area, leaf age, or environmental controls on canopy photosynthesis. Changing illumination geometry constitutes an alternative biophysical explanation for observed seasonality in Amazon forest productivity without changes in canopy phenology.
The aim of this study was to investigate the component community of parasite metazoans of Piaractus brachypomus in the lower Amazon River, northern Brazil. From 34 necropsied fish, 27,384 metazoan parasites were collected, such as Anacanthorus spathulatus, Mymarothecium viatorum and Notozothecium janauachensis (Monogenoidea); Spectatus spectatus and Contracaecum sp (Nematoda); Clinostomum marginatum and Dadaytrema oxycephala (Digenea); and Argulus carteri and Ergasilus sp. (Crustacea). The dominant species was S. spectatus followed by monogenoidean species, and there was aggregated dispersion of parasites, except for D. oxycephala and Contracaecum sp., which presented random dispersion. Positive correlation among the abundance of the three monogenoideans species were found, thus indicating that there was no competition between the species of these parasites on the gills of hosts. The abundances of some parasite species showed positive correlations with the size of the hosts, but the condition factor of the fish was not affected by the parasitism levels. It showed that this host had a metazoan community characterized by high species richness of metazoans, low evenness and high diversity of parasites, with prevalence of endoparasites, including larval stages. This was the first record of C. marginatum, A. carteri, Ergasilus sp. and Contracaecum sp. for P. brachypomus.
This study investigated the parasite communities of wild Acestrorhynchus falcatus and Acestrorhynchus falcirostris populations living in sympatry in Brazilian Amazon. In these two hosts, a total of 12 parasite species e 1-9 parasite species were found per fish, and 10 of these species are metazoans. Eight species of parasites were common to both host species and four of them exhibited differences in abundance and/or prevalence. Parasite communities of the hosts were taxonomically similar (83%) and composed of both ectoparasites and endoparasites, and characterized by high prevalence and high abundance of endoparasites and an aggregated dispersion pattern. For A. falcirostris, the dominant parasite was Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, and for A. falcatus, it was Piscinoodinium pillulare. Shannon diversity and Berger-Parker dominance were similar for both hosts, while the parasites species richness and evenness showed differences influenced by the ectoparasites species. These two populations of hosts that inhabited the same geographical area had different sizes, but were exposed to the same infective stages, and acquired qualitatively and quantitatively similar endoparasites community, thus indicating that the amounts and types of prey congeneric that they were eating were similar. Therefore, the overlap in the same occurrence area play an important role in the parasite communities to these phylogenetically related hosts.
The aim of this study was to evaluate milk composition of Murrah buffalo cows supplemented with rations containing cupuassu byproduct in substitution of ground corn. Isoprotein and isoenergy rations were balanced with 22.0% of crude protein (CP) and 80.1% of total digestible nutrient (TDN).
The implementation of a hypothetical aquaculture facility with hatchery, nursery and grow-out earthen ponds for raising the Amazon River Prawn Macrobrachium amazonicum in the Pantanal was considered. Eight larviculture cycles per year were projected: four to produce post-larvae for stocking in grow-out bait ponds, and four to stock nursery tanks to sell juveniles as seed to grow-out farms, which produce prawns for human consumption. Annual production would be 146,880 dozen bait prawns and 2,938 thousand juveniles. The assumed sale prices were US$ 1.38 per dozen baits and US$ 15.39 per thousand juveniles. The net present value was US$ 555,890.79, internal rate of return was 48% per year, payback period was 2.4 years and benefit-cost ratio was 3.90. The breakeven price to cover total costs per dozen baits was US$ 0.70 and per thousand juveniles was US$ 17.00, indicating that the selling price assumed for juveniles in base scenario is not realistic. Net return was US$ 84,773.80. The results indicate that this activity would be a lucrative and attractive investment in the Pantanal.
Understanding spatial patterns of land use and land cover is essential for studies addressing biodiversity, climate change and environmental modeling as well as for the design and monitoring of land use policies. The aim of this study was to create a detailed map of land use land cover of the deforested areas of the Brazilian Legal Amazon up to 2008. Deforestation data from and uses were mapped with Landsat-5/TM images analysed with techniques, such as linear spectral mixture model, threshold slicing and visual interpretation, aided by temporal information extracted from NDVI MODIS time series. The result is a high spatial resolution of land use and land cover map of the entire Brazilian Legal Amazon for the year 2008 and corresponding calculation of area occupied by different land use classes. The results showed that the four classes of Pasture covered 62% of the deforested areas of the Brazilian Legal Amazon, followed by Secondary Vegetation with 21%. The area occupied by Annual Agriculture covered less than 5% of deforested areas; the remaining areas were distributed among six other land use classes. The maps generated from this project ? called TerraClass - are available at INPE?s web site (http://www.inpe.br/cra/projetos_pesquisas/terraclass2008.php)