995 resultados para Droit des sociétés (Canada)


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1865, vier Jahre vor seinem Tod, schenkt der Bieler Sammler Friedrich Schwab seine archäologischen Objekte der Stadt. Er möchte damit den Bewohnern Biels, vor allem der Jugend, einen reichen Fundus zur Verfügung stellen, der einen Einblick in den Alltag der prähistorischen Bewohner der Region bietet. Bis heute ist die Sammlung Schwab ein Studienobjekt für Archäologen geblieben und inspiriert Öffentlichkeit und Schulklassen: So sieht Friedrich Schwab seinen Willen auch nach bald 150 Jahren noch immer erfüllt. Die vorliegende Publikation erläutert die wechselvolle Geschichte des Museums Schwab und bietet gleichzeitig einen Überblick über die archäologische Erforschung der Drei-Seen-Region: von der Entdeckung der ersten Pfahlbausiedlungen bis zu ihrer Aufnahme in das UNESCO Welterbe. Sie folgt den Sammlungen eines Universalmuseums auf ihrer Odyssee, weist auf Details einer einmaligen Architektur hin und zeigt die Zusammenhänge zwischen Kulturpolitik und der aktuellen Bieler Museumslandschaft auf.


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The issuance of the Swiss Federal Act on Collective Investment Schemes (CISA) in the year 2007 and the revision thereof in 2013 expanded the possibilities for restructuring of collective investment schemes and simplified the procedures. For instance, in article 95 the CISA contains a provision that deals in a non-conclusive way with the restructuring of open-ended collective investment schemes. As a novelty regulation, this provision allows for mergers not only of contractual funds but also of investment companies with variable capital (SICAV). Additionally, the transformation of an open-ended collective investment into another CISA legal form was also included into the catalogue of possible restructuring processes. Further, a SICAV still maintains the possibility for asset transfer according to article 69 ff. of the Federal Act on Merger, Demerger, Transformation and Transfer of Assets (MerA). However, not all open questions have been clarified. As long as the CISA does not contain restructuring provisions, as is the case with closed-ended collective investment schemes, generally the MerA and/or the Swiss Code of Obligations (CO) apply. The interplay of diverse, partly overlapping legislative bases leads to the emergence of unwanted gaps. Moreover, the partial revision of the CISA was not completely implemented at the ordinance level. Among others, the following issues have not been conclusively or clearly regulated: the permitted combinations of mergers, the merger procedure of the SICAV, the permitted restructurings, the transformation procedure as well as the application scope of the asset transfer for collective investment schemes according to the relevant merger regulations. Although these questions will be clarified in the following article through a systematic and teleological analysis of the relevant regulations, it is to be hoped that the gaps will be closed within the next CISA revision in order to guarantee comprehensive legal certainty.


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