987 resultados para Dirichlet, Sèries de
The goal of this paper is to study and further develop the orthogonality sampling or stationary waves algorithm for the detection of the location and shape of objects from the far field pattern of scattered waves in electromagnetics or acoustics. Orthogonality sampling can be seen as a special beam forming algorithm with some links to the point source method and to the linear sampling method. The basic idea of orthogonality sampling is to sample the space under consideration by calculating scalar products of the measured far field pattern , with a test function for all y in a subset Q of the space , m = 2, 3. The way in which this is carried out is important to extract the information which the scattered fields contain. The theoretical foundation of orthogonality sampling is only partly resolved, and the goal of this work is to initiate further research by numerical demonstration of the high potential of the approach. We implement the method for a two-dimensional setting for the Helmholtz equation, which represents electromagnetic scattering when the setup is independent of the third coordinate. We show reconstructions of the location and shape of objects from measurements of the scattered field for one or several directions of incidence and one or many frequencies or wave numbers, respectively. In particular, we visualize the indicator function both with the Dirichlet and Neumann boundary condition and for complicated inhomogeneous media.
La sélection opérée par les rubriques et les enluminures, formes contraintes qui échappent dans une certaine mesure à la linéarité du développement textuel, détermine la réception de l'œuvre. Les manuscrits comprenant des miniatures synthétiques (comme celles qui représentent l'enfance de Merlin) ou des séries iconographiques (comme celles qui rendent compte des amours d'Uterpandragon et Ygerne et de leurs conséquences) présentent donc un caractère exceptionnel, orientant la lecture du texte et son interprétation.
The application of forecast ensembles to probabilistic weather prediction has spurred considerable interest in their evaluation. Such ensembles are commonly interpreted as Monte Carlo ensembles meaning that the ensemble members are perceived as random draws from a distribution. Under this interpretation, a reasonable property to ask for is statistical consistency, which demands that the ensemble members and the verification behave like draws from the same distribution. A widely used technique to assess statistical consistency of a historical dataset is the rank histogram, which uses as a criterion the number of times that the verification falls between pairs of members of the ordered ensemble. Ensemble evaluation is rendered more specific by stratification, which means that ensembles that satisfy a certain condition (e.g., a certain meteorological regime) are evaluated separately. Fundamental relationships between Monte Carlo ensembles, their rank histograms, and random sampling from the probability simplex according to the Dirichlet distribution are pointed out. Furthermore, the possible benefits and complications of ensemble stratification are discussed. The main conclusion is that a stratified Monte Carlo ensemble might appear inconsistent with the verification even though the original (unstratified) ensemble is consistent. The apparent inconsistency is merely a result of stratification. Stratified rank histograms are thus not necessarily flat. This result is demonstrated by perfect ensemble simulations and supplemented by mathematical arguments. Possible methods to avoid or remove artifacts that stratification induces in the rank histogram are suggested.
In this paper we study Dirichlet convolution with a given arithmetical function f as a linear mapping 'f that sends a sequence (an) to (bn) where bn = Pdjn f(d)an=d.
We investigate when this is a bounded operator on l2 and ¯nd the operator norm. Of particular interest is the case f(n) = n¡® for its connection to the Riemann zeta
function on the line 1, 'f is bounded with k'f k = ³(®). For the unbounded case, we show that 'f : M2 ! M2 where M2 is the subset of l2 of multiplicative sequences, for many f 2 M2. Consequently, we study the `quasi'-norm sup kak = T a 2M2 k'fak kak
for large T, which measures the `size' of 'f on M2. For the f(n) = n¡® case, we show this quasi-norm has a striking resemblance to the conjectured maximal order of
j³(® + iT )j for ® > 12 .
In this paper, we develop a method, termed the Interaction Distribution (ID) method, for analysis of quantitative ecological network data. In many cases, quantitative network data sets are under-sampled, i.e. many interactions are poorly sampled or remain unobserved. Hence, the output of statistical analyses may fail to differentiate between patterns that are statistical artefacts and those which are real characteristics of ecological networks. The ID method can support assessment and inference of under-sampled ecological network data. In the current paper, we illustrate and discuss the ID method based on the properties of plant-animal pollination data sets of flower visitation frequencies. However, the ID method may be applied to other types of ecological networks. The method can supplement existing network analyses based on two definitions of the underlying probabilities for each combination of pollinator and plant species: (1), pi,j: the probability for a visit made by the i’th pollinator species to take place on the j’th plant species; (2), qi,j: the probability for a visit received by the j’th plant species to be made by the i’th pollinator. The method applies the Dirichlet distribution to estimate these two probabilities, based on a given empirical data set. The estimated mean values for pi,j and qi,j reflect the relative differences between recorded numbers of visits for different pollinator and plant species, and the estimated uncertainty of pi,j and qi,j decreases with higher numbers of recorded visits.
We investigate Fréchet differentiability of the scattered field with respect to variation in the boundary in the case of time–harmonic acoustic scattering by an unbounded, sound–soft, one–dimensional rough surface. We rigorously prove the differentiability of the scattered field and derive a characterization of the Fréchet derivative as the solution to a Dirichlet boundary value problem. As an application of these results we give rigorous error estimates for first–order perturbation theory, justifying small perturbation methods that have a long history in the engineering literature. As an application of our rigorous estimates we show that a plane acoustic wave incident on a sound–soft rough surface can produce an unbounded scattered field.
We consider the Dirichlet and Robin boundary value problems for the Helmholtz equation in a non-locally perturbed half-plane, modelling time harmonic acoustic scattering of an incident field by, respectively, sound-soft and impedance infinite rough surfaces.Recently proposed novel boundary integral equation formulations of these problems are discussed. It is usual in practical computations to truncate the infinite rough surface, solving a boundary integral equation on a finite section of the boundary, of length 2A, say. In the case of surfaces of small amplitude and slope we prove the stability and convergence as A→∞ of this approximation procedure. For surfaces of arbitrarily large amplitude and/or surface slope we prove stability and convergence of a modified finite section procedure in which the truncated boundary is ‘flattened’ in finite neighbourhoods of its two endpoints. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
We consider the Dirichlet boundary-value problem for the Helmholtz equation in a non-locally perturbed half-plane. This problem models time-harmonic electromagnetic scattering by a one-dimensional, infinite, rough, perfectly conducting surface; the same problem arises in acoustic scattering by a sound-soft surface. ChandlerWilde & Zhang have suggested a radiation condition for this problem, a generalization of the Rayleigh expansion condition for diffraction gratings, and uniqueness of solution has been established. Recently, an integral equation formulation of the problem has also been proposed and, in the special case when the whole boundary is both Lyapunov and a small perturbation of a flat boundary, the unique solvability of this integral equation has been shown by Chandler-Wilde & Ross by operator perturbation arguments. In this paper we study the general case, with no limit on surface amplitudes or slopes, and show that the same integral equation has exactly one solution in the space of bounded and continuous functions for all wavenumbers. As an important corollary we prove that, for a variety of incident fields including the incident plane wave, the Dirichlet boundary-value problem for the scattered field has a unique solution.
Consider the Dirichlet boundary value problem for the Helmholtz equation in a non-locally perturbed half-plane with an unbounded, piecewise Lyapunov boundary. This problem models time-harmonic electromagnetic scattering in transverse magnetic polarization by one-dimensional rough, perfectly conducting surfaces. A radiation condition is introduced for the problem, which is a generalization of the usual one used in the study of diffraction by gratings when the solution is quasi-periodic, and allows a variety of incident fields including an incident plane wave to be included in the results obtained. We show in this paper that the boundary value problem for the scattered field has at most one solution. For the case when the whole boundary is Lyapunov and is a small perturbation of a flat boundary we also prove existence of solution and show a limiting absorption principle.
We consider the Dirichlet boundary-value problem for the Helmholtz equation, Au + x2u = 0, with Imx > 0. in an hrbitrary bounded or unbounded open set C c W. Assuming continuity of the solution up to the boundary and a bound on growth a infinity, that lu(x)l < Cexp (Slxl), for some C > 0 and S~< Imx, we prove that the homogeneous problem has only the trivial salution. With this resnlt we prove uniqueness results for direct and inverse problems of scattering by a bounded or infinite obstacle.
The usual variational (or weak) formulations of the Helmholtz equation are sign-indefinite in the sense that the bilinear forms cannot be bounded below by a positive multiple of the appropriate norm squared. This is often for a good reason, since in bounded domains under certain boundary conditions the solution of the Helmholtz equation is not unique at wavenumbers that correspond to eigenvalues of the Laplacian, and thus the variational problem cannot be sign-definite. However, even in cases where the solution is unique for all wavenumbers, the standard variational formulations of the Helmholtz equation are still indefinite when the wavenumber is large. This indefiniteness has implications for both the analysis and the practical implementation of finite element methods. In this paper we introduce new sign-definite (also called coercive or elliptic) formulations of the Helmholtz equation posed in either the interior of a star-shaped domain with impedance boundary conditions, or the exterior of a star-shaped domain with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Like the standard variational formulations, these new formulations arise just by multiplying the Helmholtz equation by particular test functions and integrating by parts.
We study the inuence of the intrinsic curvature on the large time behaviour of the heat equation in a tubular neighbourhood of an unbounded geodesic in a two-dimensional Riemannian manifold. Since we consider killing boundary conditions, there is always an exponential-type decay for the heat semigroup. We show that this exponential-type decay is slower for positively curved manifolds comparing to the at case. As the main result, we establish a sharp extra polynomial-type decay for the heat semigroup on negatively curved manifolds comparing to the at case. The proof employs the existence of Hardy-type inequalities for the Dirichlet Laplacian in the tubular neighbourhoods on negatively curved manifolds and the method of self-similar variables and weighted Sobolev spaces for the heat equation.