1000 resultados para EEG representation


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OBJECTIVE: In young, first-episode, never-treated schizophrenics compared with controls, (a) generally shorter durations of EEG microstates were reported (Koukkou et al., Brain Topogr 6 (1994) 251; Kinoshita et al., Psychiatry Res Neuroimaging 83 (1998) 58), and (b) specifically, shorter duration of a particular class of microstates (Koenig et al., Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 249 (1999) 205). We now examined whether older, chronic schizophrenic patients with positive symptomatology also show these characteristics. METHODS: Multichannel resting EEG (62.2 s/subject) from two subject groups, 14 patients (36.1+/-10.2 years old) and 13 controls (35.1+/-8.2 years old), all males, was analyzed into microstates using a global approach for microstate analysis that clustered the microstates into 4 classes (Koenig et al., 1999). RESULTS: (a) Hypothesis testing of general microstate shortening supported a trend (P=0.064). (b) Two-way repeated measure ANOVA (two subject groupsx4 microstate classes) showed a significant group effect for microstate duration. Posthoc tests revealed that a microstate class with brain electric field orientation from left central to right central-posterior had significantly shorter microstates in patients than controls (68.5 vs. 76.1 ms, P=0.034). CONCLUSIONS: The results were in line with the results from young, never-treated, productive patients, thus suggesting that in schizophrenic information processing, one class of mental operations might intermittently cause deviant mental constructs because of premature termination of processing.


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Nondemented Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients showed increased amplitude of event-related potential component P3. We recorded 18-channel spontaneous eyes-closed resting EEG and auditory oddball event-related potentials in 29 PD patients and 11 age-matched controls. Combining Mini-Mental State Examination score and oddball P3 counting performance, 15 patients were intellectually normal, 7 moderately, and 7 severely demented. P3 and N1 amplitude and latency, mean amplitude of 1,024 ms post-stimulus (separate after rare and after frequent stimuli), and resting EEG total power for 40 s were computed, and linearly regressed for age, sex, and L-dopa dosage. In nondemented PD patients, increased P3 amplitude was confirmed, but N1 amplitude and mean amplitude after rare and frequent stimuli were also increased as well as – most important – resting EEG total power. With increasing dementia, amplitude and power decreased, and P3 latency increased. Task demands cannot explain increased P3 amplitude, since similarly increased EEG total power was found during no-task resting. Prospective studies must determine whether P3 amplitude and EEG power in nondemented PD patients can serve as predictors of dementia.


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We investigated brain electric field signatures of subjective feelings after chewing regular gum or gum base without flavor. 19-channel eyes-closed EEG from 20 healthy males before and after 5 minutes of chewing the two gum types in random sequence was source modeled in the frequency domain using the FFT-Dipole-Approximation. 3-dimensional brain locations and strengths (Global Field Power, GFP) of the equivalent sources of five frequency bands were computed as changes from pre-chewing baseline. Gum types differed (ANOVA) in pre-post changes of source locations for the alpha-2 band (to anterior and right after regular gum, opposite after gum base) and beta-2 band (to anterior and inferior after regular gum, opposite after gum base), and of GFP for delta-theta, alpha-2 and beta-1 (regular gum: increase, gum base: decrease). Subjective feeling changed to more positive values after regular gum than gum base (ANOVA).—Thus, chewing gum with and without taste-smell activates different brain neuronal populations.


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Global complexity of spontaneous brain electric activity was studied before and after chewing gum without flavor and with 2 different flavors. One-minute, 19-channel, eyes-closed electroencephalograms (EEG) were recorded from 20 healthy males before and after using 3 types of chewing gum: regular gum containing sugar and aromatic additives, gum containing 200 mg theanine (a constituent of Japanese green tea), and gum base (no sugar, no aromatic additives); each was chewed for 5 min in randomized sequence. Brain electric activity was assessed through Global Omega (Ω)-Complexity and Global Dimensional Complexity (GDC), quantitative measures of complexity of the trajectory of EEG map series in state space; their differences from pre-chewing data were compared across gum-chewing conditions. Friedman Anova (p < 0.043) showed that effects on Ω-Complexity differed significantly between conditions and differences were maximal between gum base and theanine gum. No differences were found using GDC. Global Omega-Complexity appears to be a sensitive measure for subtle, central effects of chewing gum with and without flavor.


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The African great lakes are of utmost importance for the local economy (fishing), as well as being essential to the survival of the local people. During the past decades, these lakes experienced fast changes in ecosystem structure and functioning, and their future evolution is a major concern. In this study, for the first time a set of one-dimensional lake models are evaluated for Lake Kivu (2.28°S; 28.98°E), East Africa. The unique limnology of this meromictic lake, with the importance of salinity and subsurface springs in a tropical high-altitude climate, presents a worthy challenge to the seven models involved in the Lake Model Intercomparison Project (LakeMIP). Meteorological observations from two automatic weather stations are used to drive the models, whereas a unique dataset, containing over 150 temperature profiles recorded since 2002, is used to assess the model’s performance. Simulations are performed over the freshwater layer only (60 m) and over the average lake depth (240 m), since salinity increases with depth below 60 m in Lake Kivu and some lake models do not account for the influence of salinity upon lake stratification. All models are able to reproduce the mixing seasonality in Lake Kivu, as well as the magnitude and seasonal cycle of the lake enthalpy change. Differences between the models can be ascribed to variations in the treatment of the radiative forcing and the computation of the turbulent heat fluxes. Fluctuations in wind velocity and solar radiation explain inter-annual variability of observed water column temperatures. The good agreement between the deep simulations and the observed meromictic stratification also shows that a subset of models is able to account for the salinity- and geothermal-induced effects upon deep-water stratification. Finally, based on the strengths and weaknesses discerned in this study, an informed choice of a one-dimensional lake model for a given research purpose becomes possible.


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Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is a novel research tool in neurology and psychiatry. It is currently being evaluated as a conceivable alternative to electroconvulsive therapy for the treatment of mood disorders. Eight healthy young (age range 21-25 years) right-handed men without sleep complaints participated in the study. Two sessions at a 1-week interval, each consisting of an adaptation night (sham stimulation) and an experimental night (rTMS in the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex or sham stimulation; crossover design), were scheduled. In each subject, 40 trains of 2-s duration of rTMS (inter-train interval 28 s) were applied at a frequency of 20 Hz (i.e. 1600 pulses per session) and at an intensity of 90% of the motor threshold. Stimulations were scheduled 80 min before lights off. The waking EEG was recorded for 10-min intervals approximately 30 min prior to and after the 20-min stimulations, and polysomnographic recordings were obtained during the subsequent sleep episode (23.00-07.00 h). The power spectra of two referential derivations, as well as of bipolar derivations along the antero-posterior axis over the left and right hemispheres, were analyzed. rTMS induced a small reduction of sleep stage 1 (in min and percentage of total sleep time) over the whole night and a small enhancement of sleep stage 4 during the first non-REM sleep episode. Other sleep variables were not affected. rTMS of the left dorsolateral cortex did not alter the topography of EEG power spectra in waking following stimulation, in the all-night sleep EEG, or during the first non-REM sleep episode. Our results indicate that a single session of rTMS using parameters like those used in depression treatment protocols has no detectable side effects with respect to sleep in young healthy males.


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This paper presents problems arising from the lack of standardized methods for recording skeletal remains. Using practical examples it is shown how preservation and representation of bones can distort observations and how this can be reduced by systematic data acquisition.


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Molybdenum isotopes are increasingly widely applied in Earth Sciences. They are primarily used to investigate the oxygenation of Earth's ocean and atmosphere. However, more and more fields of application are being developed, such as magmatic and hydrothermal processes, planetary sciences or the tracking of environmental pollution. Here, we present a proposal for a unifying presentation of Mo isotope ratios in the studies of mass-dependent isotope fractionation. We suggest that the δ98/95Mo of the NIST SRM 3134 be defined as +0.25‰. The rationale is that the vast majority of published data are presented relative to reference materials that are similar, but not identical, and that are all slightly lighter than NIST SRM 3134. Our proposed data presentation allows a direct first-order comparison of almost all old data with future work while referring to an international measurement standard. In particular, canonical δ98/95Mo values such as +2.3‰ for seawater and −0.7‰ for marine Fe–Mn precipitates can be kept for discussion. As recent publications show that the ocean molybdenum isotope signature is homogeneous, the IAPSO ocean water standard or any other open ocean water sample is suggested as a secondary measurement standard, with a defined δ98/95Mo value of +2.34 ± 0.10‰ (2s). Les isotopes du molybdène (Mo) sont de plus en plus largement utilisés dans les sciences de la Terre. Ils sont principalement utilisés pour étudier l'oxygénation de l'océan et de l'atmosphère de la Terre. Cependant, de plus en plus de domaines d'application sont en cours de développement, tels que ceux concernant les processus magmatiques et hydrothermaux, les sciences planétaires ou encore le suivi de la pollution environnementale. Ici, nous présentons une proposition de présentation unifiée des rapports isotopiques du Mo dans les études du fractionnement isotopique dépendant de la masse. Nous suggérons que le δ98/95Mo du NIST SRM 3134 soit définit comme étant égal à +0.25 ‰. La raison est que la grande majorité des données publiées sont présentés par rapport à des matériaux de référence qui sont similaires, mais pas identiques, et qui sont tous légèrement plus léger que le NIST SRM 3134. Notre proposition de présentation des données permet une comparaison directe au premier ordre de presque toutes les anciennes données avec les travaux futurs en se référant à un standard international. En particulier, les valeurs canoniques du δ98/95Mo comme celle de +2,3 ‰ pour l'eau de mer et de -0,7 ‰ pour les précipités de Fe-Mn marins peuvent être conservés pour la discussion. Comme les publications récentes montrent que la signature isotopique moyenne du molybdène de l'océan est homogène, le standard de l'eau océanique IAPSO ou tout autre échantillon d'eau provenant de l'océan ouvert sont proposé comme standards secondaires, avec une valeur définie du δ98/95 Mo de 2.34 ± 0.10 ‰ (2s).


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A social Semantic Web empowers its users to have access to collective Web knowledge in a simple manner, and for that reason, controlling online privacy and reputation becomes increasingly important, and must be taken seriously. This chapter presents Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCM) as a vehicle for Web knowledge aggregation, representation, and reasoning. With this in mind, a conceptual framework for Web knowledge aggregation, representation, and reasoning is introduced along with a use case, in which the importance of investigative searching for online privacy and reputation is highlighted. Thereby it is demonstrated how a user can establish a positive online presence.


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Synaesthesia has multifaceted consequences for both subjective experience and cognitive performance. Here, I broach the issue of how synaesthesia is represented in semantic memory. I hypothesize that, for example, in grapheme colour synaesthesia, colour is represented as an additional feature in the semantic network that enables the formation of associations that are not present in non-synaesthetes. Thus, synaesthesia provokes richer memory representations which enable learning opportunities that are not present in non-synaesthetes, provides additional memory cues, and may trigger creative ideas.


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In this paper we present a solution to the problem of action and gesture recognition using sparse representations. The dictionary is modelled as a simple concatenation of features computed for each action or gesture class from the training data, and test data is classified by finding sparse representation of the test video features over this dictionary. Our method does not impose any explicit training procedure on the dictionary. We experiment our model with two kinds of features, by projecting (i) Gait Energy Images (GEIs) and (ii) Motion-descriptors, to a lower dimension using Random projection. Experiments have shown 100% recognition rate on standard datasets and are compared to the results obtained with widely used SVM classifier.