999 resultados para Discriminación por razón de sexo
Segundo a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS), existem no mundo, aproximadamente, 350 milhões de pessoas infectadas cronicamente pelo VHB e outras 170 milhões com infecção crônica pelo VHC. Assim, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo verificar a incidência da infecção pelos VHB e VHC e analisar possíveis fatores de risco entre 365 mulheres profissionais do sexo no Estado do Pará, sendo 32 participantes em Augusto Corrêa, 99 em Barcarena, 175 em Belém e 59 em Bragança. Destas participantes foram colhidas amostras de sangue , sendo os plasmas analisados por meio de um ensaio imunoenzimático e características epidemiológicas foram coletadas por meio de um questionário epidemiológico. Os resultados revelaram uma prevalência da infecção pelo VHB de 63,6%, sendo que para o HBsAg foi de 1,1% e para o anti-HBc de 61,9%. A soroprevalência do anti-VHC foi de 7,7% e, no que se refere à sororreatividade ao VHB e VHC simultaneamente foi de 4,4%. Entre as participantes, a imunização ao VHB foi observada em apenas 4,7% e 29,0% demonstraram suscetibilidade à infecção pelo VHB e VHC. Houve uma correlação significativa entre a soropositividade para os marcadores virais do VHB com a baixa renda familiar, o desconhecimento de doença hepática sob forma de hepatite e o uso ocasional do preservativo nas relações sexuais. Entretanto, não houve essa correlação entre as variáveis epidemiológicas com a sororreatividade para o marcador do VHC. Assim, as prevalências de infecção pelo VHB e o VHC na população de mulheres profissionais do sexo do Estado do Pará revelam padrão de intensa circulação desses vírus nessa população.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOAR
A presente invenção permite produzir por centrifugação em gradiente de densidade, em empresas especializadas na produção e comercialização de sêmen congelado, doses de sêmen enriquecidas com espermatozóides portadores do cromossomo X ou Y, sem comprometer a capacidade fecundante destes espermatozóides. Pela presente invenção, doses de espermatozóides contendo ambos espermatozóides X e Y podem ser separadas para produzir sub populações de espermatozóides enriquecidas em portadores do cromossomo X ou Y, as quais são substancialmente puras em relação ao espermatozóide desejado e substancialmente livres do outro tipo de espermatozóide.
The purpose was to evaluate the reproductive performance of woolless ewes due to the feeding management of offsprings and weaning age in addition to measuring the effect of gender on weight gain of lambs. Sixty-four Santa Inês crossbred ewes were distributed in a completely randomized design in a factorial 4 x 2 x 2 - four weaning ages (56, 70, 84 and 98 days), sex and feeding management of the offspring, each treatment with four replications. The ewes were managed with the offsprings at the foot in 14 paddocks of 1,5 or 2,0 hectares, formed with Brachiaria humidícola. The offsprings were born by single birth, of Santa Inês pure of origin (PO). After the weaning of all groups, sixty-four lambs (32 males and 32 females) were randomly assigned in individual stalls and confined for 30 days. The comparison of the parameters was carried out by the adjustment of the simple linear regression model. It was verified over time addiction of the offspring feed management of + 3,7% (P<0,05) for the calving intervals and of + 1,4% (P<0,05) for the service period. There was increasing linear effect (P<0,05) of weaning age on calving intervals and service period. It was verified over time, addiction of the offspring sex of + 2,0% (P<0,05) for the calving intervals and + 0,8% (P<0,05) for the ewes service period. It was observed over time addiction of sex of + 35,2% and + 36,9% (P<0,05), respectively, for the daily weight gain of lambs from birth to weaning and post-weaning in feedlot. The supplementation of the offspring in private feeder and the anticipation of the weaning age reduce the calving intervals and the service period of woolless ewes in Brachiaria humidicula pasture. The offspring sex is the source of variation in the analysis of reproductive efficiency of ewe's mat rices and in the weight gain of Santa Inês crossbred lambs from birth to weaning, and after weaning.
This paper discusses the results of an investigation of academic achievement by gender and student perception of the expectations of their teachers. 120 students from the 5th year of primary education municipal public schools in the metropolitan region of Campinas city participated in the research: 60 of the students have satisfactory academic performance and the other 60 have unsatisfactory performance. We used a scale of student perception of teacher expectations and, to measure academic performance, we considered the grade teachers assigned to students. Research results revealed significant differences between boys and girls in the group of students with unsatisfactory performance, because most of them (83.3%) were male. On the other hand, there were no statistically significant differences between boys and girls in the group with satisfactory academic performance, although girls' average academic performance was higher. Regarding the perception of their teachers, we observed differences in both groups. Students with satisfactory performance have the perception that they are more praised and more often chosen to assist the teacher in the classroom while underperforming students believe they receive more criticism from their teachers and are seen as more unruly. The data allow discussing student-teacher bond, the influence of experience at the time of learning and how it influences the interest and motivation of students.
The artistic gymnastics is a modality that associates arts with biomechanical gestures, and it has been prominent among children and adolescents. Its practice can lead to sports injuries; therefore, it is important to know the factors inherent to trauma for the formulation of preventive models. Thus, the objective of this study was to characterize sports injuries and to verify factors associated with injury in people practicing artistic gymnastics with different levels of competitiveness. Forty-six gymnasts were interviewed with mean age of 10.1±2.0 years for female participants, who were classified in two competitive levels, i.e, initiation and training. We used the morbidity questionnaire adapted to sports characteristics to collect personal, training, and injury data. It was observed that injury risk was 0.3 injuries per athlete and 1.4 injuries per injured athlete, in which the gymnasts of the training category showed a higher frequency of the injury (83.3%; n=10) compared with the ones in the initiation category (10.5%; n=4). For both levels of competitiveness, training moment and light severity were the most reported variables. In the mechanism, contactless was more prevalent in the training category (90%; n=9) and the direct contact was more common at initiation category (75%; n=3). Anthropometric and training variables were considered as factors associated with injury to the gymnasts. It is concluded that gymnasts of the training category have higher injury frequency. Anthropometric and training variables were factors associated with injury. Characteristics of the injuries depend on the competitiveness level of the gymnasts.
Sensibilização de professores e alunos para a prevenção de uso abusivo de drogas e sexo desprotegido
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
One hundred non-patient dentistry students aged 17 to 25, were interviewed through questionnaire and were clinically examined in order to asses the prevalence and degree of severtty of Craniomandibular Dysfunction, through indeces which are subdivided into three classes: anaminestic index, clinical dysfunction index, and occlusal index. The following variables were introduced to the original indeces: sex, age, and whether the subjects had or had not received orthodontic treatment. The results showed that 42% of the subjects presented mild subjective symptoms whereas, no one showed severe subjective symptoms. Women, as well as the older subjects, showed a higher trend to presenting more subjective complaints. Subjects, whether treated orthodontically or not, showed a similar trend to having dysfunction symptoms. Fifty-six per cent of the subjects presented some score of clinical dysfunction, 25% of them showed moderate or severe clinical dysfunction. Women showed a statistically significant higher index. The older subjects trented to have indeces with more severe degrees. Orthodontic treatment suggested to have no influence on the clinical dysfunction index. Sixty-six per cent of the subjects showed a mild occlusal index and 11% a severe occlusal index. Sex, age, and orthodontic treatment did not show any significant difference as to the presence or absence of malocclusion
Aqui mostramos que lebistes percebem modificações estruturais ambientais, mas que reagem a elas diferentemente quanto ao sexo. Vimos também que essas reações associam-se aos traços de personalidade de ousadia e hesitação. Os machos se locomoveram mais que as fêmeas e interagiram mais com objetos familiares. Porém, a introdução de objeto novo aumentou a interação das fêmeas com os objetos familiares. Além disso, machos e fêmeas interagiram mais com objeto familiar estruturalmente mais complexo comparado ao mais simples. No conjunto, esses dados indicam um perfil mais ousado dos machos e um perfil hesitante das fêmeas. Em todos os casos, as diferentes respostas de machos e fêmeas foram explicadas num contexto evolutivo adaptativo
To assess the possibility of shifting the sex ratio at birth, since this can contribute to enhancing the genetic gain and producity in cattle, this work is aimed at raising the factors that may influence sex determination of creates. This study is based on research conducted in the area of reproduction and production of beef and dairy cattle, some quotes in humans, mouse, dogs and a study in pigs. This was due to back of data and studies in the bovine species. It was noted that stress during pregnancy, intake of vitamin C or others substances and the time of artificial insemination are the factors that may influence the determination of the type of product. Human studies, concluded that woman more stressed are more likely to produce female children of the quietest. Furthermore, sows that received ascorbic a ad orally for seven days and were inseminated during this period, produce more female then those who did not receive the vitamin. These studies may suggest that cows can also suffer influence of stress and food for the determination of sex of calf. There are also studies suggesting that cows inseminated at the earliest time of ovulation ted to produce more male calves than those inseminated a few hours before that time. Some scholars considers the hypothesis... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
The youth has been calling attention due to the large number of social problems resulting from the risky behaviors. One of the behaviors that stand out is the use of alcohol because, besides being the first drug to be used by children and adolescents, this population begins to use increasingly early. Another behavior that is becoming concern in that particular group, also with early start, is the unprotected sex, causing problems as the unplanned pregnancy, abortions and sexually transmitted diseases. However, one factor is becoming relevant and requiring further study, the number of young women developing sexually transmitted diseases and becoming risk drinkers. In this direction, this study has as objective to discuss the high number of alcohol use among young women, the vulnerability that this use causes for the unprotected sex and the importance of these subjects teachers training. It should be noted, finally, the lack of training of teachers to work with the thematic ones, and mainly, the need to deconstruct gender stereotypes, an obstacle in preventing the use of alcohol, other drugs and sexually transmitted diseases.
Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS
O fenômeno da prostituição não se configura como uma classe homogênea de comportamentos e/ou identidades sexuais e de gênero. Este estudo de caso, qualitativo-descritivo, teve por objetivo geral investigar as concepções sobre a prostituição sob o ponto de vista de quem realiza os programas. Os relatos de um profissional do sexo foram obtidos por meio de entrevista e foram agrupados nas seguintes categorias temáticas: (1) Construção identitária e relações familiares, (2) Caracterização sobre a atividade da prostituição e (3) Aspectos sociais: reflexos do estigma e do preconceito. A análise evidencia uma relação conflituosa e ambivalente entre machismo, homofobia e construção da masculinidade na atividade da prostituição viril que se revela, na sociedade machista, circunscrita a um território recoberto pela vergonha, preconceito e homofobia.